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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. isnt lil peddler the bloke who had the fredrick hymes and swinging singing counts in multiple copies dav
  2. PEPPERMINT MEN - DREAM IVE ALWAYS HAD...........C/U why is this still covered up , everyone knows what it is , ive even said it on here before dav
  3. which ever was the cheapest
  4. or some of the other classics tape swappers fav - mid tempo rubbish massive at the .......... - i'll say it was played somewhere miles away from you that you have never got a chance of going to spun by ........... - ill make up a name or use a famous bloke that you will never meet only copy i have - or likely to get cos its crap vg+ - knackered special price for you - cos no one else would ay this amount its gone but i can get another copy - you can have it in a fortnight for more money im sorry its gone - it was never here now buy some other crap from the list and some others from my old rare soul forum post below accross the board - excuse to play anything forgotton oldie - it was that good no one can remember it vg condition - its knackered vg- condition - its totally knackered dj so and so is pushing this tune - hes got a box full and wants to hype it up local djs - promoters mates oldies night - invented by djs who didnt want to buy any new records ive just got a 2nd copy for sale - the first one didnt sell it was on sellers list for £200 - and hes probably still got it special offer price to you - its still the same price to everyone else but you phoned first i could sell this on ebay for twice the price - i'll have to sell it abroad no one wants it here this is worth £50 - well it would be in mint condition second issue - bootleg white label test pressing - bootleg obscure - shite classic - overplayed written / produced by - its that bad i cant think of anything else to say Stafford spin - an excuse to add a random comment to an oddball/unsaleable record Wigan revival night - cash cow Across the board - hammered out tripe across the eras I could have sold this 20 times on the last list - a handful of people phoned up to ask 'whassat again?' Blue Eyed Soul - four guys with a Farfisa organ and an upfront snare drum Wigan Stomper - 60s techno ever popular - overplayed never had one of these for sale - never managed to sell one of these from my own personal collection - an excuse to add £50 to the record all the big DJs have this - an excuse to add £100 to the record featuring original wigan DJs - an excuse to add £3 to the door brass stabs - tuneless parps handful of known copies - yeah, and I am looking at them as we have this phone conversation this one's a packer - can't shift for twats midtempo - stuff you dance to now that you are too fat to move to stompers mega rarity - no one bought this when it came out cos its rubbish unreleased mega rarity - even the bloke who made this thought its that sh*t it was not worth releasing BACK TO DETROIT -........SOME MOTOWN WE WOULD REALLY LIKE YOU TO DJ......SOMEONE DIDN'T TURN UP
  5. this definatly exists got one in front of me now dutch tamla motown orange label go 25.575 tamla 54149 will try and do a scan over the weekend i was offered 35 for this from russoul on this forum but turned it down any ideas what its worth
  6. someone on here asked me for the willis wooten 45 2 days after i swapped it with hammy so come on whoever it was get this great track and its mint condition and great value shame im leaning towards the r&b sound at the moment or i may be tempted to get this back dave
  7. ive now heard both versions , i see theres an lp by elisabeth lands or is it elizabeth lands on ebay with the said track on i was led to believe it was an uptempo r&b tune but it seems to be a nice gospel song thanks everyone for your help dav
  8. this sounds like it anyone got a soundfile or a copy to sell dav
  9. i was talking to one of my mates that assures me he has heard a song called walk softly children which is an alternative vocal to the wade in the water tune he didnt know the artist but insisted it was **** rare and existed i have asked afew people but noone knows of this , was he winding me up as im not to well informed in the r&b side of things dav
  10. the gold label ones are a second run done by the label owner who was asked for the record several times but didnt have any copies left he then produced some more copies from the master but gave them a gold label insted of the green one so it is a legal reissue / second issue make of it what ever you want after all do you think all the motown records were only pressed once , when they sold nearly all their stock and the record is in the charts they produce some more to supply the demand
  11. why not contact the other bidders of the record when it didnt reach its reserve and offer it to them , explain the condition and then get what you can for it i bet if you asked around there would be someone with an old ebay identity , bid up his stuff so he gets large fees but dont go really silly ie millions or the item will just be cancelled not a good thing to do but at least he will have to shell out for the fees so he wont have the money you sent him
  12. they say that the transaction has gone through but every time i try to email the address i get it returned as no such addy its getting to the point now when i will have to get all sellers to send me an invoice requesting money and then pay them that way dav
  13. ive just had a problem with paypal , the seller gave me the wrong address to send payment to id sent payment before they noticed , funds went out of my account when i contacted paypal they said tough you got to get the person with the account you sent money to to return it i emailed them twice but both times it was bounced as no address exists grrrrrrrrrrrrrr think ill go back to cheque book and buying from lists
  14. why keep a record that you dont like? if you can get some money for it and buy something you want all the better you said you would walk out of anywhere playing it so you would obviously never dj with it sell it to someone who wants this and get something you want , i cant understand people having records they dont like unless they are a dealer or have bought to trade on even if i buy something blind that i dont like i have often traded them at a loss to get something i wanted
  15. he didnt accept the £20 despite agreeing that its was only worth that and he had paid less said he would wait for someone to pay top wack dave
  16. nobody likes to admit that records they have are worth less than they though most dealers will try and list stuff high then get you to knock them down ive found , after all if they reduce it they cant put the price up during negotiations. there are alot of people , especially on ebay who think that just because its sold for x amount it will always be worth that , at the last but one peterborough railway club there was a bloke asking £130 for a betty swann kiss my love good bye but said hed take £100 i replyed that it wasnt worth that and was played out and overpriced , he said make me a realistic offer i offered him £20 cos it was not rare and never will be just hyped up he agreed with me about the value but said someone will pay lots for it as its been popular
  17. sounds like another vinyl carvers job to me
  18. yes the album goes for 50 - 70 when ive seen it for sale
  19. 7th one goes for around 15 - 25 as i sold one on ebay last year its because the carla thomas is unreleased until it came out on kent 7" i think via ady aswell
  20. album only £20 ish think theres a version by the isley bros , i heard they wrote it maybe thats on a 45
  21. sold my stardust copy for 25 and added a fiver and bought the album
  22. makes the person who is offering £350 for a mint copy in record collector wants section look abit out of touch , or is this the true value but soulies keep paying more than the last copy to get one
  23. not sure if this is it but the title is the same as the hook on the unreleased porgy and the monachs track " hey girl " which is on the buff / orange label version of my heart cries for you reissue they made a mistake and pressed an unreleased tune on the flip instead of think twice before you walk away this may be on soul club jukebox im pretty sure ive got it from there or soulgirl a copy was on ebay , think it ended yesterday but search for porgy and the monachs in completed listings and it may come up on advanced search should be around 25 / 30 ish but lists for 75
  24. blue beat is a british label which released the ska tracks the others are types of music
  25. ive got the 20th centuary one for sale should anyone need a copy pm me please dave

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