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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. Pm'd you but ignore link think it's gone
  2. Surely if it was a boot there would be more out there ?
  3. Never realised joe Douglas had been booted keamus
  4. i think i have both willing to sell
  5. What's a fair price ?
  6. Hi matt I have 45 ex cond not sure of price
  7. I have a copy plays good but looks rough probably VG-
  8. Yes lp only I have a copy would part with it
  9. Please only isn't it
  10. Don't know if it's a demo not looked at it for 20 years or so
  11. Didn't know it was that expensive will have to dig my copy out think it's uk
  12. Hi just dug out copy its promo probably VG++ not quite ex cond let me know if you want it mark
  13. Great tune I have a copy somewhere will check for it and let you know
  14. Mark B


    do you have a soundfile
  15. Hi Neal did you get sorted have found my issue copy if you are interested mark
  16. there are issue copies of this I have one can't remember if I sold my spare also try Steve plumb he had some copies at one time
  17. According to discogs original U.S. vynil the styrene is a legitimate re-issue. That may be why no one calls it a boot
  18. Male great tune but they sold out a few months ago expect to pay £25.00 upwards
  19. Don't know but I have always like this track and used to play it occasionally I also heard it via Richard Searling originally
  20. Just sold my copy for £250.00
  21. Really sad news not seen Paul for a good few years as we didn't frequent the same soul nights, a real loss to his family and friends and a loss to all those dance floors. Hope he's spinning away up with the soul gods.
  22. hi mike logged in with email doesnt recognise my site name as you changed it a while ago
  23. I was hoping someone would post that acetate lol also the Barbados issue of broken man £60.00 you can pick up a UK copy for a couple of quid
  24. 3 copies here dolly one on my sales page
  25. Try here https://www.juno.co.uk/artists/Rivage/?show_out_of_stock=1 Or you can make me an offer for my original copy

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