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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. realistically 30 top line according to john powney but people are after it ath the moment and i know of one copy that went for £50 few months ago i have the one with cottage on flip side and paid 35 inc postage off ebay
  2. i sold my copy for £4 couple of years ago to a local dj who played it a couple of months later telling everyone how he had just paid big money to get a copy lol Isnt the seller one who was selling vinyl carvers acetates in the past and people were paying silly money for them , i may be wrong but i recognise the name from somewhere.
  3. i remember being told by john powney about a 45 on his list that was an instrumental and was meant to be otis first recording , think it was labeled as the pinetoppers as the artist but it had gone when i wanted it not sure if this is it but may help
  4. roy hamilton boots have orange label see pete smiths post about the soul twins
  5. contours - just a little misunderstanding marvin gaye love starved heard four tops since youve been gone
  6. definatly chico holiday gotto follow the sun on meadowbrook records , price is anywhere seen from £40 for a vg copy to a copy listed on ebay when ian levine started playing it for 300 paid 65 for my copy but thats around 8 years ago
  7. i have the blast and shadow copies blast copy is for sale if anyone is interested pm me or email me davidwapples@yahoo.co.uk thanks is the version on the shaggin' cd from goldmine slightly different?
  8. sopld a mint us talk about love for 225 bout 18 months ago
  9. how about the four tops , since you've been gone . cost me 20p and one of the best 45s i own
  10. ive seen this go for between 40 and 50 pounds in sales boxes about 12 months ago though looking at it another way , it was never officially released only as the recent promo 7" from tamla , the chris king ones were for his birthday and a self pressed 45 , so actually a boot. i would think that its worth no more than it would cost someone to get a 7" done at vinyl carvers of an unreleased track as they both would be boots so around 15 -20 top line to anyone with an ounce of knowledge but if you advertised it as mega rare unreleased motown stomper on ebay your guess is as good as mine and the skys the limit.
  11. a few new tracks listed , others priced up now , email davidwapples@yahoo.co.uk or pm me if interested shalimars - stop and take a look at yourself - verve blue demo ex+ £45 calleen anderegg - fools paradise - rbe records mint , old jeanette harper cover up that books for 150 in price guide £80 Don and Juan - are you putting me on the shelf - twirl white demo ex£50 cannonball - you keep telling me yes (but i dont know) - blast records £30 similar to robert john raindrops love and sunshine moses smith - dionn - girl accross the street vg++ ( im sure this is an original as it has Lw BF and A stamped in the deadwax as manships guide but if im wrong i will take it back for whatever i sold it for within 2 weeks of sale) £50 richard berry - amc - go go girl mint minus £20 danny white - decca cracked up over you vg ++ £15 kim tolliver - castro - i dont know what foot to dance on - ex £15 barbara carr - bar car - messing with my mind - mint minus £10 betty everett - vj - getting mighty crowded - ex £10 moments - stang - nine times - mint minus £10 pieces of eight - action - strange things are happening / double shot of my babys love - ex £25 (books at 50 ) sue darby - abc - call me / cant get enough of you baby white demo ex £15 fresh start - rondo - long time comin vg+ £10
  12. 170 odd looks and not one enquiry oh well looks like they will have to go on ebay this week then
  13. hi heres a list of 7"s for sale , im open to reasonable offers for any of these , they all play fine without any major sound distortion and its just surface marks that affect the condition. all graded conservativly please email me at davidwapples@yahoo.co.uk or pm me if you would like to make an offer on any of them , i've not priced them as im open to offers , they just have to be reasonable not book price but im not giving them away . if you are interested please get in touch , im sure we can sort something out before i put these all on ebay cash cheque paypal etc trades considered for northern and r&b & ska 45s artist , label , record , condition calleen anderegg- rbe -fools paradise- mint old janette harper cover up at wigan chocolate boys - decca - voltaire pier - ex ramsey lewis soul in the sun cover up kim weston - people - danger heartbreak dead ahead ex moses smith - dionn - girl accross the street vg++ ( im sure this is an original as it has Lw BF and A stamped in the deadwax as manships guide but if im wrong i will take it back for whatever i sold it for within 2 weeks of sale) richard berry - amc - go go girl mint minus danny white - decca cracked up over you vg ++ maxine brown - wand - one in a million ex kim tolliver - castro - i dont know what foot to dance on - ex barbara carr - bar car - messing with my mind - mint minus betty everett - vj - getting mighty crowded - ex moments - stang - nine times - mint minus pieces of eight - action - strange things are happening / double shot of my babys love - ex sue darby - abc - call me / cant get enough of you baby white demo ex fresh start - rondo - long time comin vg+
  14. ive got one eyed jacks / my lucky day by jimmy cliff on island but not looking to sell it , ive just got into ska and now have about half a dozen 45s , have you tried michael konnington pete he has a big sales list every now and then , hes on the trojan forum under doorpeeper
  15. get in touch with pauldonely on here , he used to dj there so may have patch details
  16. many sellers just add the word northern in the hope it will push the price of their 70s disco or motown 45s up higher
  17. the duet version was made by someone editing tape recordings of the 2 versions together as far as i know it has never been released commercially if you want to get a copy on vinyl then contact vinylcarvers who will make you a 7" single from your cd , they have a site on the net.
  18. and as for listing all the records , i can just see the big djs telling mr man in a suit from the performing rights department the real identity of their 20 year old cover up that packs the dance floor and only they know the real artist just so some old bloke can recieve 3 and a half pence in royalties owd to him from 1987
  19. the last one i queried seller said that he wanted the normal postage cost around 1-50 , plus the paypal commission that he lost on the transaction 4% , plus another 50p as that what it would cost him to withdraw the money from his account to his bank and then there was time to go to post office petrol etc. more if i wanted it recorded my reply was if john powney sells me a record and postage costs 90p why should i pay you £2.50 +
  20. just seen this on ebay , looks like a vinyl carvers job with good copied labels why are people paying this sort of money for a bootleg , it costs around 20 quid to have a 7" made and its not as if these tracks are hard to find. i could some what understand it if people were paying this sort of money for eric lomax c/up or one of the very hard to find biggies. This is just wrong , surely these people have more money than sense or does everyone want to be a dj and own the in demand tracks from a year or so a go , id consider these tracks to be oldish in terms of current tunes , they have even stopped playing the five royals in peterborough. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NORTHERN-SOUL-DEAN-B...1QQcmdZViewItem https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NORTHERN-SOUL-HYPERI...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. here is a copy of my first playlist from the night i djed at the vista in spalding , no record on there cost me more than £60 most alot less , i dont have boxes of classic records to choose from , i just played what i liked and hope that others would enjoy them aswell. if your saw this playlist and i was djing near you would it put you off as its not all well known tunes or all big money unknowns , i still have most of these but have traded the earl grant lou roberts and vernon garrett to get some other tunes 7 day lover - raymond smith ix chains (version of james fountain) love love love - bobby hebb phillips one in a million - ovations - mgm records baby i'm coming home - mack rice lupine i must be doing something right - irene reid - pilgrim records my little red book - tony middleton - london who walks in when i walk out that door - roscoe sheldon - sound stage 7 lookie lookie (version of the yum yums)-the kittens - abc dont send nobody else - dynamic superiors lp track have more time - marvin smith brunswick girl accross the street - moses smith -dionn aint nothing for a man in love - archie bell 7 the drells - glades seven days - the bel-aires brut records music to my heart - patti austin abc follow the sun - chico holliday - meadowbrook we can do some business - the charles iv - smash cracked up over you - danny white - decca hide nor hair - earl grant - decca tell it to your mother - herb ryals - jubilee i dont want a play boy - barbara lynn - tribe i dont know what foot to dance on - kim tolliver - castro it aint what you got - jimmy hughes - atlantic two loves have i - joe turner phillips(french release) heartaches was all i got - sven zetterberg - buzz if i could turn back the hands of time - vernon garrett - modern records because i love him - patti williams - sunflower this is my story - rev george morton - hi-Q shalimars - stop and take a look at yourself - verve ten to one - lou roberts - mgm the man that said no - bettye swann money records i played some of these records when i did a set at the railway club in peterborough in the back room at the sunday soul feature , during one of them i had tony clayton come over the decks and see what a tune was , it was the barbara lynn one , he said that he didnt recognise this and had never seen the label it was on. this was a shock for me as he has been djing / collecting for ages and how could i have a record that he didnt know , id had this 45 almost since i started collecting so to me this was an oldie but to him this was the first time he had heard it. playlists are often useful if you went to a venue and heard something you didnt know or forgot what it was , try finding a pen and paper at an event when you need to record what the tune was , by the time you have and then gone to the dj to get him to right it down or ask him after his set what that tune was " you know the one that went ............. you played after the one that went lllaaaaa lllaaaaa llaaaaa etc I have turned to peopple on several occasions and asked what a certain tune is and got the reply , you must know this its been played for ages , was played at the so and so etc , well not everyone was at every venue so one persons classic oldie can be anothers totally unknown also playlists can show what tunes are getting played more in different parts of the country as what is big in the midlands can be unknown in the south or north and encourage people to listen to tunes that they wouldnt normally take an interest in if people post playlists and you dont like reading then dont but i find it useful dave
  22. i have a yello vinyl 6 track willie mitchel ep featuring driving beat and the champion on hi records , anyone know if this is rare as the people i have asked only usually know the black iuuse
  23. paul someone had one listed for 170 , might be worth doing the site may have been paul sadot but not sure on his user name , def seen one for sale on a forum and also listed in the on the scene magazine sorry cant be too much help dav
  24. you may be better off searching for the flip of the howard tate called how come my bulldog dont bark baby , as this is well known on the mod scene picked mine up for this song , on this site dave
  25. its on the slow fizz label but often listed under the oppsite side evie sands picture me gone , cover of maxine bell 45

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