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Everything posted by dthedrug

  1. Name & Shame? is what I say However be tactful the old Liable laws? DAVE KIL
  2. Sorry Harpo but one of the best nites was when John Otway & Wild Woolly Barrett played there, talk about a laugh I nearly Pissed myself, if you don't remember them they did a Funny thing called "i,am Free..really really free!" it was a night with my bruvver who was a Art Student? life not only about Rare Soul? Can you remember the Curry House at the end of Pipers Row opposite the Blue boar, any Curry £1 a go DAVE KIL
  3. All the records Mick Smith played? how can I pick 3? I will give this serious thinks! DAVE KIL
  4. Hi mate you have some baggage that you should let go off as its holding you back? as a qualified Counsellor maybe I can help? however I am 57 and I remember the good good old days believe me, and they are still here a now, get out and mingle and don't moan I used to-go to the Mecca to me it was Tony Jebb however to many it was Ian & Mr CC and I could not wait to leave? be positive go out to have a good time? in 12 tears I will be 70 do I give a F**k no DAVE KIL
  5. Portobello road normally turns something up and you can pop into INTXICA ask the bloke to let you have a look in his soul boxes, in fact you should do that always in second hand record shops? act knowledgeable when asking don't make a pratt out of yourself? "have you got any 6ts soul to look at please mate?" don't ask for the £250 sound the whole country after, Covent Garden a pleasant walk about Camden is dear? off Oxford st Hannaway st there used to-be 3 shops down there, Wednesday Spitalfields Market plenty of stall and you can have a pint in the 10 Bells, DAVE KIL
  6. Heres my Demo that I got in Stoke and watched Major Lance, I think it cost £6 big money for the year? best version is by the WHO DAVE KIL
  7. What about JA covers you must agree there are some excellent Jamaican covers inspired in particular by Chicago's & Motown and we all Know the early roots are directly influenced by New Orleans RIFS, are Caribbean people whether living in the Treasure Isle or the UK did they not promote soul in the same way as white pop bands? not to mention those who tried to imitate the Blues was ELVIS n the early years inspired by the black people of Memphis in the same way my musical tastes came from my elder siblings, and youth sub culture they followed as such at the age 16 I was into reggae? one thing is for sure I bought the Uniques "ain't to proud to beg" before I ever heard the Temptations? and its also a fact that the records I relate to from say 67/8/9 are 50% different to my mate from Shepherds Bush? its all about what you herd and the experience of The moment that makes you like a sound? my Golden rule if sounds good and its danceable it gets my vote. 1910 Fruitgum and all DAVE KIL I hope you agree with me and the BOYS?
  8. NICE ONE Great review cheers for this NICE ONE DAVE KIL
  9. I do agree with you about this issue (by the way it was me I think you are referring to? I would like to add, I first met Dave in late 1970 and I got a few soul packs of him also when they moved to Han away street I used to climb the stairs to soul heaven? also I was at Blackpool Mecca the night of his write up and spent sometime chatting, he was a great bloke and like so many gay men at the time there still was a massive stigma attached to being homosexual? as I said before the DG comment, I use to frequent the Soho clubs and all what was considered seedy was unavoidable?) as to the thread I feel your comments about me raising the issue that white people in the UK by playing R&B was not a valid point as such I felt you took my comment out context to make a different point yourself? however it was a good debate and once started she only stop by adult agreement not child like "I am not playing any more" DAVE KIL
  10. I first herd the tearm as we know it in 74 (a) to describe certain Blackpool Recrds such as Marvin holmes and Justice "You better Keep Her" or the Carstairs, ( as poeple wanted to her some of the great "OLDIES" that did not get played the tearm "OLDIES" was use to describe these sounds and as day follows night? "NEWIES" started to be used so in gen tearms I would say 1974 is the year. however collectors have always used the tearm to tell others of their new find, this leads on to the word "DISCOVERIES" DAVE KIL
  11. John Spencer was always asking for the G & W TMG 555 and the Darall Banks G & W back in the 7ts sold him both at £10 DAVE KIL
  12. Sorry Pete I have to disagree £60 MINT is my price, its an excellent 2 sides and the UK & US Revue copy are both elusive, apart from MJ records? where have you seen a recent copy for sale? DAVE KIL
  14. I love this record always have? most if not the majority of sales that I have seen are for the US 7-12 inch Sal-Soul releases, and it does seem that the US product has quite a lot of Demos? I would tend to go for the US issue? However as a UK collector of soul, I have found about 6 x 7 inch copies over the years, but not found any in the last 4 years? I have always got a very good price for the record, as it was popular in London when it was issued, I have only come across 1 x 12 inch UK copy and that was at KEELE? with its cover in MINT - for £20 about 4 years ago, as always I must point out the rule of thumb guide in all but 3 cases the UK issue is always worth much more than the US product. and although I was lucky when I got the UK 12 inch, it is easy the rarer of all the issues?. this is one record that although it hurts me to state I probably would by the Boot issue? as its 100% SOUL and a must have DAVE KIL>
  15. Check your Email Pete I cant seem to put them on Soul Source? keep getting Error Message ??? DAVE KIL
  16. After just reading this and viewing the site? I also have made a complaint to EBay, as should every one on soul source? action speaks louder than words? DAVE KIL>
  17. WIGAN CASINO where are you all...take a look at Sandi's Blog RE :- Harpos birthday Bash! and you will see a few photos of original Casino goers, and that was just at that Bash as there are many Wolverhampton people who are still about but not on these photos? every one on the photos is 100% northern soul as well as a true brother and sister who are passionate about all soul music in general? DAVE KIL.
  18. I would say you are in for a big surprise on this question? As back in the 7ts I started to try and put them together? however decided to sell up after Finding out Adey had an almost complete collection of all the TMGs, I remember selling hem all in Cambridge on Cup Final Day 1975 after watching West Ham beat Fulham, (and the shame is for the life of me I forget the name of the geezer I watched the game with I think he came from Cherry Hinton way) Having looked at my Motown records I have about 60% of the 500 series and 17 DEMOS red and whites as well as green and whites. And it is well known that I don't collect the label;? So on my reckoning there must be quite a lot of collectors that have the complete run? and I bet there's also a few complete run of TMGs 500 in Demo form DAVE KIL
  19. what are you sugesting Pete! who had Dave Godin? you no he liked it up the bum DAVE KIL
  20. Pete I was talking to my mate in London on Sat night, just about the same record and others? how strange DAVE KIL>
  21. This is a very good idea, in fact as a good fast payer I Expect the same back?, normally if I have not received my record/s in 14 days I always right a message, along the lines off "Hi regarding my purchases from yourself on --/--/-- I have not received the item? are you having or experiencing any problems if so would you contact myself ASAP, as you will see I have an ex 100% positive feedback, Many Thanks Dave, and this has always been met with a quick response, along the lines that you suggest DAVE KIL.
  22. Hi I have not got one, but I nearly got to buy 2 about 12 weeks ago "but I was beckoned on by my trouble so left them"?..I think they are still on catalogue as the 2 I saw was in HMV in Walsall in there "teeny weeny" vinyl box, this should be fruitful I hope, all you need is the label info by the way the 2 I saw were 12 inch vinyl. DAVE KIL
  23. Hi Pete I agree that if you have won in law it,s yours unles you have made a prior agreement with the sellor, I know that it,s a legal issue thats inplace for the buyer & sellers protection eg: its covered in Parlamentry Laws and Goverment Acts. What I hate is those buggers who bump up the price for their mates or family I know who you are,? DAVE KIL.
  24. I get your point! Pete that,s what I was saying RE: some 6ts pop covers, and not with my hedonistic I have been into rare soul since GODS dog was a pup so it is always the soul version? I believe in this case that I,am right maybe its because I hear ed the Billy Stewart first as a reissue in 68? its also like who did the best version of "wide awake in a dream" I know there are better arranged versions of the song than the Blues Busters? but as I had that on a Doctor Bird LP that I got Junking in the mid 7ts I really do believe its the best you can get?. we will see DAVE KIL. (this sites playing me up today)
  25. Hi Pete, First of this is a no brain er for myself, Georgie Fame along with all the stalwarts of talented musicians that based there whole careers on the line by promoting R&B, Soul and Blues to our ears in the 6ts putts the man in the Hall of Fame (pun is intended) and I go along with in most cases it was what you heard first especially with certain UK covers of original Black US records eg:- Herman's Hermits or Earl Jean, well I will be honest I first heard the Earl Jean when I found it Junking in the early 7ts yet when I played it my sister 5 yrs older than myself who was a original Mod knew it , as foe the Question I am lucky to say that I have seen both acts, Georgie is very good, however when I saw Billy Stewart at the Flamingo in 68, how can I say? if you saw the DELLS at Trentham gardens, he was a one man Dell and that's no lie, however there are quite a few remakes of records that come to mind especially pop covers of Bob Dylan songs?. while on the subject of Georgie and the recent 45 that was on J Manships auction, when the old Black Horse was running in the Early days I had a copy of "Sweet Thing" Columbia 45 but I was sure it was a Indian or a Singapore release? unfortunately I don't have the record anymore and I remember selling the LP with it on for £10 there, did it only come out from where JM states because I am sure mine was not a European issue? DAVE KIL

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