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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. On decca in the uk, used to be about 65 pounds when first covered up but now you should get one for about 15 pounds max
  2. I think mick.smith listed one recently on Facebook
  3. If you are selling via a dealer then their commission can take at least 20 percent of good priced items up to 50 percent of cheapies, ebay and PayPal will be about 15 percent so if you can find someone to sell them it is only really 5 percent difference I was offered between 35 and 60 percent of value when I wanted to move a few on a couple of years ago. Pete Smith and Des Parker are 2 dealers I have bought from and would recommend them
  4. About 60 northern and Motown mp3 dvds for 40 quid
  5. If its going to cost 17 percent with fees to get a hundred pounds you would probably be better auctioning them by a couple of well known dealers who charge 20 percent. You are only losing a small difference and it only takes a couple of bidders to get you more than you wanted to start with
  6. That's a vg- about 30 40 % value of a mint- record
  7. Yes no ex in us grading so vg is one rank higher than uk grading, so ex uk is vg usa
  8. Shane martin and just brothers are not original
  9. If a mint minus is 250 then an ex should be 180 and a vg plus 125 with the record collector grading scale. 313 minus the 20 percent sale commission means the seller gets the 250 it went for on popsike etc
  10. There is a quote in one of john manships early price guide that at least 1000 copies of epitome of sound arrived in just one day. It's not that rare and for sale every week for 300 which is too much for how often it is available
  11. Tapes went to cds CDs went to CDR mp3s Cdrs went to DVDs of mp3 Then it went to flash drives and then to dropbox files People tend to make their own podcasts these days or just send a virtual playlist with YouTube or other links I have found or just live streaming on Facebook
  12. I had the charay talk about love but sold it for 230 about 10 years ago so picked up the lp Found what does it take on facebook sales for 8 quid so bought it but then sold via a dealer and I ended up with 800 Lp is still around but shouldn't be more than 30 to 40 quid
  13. Yes the reissue has the number 8n brackets on the label and lighter red colour
  14. I paid 14 for a vg+ huriah boynton last year on here and none on popsike reaching 3 figures Am I missing something?
  15. If a 50 pound record from USA will cost nearer 80 pounds to the UK then it wont be a 50 pound record for long with some dealers lol
  16. Unless you are buying original acetates then you would be better buying cds with uninsured tracks and getting carvers cut
  17. Arrived this morning many thanks
  18. Also I forgot that Scott's on swingers has been bootleged on a white demo and a red issue but it was a promo only
  19. Laura Lee was boot legged and also Rose Battise but this is poor sound quality and a lighter label I think these are the only 2
  20. Yes sweep is steve jefferies
  21. Of course lol that's why I cant a new rolex
  22. I spent it all on records instead lol
  23. I was given a second hand fake Rolex when my watch broke by a friend as I needed a watch . It kept going for 27 years lol Bootlegs are all over the scene, I'm sure most of us could cut carvers from rare tracks we all have on acetate cd vinyl mp3 etc and mate a good deal of money but we choose not to. While people get away playing these out at events it wont change. People listening to them at home are not the problem as they could watch on YouTube etc
  24. Away from the soul scene Norman Cook aka fatboy slim has the world record for aliases used for recording artists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatboy_Slim#Aliases

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