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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. it was a gift from someone on ebay mark
  2. no nothing like it is an up and down crossover thing sorry cannot do any sounds at the moment worth picking one up it is a pink and white polka dot label looks like mr blobby mark
  3. hi steve have it on a 7" but hey size is'nt everythning is it so they say, played two on sat night that seem to go down well major lance don't you know i love you contempo and melting pot i'm getting hip D'art both british things. mark
  4. im playing kenny hambers version mark
  5. the don ellis underground not sure of album title but it contains a stunning version of send my baby back vacals by patti allen. mark the fifth avenue band on reprise track one way or the other, actually a folk band and available on single also. mark
  6. hi andy used to get in the carrousel and the belle vue for nothing as was usually with siz, who you know well prefered belle vue to the carousel as was less of a dump and at least if you got bored you could go fro a wander outside (safely), i presume you looked nothing like you do now plenty of hair then i presume , saw you thursday at lowton did you have good time fist time there for ayear or more for me, a lot better now the modern room is more crossovver and 70's. have a good weekend. mark
  7. regfgie garner demo probably only 10/20 but it is the issue that is rarer as it has a b side that is supposed to be good. mark
  8. hi baz that is why i put think as i know he has some 70's but could not be sure who played it doent matter anyway bloody good record almost as good as mandrill--never die mecca at its best get this one played at the all dayer you can paly it in either room mark
  9. has been getting spins at the orwell by flanny i think brill 70's is this the only track any good by them? mark
  10. do you want one or are you selling if you want one i have one for sale £75.00 mark
  11. Mark B

    Few Wants

    i have a stingers for sale. pm me mark
  12. it was richard who played it and he was leaving carolines in manchester when he put it on the roof of his car and that was the end of his copy, are you saying there is some other tracks on the acetate than on the planned lp release john. mark
  13. you just missed one on ebay went for a paltry $167 a bargain for someone. mark
  14. on the original the vocal side is called any dance will do but not sure of colour think it is purple. i like it i have it on yellow and purple, mark
  15. hi steve gets a good reaction wherever its played out more than can be said for pete . good luck with looking for one janey. mark
  16. our close friends have labelled the soul nights as sad bastard nights, luckily for me i think i got the best side of the deal when i chose the northern route mark
  17. it will set you back about £700/800 to get one if you are lucky, i was very lucky and got one for £100 2 years ago, mark
  18. new york rubber rock band feat colleen heather put your love in my hands henry street. loleata holloway runaway salsoul a couple to add to a growing list mark
  19. The Earls " Papa " Mr.G....M-...£60.....really bad title but a great mid to up track on a tough lable. have you listened to the other side very good as well. mark
  20. pm me richie just interested re the bull black and white demo as i have one and may sell if i can get decent price. mark
  21. i have a spare issue copy if anyone interested £45.00 inc P&P mark
  22. ditto roger i to bought the wrong album mark
  23. hi winnie i think and this is only my opinion that the upfront and progressive are as said on hear just a guide to let people know what they are likely to hear at the venue, there are not so many new things turning up and quite often one mans new discovery is someones oldie. This is because as stated on hear we have not heard everything ever played and because of the way i am and for the very reason i got into the music in the first was to hear new stuff as much as possible, one reason why we all used to travel huge distances in the 70's as there was always records that one dj had that the others did not. the type of records i like may have been overlooked in the 70's or became fairly popular in the 80's which i missed for contractual reasons there was an awful lot of stuff got played maybe once or twice at the likes of blackpool, wigan, stafford, cleethorpes, and a lot of other places a lot of stuff was considered to easily obtained in the 70's so never got a look in. 1 case in point Rhonda davis a staple for collectors and tape swappers in the 70's got played again in 20001/2 and look what happened it went from small clubs to the main room and wham! a cheap record can no longer fill the demand, and this happens very often, the upfront/progressive clubs also borrow from other genres of music popcorn R&B, it is just to keep freshness in the music, as is said on here all the time new to my ears! no one asks or tells anyone what to do or where to go you make your own choice the only way you can make that decision is if the club puts it on the flyer or someone you know has been, if it was not put on the flyer then we would have lots of disgruntled oldies fans coming up every minute asking for stuff they know or my favourite one have you go anything we can dance to. without some from of description you have no way of knowing if you will enjoy the music. i have no problem with oldies i just do not enjoy listening to the same things week in week out there are lots of underplayed oldie (stompers) but i think a lot are just too fast for failing old legs, when was the last time you heard terrible tom, saxie russell, velvet satins, johnny bragg and too many to list, i am not saying oldies are shit they are not they just have there place and i choose not to go there. i know that this will not satiate your thirst for an answer but i have had a go. remember it is always the dj that chooses to play the records not the dancers the dancers just confirm his choice. mark
  24. Mark B


    hi johnny boy youve been very quiet on here of late what you been upto. mark
  25. hi simon aggree withn you on these points much better stuff knocking around i do not beleive either of the two mentioned are that rare just stuck in the wrong collections as you say, mark

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