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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. i was talking to a dealer that i no longer use and he said that it was easier to make £50 selling a over priced record than trying to sell 10 records making a fiver on each or five records and make a tenner on them. he said with the amount of wanna be djs there is always one who is prepared to pay top wack to get a tune in his box before others. he said you can always come down in price and then the buyer thinks hes got a good deal but once you have given a starting price you cant go upwards now why do you think i dont use him anymore ?
  2. got one by ila van called gotta get to jim johnson on this label , anyone know it?
  3. looking at his history and other items it just looks like its the top 500 mp3 collection thats been floating around for a while and maybe some goldmine cds mentioned in that book.
  4. no im sure your not that daft pete cant understand why people would pay more than the cost of a vinyl carvers for any bootleg though.if its not the original its not the original
  5. why buy the bootleg for large amounts when its on stardust for under a tenner?
  6. its alright getting people to put low values on imports to avoid paying the tax but if it goes missing buyer expects to get the full value they paid back you cant have it both ways
  7. anyone got a reasonably priced copy for sale vg+ or better ? pm if so thanks dav
  8. earthquake should be played alot more often , great tune , i had it on a white demo but swapped / traded it on :O(
  9. yes i went , good result
  10. most of the 45s i buy blind and then play them :angry:
  11. thanks for your help , hopefully sorted now
  12. just heard this on soul club , can anyone give me any details , ie 7" lp label etc? thanks in advance dav
  13. depends on who has the money , if young people have the ready cash available then it will keep going but if the scene just keeps relying on older peoples money then it may slow down. it depends on how the scene wants to go , if younger collectors djs etc are encouraged then they will be interested in buying vinyl , if its just the same older crowd then the young people will not spend their money and wait till the older people on the scene sell up or pass on and then they will be able to start buying as the tunes become available
  14. i was qouted around this for some items that i was selling by a dealer but this amount was for the well known stuff that they could move on quickly ie in demand oldies etc and i said 60% of value not book price as we all know book price is often higher than what things go for.
  15. classic oldies will probably hold their money hyped up current in demand 45s will fall in value one offs and genuine rare records will rise cheap £5 records may increase in value but if you only pay a fiver then you can only loose a fiver in value. bootlegs are going silly on ebay sometimes. if you are buying a bootleg / 2nd issue never pay more than it would cost to get it on a vinyl carvers and remember if you sell them to a dealer you will only get around 60% of the value so they will have to increase by quiet abit to get your original amount back
  16. was it keith from northampton? he sells this sort of thing but i dont know if he went to prestatyn
  17. i thought it was called crossover as it descirbed tunes that had crossed over and played to the northern room from the modern room
  18. isnt the shit box otherwise known as the sales box ?
  19. john powney sold one of these last year for £40
  20. i thought it said this aswell
  21. keep an eye out for the lp , it has both versions on and there is usually change out of a tenner including delivery
  22. red vinyl is a reissue as i bought one from the states just before xmas sorry to pour water on the bonfire but it cost less then £10 including airmail
  23. alot of the prices for 45s seem to be going up on some dealers lists , some even quote book prices for things that are not mint in the hope that someone who wants a record badly will pay top dollar for a non mint disc people seem to be chancing their arm to try and rip off other collectors as they need more money to buy stuff from some of the dealers who are pushing up / keeping prices high some people have had enough of this and that is why the market is slowing down at the moment. i had a copy of moses smith that i advertised on here and had in my sales box for 6o pounds on original in great condition , it was in there for months and in the end i took 40 and a supremes pic sleeve in trade for it so got around 50ish , looking through a well known dealers sales box at a do last month and he was pricing it at £100 im not the best dealer / collector in the world but there is no way on earth that it is worth anywhere near that but because he is a "big name dealer" people will pay somewhere near it and think that they got a bargin if they knocked him down a little
  24. why not let her look at the track listings of some of the recommended cds ,then she can listen to most of the tracks online via soulclub or soulgirls site so she can then hear them and choose what she wants to buy on original cd. there is nothing worse that people saying you must buy this / you will like this ......................... record/ cd etc only to find when you get it home and put it on the player that it is a load of **** or not your choice of style etc
  25. the 45 i have on omnipotent called soulmate is a very rare 45 by him , posted a soundfile on here you may find if you search the threads

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