i still wear button downs nearly all the time but at my start in the early 70's Fred Perry polo shirts/tennis shirts were worn under a nice harrington or barathea blazer, and i alway wore a fred perry at all nighters
i used to have some Jaytex button down shirts in the 70's anyone remember these.
Most of my button downs for a while were Gant or Tommy Hilfigger but both of these are not as good quality as they used to be, in parts of europe you can still get Arrow shirts which i believe were worn by the early mods. a lot of people wear John Smedley tops now.
I find i now gravitate towards Nigel Hall clothing when out shoppingas most of the modern stuff is attrocious, as for shoes i have Bass Bally, Loakes, and the usual casual only for normal knocking about favourite casual comfy shoes at the moment Geox, always leather souled shoes for going out, and some of the British hand made brouges are very nice indeed, Churches nice but pricy same for Barkers,
jeans i have been buying Levis when i go to america and like the Low rise straight 529 which are amazing value in america most i have paid is $30 for a pair,
i also like a nice pair of chonos Banana republic had some nice ones a couple of years ago
I also bought some Modern Amusment polo shirts last time in america which are now on sale in selfridges,
so i would say if there is a uniform it is probably a nice button down jeans or trousers not bags loafers or brouges, a harrington or similar, or a nice 3 button suit,