hi mike, once you found out that it wasn't a boot did you contact JM to ask for it back or more money for the sale???...as you said ,initially you both were under the impression it was a boot ???...maybe speaking to him direct would clear things up satisfactorily for you instead of a public accusation....as he's less likely to want to give you back the 45 or give you more money for the sale as he'll think you've publically accused him of hoodwinking you!
always found it better to sort things with someone direct than knee jerk into a slagging off session
the shoe on the other foot.......if you'd bought something from JM that you both thought was a cheap record and ended up to be dead rare and desirable would you offer him it back or give him more dosh retrospectively??....slightly different scenario i know but same morals.
maybe he's still got your "boot" and would be happy to give it back now knowing that it's an original but you haven't given him the chance
just a thought
ps....hope you get it sorted either way...but as you said "we all live and learn by our mistakes"
pps...just as an after thought and a genuine question ......would you be as upset if a fellow collector had said i'll buy that "boot" for £15 and you sold it to them...or wouldn't you have sold it ?