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Everything posted by Cobbles

  1. dave, hope that doesn't become my nickname..."LERKIO!":thumbsup: FRANC
  2. this guy (willie daniels ) is a real candidate for the title of "there's nowt as strange as folk!!!!!! been about 3 times to this guy's shop from about 2000 to 2005 period ,was going out with a dutch girl at the time (antwerp not being too far from nijmegen)having originally spotted it about 15/20 years ago on a eurolines bus heading to poland with me mate for a chrimbo booze up.....the bus stopped right in front of it around rooservelt plien for one of its many scheduled stops....it was shut but could see U.S 45s on the wall and in piles on the counter....oooohhhher!!! the last time i went... complete waste of time !!!...but the other 2 times always found something to resell probably the best being eskew reeder (instant)40 euros sold it for £75 and robert parker "caught.." nola w/d 15 euros sold £30 and other popcorn bits like mel anton (mickays) etc..... like previous poster says really hard to get hold of and arrange to meet and a real oddball to boot...he spent one occasion bemoaning in flemish to my girlfriend , the fact that "it was really hard to find a young girlfriend "...i remember thinking ,after she'd told me what he'd said and that she thought he was a wierdo and wanted to leave....but not until i'd finished looking through every thing!!!!!!!!, that maybe it's to do with him being middle aged , having a comb over and a big sump of a beer belly !!!... but still bollocked my girlfriend for not fluttering her eyes lashes so i could get the records cheaper!!!!! ...thinking about it now.... the last time i went he had a youngish Thia lass in the shop with him so i guess he'd been paying for her "professionalism" !!!...hence the need to advertise and get some money in...she's obviously not cheap!!! i'm guessing he probably had stuff about 20 years ago when i should have first gone after i'd seen it on the bus journey!!!...oh well!!!! franc ps... hey...... nicola you can quote me on that for yours and andy d's project !!!!
  3. dave w., this one's just for you m8......!!!!. ... "hi, i have a m- copy in my collection if you'd like to make an offer????...preferably the top end please!!! franc
  4. hi russ,sorry.... yes it's the bob n gene i mean't,,,, it's in collection but like anything will let go if you "make an offer i can't refuse"....no horses heads though! franc
  5. "flinstone", about £300 to £500??.....would class it as northern though ....not r'n'b !!!!!! Franc
  6. hi have m- copy if you wanna make an offer?????????? franc
  7. hi phil, got a m- copy if you wanna make an offer ????? franc
  8. hi, have m- copy if you want to make me an offer?????????????? franc
  9. hi, have a m- w/d if you wanna make an offer? franc
  10. hi, i have a m- copy in collection if you want to make an offer? franc
  11. hi, have mathew brown (vg+ goldmine grade) £220 all in to usa (int'l sign for post) thanks franc
  12. pete,i've got the pheonix 45 ....actually think it's a great record in a similar vein to her masterpiece 45...probably done at the same time as i remember one side states "masterpiece music" or something like that....good job we all like different stuff ....one man's s**t is another man's gold n all that!!!!!! franc
  13. hi, have a m- copy of brilliants on frisco if you wanna make an offer? franc
  14. hi have a correctone w/d should be in ex to m- cond if you wanna make an offer? franc
  15. hi, have a ninandy w/d m- cond in collection if you want to make an offer?....didn't know it had been booted! franc
  16. hey up phil, good to see you last night ....have a copy if you wanna make an offer should be in ex+ to m- cond franc
  17. hi have m- copy if you wanna make an offer? franc
  18. liam,don't know it....but.... i like it !!! deffo got something about it ... soul/disco fusion vibe!!!......maybe not "funky" enough for the brit scene at the moment...but keep playing what you think is good and different....that's what takes the scene forward!!!!...and who cares of the value so long as you and others enjoy it franc ps nev whatsa matta wi da Eyeties!!!!????????
  19. hi dean , demos have come out on both style labels ie...normal and the thick bold lettering as your pic shows...had thick bold type in collection but sold to ss member recently....imo you see this design less often...but that's only from my experience!! franc
  20. hi carl, i've got a m- patti austin demo...if you want to make an offer??? franc
  21. hi have a m- turley richards if you wanna make an offer? franc
  22. geater davis - my love is strong - house of orange M- £30 ...sounds great for todays scene again!!! p+p £1.75 recorded cash , cheque or paypal AS GIFT ACCEPTED thanks franc
  23. hi, not from soulbowl...but i'm sure john would have had them pass through his hands thelma lindsey magic city w/d from dick ivancic list back in late 80s wilson pickett correctone w/d from dave ramer's (RIP) shop on a reord trip in usa 1989 cheers franc added note....sorry just seen this again at home ...YOU GOT YOURS FROM SOULBOWL!!!...your scans didn't come up when i first viewed it at work!...
  24. i got...... thelma lindsey "prepared to love you" magic city w/d + wilson pickett " let me be your boy" correctone w/d always thought they were nice franc
  25. as des says "vidalia" on abtone....thought it ended up in butch's hands!!?? franc

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