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Everything posted by Ljblanken

  1. We all know that soul is heavily indebted to gospel music, and that many soul songs are just secularized versions of gospel songs.... but how did the intellectual property rules deal with it? For example, I finally just got a copy of "I thank the Lord" by the Mighty Voices of Wonder (on the Revival label from Michigan... credit given to "A. Henry") and the song is largely the same as the Sam and Dave song "I thank you" (credit given to Hayes/Porter). Were they both based on some older song? Any thoughts on this? Other examples? How would this be dealt with today? Any different?
  2. a really fun stormer - her vocals are killer
  3. I spin this every so often...
  4. this makes me bummed out. such a sad thing...
  5. The church for her funeral service was right next to my high school. Wonder if she was from those neighborhoods (East Walnut Hills, North Avondale)
  6. she was from Cincinnati?
  7. gonna spin this next time out...
  8. ...when a local dive bar names a drink after you! I was at Virgil's in the Outer Mission in SF and I noticed the "local heroes" cocktail list has a "Dick Vivian" (owns Rooky Ricardo's Records on Lower Haight)... and he comes in only two spots behind Sugar Pie DeSanto...
  9. "I got to space" was also done by the Classetts on Ultraclass records...but it has different writing credits...
  10. Hi, I just won this on eBay. The copy I won just says "Joe Simon" as artist, but I've seen some that also say "with Eugene Blacknells Band" (see these two images I got off the interwebs). Also each has different writer credits... Just wondering what the difference was.
  11. Its a pretty easy hack for US (big hole) 45s: - Put the 45 on the platter (with the adapter in) - Remove the 45 adapter - Turn on the turntable and watch the 45 spin. You should be able to see the hole spinning as a circle and the grooves spinning around "off center" (as an ellipse). - Take your finger and keep "tapping" the edge of the 45 as the widest part of the ellipse spins past your hand. - When the grooves look like they are now a circle (and the hole will now look like an ellipse)... just drop the needle and check how it sounds... and then play! I can do this in about 10-20 seconds, so I can play off-center 45s in my DJ sets!
  12. Just DJ-ed in NYC on Saturday and dug this out to spin. Went over well!
  13. whatever the status.... this is one of my top "living room dancers". I love this track!
  14. I agree 99%! The only person who I would make a case for having been better (P4P) was Henry Armstrong... and one reason was (Mods - trying not to not get too off topic) because of his phenomenal footwork! If you are interested, watch this amazing video and imagine what kind of dancer this fighter could have been!
  15. Yup. Sugar Ray Robinson always said "if you can dance you can box, if you can box you can dance". When I was doing heavy amateur boxing, I got a lot more confident in my dancing...
  16. Cool - thanks guys!
  17. If anyone wants to learn American dances from the 1960s - stop into Rooky Ricardo's in San Francisco. The owner (Dick Vivian) is not just a soul expert, but was in the scene in the US in the 60s and 70s and was (and still is) a wicked dancer. He can teach you the mash-potato, the cool jerk, the boogaloo, shingaling, etc.
  18. exactly. two color is with an annoying organ track and three color (better in my opinion) does not have it.
  19. I was curious about Sue label variation - namely the difference between two color (orange/black) and three color (orange/white/black). This website suggests that it changed over time (3 color, and then 2 color), but was there also regional variation? (like east coast versus west coast?) I have two copies of "if you go" by Derek Martin and they are different (one is 2 color and one is 3 color). Thanks! https://www.cvinyl.com/labelguides/sue.php
  20. sorry. you are correct. an acetate.
  21. Received the carver and it sounds great!
  22. check out this venue called "The Makeout Room"... if you look at the January event calendar, there are about 15 DJ nights in that month alone that span soul/R&B/funk/reggae/disco ... https://www.makeoutroom.com/calendar.html
  23. One of my favorite spins on the home turntable:
  24. Thank you!

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