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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. https://www.discogs.com/sell/list?master_id=747055&ev=mb four here mine is there also
  2. 1 x Anthony Gallo TR-1D Subwoofer https://www.surround-speakers.com/products/anthony-gallo-tr1-sub-woofer?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=280721682&gclid=CjwKEAjwyPW5BRCC3JaM7qfW_FwSJACM3jz9EDtFS4RzeGyAJWUG5_uGtqC4ysgu_Iecpd7eF7JwShoCwLDw_wcB 1 X Onkyo TX NR609 surround sound amp https://www.uk.onkyo.com/en/products/tx-nr609-35517.html both approx 6 years old not been used since last june just sitting in garage now have different system. any reasonable off accepted but must be collected from warrington area mark
  3. site updated a gain more cheapies added
  4. site updated
  5. i have someone on discogs who i contacted to let them know i either sent them the wrong record or somehow forgot to post, it so i posted it the next day. I asked him to post back anything i sent him that was wrong and would reimburse the postage, his answer was just send me the record i have paid for. 2 days later he opens a dispute with paypal so they have withdrawn and hold the funds until dispute settled. it takes more than 2 days for post to reach the US. and he wont answer any messages, he hasnt even answered the email form paypal from the 7th, pisses me off as i know he will keep the record and then get a refund, so if someone in the US puts up a Rock Candy soon it is the re-issue one and he will try to pass it as original. i have 100% feedback on discogs the knob who bought it has 85% i should have checked.
  6. i have one but its is not in great shape but plays great have used it dj'ing
  7. the one on discogs is from steve thomas in wales so he obviosly rates it. nice tune but seems to go for 50 ish not 300
  8. updated more added
  9. updated more added
  10. new stuff added
  11. isnt this on two different colours for the label yellow and pink
  12. also a version on the other side of this
  13. One here also not As good nick
  14. more added
  15. Updated and new stuff added https://www.discogs.com/seller/Mark_baildon/profile
  16. https://www.musicstack.com/album/hiroshima/never,+ever it is the 45 paul 3 copies varying price couple here
  17. i have one paul.
  18. https://www.discogs.com/seller/Mark_baildon/profile
  19. Escorts - S O S hearts in distress - soulo or date
  20. the price on popsike is from 2005
  21. would be willing to part with my copy
  22. Hi Andy is this lp good I could only find 2 discogs both about $200 I presume it was it'd issue on lp
  23. harrison brothers too group souly and luther ingrams is too smooth in comparison
  24. dougls gibson for me remeber playing it at the greatstone and ross said he liked it and called it dirty soul.
  25. That's sad only met him years ago when a youngster my brother knew him better, have just let him know

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