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Everything posted by Picky

  1. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on September 09. https://park12.wakwak...n/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  2. The weekly auction is ending today. If you are planning to make a bid, please do not forget the closing time stated above.
  3. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on September 02. https://park12.wakwak...n/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  4. I would like to remind you that the weekly auction is ending today, Sunday, August 26. If you are planning to place your bid, please do not forget the closing time. The closing time in your country is stated above.
  5. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on August 26. I picked up for this week, Bill Coday (Epic), Sam Dees (SSS Int'l), Bobby Patterson (Jetstar #121), Paul Vann (Instantlee), Otis Clay (Echo #2003) and more great 45s. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/auction/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  6. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on August 19. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/auction/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  7. I think this Enjoy copy was released in Holland because the record number of 1002 in the US Enjoy discography is by "Chuck Paulin" in 1962/3, and a matrix number of FP-105 is shown on this Enjoy copy which means the original copy should be from Front Page (FP) label.
  8. The copies on Front Page are normally credited as "Jim And Lee". I've never seen the copy as "Jim And James". But this must be a mistake and there are same mistake on the artist's name on the other copies, such as Al Robinson's 45 on Palsar label, some of which state "Shine" instead of "Al Robinson". I guess the copy of "Jim And James" is the first press and then the company must have found the mistake and changed the credit to "Jim And Lee" BTW, I've never seen a copy on Enjoy label which must be rare. As you may know, they have another 45 on Smash label titled "Let's Go Baby / When Lovers Meet" released in 1967.
  9. I would like to remind that the weekly auction is ending today. If you are planning to place your bid, please do not forget the closing time stated above.
  10. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on August 12. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/auction/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  11. Just remind that the auction is ending today at your local time stated above. If you are planing to place a bid, please do not forget the closing time.
  12. It is on the one of auction list. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/auction/auctions.html
  13. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on August 05. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/auction/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  14. The auction is ending today at your local time stated above. If you are planing to place your bid, please do not forget the closing time.
  15. Anybody tell me, are they a black group?
  16. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on July 29. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/auction/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  17. Bob, Thank your for the info. I just amendedd the title.
  18. Appreciate someone helps me with a excellent conditioned copy.
  19. I would like to remind you that the weekly auction is ending today, Sunday, July 22. If you are planning to place your bid, please do not forget the closing time. The closing time in your country is stated above.
  20. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new weekly auction at the following linked site. The auction is ending on July 22.. https://park12.wakwak...n/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA I provided with sound files for all singles and a link for the exchange rate on the list as usual, for your reference.
  21. Hi Everyone, My Weekly Auction is ending Today, July 15.. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/auction/auctions.html The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA
  22. Here is a white demo copy. https://park12.wakwak.com/~naoya/image/oscartoneyjr_k6108.jpg
  23. Hi, I would like to remind you that the weekly auction is ending today, Sunday, July 08. If you are planning to place your bid, please do not forget the closing time. The closing time in your country is stated below. 12 pm or 0 am in Sydney, Australia 11 pm Japan Time 2 pm UK Time 9 am in New York 8 am in Chicago 6 am in San Francisco / LA
  24. Hi Everyone, I uploaded my new Weekly Auction List. If you are interested, please have a look at the following site. https://park12.wakwak...n/auctions.html The auction will end at 11 pm on Sunday, July 08 Japan time. I have stated the closing time in your local time on the list, and a link for the exchange rate between Japanese Yen and your currency. The sound files taken from the actual record are available on the list for your reference only.

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