it seems that it is just a coincidence that since people have bought the guides all £2/3 records are now £5/7 , all £5 are usually £8/10 and all £7/10 tunes are for £15/20
these records are probably not anymore in demand than they ever were but alot of dealers have lots of stuff that they cant move on as they want top prices and wont reduce them
thing people should remember is that people quoting the guide price is that it contains vat so those that are not vat registered should take 20% off to start with , and the price is for mint minus condition for both label and vinyl , ( this is just about still in shop bought condition ), 99% of records on the scene are not in this condition and so the price should be reduced on a sliding scale further from the price
a vg+ condition record should be about 50 % of the book price once the vat has been removed in my opinion but try finding dealers who reduce it this much , most just knock 10 or 20 from the price