Yup. And they don't proceed in a linear fashion - for example...first listen to "general black music" for a couple of years (for me it was Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, reggae, etc), then "popular" soul (Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Motown), then "rare" soul (northern, deep, popcorn, lowrider, etc), and then something really, really specialized (like for me... mid-tempo, female vocal, mid-sixties, beat ballads). That journey took me 25 years.
They can, rather, jump right into the deep end immediately... but have no context or basic understanding. And if they focus their spending, they can acquire an impressive box of 20-50 records and get DJ spots. That happens in the US a lot. 25 year old kid spinning a couple of big tunes at an event and you're like "did this kid start collecting when he was 3 years old??" (no, more likely 6 months ago... he's just really good at exploiting the internet!)... and then you say to them "that tune sounded like "everybody plays the fool" by Main Ingredient" and they're like... "what's that?" (that happened to me recently)
Not complaining. It is what it is. If the 25 year old is spinning great tunes, then good on 'em! I'll dance.
(and if I was 25 now I'd be doing the exact same thing!)