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Everything posted by Davidwapples

  1. I had a mint copy and asked jm if they would auction it for me after it was making good money. They said the last copy didnt make that much and I ended up with 200 in trades on here
  2. Is the yellow vinyl version if this legit or a bootleg? Bought it as ok but when I tried ti sell was told its a pressing
  3. Record collector has an article on the motown french eps this month
  4. blackbird by the manhattans uses the same type of backing , think its a lp only track but on youtube , also there is a version called walk softly children which is another alternative vocal
  5. Heartbreaker gets played occasionally when I get the chance
  6. IF not then they will be second issues and we all know you cant play them out lol
  7. nice set , shame i missed it as was ill that rosalind madison is a cracker will be there next time
  8. Will pass the information on to my mate and let him decide , thanks everyone Closing this as poster seems happy with replies. ROD [Forum Moderator]
  9. Hi A friend of mine has seen these advertised on twitter and facebook and asked if i knew anyone who had bought one of these. I have had a look through the searchs of the site and read varying posts from people but i was wondering if anyone who has bought one can pm me and let me know if they think its worth it and the amount of 60's 70's etc compared to disco 80's etc please let me know via pm as dont want this turning into a debate about ian levine many thanks
  10. With ebay , youtube , sound files galore and price guides / label discographies online at the click of a button , millions of sellers and forums to ask questions i feel for the new collectors , never knowing what its like to own a crap record , gettting hundreds of tunes on a disc for the cost of a pint of stella from a mate Not like having to go to old grotty record shops and sift through 1000's of crap tunes to find something slightly different , buying blind of mailing lists , ringing up to find the record has gone , paying well over the odds for a record , buying boot that you told was an original , buying records that you were told were classic oldies only to find they were not etc. If i had all the money that i had spent on records then , id spend it on records now and have better ones
  11. bobby sheen doctor love on capital records
  12. i had the royal esquires for £35 then sold for 50 trades joe valentine for £100 and sold for 120 plus 40 cdr's george morton for £50 then traded it to a dealer on here in a swap for a record he said was worth 50 hmmmmmmmm so ended up about even plus some cds
  13. My mate paid 60 about 4 or 5 years ago so add a bit onto that
  14. choker cambell come see about me
  15. vg+ on the scene real world good condition at best tape swappers favourite , real world , this is shite
  16. russ , just post the link to the item you won on ebay , the sound files are still up on there for people to listen to at the moment
  17. Ok sorry I got offered a copy of the fantastic four and didn't want to bump the ad by posting so edited it. My mistake
  18. looking for flaming embers - children ric tic 143 and in vg+ condition with clean labels and no major marks or distortion looking to pay £7 for vg+ £8-50 for m each inc postage pm if you are interested in selling at the price im offering to pay thanks
  19. values depend on if you are buying or selling ;)
  20. If pack 2 doesnt go ahead please memo me
  21. surely if you had a carver machine then you would be pressing out the rare titles that have not been booted instead of the bog standard top 500 already bootlegged oldies , getting top money , only listing one copy then offering other copies to the non highest bidders
  22. I think I have a spreadsheet if the blue beat compilation cds sonewhere will check at lunchtine
  23. If you dont pay do they get returned to sender? , then they can resend them to you. Depends on how much you want them , if you paid by paypal could always use the item not recieved and claim money back , depends if seller declared full value on package for insurance , not the done thing but know of people who have done it
  24. I think I have the zeke strong. Will check and let you know later if so
  25. I think there was a release on stardust but not aware of an actual boot

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