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Everything posted by Samson

  1. Looking for: The Leaders - "It's a rat race" - superstar Cash ready and waiting. PM please ATB, DC
  2. Sorry about that SHSdave. I usually reply to everyone's offers but I ended up getting a lot of offers and you must of slipped through the cracks. My apologies. -DC
  3. Still on the lookout. Anyone?
  4. @woznotwos, got your pm. thanks, but hoping to get the copy with proper labeling.
  5. Yeah, it is a great one. So, who's got one to sell? ;)
  6. Looking For: Timothy Wilson, Hey Girl Do You Love Me - Veep - SORTED
  7. wow! worked like a charm! Thanks Ady. Cheers, Dan
  8. I totally love the kent re-issues and pick up quite a few of them but have often found my copies to have what I think are pressing flaws. It's usually nothing that you can see and always sounds like the pitch is shifting up and down. I've sent some of my copies back to them (which they've graciously replaced for me) and they said they couldn't hear what I was talking about even though I could duplicate the same sound on multiple turntables. Anyway, I just got the recent Spencer Wiggins release and am in soul nirvana up until about half way through when it starts shifting up and down like crazy!! Please tell me I'm not crazy. Has anyone else had the same issue? That being said, I have gotten plenty 45's from them that have no issue and sound fantastic.
  9. I like it. Kinda reminds me of a watered down magic corner.
  10. Andrea Henry - I need you like a baby - G+/Vg- Hard to listen to for the first 15 seconds but then clears up. Still wishing for a clean copy.
  11. well said. Ditto!
  12. Since when are Chis Clark and Dusty Springfield white guys singing soul? I'm pretty sure they are women.
  13. Here are some auction prices. https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=sharon+jones+tell+me&x=0&y=0 I think $30 is a good price.
  14. Looks like Brad's got a copy for sale. https://cgi.ebay.com/New-Holidays-northern-soul-funk-45-Maybe-So-Maybe-No-/390210671891?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item5ada5e5513
  15. Looking for Charles Spurling - She Cried Just A Minute - King Ex or better. Pm Please. ATB, Dan
  16. I've had the sax line trapped in my mind. So perfect.
  17. Thanks! Picked up COD's and can't wait for it to arrive.
  18. Thanks for the clips everyone. So, I kind of like "A breath taking guy" in the same way as "It's all over" by Pearl Dowdell. I don't know if it's the time signature or what? Any other recomendations with a similar sounding backing track?
  19. I'm really liking this sound lately. Anyone got recomendations for similar sounding tunes?
  20. One on Manship right now.
  21. Couldn't tell you the difference but a tenner is a good price so not like you got swindled.
  22. another 2010 price.....$345 vg- https://www.collectorsfrenzy.com/Details.aspx?id=200443910474
  23. Latest price on Poopsike is 1200 USD so not far off from the 750 GBP in Manship. https://www.popsike.com/SoulNorthern-DISTRICTS-LikeCloudsOneLover-Nile-M/380188915202.html

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