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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. dont buy anything blind now unless its on a label i colelct and its cheap enough , i have enough sh!te records as it is through doing this and no matter how good people say it is i will not waste anymore on stuff to go in the rubbish box
  2. https://www.jazzmanrecords.co.uk/v2/prodtype.asp?s=zbbp5t10&strParents=&CAT_ID=57&numRecordPosition=1 is a link to the jazzman bag
  3. i have a copy of runaway slave but its not very good condition , it plays ok but looks quiet rough ,if you cant find another clean copy and if you want it just pm me
  4. sharon soul - you found my weakspot
  5. i traded an issue with john powney @ fatcatrecords 01912170190 , maybe worth ringing him to see if he still has it its not seen that often but is not a big priced record though
  6. Buy the cheapest record no matter where it is from , cant see the point in supporting expensive dealers who all keep the record prices high , sometimes artificially. i only regulaly use one uk dealer who has been brilliant when buying trading etc
  7. i have listed the rocking with soul vocal in sales if anyone is interested
  8. got a one sided acetate/ carver thingy of rocking with soul - the vocal to the hank jacobs track as mentioned in this thread. open to offers or happy to trade for a few cheapies and i will also throw in the cd from which this was cut that also contains the other 2 tracks mentioned , sad sad way ( sidras theme link below ) and whenever i'm with you please pm me with any offers
  9. just add the difference to the start price when you list it
  10. i have bought a chimneyville pack from this seller and he is very helpful , packs well and fast delivery
  11. what happens about cover ups then if you have to list tracks played for the venue? i can just see them at the bpi or whoever it is trying to locate spongebob billy and the witchdoctors version of an unknown 70's b side
  12. the boot records is speeded up a little and covered as the detroit prophets
  13. wow what a great looking collection hopefully will be able to pick some more up in the near future
  14. gettting more records now as buying cheaper stuff and enjoy it more than the same old overpriced oldies etc i just buy what i can afford and then buy a new box to store them in every now and again ,traded off most of the expensive stuff i had £50+ tunes and happier with boxes of records that i like to listen to and wont cost alot to replace if they get damaged or lost
  15. liz lands one mans poison is a great track , just started collecting this label and have about 10 at the moment but will be adding some more soon
  16. i think the flip side is more uptempo soul
  17. just using the same disclosure that hiphop mixetapes have been allowed to be sold on ebay for years , claiming to show the dj skills etc
  18. cant you just add the special delivery to the starting price when you list it and say postage included?
  19. they are available on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Best-Soul-Train-9-disc-collection-BOXSET-/250980737738?pt=UK_CDsDVDs_DVDs_DVDs_GL&hash=item3a6f9e22ca
  20. the shadow or blast one has a different artist on the flip , bob collins i think but dont have the records in front of me to see , i think the blast one is the first of the 2 pressings the reflection one states its a 1980 (P) so presume its a later version or recording
  21. what about that girl is rated x
  22. nice clean copy wanted please pm me with price including postage thanks
  23. isnt there a very rare pic and bill on charay , not talk about love which is quiet rare but another i cant remember the title of lol
  24. was this ever released on a 45 ? , heard its on the okeh label but cant find any more info thanks in advance
  25. i have ray raymond - it breaks my heart in two great tune that builds and i think is relativly unknown soundfile on manships and i think there are a couple on ebay ;)

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