If you could stand 38 mins of me droning on about licensing and side matters like bootlegging, go to the above link and revel in my new-look, yellow sloppy jumper. I really should get to the gym.
The whole event was very worthwhile and I must say validated by the turn out of Soul Sourcers who contributed to a lively and enlightening debate. I understood most of it and even had my thoughts provoked at different stages. I did find the closing presentation to be a few hundred yards over my head; there was a fair bit of philosophy and non Northern stuff in there, but i have been reliably informed that at most similar dos, it's like that for the majority of the talk, not the minority as in this case.
If any points are brought up about licensing, I'd be happy to answer them, but maybe we should start a separate thread as it was only a part of this much bigger presentation.