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Everything posted by dthedrug
Hi All.... First thing is the thread was set up as a RECORD CLUB so those who collect 45s can now and again pick a record that you have, and let people know why you like it, and if we were in your record room playing sounds, why you want us to listen to it, we must have said "listen to this record" we are well aware that every record is a classic, also as long as it is not a bootleg you own the sound if it's good to your ears it will good tours, even if it's worth a few££ or very rare/ I hope that is OK with you all? second thing if you go back a few years, the amount of people posting in the record club was high in fact the numbers on Soul Source seem to have fallen away, does any one have a answer to why??? Right now over the years I have been Luck to have owned several copies of GLEN MILLER and in some way I have made these available to close friends (they had to pay me) now days I have just my copy which is in EX- condition the most I have paid for a copy was £30 for a JA Stag copy, Now I was going to do a separate thread as a copy fetched £1220, I was unaware it could go over the £1K mark? I can remember not to long back, there was about 5 rare UK SOUL 45s that sold for over £1K, what do you think about it, I must say I only no the where abort's of 18 Doctor Birds & 1 Stag JA copy, so in EX condition it is very hard to own, a true rarity ,KTF Dave
Hi All. As a WHUFC 68 boot boy, I still have12 hole OX BLOOD Dr Martins a 10 hole Black DM's that I got in 69m 2 pairs of original Monkey Boots BLACK & OX BLOOD, & a few other BOOTS that don't stand up against the ones I have mentioned, still have a pair of Toe-tectors covered in red Cardinal front door step paint I got in 67, so not many but all very rare as they have been in the "chicken run" all my BOOTS have teeth marks in them, which is why they are rare also I'm the Original "SPIRIT of 69"l +++++Pete I still have some classic SOUL BOOTS including the YUM YUMS, but nowdays I have got to hate people who sell BOOTLEGS I only buy original SOUL ISSUES & DEMOS. I hope that I have answered the question KTF,Dave K
Hi All.....The first LP that I had with what we call Northern Soul sounds, was a solo artist not a various artist LP. I hope it counts and belongs on this thread, as it contains at least 6 trax that were massive at the Twisted Wheel, The Torch and also Wigan where some of the trax were West Coast instrumentals of Randy Woods Mirwood catalogue. So what is this LP that I have prized all these years?... JACKIE LEE - THE DUCK - LONDON Records, it was not until 1971 that JAY BOY issued the 45s that are still collected,
HI I have 3 early mag's, I will check numbers for you, however I'm still need B&S #2 to complete, will only trade, for a copy of #2 or original soul memorabilia, as cash these days don't buy Jack S**T cheers DAVE K
HI ALL. Well with only a few weeks to Christmas & New Year Party time, & I hope a few good SOUL NIGHTS on the way, I would like to see some classic SOUL & some of your Rare stuff, Stuff that people would love to have but never will, not because they cost a arm & a leg, but due to the fact they are rare must haves,...CAN I THANK ALL OF THE SOULFUL 6, WHO KEEP THE FAITH THROUGHOUT THE YEAR WITH THEIR POSITIVE SHAREING OF RECORDS THAT IN MANY CASES NOT PLAYED AT GIGS BY THE SO CALLED TOP DJ'S, (YOU ARE TOP MEN AND KNOW THE MEANING OF KTF, THANK YOU, AS FOR ME, 2017 HAS BEEN BAD, ALL I CAN SAY IS TYPE2 DIBETIS IS A BIG S**T, AS YET I HAVE NOT MET ANYONE ON THE SCENE TO SHARE MY CRAP WITH!! RIGHT LET'S KICK THINGS OF WITH A LESSER KNOWN 45 BY REGGIE LA MONT, Cant say that I can associate this with a venue or a DJ, & the value of it, so at a guess I'll put it at £60, Love it if someone said it was more like £200? Don't forget the rules of this thread YOU MUST OWN THE RECORD! HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN' DON'T DRINK & DRIVE, KTF DAVE K A *****5 STAR 45.
HI ALL As I have reached 65 yrs. I can't work out why at a time I would have thought it was the right time enjoy your music at your own leisure???, As I have had 3 collections, the present on I started in 1986 concentrating on UK first and classic US Northern Soul from 67 to 82 as played at venues I went to, I do not have a STAMP collectors mentality chasing things coz some has-been DJ plays it, you know who I mean those who have and still milk the scene dry,. 10 years ago I got 2 of the most knowledgeable collectors of venal, & named them in my will as my family don't want them, & if anyone thought they would chance their luck and try to mug them away well that can't happen, Now it must be said there are not many collectors like myself who have a room full of 45, the old school collected everything,, It is my opinion that this is were the high prices That the majority of people who bought there records after 1990, have not wanted the old school way of collecting, couple of factors that have happened Price Guides and the Internet EBay made available certain records that were almost impossible, and the NEW AGE OF COUNTERFITS, OH! less I forget most DJs on the scene who play stuff to make a demand so they can sell off copies to punters, ending up with the high prices that people pay for records these days records the pre 1990 sold for a few pounds, So to conclude where I have paid for example £15 for Alexander Patten or Carl Douglas & even 25p for Glenn Miller, there are many who have indeed spent hundred. THIS IS MY GOSPAL, KTF DAVE K
HI Martyn / ALL.. Sorry not been about, I have not been able to move of the setae for 3 weeks because of my Type 2 (can we take it as read i's getting worse not better? so if I go missing for a bit, it's that or I have had me collar felt??).....Any way "The END OF MY LOVE" - NANCY WILSON - CAPITOL -USA & UK and many other country's around the globe more the shame "who thinks they have good rare records if they have a Aussie or Peru copy" I will do without thank you, there is more than enough for my lug's on US?UK for me,.. I first got a whiff! of this classic at the "MALLET" maybe Tony Deller? I love it from it's first note, but it was at the Wirrina I got a chance of buying it on a US issue, however like I did with most of my wants back then, was to ask Mick if it was on UK if he nodded I would search my local haunts to locate a copy, I had great success with this easy technique, and by the time I went to my next nighter I had it in my box, a really great record,, funny thing having contacts! as I have never had a UK DEMO? Will be starting a new thread this weekend, £am Monday morning, this thread will be closed, so save your best for 2 days if that's OK? CHEERS DAVE K
NICE ONE PETE,..As you can imagine I have many of the 45s, either as issue or demo, however I must say, some of the 45s are old WIGAN POP STOMPERS, and I would not want or go out my way for, Again I urge all those who don't know a tune to play them and educate yourself to what collecting UK is all about recommended is the classic little Jerry Williams CP double sider, your write up on "you ready now" however the white 2nd issue Demo looks good and just as rare. Well done Soul Brother, Keep on Keeping on PETE, PS nice REGGAE 45s some rare bits in there if you know what to look for, RESPECT
HI ..... As you may already know. MJ Records sold a minty copy of it about 2 years ago, for £800, So if we say a mint copy is around the £700 price, a VG copy will only fetch £125, so let us know the condition, REMEMBER : A DEALER does not give price guide prices KTF
Hi All .....How pleased was I to see Friday Browns, 32nd Love Affair, FONTANA. up for auction on Manships, Like most of us who started collecting rare soul back at the start of the 7ts (not exclusively) we enjoyed the search for an exclusive find to brag about to mates, as with so many rare UK soul records, back then I always could find the label but not the record, for many years I searched for the issue of Fathers Angels "Bok to Bach" MGM with no success, in the end I paid Mick Smith £30 for a copy I took of a shelf at his house and refused to replace it insisting it belonged in my collection (I still rate it as one of the real rare records to own), anyway back to Friday Brown, John's write up is bang on, in my opinion this is one of the most overlooked UK 45s when you consider it is 2017 not 1977, please if you don't know this classic play it at least 3x to realise what John is saying about it, and why I put it up with the very best NORTHERN DANCE records, plus a great B side for future play. I rate this as a 5 star record, & one that only comes along, well never, it must be worth a bid? DAVE K.
I totally agree with you Pete, PP had loads of stuff on tape from the 6ts when I used to visit her home/studio, as she recorded many demos if Mick Jaggers songs & many other songs, "The First Cut is the Deepest" DEMO is not easy to get today? value about £50 for a classic.
Gerry & Paul and the Soul Emissaries. Cat walk.
dthedrug replied to Millo's topic in Look At Your Box
HI All I think the confusion about the Gerry & Paul 45, stems from Blackpool mecca in 72, either Tony TONY Jebb ott Allen Day, Had the original (grained Label) , and preferred the title CAR WALK. -
NICE ONE, Just for your info, I remember Mick Smith bringing this back from the States, I loved it, however it bombed at BLACKPOOL MECCA??
HI Martyn I remember this is one of those 45s that haunts me to this day, WHY? for a couple of years in the Mid-8t's, my very good friend Mick Smith had this in one of his sales boxes, every time he went to Walsall Town Hall Record Fair & like clockwork I never bought it, So what's my point I hear you mutter, Well it was a UK blank Atlantic Demo Label, I assumed wrongly that he would lower his asking price from £5 to £3 Just for me, what a big gaff, never seen another copy
Welcome to SOUL SOURCE Soul Brother, As many will tell you collecting Rare Soul Music, is a punishing & expensive Hobby, that quickly turns into a way of being,, To help you it is best to listen to the advice of people, who are not trying to sell you something that you did not have a clue about, "a fool & his money are soon parted", It is my opinion that you invest in a up to date record guide, John Manships does the best for the price, he also does a guide on how to identify pressings & bootlegs, 2nd issues & so on, then there is areas of collecting, in the main the 2 areas of interest are USA 45s original's (Demos & Promotional copies also legit issues to the Public) the USA being such a big place the style of music differs, so a45 from the East coast will vary from the west, the Sound from say North Detroit may well have a different sound from the South. so you may want to collect a complete label or just have 1 or 2 examples of different labels older people on the scene have a passion for records released in the UK in the 6ts & early 7ts. Then there are places of where to buy from, there is nothing like buying a copy of the "next in line" Hoagy Lands on a UK $tateside issue or Demo, there is know way you are gonna find such records in a charity shop today for 25np. them days were over in 1976. Also not many people buy LPs, I do but many don't however Jamaican music LPs go for good money, So there are some tips for you, I would also try & buy from recommended dealers such as those who sell on Soul Source as the dodgy types would not want to risk it, always find someone who is recommended to you buy other collectors is a must, DO'ES THIS HELP, any Questions the members of SOUL SOURCE will help you,KTF
So what's so good about the year of 69, for most people living in the UK "absolutely nothing" it was just another year wasn't it? But for myself it was a year to remember, for a start as a 17year old Kid this was my year, Bank Holidays traditionally was a time to go to the Seaside when you were little, Bucket & spade time, sandcastles with paper flags that depictured the EMPIRE, However for the Youth of the day 1969 hailed the latest Youth Sub-Culture that metamorphosis it's violent way onto the latent teenage scene, from the start of my Secondary years in 63 the main two youth sub-cultures were either MOD or Rocker, However for those of us that left school in 1967, big changes were afoot, as we were living in that gap of being to young to buy a pint or get into a Dancehall without wearing a suit & tie, it bought the rebel out in us, Yes we were little MODS but for some of us say 1 in 10 who had spent time under the thumb of the Social Services, in Approve Schools & Kids Homes, the Government had made the few into a Violent don't give a F**K BOOT BOY, with a emphisis on being extreme with our views and outlook to anyone over 21 years of age, Now there were many facets of the BOOTBOY which developed in 1968, Football, Fighting, Gangs, Music, Drugs, & more, It is the Music Side of the Youth Sub Culture that I want to bring your attention to, as depending on what part of the country dictated what you could here, and if that was not bad enough, you had to fit into the elite of the sub-culture and the demographics of your Town Or City as well as the North South Divide, and if that was not complicated for the average 16/17 year old the days of when asked what music you liked to hear 67/69 saw the arrival of Jamaican music, now we know the MODS in some of the big Cities like SKA, but music was still put into categories, so SOUL & TAMLA were see as not the same so when the new dance to come out of Jamaica called the Regay dance, it was picked up by this new sub-culture, however only in areas were there was a West Indian population, In 1969 the Home counties London Brum & selective city's such as Nott's, you could follow this music, In the North SOUL MUSIC RULED SUPREME. Now to-day I have picked the CHARTS & Release SHEETS that were given away with B&S #21 August 1969, as a way to jog the minds of those of us who are now pensioners or on the Cusp, I wonder how many of the 45s you had in 69? the birth of the rare SOUL SCENE, or as we call it "the SPIRIT of 69", this is just a potted summery on the subject, (c)more than SKIN DEEP, Dthedrug 07. KTF
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HI ALL I'm sure that I have put this up before, however as I have a original copy, I believe it still should be played, how can anyone enjoy playing a bootleg when for £400 you could play one like mine?, by the way I have the flu?? this is my copy, a 5 star gem
What a great list of UK Issued R&B SOUL & POP DANCERS, However I have the Lot, Hope you do another list, I can recommend every 45 that's listed, GREAT STUFF.
Paul as the people are saying play safe & buy red, unless you know the history, I'm sure copies from Soul Bowl are %100. the Danny Monday can also fool those who are to eager to part with their cash
OK! It's a strange world price wise, as how can a true rarity like Ray Pollards "sad thing" be cheaper than The Millionaires?? the Marvin Gaye 2nd (madness), the fact of this auction is how disappointing that demand out bids a true rare record, for an example, the £155 the Ray Pollards "sad thing", if I gave anyone the same amount to by another copy for that price, they would find it very hard, not impossible but near on, on the other hand how many copies of the Millionaire's could you buy? I wonder if our BOOTLEG chums are thinking about a bootleg DEMO of it, with a limited pre release individually numbered 1 to 1,000,000 on a soulful black wax? OK I concede that I have DEMO copies for all except ! which don't exist, well this is what I think "don't trust a conman" & I am not talking about John Manship who is a decent blokr
Chris Jackson 'Forever I’ll Stay With You' Soul City
dthedrug replied to Ady Croasdell's topic in Look At Your Box
Hi All...For some reason Ady I think you are holding back on some info relating to your question, as 38 years have gone since the SOUL CITY release, as you worked as a barrow boy for CHEAPO! CHEAPO!, & had the chance to ask Dave g many questions about every SOUL CITY release, why do I think this? back in 1971 I got many soul 45s from CONTEMPOS, PLUS in the past I have owned a 45 unreleased Acetate which I got from Martin (soul Sam) adding to this I have very few people in my life that I call Mentors that verge as SAGE like Mick Smith Pete Wid & yourself that's half of them, I just get a uncanny feeling that you already know the answer? in some ways I hope that I'm wrong, as always "keep on keeping on"DAVE K. -
I touched on this subject in the record club today, in them old days, when events were word of mouth, and there was only about half a dozen top soul clubs playing Rare Up-tempo Soul or Up-tempo Pop that fitted into the scene, Also the top DJs who played the latest sounds, got the tag like that's a Ginger/Eddie, Richard, Tony or Discovery, or a Cats, Torch, VAVA or Mecca sound, today apart from the likes of BUTCH who are the top DJs & with just one look at the venue page, for any week, should tell you, as it does me, how do you decide which event to go to, most people these days go to a venue because that's where they meet their friends, not because it has a top dancefloor or top DJs? So I would strongly disagree with the statement on how much influence I would get, However if it was with a gun pointed at my head Ady C & the 100 club stands alone in KEEPING THE FAITH,KTF DAVE K
Hi All Way back in the days before the media latched onto our scene, (the rare soul scene), On my second visit to Wigan Casino, and already the casino had for me a special feeling, that I never really got from the elite at Blackpool Mecca or dare I say from the top All-Nighter the Torch, which I defiantly felt like a "Johnny come laky" ,as Mick Smith put it, he was the Torch & Mecca & I was Wigan casino. Now one thing I loved about the early days of the Casino, was the eclectic mix of soul 45s, it is always hard for me to pick 45s for the SSRC because for many years I associated records to the club or DJ who plated the or discovered them, 2 of my all time favourite's in the year ending 1973, was the Exsavyons "running wild" SMOKE, & the VOWS "Tell Me" VIP. which cost me £1.50 for the 2, now to bring you up to date, last week I won on EBay a copy of the VOWS for £35, a bit of a luxury as I have a minty copy in my collection, but to win such a great 45 at that price in 2017 is amazing, (if you have any rare UK and want to trade it for the VOWS) so here we A-GO-GO KTF Dave K.
Articles: The Post Wigan Years - Northern Soul
dthedrug replied to Chalky's topic in Front Page News & Articles
Hi ALL.. Chalky Just read your excellent article again, and can't help notice the lack of write up support that was given to the West Midlands Soul Scene, as I am not from Midlands, but from North Herts, living a mile from my mentor Mick Smith, In the early 7ts we travelled North (I actually attended the Twisted Wheel in the late 6ts), But it was through Mick and others that got me away from DJing hit & pop Soul into the rare soul scene, As your article is a excellent potted write up "POST WIGAN" you seem to have forgotten the City of Wolverhampton which like Stoke has always kept the Faith Top Djs came to play at the Vic, where the Stafford ethos was played by Harpo & others, Also the BLACK HORSE PUB, a venue I'm proud to say I found & DJ at with long time DJ & Promoter PEP, we had packed nights with Soul Bros & Sisters attending from the North East, Scotland & London, those who attended the Black Horse & the Vic did so because of it's fraternal atmosphere, there of course many other venues that PEP promoted over the years, however your mention of the Stables was more about Lifeline moving to Stoke, to this day I don't understand the reason that move as the STABLE could of become the MIDLNDS 100 Club, Any way the lack of acknowledgement to the Hart & Soul of the scene is a oversight to your excellent essay on POST WIGAN...... KTF DAVE K- 140 comments
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