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Everything posted by dthedrug
HI ALL..... Yes it was me, the Black Horse Nights, come about from the closing down of the VIC in Wolverhampton another great venue that I believe Paul Harpin (HARPO) promoted, I was talking to the owners about holding a soul night, as I had no equipment so to speak of, I contacted PEP for help with the venture, what was going to be a couple of doo's turned into a top club, that got packed out, also the venue that Ted Massey got his regular DJ spots, The Reggae scene was a passion for myself, and the start of my obsessive for collecting vinyl in 68, before the NORTHERN SOUL thing took over and at a time when reggae was getting to political, the skinhead era was over, In the 9ts I started to attend some of the best reggae nights, through a close friend I was introduced to DAVE BARKER, who was a big star of the original days, he would toast over the records played, at the time I was hoping to start similar event in the midlands in the same way as the LONDON events, DAVE BARKER was to be one of the original guests, along with PAMA DICE, however this venture like many that I wanted to do sank, I still would like to do some sort of collectors nights for both REGGAE & RARE SOUL where collectors played their records instead of named DJs, DAVE K
HI ALL .. Sometimes our mouths open and words fall out like spew? meaningless crass insults from people who don't have a clue to the many aspects that make up the RARE SOUL SCENE, today I have been a victim of personal attacks, these so called soul bothers feel it is OK to attack an individual personal history, that said I feel that I must make this attack on myself a point of order for soul source to look at, The attack on my hard upbringing & poor education, in particular my use of the written word was not in keeping with the individuals' standard and as such this decided that my offer to help in a small way "to save the WHEEL" was not up to much and a focus of fun, it has taken over 2 years to get a reply, by this failed fight to save the Wheel, Also remarks about the misuse of chemicals make me odd and degenerate who should be outcast from his personal cause in protecting the TWISTED WHEEL CLUB, he fails to not acknowledge that the Wheel was closed in 1971 after a drugs raid, and it may be something that he chooses to ignore 90% of the Northern Soul scene were regular drug users, are they still using? well i'm not the person to ask, however his remarks on a public site are immature and can do more damage to any one who suffers a chronic relapsing condition, last year the site warned me about the subject , I believe that I have followed their request, but I say again the soul scene is a drug scene all that has change most people do more drinking, Alcohol is a big killer destroy relationships and wrecks the life of women and kids normally it is through violence, alcohol is also responsible for sexual crime against children, I am not a alcoholic so there is know question that I may of abused anyone, except people with big mouths, To conclude this over the years I have help socially deprived people in Wolverhampton, I am a qualified youth & community work, I have numariose certificate & diplomas in chemical misuse & addiction, a subject that I have lectured on for diplomas' students, I'm a qualified post modern intercreative psychodynamic counsellor & counselling supervisor, I have represented over 400 people as a TUC qualified shop steward, represented my union at conference in Blackpool as a public speaker I have delivered speeches to a 1000 strong audience, trained professional the police NHS Staff Social workers, being a member of the trades council, branch warden, also have a certificates in mountain walking a tutor to train people to become teachers in the community SPORTS COUNCIL Many times I have spoken to judges & JPs when representing clients, I have worked in and on film sets theatres television knowledge based sound & light engineer so the issue of working with professional people is complete and utter nascence, from a individual who has failed, I am sure that I will meet him sometime and a full apology is a must from the man, to conclude no man warns me off attending clubs, I hold no malice, but in this situation I may have to, I expect more respect fro him and his ilk? DAVE K (" if I wanted to be an efficient sectary, I would off trained")
The Night - Frankie Valli - Tamla Motown
dthedrug replied to jimmy clitheroe's topic in Look At Your Box
HI the only play in 72 was at SELECTA DISC LEICESTER SHOP, I have a list with it on and quote as being tailor made for the rare soul scene, there may well be other shops, but it flopped, not quite sure about the US original as I seem to recall seeing it on list in 1970? why it flopped I don't have any idea but once it got a few plays, it really was a big un at Wigan DAVE K -
Hi All ... If you cast your mind back a couple of years when the rumors turned into the pending demolishing of the WHEEL & other building in Whitworth street.. I was one of the first to offer my support and even gave some ideas of promoting the save the WHEEL, and I believe it could have been done, whatever was done was very low key and not any off the unoriginal wheel goers got in touch with me, now I like you conviction about the club, but ego tripping DJ's I am not if you feel angry about this matter, you should question the patrons of your venture about how they lost the club, to conclude I really do support your venture, but it is a subject full of cavetti's not all good?? DAVE K
Hi All..... I think my little dig was at the never let die policy, yes the records were & are great, as a collector of UK release soul, a huge amount was played to fresh ears, also the Wheels policy was very much the same as the MOJO NIGHT OWL, ALSO THE PINK FLAMINGO, THE WHISKEY A-GO GO, TILES ALSO THE RAM JAM CLUB WAS MORE OF A BLACK MUSIC CLUB IN BRIXTON CATERING AT A WHIM FOR WHITE KIDS (MODS) THE TWISTED WHEEL HAD IT'S OWN ETHNIC MEMBERSHIP, BUT WAS NOT A BLACK MANS LOCATION AND IT'S POLICY COPIED THAT OF THE UK'S FIRST ALL-NIGHTER THE SCENE. APART FROM THE MARQUEE MOST CLOSED THEIR DOORS AND DID NOT OPERATE UNDER THE SAME NAME WHEN IT RE OPENED. My remarks could have been used when the Wigan Casino started to let kids in the place, Now when you are a man of 23/4 to have a 13byear old girl come and ask if I would sell a wrap I got myself out & away, my life back then was all about youth sub culture, now I'm in my 6ts I can say the days of all these above clubs and more were a part of us growing up, would you go into a Derby & Joan doo as a teenagers? the answer is no, to conclude I do think you should let go as Wolverhampton had the CAT's & Stoke had the TORCH the names only used to promote a get together,....Is Ivor involved in any shape or Mark Abide?? Well that it for now if you are looking for old skool then look know further I fancy playing the "Buckled HUB", to get a spot do I have to" twist" your arm, now that a good name "stop twisting my arm" CLUB DAVE K
Hi All.... Thanks lads for them values I could have used loads of examples, however maybe I did not make it clear the post is about the value of our records in respect of the influx of every record that can be got for a few quid, OK this is an on going whinge from myself, and I have no intensions to sell them, not while I'm alive, But I get angry every time I see a record pressed, the whole point of collecting RARE SOUL is if you are good enough you can share your stuff by becoming a DJ that's how the scene started by being elites' special going places to hear music, the people who manufacture these records don't care about any of the issues I have they have now converted dealers to sell them , OK so we are getting on a bit but I still believe in the message "KEEP THE FAITH" DAVE K
The Night - Frankie Valli - Tamla Motown
dthedrug replied to jimmy clitheroe's topic in Look At Your Box
Hi All, I would go along with that however most people would prefer a MOWEST copy, although a DEMO of the TAMLA MOTOWN issue would be nice also quite rare? DAVE K -
??HI ALL ... THIS IS MORE THAN A JOKE? I cant see how anyone could price these records in such a way, can you?? DAVE K
HI ALL ... MY COLLECTION CURRENT VALUE??/ Many of you will have bigger US SOUL collections than myself, yet I think my collection of oldies are classics, and will be enjoyed by most, however with the constant pressings that are coming out, are they devaluing or putting value on? here are 5 from the collection, can any one give a good guestimate on these, as a general guide? DAVE K
The Night - Frankie Valli - Tamla Motown
dthedrug replied to jimmy clitheroe's topic in Look At Your Box
HI ALL..... A few years back now, I was at a car boot sale when a dealer offered me the TAMLA MOTOWN ISSUE, He was gutted when I told him that it was not worth any more than the MOWEST RE-ISSUE #24. As I have all the various UK DEMOS & ISSUES of the track, I am 100% sure, the rarest is the #02 blank, #02 1 sided #02 issue, #24 1 sided demo #24 reissue, then the TAMLA MOTOWN 2nd reissue, hard to value any of them as the market is always changing, the 1st issue blank is at a guess £100+ DAVE K -
HI Q, Why do you call it the TWISTED WHEEL? you could call it the PENDALUM CLUB, SALE MECCA, the VAVA,? I went to BLOCKPOOL to see the hallucinations DAVE K
HI ALL .... The onion song green & white demo in picture cover was a dislike... Kim Weston's HELPLESS DEMO was the one you kept. my point of naming both Ady & Mick was not for fact that they were much knowledgeable about rare records (they are) but they were completest with their UK MOTOWN collections at the time, and they would appreciate TMG 720 in's own right, looking back, I think I was so lucky to know both of them at the right time, I still refer to Mick as a sage a title that would apply to Ady also, they are the original soul boys whose lives are full of SOUL, THEY ALSO DON'T COLLECT STAMPS TMG 720 or SHADES OF BLUE? or the German national anthem, you choose the winner DAVE K ("from midnight till dawn, & never a yawn").
HI ALL ... Mr SOUL brings back many memories of KEELE ALL-NIGHTERS, it was a regular play by MICK S always packed the dance floor, GOOD DAYS & I miss it? DAVE
HI ALL.... TMG72O DEMO, Unless you have money to burn, what is the point of buying this record, it really baffles me, there are loads of rare records why this is quoted, as a must have by collectors goes back to the late 7ts when record collecting spread it's wings and moved away from shared info gathered by some hard work over years of collecting, until then collecting vinyl was in the different groups like Rock n Roll Northern Soul Psyche Punk Rock & POP (collecting all the #1s was popular made harder if you wanted demo's) MOTOWN was an established area, & most collectors of MOTOWN were miles ahead of myself in this area, once I realised that my 400 TAMLA MOTOWN issues had got nothing of interest for the MOTOWN collector, typically people like Ady C & Mick S had the Spinners Columbia DEMO & Earl Van Dyke sol stomp Stateside DEMO I saw no potential of ever trying to compete with them or ever get any where near to them, So I sold the lot to some dealer in Cambridge & carried on collecting Northern Soul. My point is this, TMG 720 DEMO is rare but if I ever had a copy it would be sold to Mick, as it had no place in with my records, Today I have a few hundred Tmla Motown 45s many RED & WHITE GREEN & WHITE DEMOS, but I would still not keep TMG 720 for the same reasons it is to expensive to have it's not a classic, but it's rare, as for R&W G&W DEMOS I will stick with my STATESIDE classics that you can enjoy and listen to, not wrap up never played waiting for the day to play pass the parcel with it will always be mint minus even though 20 people hove owned it, That's what I think, records are for the pleasure of listening to, I'm not a "stamp collector" are you?? DAVE K
Hi All...... To answer your question yes it's a must for any soul collection Value does vary from time to time in mint condition £30 to £40, the DEMO is worth more, but hard to price,, the EP Shop Around is very rare again it is pointless putting a price up for you because of rarity issues fluctuate so much with demand a guess would be £150, However a good find I think DAVE K
HI ALL....."BIG CLIVE" was the dogs! talked & looked like the 3rd member of the ROCKNEY DUO Chaz & Dave, but then again he reminded of my uncles John & George who were both in the FIRM, Working SOHO talking in a whisper through the side of mouth, yes I think RONNIE & REGIE would of approved of "big CLIVE". As far as I'm aware he is still in regular contact with MICK & BILLY MAC (TORCH GO'ER & DJ), In 72 we all DJ at the DIVE in HITCHIN, SOUL FACT, CLIVE bought back from the states FRANKIE BEVERLEY, I think he sold it to TONY JEBB, MICK is in wolves this SATURDAY, at the RECORD FAIR, I will get the latest update on the man "Big Clive Everett. DAVE K
HI ALL.... The fuss is it false, meaning less worthless crap, that has one purpose of money making from the naïve THATS WHAT THE FUSS IS ABOUT DAVE K
It must be strange when someone joined the RARE SOUL SCENE after the days of the named venues closed (TWISTED WHEEL, TORCH, CATS, UP the JUNCTION, BLACKPOOL MECCA, SAMANTHAS, YATE, St IVES & PETERBOROUGH, HOOWARD MALLETT, EARLS BARTON, BLETSOE, CLEETHORPS, PENDALEM, THE CENTRAL CLUB. These clubs & there DJ's broke many sounds, and for many of us on the scene use to refer to a 45 as either from the venue it was first played or by the DJ who played it first, many a 45 in the 7ts was linked to mecca DJ's Ian Levine Colin Curtis, & Tony Jebb, by name, Wigan Casino DJ's did not get this, sounds that were big at the Casino were described as Wigan sounds in the early years, Today apart from a few DJ's only records played by BUTCH get the name check, also after Wigan, the venue that get checked by name are the 100 CLUB & the STAFFORD SOUND, the only DJ that got named regularly was Guy Henigan (of course there were others I have not included) as people who broke records. As for who found the records 1st is hard to say, Ian is the main one, the lads who went to the BIRDS NEST made many discoveries, in particular Dave Rivers, Mick Smith Clive Everat (big Clive) and of course I must mention Ian Clark, Pete Wid,, and all the original 6ts soul boys who joined Ady C after the big venues closed, thus making their efforts into the famous long running 100 CLUB, Sadly today with the lack of a named top venue to attend, & the fact that through the inter net many rare records have become available to collectors, but yet to broken at club level, because the DJ's play it safe by playing the same old stuff time & time again, salutation to this is to let younger people onto the scene and give the opportunity to discover sounds that are never played & to establish a #1 venue which is theirs, in other words it's time to move over & enjoy the new blood of forgotten RARE SOUL, that belongs to the scene 100% It's the only way foreword for the scene, rather than local soul scene never mixing with each other? I hope this makes sense to you all, as I tend to drift from the point in question?? DAVE K
HI ALL..... When I see worthless crap like this and the crap that is sold under the banner of Northern Soul, this includes the pressings that flood the scene, why would anyone buy it???? does anyone have a credible answer that justifies it's place on the RARE SOUL scene, there is nothing rare or exclusive about this crap, it does not belong on the scene that I have been on for 40 years or does it? you tell me. DAVE K https://www.ebay.co.u...sd=191173351018
HI ALL....What a classic version, like many KING 45s not many about, there is more to this label than the 2 big ones the RUMBLERS & JACKIE DAY DaveK
Info Needed On Male Group Vocal Of Barbara Lynn
dthedrug replied to dthedrug's topic in Look At Your Box
Hi All.... The Kenny Smith 45 is great, but not the record that I have, I was hoping for to much without a sound clip, that the record was known, I will try to get the clip up to help, may take some time as I still don't have a clue how to do it? I need a Janet & John instruction sheet on this DAVE K -
HI ALL ... No DEMOS from R&B DISCS except for blank copies of 3 KING releases 2 are IRISH, & 1 Rare Northern Mary Love, which was found in that state (SO DON'T TRYING TO SCRUB A SOUL SOUNDS TO LOOK LIKE MICK'S COPY) MY scanner is playing up at the moment, however I have 4 demo sleeves from R&B DISCS. very rare & unique as they are hand written 1 offs that had the original recording JA sent to pressing plant all had the white & blue R&B label in, DAVE K
HI ALL...... I Picked up a really nice version of Barbara Lynn's "you'll lose a good thing" at the STABLES, sorry can't do a sound clip but I don't know any male versions! INFO I CAN GIVE IS:- IT'S A BLANK LABEL, (NO CLUES THERE) of a Male harmony group, song has the same tempo as Barbara Lynn's with a different arrangement, almost Latin soul, or WEST COAST maybe LA . there is a clever guitar break just past half way which makes the record 20 seconds longer than Barbara Lynn's MATRIX hand written F1972-A followed by a what looks like Pele of Pete in a circle, not much to go on, but as I say how many male group versions do you know??? ANY INFO DAVE K
Is This The Most Expensive U.k Soul Single
dthedrug replied to Tobytyke's topic in All About the SOUL
HI ALL .... PETE that's Lynn's hand writing for sure. Mick's ain't that neat? DAVE K