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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. I've seen a couple of them but they seem to price a little more than the usa version but a lot less than the uk release. I'd say the £350 is high though
  2. Paying that for a carver is daft but paying 150 to get an original is also bad.
  3. The ones on windy c can be picked up for under 20 pounds, some under 10. All worth having
  4. If you think it's a bad version check out the cover by dodgy from several years ago on youtube
  5. Make a cardboard centre to fit in the record then make a hole to line up the record where you want it to be so it plays ok
  6. The five copies made £1006 combined so that would give an idea of the price for this
  7. With manships auction you pay one increase above the price it is when you bid. Eg if its 100 and increasements are 10 pounds. You bid 160 you are the highest bidder at 110, if someone bids 120 then you are highest bid at 130 . If someone bids 170 you are out
  8. I picked one up for 35 when the find had diluted the market and flipped it a couple of years later for 60 ish on trades. Theres a lot out there now but most are now tucked away till the daft offers appear
  9. He had a discogs shop and sent a monthly email list but not heard much for a while
  10. There was a site called soulbid in the past but I never used it. Not sure if it is still going
  11. People paying daft money for oldies then leave the next rung down of records available to those who cant afford them These then become in demand for the fact they are affordable so more people buy them, this then pushes the price up so buyers go to the level below again Things like the Chimes, bill space lady things on rictic that were about a fiver etc are going up as people cant afford the next step ones
  12. I would keep the scooter. You can listen to music online or cd /mp3 . Unless its top line rarities or acetate it's easier to buy records as and when you can afford them than to replace your scooter with one you like
  13. There is a discussion on facebook rare soul group about it maybe not being a legit release due to different type fonts so maybe due to that
  14. A mint uk45 without a centre is 50 percent of a copy with. I'd expect no labels to be of similar percentage
  15. People wanting to get more money than a record is worth or a record that is obscure or rare that there is no current sale prices for. Eg I have bill space lady on a 45, this to me is a 20 to 30 quid record but people are paying upwards of 100 for it as its popular at the minute. If I was to sell it I'd put it on auction to get the most I could for it. Also a few years I found a copy of pic and bill what does it take on charay for 8 quid. No copies have been sold so I sent it to a dealer who auctioned it and I got 800 for it, I'd happily have taken the 400 I was offered privately but the dealer got more in exchange for their commission
  16. Could you just wrap some tape around the plastic centre you use to make it wider? They are not expensive and would do the job Alternatively cut a cardboard centre that fits in the record then add a spindle hole and play using that
  17. All I hear is a rip off of edwin start stop her on sight sung out of tune And its only 1.40 minutes long according to the label scan above. That's a hell of a lot to pay for under 2 minutes
  18. I went for the four tops version as it was the first that I heard and liked
  19. I think he used to sell on ebay under bosssounds
  20. There's one dj I knew who would happily buy vg minus or knackered copies of rare oldies to put in his box. They would then play a bootleg or from a cd Carver of the track and if anyone asked show them the original saying he was protecting it but had the original so could play a copy He said it saved him a fortune and still got spots
  21. It was the goldmine Stafford cd that had pyramid on it but that's by soul bros inc and not the artist soul inc you are looking for which I think is on coconut groove records and there isn't any compilations of stuff on that label
  22. Wasnt that soul bros inc pyramid covered up as mel britt our love will grow? Which is on a legit release
  23. At least 4 of the 5 have been on non legit cd compilations for years , I've not seen them on any legit imported ones listed anywhere though so think.you will have all you can get at the moment
  24. I'm.pretty sure they are not on legit cds but know most are on collectors and event freebie and bootleg cds.
  25. If it ended for £4500 and listed for £5250 then either its selling at a loss or they didnt pay import fees

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