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Everything posted by dthedrug

  1. HI ALL...... Buying & selling LP's on the soul scene has always been a hit & miss affair, When I started to listen to music (all music) the LP was king, in the late 6ts the price of LPs & 45s was ridiculously high, in 1967 while undertaking a apprenticeship in engineering, my weekly take home pay was £3 15/6 I had to give my Mum 30 bob (£1.50) for board. the different price codes used for 12" LP's was almost as high as my weekly pay, and did not follow any cost of living rules that I can equate to? For most people it was thanks to ISLAND RECORDS that we got to hear the music, this was because they introduced the Budget price LP with various artists on. this is why & how the BLUES BOOM & REGGAE got established in the UK, seems strange now when you can buy the recorded sound of every artist for a few pounds, off course back then the only way to get rare soul was on certain budget LP SOUL CITY MINIT LIBERTY ACTION UA & many more great LP's come out, Today it is these LP's that the old school collect, remember back then it was a rare find if you found a shop that sold US soul records & shops selling them you can count on 1 hand, once the 7ts started the influx of US records meant that the LP declined very quickly and was almost UNCOOL, this situation carried on with just a handful of LP's that become essential RCA JUMPING AT THE GO_GO, I an Levine great PYE LP, & KENT's FLOOR PACKERS? were the essential ones to own, & for some turned the drop out soul fan back to the scene, So to conclude as this subject is to big, my point is apart from 100 LP's or so, trying to price LP's today does not have any relationship to 7" vinyl collecting, Yet there are some great LP's out there, DAVE K
  2. HI All A sound reply Mike, I also made contact, he says he is keeping it till the dust settles, as for all the advice good & bad given, I advised him to go through Mick Smith a man who is a expert on all UK rare records, he will contact him, as far as I can tell the record is a legit issue release, and belongs to Nick, I have yet to see a court case on the subject discussed? Also I could of suggest John Manship, however Mick is a old mate, DAVE K
  3. Hi All the SIDRA theme would make a great sampled record in the same way as FAT BOY SLIM did with "SLICED TOMATOES" DAVE K
  4. HI All The history of what was released on the PHILIPS/FONTANA labels in the UK is a minefield, The best way to look at it is- UK pressing plants, UK labels that the company had under it's umbrella, Such as the ISLAND group including specialist SOUL & REGGAE labels. Getting a HIT RECORD was it's priority, this bought about many anomalies for the different labels. record keeping is also a minefield, trying to locate what had a UK release is different to what was available, their are still many gaps to be filled in all labels, so there could be big discoveries to be found, SOUL PSYCHE REGGAE, YOUNG GIFTED & BLACK is a UK pressing, for home & export, that's all I know, the record has had hit status with BOB & MARCIA original copies were released on the new HARRY J label however rather than printing new labels when the record become a hit, they used the old labels, they did the same with the "liquidator" I have original B&C DEMOS of both with skeleton capital A, the same as what was used on the ACTION red & yellow label. to recap there are many parts to the sum! that don't add up for example not a PHILIPS/FONTANA release, but I will use to explain is the 2 Desmond Decker hit on Pyramid both had releases on JJ RECORDS "A IT MEK"6054 is the original release the hit is a different take, yet the JJ copy of ISRALITES is similar to YOUNG GIFTED & BLACK coming out on a green label HARRY J RECORDS, the copy on ESCORT was released by PAMA records on a different deal altogether, that's the Jamaican way, 1 item at a time, HOPE THIS HELPS????? DAVE K
  5. Hi All Name & Shame mate, that what you asked for, now you do the same, as it can help others, glad you have it back, DAVE K
  6. Hi All and do I like it when some people cock up, only for some sage to put them right! What he should do, is look for the error of his ways, here is my copy of this great tune, (John Manship has not listed it in his UK Price Guide??) many LONDON AMERICAN UK 45s have the European agreement on them I have picked LITTLE HANK DEMO as it has a similar history to OTDTYH, however the issue was circulated for 5 days, and very rare to get today. scans from my collection. DAVE K
  7. HI ALL... IN THE OLDUN DAYS, When we got records from junk shops. record dealers lists, or at venues from sales box's. in them days before internet, we were happy with a record in any condition, in-fact it was rare to get a mint record, a few years ago, I asked the question about people wanting mint condition only, today we don't even see many records sold that are below VG+, so who has all those records below VG today as I for one would buy a CAJUN HEART in VG? take em as they come if they are rare, a few marks on the B side is hardly a problem in my book, DAVE K
  8. Hi All the holy grail of UK collectors has been discussed in length over the last 7 days there's only 1 to go, PAMA 955 does exist if so it may look like this? as a demo, I reckon it was a issue, 95% sure DAVE K
  9. HI ALL... Donnie Elbert did write the song ....."walk right on in", this is the songs proper title, and may explain some of the mystery when the record got it's first & 2nd release, especially with the title problems DAVE K
  10. HI ALL.... Did I'm so glad come from CALLA & released on MOJO, with the extra track before the I'm so glad? or have I got it wrong?? DAVE K
  11. HI IAN .. I AGRE WITH YOUR PIONT ABOUT IT BEING PRESSED AT THE SAME TIME, Years ago I read an article on the London issue, I wish I could find it, but it said that there was a couple of proof sheets printed of the issue, and the record in question had been played in SOHO, maybe and there are a few examples of strange one offs made in the middle off the night, (Hendrix "cry of love" LP red vinyl is a classic example of employee power, in this case a shrewd MOD maybe had a great idea to impress his mates and made a one off, or they just pressed the 4 issues for quality control purposes, as they did for all records, I wish it was me who found it, I'm on a high just knowing it exists DAVE
  12. HI STEVE, I'm not sure as there is a issue but it's just not in 1000,000 years gonna get to me to play, and over the past 40 years I have never got a LONDON DEMO, I could of had a few but for some reason I have always prefer my RED & WHITE $TATESIDE COPY which in my opinion is just as rare, but looks better, in fact BABY LOVE & MY GIRL look fantastic on RED & WHITE DEMOS, and are also elusive to find today. still cheers for your reply, it's a wait & see game DAVE K
  15. dthedrug

    darrell banks a label

  17. Hi All .... This is indeed a great find in the history of record collecting in the UK, the first thing to be done is to get the record looked at by a top collector of UK LONDON Records, The picture is poor, if I had this record and was going to post it on SOUL SOURCE it would be with both sides, close up of matrix close up on labels,& sound clips of both sides, that's what I would do, rather than the picture put in, I think that if you could improve on the posting, I would be more interested in this find, & keep a level head about it, In saying this there is evidence that the issue labels had been printed, we know that the record was pressed on a LONDON DEMO, it would not be a hard job putting a label onto a demo, this is why it needs independent source to look at it, Printing tech has come a long way over the last 20 years, If proved to be right it seems you have the rarest UK SOUL RECORD worth £5K. MORE INFO PLEASE DAVE KILWORTH
  18. HI ALL..I'M SURE IT'S NAMED AFTER THE FILM TITLE? the artist is probably session musicians' from the west coast, HOLLYWOOD IS M,Y GUESS? I hope someone will tell us???? DAVE K
  19. HI Glen Hope you get a good price for Lynn Randell, I have a copy so no bid from me, DAVE K
  20. Hi All A similar question about value of the yellow 1st issue, it's the rarer copy of them all (I think) I put this in the record club pick of the day 2 years ago, in short it's a class 45, but it's a guestimount value that's needed DAVE
  21. HI ALL... Fontella Bass UK CHESS original 1st issue (gold) DEMO's.. are much rarer than the issues gold or silver. these 2 are from the collection DAVE K
  22. Hi all.... yes I got an EARL JACKSON "SOUL SELF SATISFACTIN" ABC 1142 DEMO, from John W, at the 86Club for £1 he said it was a boot, it was no boot but 100% original DAVE K
  23. HI ALL.... Are you Okeh I hope so, this is ideal info for collectors, enjoy DAVE K
  24. I've yet to meet them, the formula for this for this venture I took from a Sunday club in Norwich, If it got a green light, my equipment is an authentic JA Sound System built by the late LINKSY of BRUM, he made sounds system for the COXONE system, Smiley Culture and so on it is bespoke to my needs and would sound great in a pub. your records sound totally different (trust me) all rare soul records sound much better & the more modern sounds are the way you would expect if you saw an artist live, However one big problem is lifting for me & transport, that's the big hole in my plans, more info available, it's a big shame that I can't get Pete Smith & TOAD to help it would happen, ideal for a unique house party, DAVE K
  25. HI ALL SMALL WORLD! That would off been top record collector of reggae JIM SILES, Jim is a close friend & has introduce many people to the REGGAE SCENE who were to young to be on the original skinhead culture 68-70. the BOUFOY ARMS is one of the places I DJ at, I think ASHER G "the rock steady daddy" did a few nights, they were great nights I reckon you may no many people that I have met, when I went to London NICE ONE DAVE K

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