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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. thanks , just wanted to check before buying a few for my label collections as cant afford originals of some and its really annoying to have a song you like on the flip side of an indemand / classic oldie thats £££££
  2. Are all these reissues that appear on eBay legit or just bootlegs?
  3. if the record hadnt arrived within 30 days then people should open a item not received thing with ebay , even if the seller posted it doesnt mean its on its way , could be lost that way you are covered to get your money back , i lost money waiting for something that never arrived from the uk ( non record thing ) and now if its not here i will open a case as not loosing anymore money
  4. there is a song called walk softly children which is wade in the water with different vocals
  5. ive gone for vinyl as it was a golden world 45 for the collection , although my last purchase was actually a cd disc containing an mp3 of a 7" that isnt released legally as yet which cost me a pint but there wasnt an option for that lol
  6. very hard to find rictic , there is a boot that appears on ebay from time to time but would say its in the top 3 hard to find on the label
  7. Yes pete i know you would and so would another dealer i use but the ones i wanted to return the dealers wouldnt so either risk sending uninsured and possibly end up with nothing if it got damaged or keep record i was unhappy with
  8. yes but i would have then been out of pocket having to pay the postage at least recorded or registered and not have the record either , thus ending up with less money to buy the record with in the future through no fault of my own
  9. I have kept a couple of records that really should have been returned due to the bad condition of the b side ie jump/skip on them They took me ages to get a copy at a price i could afford to pay but i was not happy doing this , the 2 dealers that i bought them from now have lost all my future business and i have found other dealers to buy from that i am happy with
  10. simple soloution is that everyone should all buy cheap records , stop all the big money records buys , then you wont get hit for custom fees
  11. i know of someone who imported some fabric and they got the seller to put sample on it and avoided paying but it depends on how much detail they go into when checking i suppose
  12. gutted to have missed this , that matadors track is great damn flat battery will be at the next one fingers crossed
  13. is the yellow vinyl 7" ep a boot? as i have sold one in the past and had it returned saying it was a pressing
  14. just started sorting out a few 45s and found that i have quiet a few on this label , when did the label change from pink to the blue red and orange design as i have seen the parliaments dont be sore on both styles of label thanks in advance
  15. the record grading should apply to both sides , if one side is in worse condition then this should be mentioned by the seller . nothing worse than getting a record and finding the b side is scratched and not mentioned especially if its a double sider , the value should be reduced considerably if one side is damaged too much even though its not the in demand side but as we know with northern soul people pay more than they should for records
  16. got several of these shows on an mp3 disc last year , well worth listening to as ive heard some underplayed tunes that are new to me as well as some great classics
  17. just bought the four tops lp on here , some great tracks on it
  18. its just a carver with a stick on label ,i bought it from fingers and then sold it on ebay for what i paid for it to someone in spain who then sold it on here no such original vinyl exists all the tracks were burnt from the 3 track cdr that was put out to djs at the time
  19. i play mine usually when they arrive , then play them occasionally if i am sorting some out to sell or occasionally to dj with but if im on the computer i often find myself just going to youtube or my itunes to listen to them as i cant be arsed to find the one i want then go to the record player and play them
  20. i wish they would do a box set of this label , i have then all on a dodgy cdr set that sound good but would love to hear them all remastered etc have 31 so far on the original vinyl tho
  21. Have bought with no problems several times
  22. funny one was when a mate was asked for some techno so i played sliced tomatos as rockafella skank instrumental and they enjoyed it
  23. i was gutted when i bought a copy of frank wilson on auction , wanted a copy and paid £25000 to guarantee a good one , you should have seen my face when this record without a centre arrived that had some writing on the label arrived , i was so upset
  24. b for me , if it plays ok then it will do u , never upgraded records unless they got damaged records were meant to be played
  25. Just see someone at the allnighter burger van after too many shandys ...Can i have a mel britt reissue ,a manifesto and 2 copies of Manships latest price guide please , one with onions

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