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Everything posted by Catseyes

  1. PM'D YOU
  2. Still looking for a Barbara hall Big man on Tuska must be vg++ or better cheers. Tw
  3. PM'D YOU PAL.
  4. Hi can you help looking for a Barbara Hall Big Man on Tuska must be vg++ or better thanks . Tw
  5. Hi still looking for the New Yorkers -Don't want to be your fool vg++ or better please.
  6. Cheer's pal didn't know that still not easy to find on the other label.
  7. Looking for the New Yorkers - Don't want to be your fool on Radio city or TAG - FUL must be vg++ or better. cheer's TW
  8. Pm'd you.
  9. Better dig the old box out and sort some tune ready for tomorrow night going to be a hot one .
  10. pm'd you Henry.
  11. Please send me your details Steve.
  12. PM'D you Steve.
  13. PM'D YOU .
  14. Looking for a Barbara King - What I did in the street on ALWA must be the 2.58 version and NOT the 3.40.cheer's TW
  15. I am looking for a Billy Young Burning up on Joy JA must be the Beige and brown label Not the silver thank's. TW SORTED.
  16. pm'd you Colin.
  17. Pm'd you Adamt.
  18. I am looking for a Billy Young Burning up on Joy JA must be the Beige and brown label Not the silver thank's. TW
  19. Looking for Marva Whitney unwind yourself on a king demo must be vg++ or better. cheer's T.W
  20. Looking for Marva Whitney unwind yourself on a king demo must be vg++ or better. cheer's T.W

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