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Carol Phyllis

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About Carol Phyllis

  • Birthday 17/01/1962

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Brenda Holloway-When I'm Gone

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  1. until

    Really looking forward to this, can’t come soon enough
  2. No tickets, just pay on the door
  3. Soulchoons @The Prince is back after a 2 year hiatus. Charities this year are Motor Neurone Disease & Honeysuckle Bereavement Service 3 Rooms : Northern, Modern/Crossover & across the board Rare & Underplayed. DJs confirmed so far Soul Sam Sam Evans Des Jones Bob Taylor Steve Wilde & many more
  4. Last song I had on constant repeat in the car was Corey Glover - Little Girl, didn't know who it was or what it was called though, had to dig out the CD cover in the house before I could find it on You Tube, thought it was called "Trying To Make Sense Of It All", if you see me driving along singing at the top of my voice you'll know I have it on repeat again!
  5. I pre-ordered mine & it came #881 of 2000, my boss ordered his on Monday & it came today #81 bit miffed 'cos he won't swap!
  6. I still remember where I was when I heard Levi had died, it was at a "rare & underplayed" soul night & not 1 DJ had a four Tops record, so I went home & put on the Still Water LP & had a little cry. Levi has always been my favourite singer & always will be. I have 1 favourite record & the rest are all my 2nd favourites; Still Water (Love), gets me every time, Carol
  7. Blackpool show cancelled with no explanation! Will need to decide which show to go to instead, Liverpool is nearest for us had had sworn never to go to another concert in Liverpool as for some reason people there only go for a chat & a drink & not to watch/listen to what is happening on the stage!!!
  8. Have been to a couple and really enjoyed them, the Artists tend to only sing 1 or 2 songs each, would be better without David Gest but then without him we probably wouldn't get to see half of the acts.
  9. David Gest has announced his 2014 dates, I said I wouldn't go again but this time he has bagged Little Anthony! Full dates & line up on the link below https://www.davidgestonline.com/
  10. Have seen a few of the Disco Classics Volume 2 on ebay before, but none had the poster, I took mine to get it framed but because of the odd shape it was going to cost about £80, I've put it somewhere safe for a while!
  11. I don't know if it is still on here but a few years ago I started a thread asking if, when choosing a night out, would people opt for a charity event over a non-charity one on the same night. If I remember correctly the majority of responses was NO, unless it was a charity that was close to home or an event with DJs that they would follow anyway. If this is still the case then the charity nights alluded to should not interfere with or make any significant difference to any established events
  12. According to the Supremes it is all irrelevant! https://youtu.be/eNuSlwHBF7U
  13. Isaac Holt was replaced by Maurice White!
  14. Little Anthony & The Imperials - Better Use Your Head, been one of my all time faves for 30 odd years, never tire of hearing it
  15. Carol Phyllis


    What is Jules doing outside? I hope he wasn't having a smoke!

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