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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. i have emailed a couple of dealers with these but if anyone interested in any make me an offer hodges jame smith and crawford lets pick up the pieces mpingo m- serena johnson all work and no play big 2 m- tyrone st.german in a world so cold morning dove m- label has bubbles eddie giles sexy lady custom sound ex+++ marc de noel heartaches d'arc m- steeplechase never coming back polydor ex thee image alone with you manticore m- jimmy williams stabding there dynovoice ex++ ambelique talk like that ragtown white with reddy brown writing 1st issue ex++ lorraine chandler i cant change rca promo ex++ i cant hold on rca promo ex++ roe valentine i gotta know right now rca promo ex++ percy wiggins it did'nt take much rca promo ex+++ danny moore somebody new allrite ex sammy campbell i never thought queen city ex+++ thelma houston baby mine capitol promo record ex label has water damage lao rawls the house next door capitol ex the montclairs hung up on your love paula ex mamie lee i can feel him slipping away mgm ex++ drill hole the barons since your gone rca promo ex pieces of eight come back girl am ex++ deon jackson that's what you do to me carla ex+ dean & jean lovingly yours rust m- all for sale mark i am not too sure on prices so make me an offer and we will see where we agree.
  2. just downloaded spybot and there was 102 items to fix have done this and do not now but my computer seems to be running faster may be my imagination do not know how many were bad ones but they are all gone now, thanks for the advice. mark
  3. some of the new stuff i have got lateley smith bros such a nice girl gold future mer-lyn promis abc escorts S.O.S. hearts in distress date 2 copies contenders do what you gotta do edge herman griffen dream girl mercury waiting for curtis davis and the arkettes tell me ronnie kruze band shoo doo foo foo ooh metro i have had a few others but my aged mind has gone blank mark
  4. no this is a re-issue done by i tnink m koppel they sell them through the shop beatin rhythmm should be no more than £10 it goes for abot 60/70 on original label delite. mark title 'I WANNA GIVE YOU TOMORROW' artist 'TROY,BENNY' Filters: 'Just music.' Prices in US DOLLARS Other currencies... Be sure to look for the GEMM Guarantee! Artist Title Media Cty Condition/Comment Seller Performance Rating Seller Price Get It! More Info TROY,BENNY I WANNA GIVE YOU TOMORROW 45RPM USA VG+ (Very Good Plus) "" REISSUE KOPSKOLLEC $6.89 BUY Info... 7" UK MT//MT (Nonstandard rating/Nonstandard rating) URS151 LITTLEMOSC $9.35 BUY these are both on gemm.com
  5. am i missing something patti austin take away the painstain coral demo $530 seems a lot to me
  6. if your selling stuff on ebay and you forget to put a reserve on them you just have to bite the bullet' ask pete he got a couple of me for bargain prices and he to has had the same happen. you take your chances if he had bid 150 for midnight i bet it would have been in the post straight away. mark
  7. just to bring it back j j callier pusherman has picture on label mark
  8. some nice choices luckily i already have 2 of them mark
  9. some of mine are main change sunshine is her way marquee revue what good tomorrow 5th ave band one way or the other buck rodgers take it from me girl johnny vanelli something to sleep on vinny adams listen heart mark
  10. Post from cover up: "Is "blue-eyed" a more politically correct way of saying "white"? I always find this form of inverted racism slightly bizarre, since generally the people who won't listen to "white" records usually ARE white..." Bloody hell mate - you think too much!! The term blue eyed soul first became a sort of generic term in the early 70s. I think it was the name of an album by Biddu Orchestra. Biddu was asian. Inverted racism, what a crap comment. This is a pleasant discussion about some favourite records, or it was until you wound me up. i have arecord by the blue eyed souls are you ready for this i think it is 60's so it must be a US sixties phrase. mark
  11. Little Carl Carlton - All Thats Good Howard Guyton - Let Me Down Easy Big Joe Turner - Kinda Man I Am is this bobby adams? Le Otis Blackmore & Soulsearchers - It's A Hard Road To Follow Little Carl Carlton - Hey Little Girl Spyder Turner & Webs - Baby I'm Mad At You Lee Otis Valentine & Lost Souls - I Love You Just The Same Nolan Chance & Constellations - No One Else Will Do Cindy Scott - I LOve You Too Much Loads more but I can't think......it's Sunday
  12. there are 2 different portables avaiable from maplins mark
  13. mine will be fifth ave band one way or the other reprise ed terry dont let that love pass you by s t records tommy jay tender love hi mark i alaways like to have something new to play each month if possible
  14. hi need either email address or phone # for arthur fenn anyone help. mark
  15. thanks chaps may have a copy of the album coming mark
  16. went for £684 i rate this at 200 but if it becomes popular maybe more. mark
  17. anyone checked manship today now at £601. someone will be mad when they realise they could have bought this and a few others for that sort of money. mark
  18. hi any one give me info on this req the label and current value fifth ave band one way or the other cheers mark
  19. i just listen to what everyone else has played then just make my decisions as i go along . mark
  20. some things that i played at the greatstone last night brand new 1000 years du-vern quinn harris i will always love you M L E four tracks charade note ferry brothers til morning comes dawnlight ( sam wants this if anyone has one to sell) johhny vanelli something to sleep on blue dolphin liberation love looks good on you S O A len wade what you gonna do dial california playboys just say a 4 letter word loadstone aristocrats lets get together wb tootsie rollers give me love me-o bitter and sweet i wont have any babies for you anything everything gil billingsley im me just me landy bug thats all i can remember. mark
  21. hi alan £300.00 raised on the night not bad going for an extra night and no entrance fee mark
  22. didnt this get a showing on emmerdale a few years ago i think eric pollard held up a supposed uk issue and said it was avery rare record but it was the wrong label i think may be wrong mark
  23. mine is the california playboys album on loadstone. mark

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