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Everything posted by dthedrug

  1. Sadly my copy of "left out" was stolen at St Ives in the 7ts I got it from Hammy & yet to replace it, on the opposite price range is "outcast" Eddie & Ernie what a great oldie it is and well worth a spin at a venue this weekend. KTF
  2. WARNING MAKING COMPLAINTS TO EBAY SELLERS CAN LEAD TO ALLIGATIONS ABOUT YOU? Let me explain;- Over the last few years I have had strong feelings as a collector of soul about the amount of bootlegs 2nd press re-press & whatever you call them flooding EBay, now what gets my goat is not the dealer who puts a few pressings for sale along with quality rare items, but it is those who list nothing but bootlegs putting in misleading Or basic info about the records, I wrote to 10 sellers asking them if the record publisher, artist/s & so on, received royalties for each sale & as new records are taxes paid, to my dismay one seller dragged up my past dealings on the soul scene, I would expand on this but alas I can't, he also threatened me that he would see me at a venue, this attitude has made me so angry as my past history received no complaints back in the days of Northern Soul, and has nothing to do with my question. it is bang out of order, but I would say that, the man is a hypocrite 1st class, KTF
  3. I Have only just read the sad news of a TOP SOUL BROTHER, a TWISTED WHEELITE, & a close friend, My GOD what can I say about John, Anybody who went to the Wheel got a baptism with SOUL that makes them stand out in a crowd, John filled that role, my relationship with John was Old School, However he was a top promoter with the classic 86 club, a club where I actually DJ, At the moment all I can say is GOD BLESS JOHN, RIP ESHER a WHEELITE & SOUL BROTHER, & My Friend.
  4. HI ALL As e know, all the early UK released Tamla-Motown 45s are collectable these days, but there are some that were minor hits & the Contours are along with "Finger tips" Stevie Wonder the easy ones I would price them at £20, however if they have a silver A on them £60 - £80 if that helps. KTF
  5. HI ALL Can I thank you all for your postings & the quality of the chosen records, I read a comment about how low the club has fallen this year, why this is so I can't work out, I can only say why I don't post on a regular basis, a) It's taken 20 minutes to get to be able to write a posting? shall I start a new thread?????? Hi All hope all is OK, looking back at the Bobbi Lynn B side Opportunity Street, I had a Stateside copy, but being nieve I swapped it for the BELL Copy thinking Bell was the 1st release, anyway the B side was played pre Wigan but got lost, it's a great record, & it should remind you all to play the B sides of your records, I see on John Manships Auction page, there is one of my fave rave sleepers, a record that has never been pressed or bootlegged, not sure of it's value at guess £80, but who can predict prices of quality Northern Soul 45s these days? the record is Patti Williams - "I'm doing the best I can" sorry I have not downloaded the track, but it's on Manships & YOU CHUBE. If I was DJing this would be on my current playlist as the true value has yet to be assessed, KTF THERE YOU GO!
  6. HI BENJI....YOU ARE IN LUCK! HOWEVER it's 4am & I can only find 1 page from melody music research, I hope the site is still there? to make things worse I can't find my glasses to read the web site on the page I scanned for you, if you do find the site t is a great place for info if you collect original rare US Soul 45s. KTF Dave K
  7. Hi All....Is it my PC or has this thread got really slow to load? Well here is a record that I have had since it was sent to me back in the 7ts, many of the Motown releases I use to take to the KGB Club & sell to Nev Wherrey RIP, but not this one, thank GOD, has this been forgotten over the years, I hope so, then you can all go hunting for a copy this weekend, if it has been played to death then sorry, but give it a revive 45 spot next time you are behind the wheels of steel' As such even though I have got about 75 45s this month I have played it every day, SO IT'S FROM MOTOWN TO YOUR TOWN, WITH MY PICK OF THE MONTH OF MARCH 2016......THE MAN FROM MOTOWN......... SMOKEY ROBINSON...."THEME FROM BIG TIME PT1"......MOTOWN TMG 1085. A ***** RATED 45 BY ME DAVE K ENJOY THIS IF YOU AIN'T GOT A COPY OR IT'S NEW TO YOUR LUG HOLES, ALRIGHT NOT HALF!....KTF DK. MY COPY I DON'T NO IF YOU CAN SEE? BUT IT HAS ONE OF THE LONGEST MATRIX OF ANY OF MY OTHER TMG'S. https://youtu.be/jFuocNSZ668
  8. HI ALLLove this side I use to play at the Black Horse Wolves in the 8ts,
  9. Hi All before I tell you what my record of the day, I must mention a email that was sent to me after I sent a Ebay seller what I disliked about selling the bootlegs of Darrel Bank London Demo & issue. the email said I'm a fine one to talk as I sell speed at Soul All Nighters & he would see me the next time I was about, now I see this as a threat to myself, if this bloke wants to confront me about records fare doo's however if he wants to bad mouth me about drugs he better keep one eye in front & one eye behind him as this is what I call being a grass, & I don't like a grass or a nonce? got that of my chest. My pick of the day is CURBY GOGGINS - LEAVE ME IF YOU WANT TO - CARNIVAL RECORDS CAR510. A CLASSIC WITH 2 GOOD SIDES, RECOMENDED, HAVE NO IDEA OF VALUE, KTF DAVE K (1 FOR 9d 3 FOR HALF A DOLLER =2/6d THEY ARE ALL BLUE). https://youtu.be/hvjtfyb0WvE
  10. Hi All Yes I agree the UK PYE test pressing is the rarest form that exists, I gave my copy to Mick Smith about 6 years ago along with all the top Cameo Parkway UK soul releases, the truth of the matter collectors of rare UK soul don't want them as such the price is low even for top records, test pressings sell for around £100 for the TYMES which is cheap as there are small in number, under 10. compared to the price of a DEMO £300+, this is just my opinion others may see test pressing as the crown jewels, they are only worth more if they have a unreleased take on them, the TYMES test press is the same as the issue. but II do agree it is the rarest.
  11. Hi All there are to many variations of this classic for me, that's why I have a UK Demo, plus it's the rarest.
  12. Hi All Nice comments from all of you, all I can say about Toby will be said better by those as Ady says from the 6ts crowd, However I go back a bit further than that as he was one of a group of young kids that attended the local youth club, where on a Monday Night I would play Northern Soul Music to them, And I do believe it was through these nights many youngster got to know about the music me but also Chris G & Mick Smith. Also what comes to mind I sold Toby my old LI 150 series 2 that I hardly used for £25, All in All this morning is like losing a Kid, disbelief is the word. RIP TOBY. DAVE KILWORTH from Letchworth & Wolves
  13. Hi All I only know one person called Toby, it's not him surely?
  14. Hi All While we are giving SOUL JUNCTION REORDS the thumbs up, after seeing Dave last Saturday at the STABLES, in with the pile of 45s that I got from him is the great unreleased Betty Boo - My Man Flint J1003 a 5 star 45 that won't disappoint any dancer,or indeed collector of DETROIT records as this has been unreleased for ever & may I say it's a must have record, well it's recommended by me so don't delay buy it to-day. KTF Dave K
  15. Hi H I think you have done well with these 3, as they are all in there own way have a sound that some one would like, my opinion is this as they are uptempo you will have to try hard to find a DJ to play #2 & ##3 as for #1 It gets my vote & I would buy it from you, The thing to remember when finding records, we have all found the big one in the past. I personally have never had one of my finds played as my discovery in the last 40 years, yet if I was to do a DJ spot I could easy play records that would be unknown to most, so keep on searching. PS email me the titles if you want to sell them? or if not post up the title so we get a chance to find them? KTF.
  16. Hi All Having been up all night with pain in my legs & feet? After going out last Saturday night to the STABLES, had a good night, looking through Dave W sales box &which I recommend you all do, as he always has a fine selection, & it is easy t spend £500 a visit.) I picked out some classic oldies, I'm fully aware some of you Soul Brothers have moved on from the classic Northern sound, nut I know you still like to be reminded of the collecting scenes roots are in up-tempo soul. Now I was looking to play James Cole - Rest & Dress - Spectra A good record to play if you DJ, but alas I can't find a down load for you, so if anyone can help me by posting it. So I have chosen Percy Wiggins _ that's loving you - A-BET 9434, instead to get you in the mood to face Tuesday, so have a nice day, KTF Dave K Download below is Percy Wiggins!! https://youtu.be/BQ59lHXthbI
  17. HI ALL this classic I got from Contempos in a Soul pack in 1971, I'm sure that got played in the 6ts soul clubs, however I can't remember hearing it played out until the year 2000????KTF
  18. HI ALL, Over the years I have had all 4 versions the original demo Solomon King had 75 pressed compared to the 100 Levi Jackson demo. the ales of the issues were poor, but Levi probably sold under 10 copies all others were classed a returns.
  19. HI ALL, Well Pete you really have come to the defence of Ian, it would be good if you could defend his narcissistic attitude, & hi total lack of respect for everyone who he sees as unimportant in his here & now, I first got to know him in 1972 at Blackpool Mecca, at the time he bought any record that was new to him (back then know one walked about with a S**T record box, what I disliked about his manner was how he just walked away from you even when in a discussion, or when someone he perceived as more important, at the time I thought he would grow up but alas.) This trait of his character is at best annoying, I could give a few examples of his contempt for others, but my big ones are the way he treated DJs like Tony Jebb, While Ian was in hospital I followed his progress on Facebook leaving get well soon, until I received a comment from him following a remark from myself stating "take it easy from now on Ian" he replied "how dare I tell him to do things, who am I to give orders on how to live" there was more but you get the gist. I should of known better he will never change. It is a shame that when you try defend people like Ian you get put down from him, but pete you seem to think that the person who started the thread was a cynic? maybe he is, but then again he is just telling his story, as a consumer you don't have to like the person who is selling the goods, but if the goods are not what you expected you have consumer rights, these rights are Acts of Parliament for the consumers protection, in other words they are Laws, not what the seller decides or how they handle your complaint, it would of been good if you had mentioned this when putting in a defence, there is always 2 sides to any point view. that's my point To conclude record dealers are always falling out & slagging of each other, don't spoil your good reputation by defending someone who as a know bad manor? KTF DAVE K
  20. Hi All "More to-day than yesterday" made it to #1 on the BILLBOARD POP CHART in 1969, yet when it got a UK release it did zilch, As far as I can remember it gained no radio play at all & did not enter the UK TOP 50, Like so mamy records that made it big at WIGAN if they got a UK release it is a safe bet that it was played at the TWISTED WHEEL or the PENDERLUM Club, It was a big play a t the MECCA by Tony Jebb & also Ian Levine, from then on it become a popular oldie played by Dave Everson at the Casino, The record was played at the DIVE BAR in Hitchin by Mick Smith in 72 & it was also one of my early buys from Mick, it was also available at CONTEMPOS for 75np & SOUL BOWL well into the 7ts, "baby what I mean" is a good version of the DRIFTER non hit, & has never had much play on the rare soul scene, maybe one day?
  21. Hi As far as I am aware, quite a few records on the RENFRO label had legit 2nd pressings that had subtle changes, also some were bootlegged by Simon S, "that girl" has 4 variations I'm aware of as haves some of the SEQUINS 45s, if your record has the same label as the one pictured above it is one of the rarest on the label & could fetch £200 on a good day, a great record to start the new year with KTF Dave K
  22. HI BROTHERS & SISTERS, May I wish all of you the very best for 2016, & I for one am so glad to see the back of 2915, after at times feeling so ill & in constant pain, as you may be aware I have completely neglected the thread for most of the year, more of that later, but first can I thank those of you who have kept the club running through out 2015, . Do I need to explained the rules are so simple, 10 you must own the record on vinyl to make a posting, 20 hopefully your choice will be a 45 seldom played or new to the forum, 30 any comments made should be about the record nothing else, 4) this thread is not for selling records or for promotion of events please/ The first record of 2016 is from C L Blasthttps://youtu.be/qstR_oUoT-k A great bit of soul my copy cost £10 but have seen it sell for £100+ HOPE YOU LIKE this 5 STAR rated 45 KTF in 2016....DAVE K
  23. BOOTLEGS, 2ND ISSUES, RE-PRESS. Or whatever they are called serve one purpose only, to make money for the manafactor of the items, In all the years I have collected RARE SOUL I can only think of about 75 of these records that are worth collecting, in the past I have written about the appeal of SOULSOUNDS OUT OF THE PAST & the other Bootlegs of the late 6ts, also we can add a few of the early/mid 7ts 45s like Billy Prophet Candi Staton Duke Browner, but 35 years on the vast majority of all such records are worthless & non collectable, however the question is why do they still sell, & why do company's such as EBay let people sell them even though they are well aware that they are counterfeit good's?. Way back in 1971 Dave Godin wrote about artists not receiving royalties from DJs playing their records & Blues & Soul also wrote a piece about selling Bootlegs after they were duped into selling OOTP white label Northern Soul pressings they got from the International Soul Club, but the message fell on deaf ears, at that time even Dave Godin did not quite understand the subject of rare record collecting by stating that DJs should not cover up rare sounds and dealers were charging to much for records that so;ld for 85p in his shop, (how many of us have sold records cheap only to find out that they were worth far more)? The thing that I dislike about the latest list of bootlegs is the impact that it has on my own rare US recordings it goes against the grain of the soul scene I love which is elitist in structure, years ago if you wanted to hear rare records you attended the few clubs that played them or you purchased them from dealers at the going rate, nowadays there are rare soul clubs all over the place playing all them records that have been bootlegged, surely people must be able to see they are being conned?/ KTF
  24. HI In my humble opinion the 45 is a recent pressing of one of the top Grapevine releases, like all bootleg copies they have little appeal to a collector, again their is only one way to treat these recordings and that is don't buy it, To press this up is pointless, and can take good records of the playlist, GRAPEVINE 1st issues from 78-81 are not re-issues but first UK ISSUES, and as such most collectors of UK SOUL have them, at the same time we will not be adding this one, There are BOOTLEGS like SOUL SOUNDS (original Bootlegs) using the label design for pressings, how un-soulful does it get, the scene is about RARE SOUL less you forget.
  25. Nice list Pete, i really rate the tracks on the Kim Weston recomended BARGIN in nice condition. 

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