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Everything posted by dthedrug

  1. HI ALL Here I am alive & kicking, thanks for the emails received regarding the record club, it seems that Mike while sorting out all aspects to the SOUL Source site jumped the gun and was eager to put 2017 tag on to the club, hence this thread does not have my name on it, this will all be sorted out by the weekend, I will end ever to contribute more often, however December I was being checked out for bowel cancer, so having a camera up my arse made me depressed, added to the fact that I spent time over Christmas with my daughter in SKIPTON, only to find out that the club had been opened by someone else, an E mail to me would have been good, the new thread will not lose anyone postings, plus I will write to Ken about the matter, KTF DAVE K
  2. Hi Jackie Please be careful, as many people get mugged by te nicest people, get yourself a price guide to get some idea of what you have, make a list of records valued £50+ and scan a few to show people on SOULSOURCE, this is a safe site so any feedback should help, you could always take them to a record fair, However find out what you got, good luck ,
  3. Hi All got a copy of this classic, not the realy rare copy, but a legit copy that come free with a German LP, can anyone vouch for that fact? cheers KTF. https://www.soul-source.co.uk/forums/topic/346428-soulsource-record-club-2016-you-better-believe-it/?page=16# Drag files here to attach, or Click here to choose files to upload Accepted file types mp3, mp4, png, jpeg, jpg, gif, pdf, doc, docx, flv, wmv, wma, wav, txt, rtf, ppt, zip · Max total size 46.88MB Insert other media Uploaded Images
  4. Hi All Hope you are all well, I hope this one is OK with you lot as this is Northern SOUL from the early days, I'm aware many people don't like the term Northern SOUL, but back in the day for me any where North Of Bedford was the North. This classic is also quite rare these days and well worth looking out for as it has 2 cracking sides THE MINUTE MY BACK WAS TURNED B/W HEY HEY MY BABY'S GONE - ROGER PACE -SELECT RECORDS 45-K 744 - VALUE £100+
  5. Hi Mate I have a few spare Wigan Casino badges including the 4th anniversary in good nick, I will scan them for you, looking for a trade if possible, genuine artifices only or cash, DAVE K ,
  6. HI ALL I picked this tune up at the STABLES SOUL CLUB WOLVES on Satutday night, I don't know if it has been played much, however I like it as I do for most JA-SOUL, value at the moment £15-£30 well worth that if unknown? https://youtu.be/J8HjOPbX0Dk
  7. I totally agree, I played this at Walsall record fair to Mick Smith & Roy Gelder (top UK Collector) 15 years ago & asked them to name the 45 no problem for Mick but Roy was like a double take brother with it, I bet that you play it at most soul nights & only a very small number will get it right. great group great Soul. NICEONE.
  8. B&S SOUL PACKS were excellent value & always had CHESS/CHECKER 45s, still have some of mine. when you think many records played back then were at tops on y 5 yeres old many in the packs were only 18 months old, AMAZING.
  9. Hi All Looking through one of my boxes, this morning I found this excellent 2 sider by Willie & hand jives, Gotta find me a new love, as this thread has got slow, really slow to load I will start a new thread ASAP. It's a shame that there have been way below the average postings this year, I for one have neglected the thread, but I wll end ever to improve KTF Dave K
  10. Hi All, Love that Sugar Pie 45, got mine from Butch a few years back, not to be to negative about posting your pick of the day from your collection, the idea for the club is you must own the record you pick to play... it must be the original release as far as you are aware, if you are DJing at the weekend there maybe a case after the gig to post 1or 2 45s that filled the floor, or even your disappointment that a good 45 cleared the floor?. also the record club is not a forum to advertise a venue that you run or going to be guesting at, there is another forum to do this, the same applies to record sales, DEM DA RULES? As I have not put much up recently? I thought I would share a very rare UK 45 that I was unaware of until about 2 years ago, and in true collector spirit, I just had to have it, as far as I'm aware only a small handful of collectors have a copy, although it can be obtained as a import, The record is on UK ACE Records by Johnny Braff and the Aces, recorded in Barbados, It for me now that I have a copy is my record of the 1st 6 months, I have posted it on facebook however I will have to post it up later? KTF Dave K. my copy
  11. HI All Back again, Absolutely means I Agree" I use to use this a lot when I worked for the NHS, on average men were out numbered by female nurses 10 to 1, we (men) use to say the word every time another male spoke in a team meeting, The female Nursed for some odd reason did not clock onto the fact we were just taking the piss....Absolutely you know what I mean John,
  12. Hi All I fully understand, I went to Cleopatra's a couple of time, but when my girlfriend left me to attend Derby Uni it become off limits for me, Young Love & Broken Harts, really hurts, & hard to get over, I now live in WOLVES. This reply has naff all to do with the topic, sorry DAVE K
  13. Hi All Kirsty I think "Pennies Worth" is a good term to use when you are in a meeting, and the usual suspects who know it all hog most of the meeting time, and you finally catch the attention of the chair, you have limited time left to speak so you might as well get your PENNIES WORTH or get straight to the point, I often use the opening words at this scenario with "the greatest respect chair" meaning that I have none because you are in the pocket of the meeting hoggers' & time wasters? As for confused from Preston. Preston is a place that I went to school back in the 6ts, as a boy with a London accent I could never understand a bloody word they said, nice people nice town, As for the name calling when going to Wigan as I remember there use to be a big queue to get in, as a nonchalant Southerner, I would always go to the front. this always got their blood boiling but although there was muttering about who do these f**king Londoners think they are, a quick glance at them was all that was needed, I mean did any of them expect me after driving 140 miles stand at the back of a load of 14 year olds, I mean would you? KTF
  14. Hi All....my number one #1 HATE and I mean HATE, is the written word SOULIES, what the f**k does it mean?. When looking through this thread, hang on who come up with that? Back in the 6ts there was a split in MOD culture I clearly remember the change in teenage sub culture, suddenly some mods had become passive, while others kept to tradition being fashion concourse, I had a strong dislike to kids who come from the same background as me with London Roots living in New Towns in the home counties, suddenly saying "COOL & MAN" after every word,, they for some reason adopted words that were very American Hippy talk, but with this split, by the end of 67 we just called the "FREAKS" and as such they become instant targets for a "kickin" this split had a big impact as those who resisted the MOD split become "BOOT BOYS" in 68 and the media named "SKINHEADS" in 69. Which leads me on to the word "SKINHEAD" anyone who was around in 68 to 1970 who was more in tune with the MOD world, will be well aware of the love of BLACK MUSIC, this included the new Jamaican music style called REGGAE,, now if I skip on 10 years there was a so called MOD revival , lumped in with it was "Oi!" these people took on a similar style to the 69 BOOT BOY, but they had a racist attitude, as such today the population think that is what a "skinhead" is, my gripe with this is the terminology used by record dealers who when selling early Reggae, use the heading "SKINHEAD REGGAE" no it's not, many black people hate this term as it sends a racist message, of this 1980s racist twat in boots 100 lace holes high, to my knowledge of reggae know skinhead recorded any Reggae record in the years of 68/70? so why do record dealers use this offensive term to sell records, oh yes they sell them to white people, so can I say that the words "SKINHEAD REGGAE" is my big one. as it is racist. DAVE K
  15. Hi All, I was looking through a box of stuff that I have kept for many years, and found a small note book that I used as a sort of address book, back then it was common to get names of collectors. of Rare Soul. on one page is Nev, I think this some him up, as he always assumed I got records cheap from Mick Ady & Pete Wid,. What do you think? KTF DAVE K.
  16. HI ALL Nev was a really good geezer, he loved collecting soul 45s especially UK issues & demos he was at home when looking through record boxes that belonged to Pete Wid, Ady & Mick Smiths & mine sometimes, he often would pay high prices just to get a record, I have good recollection selling him 20 TAML MOTOWN DEMOS at the KGB, Sadly I learnt about his death while I was in one Her Majesty's Hotel, it was a big shock, RIP NEV.
  17. Hi All Thanks Ken for reminding me! hope you are keeping well, you are a good man. As for the info Clive about the timing fact of the 2 recordings, I remember buying a copy of the TEMPOS at Wigan in December 73 for £1, at that time many people from the Wheel & Torch dropped of the scene, so I had know one to tell me how rare it was, & for a few years people did not believe me about it's existence, not sure of it's value in 2016, KTF
  18. HI All It's been a few years now, but the Youngharts 45as far as I know had a East & West Coast issue with white Demos plus a copy crediting the Tempos, who are the same group ad a reissue as the king of harts?,(poor memory). there were at least 5 different pressings done, some are real good some are poor dating back to 1973, there is a full article on this record on soulsource so I will not go into all the finer points, however dealers would give me £10 for the better bootleg copies so make you think what people were told when buying a copy. John Manships guide gives you the variations, Original copies are £100+.
  19. Hi When you look at it I have never seen so much attention making a bootleg in my life, plus HI Records was as you say covered in the UK by LONDON Records, If you also consider the fact it's on Yellow vinyl & if a boot there was a world oil crisis at the time, Boot or not & I say not, I need a lot more info than some verbal all be it fro m Pete, KTF
  20. Hi Your reply explains what you mean much more clearly for me to take on board, & with over 30000 soul & R&B titles from 1960 to 1969 it's near impossible to name the title by name, I remember asking a friend who was going to Wigan Casino back in 1974 to buy me a copy of the "Larue" Lada Edmond Jr, however that information I did not know, so I sung the chorus to him, the next week when I saw him he said I got your record, Great I thought, until I asked how much 85p he said? when I looked at the record he got me, it was a pressing of Terrible Tom "we were made for each other" yes I was disappointed, but what I sang & what he thought I wanted, in some strange way justified the mistake in a Chinese Whisper type of way? KTF
  21. Hi All...Can I start off with a statement of fact, JOHN MANSHIP sells records that are in the best condition on the MANSHIPS AUCTION page, as such he has no obligation to stop people from bidding on any record because it reaches a price well above what we may get for the same record if we put it up for sale. However I have the 2 sided white DEMO that along with a few other 45s were played at the CATS, yes the actual record that as played, what is the value of that copy (with provenance) ???
  22. And I quote;- "It may come as a surprise to you, but back in the day many people referred to A Lil Loving Sometimes as True Love due to those being the first two words on the track" Played at the Wheel in 67 & regular spins in 68/9. Now it got booted on SOUL SOUNDS in 1970 With full title, also on BJD in 71 full title, 1972 there was a Counterfeited copy with misspelt name, but correct title. If you are lucky to own a US original you should have a £100 45, or a Black UK Capital copy £150+ If you are a UK collector there is only one way to have it a R&W DEMO. I'm really sorry to say but I can't recall the title shortened to "true love" back in the day, why would they want to? KTF/ ,
  23. Hi All I have a clear yellow vinyl copy of the EP. Pete Smith once told me it was a BOOTLEG, personally & with great respect to Pete & his knowledge To my eye this 100% proper matrix # identical, & quality sound, not mentioned by JM, as a Boot, saying this BOOT or Proper it's well worth getting if you see the yellow copy as it looks better? & if some people say it's a Boot enough times we all get the best looking disc half price or less, "you pays your money & takes your pick", can post picture of my Copy if it helps, KTF Dave K
  24. Hi Rob I take it that you have played the flip side of "see saw" the B side only released in the UK on your £10 record, play it again as it must be unknown to many, good one to DJ spin, GOOD LUCK KTF Dave K

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