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Everything posted by Ljblanken

  1. i am in the monterey peninsula area. it is not exactly a big "scene" town (no big college or anything), but we get some late-20s to mid-30s people out (there are a number of graduate schools and military officer schools here). i stress both "lounge" style mid-tempo/deep soul (like Spencer Wiggins "lonely man", Eddie Floyd "holding on with both hands") to dance stuff (Lillian Hale "boom boom", Dee Edwards "why can't there be love"). its a hoot!
  2. another place to look for names (instead of song titles) is label names. i just started a night here in california called "The Bump Shop" (late 60s soul / early 70s funk / gritty R&B). i wanted it to appeal to younger non-soul fans who just want to dance...
  3. the only bummer for me is that i don't buy LPs - only 45s. this may be sacrilegious, but i'd need to get a carver of the song on 45.
  4. awesome. thanks!
  5. This song is the unbelievable lowrider jam! I can't find this on any discography. does anyone know if this is on vinyl anywhere?
  6. now i am worried! the seller has few feedbacks (around 13), but all seem legit. and bogus sellers often use "stolen" images (off popsike etc), but this guys pics all seem to be taken at the same location (on his turntable), so he at least has these records. has anyone seen a boot of this? does anyone know the deadwax numbers? i would be really bummed if it is not real!
  7. i noticed the same thing (same pic). i paid yesterday, so should hopefully receive it soon. two things are strange about the seller. first is that he has such low number of feedback (he clearly has a bunch of interesting records - that he keeps listing as "new item" - which i took to mean "new old stock") and his written descriptions are odd: "record size is seven inches - plays at 45 RPM" (like he has never dealt with records before). i will be very happy when the record actually shows up in decent shape!
  8. Thanks! This is actually the MOST i've ever spent on a record (am not a big DJ or collector), but I am quite happy with it! (big sound for my small-fry collection!!) ....now just have to tell my wife! I have actually PRINTED OFF the popsike sale (of $4,000) to show her, so she doesn't break my legs!!
  9. the one that was just up on ebay is it. i went ahead and bought it (for $250). i was the second highest bidder from the original ebay auction (he said the original winner failed to pay). i have had this song on a mixed CD for years and always looked for it!
  10. i have been made an offer to buy this single. Does anyone know if any boots were made, and what the going price is on this? One is listed on popsike for almost $4,000. That seems like a lot!
  11. i do a little soul/R&B/funk night once a month here in monterey, california. from my last set: Dee Andrews - stop you're hurting my heart Belgianettes - the train Jo Ann Garrett - i'm a now girl Lee Charles - then would you love me Patience Valentine - unlucky girl Dorothy Berry - you better watch out Dynamic Heartbeats - ain't no secret Ethics - look at me now Dean Francis - tippin Lynn Minor - hesitate for me Fred Towles - hook it to the mule Buddy Lamp - wanna come home Lee Rogers - gogo girl Charmels - loving material Lattimore Brown - so says my heart Kitty Montgomery - hey boy Earl Cosby - ooh honey baby Leon Austin - two sided love Ricky Allen - cut you loose Opals - i'm so afraid the crowd is definitely "casual onlookers" and my friends. only about 50 people on a good night and very little dancing. mostly people chatting and sipping wine....
  12. oh sorry i didn't respond - was out of the country and offline for a bit there...but now back in foggy monterey eating squid and chips!
  13. hahaha. the "elements of peace" single was recorded in the little town i live - monterey, california. i live on the old decommissioned Fort Ord Army base. small world....
  14. i always think of that when i look for DeVons - "someone to treat me like you do" on King. the six same dealers have had the same copies up on ebay for 75 dollars (or more) and none of them have sold for like 18 months! i am waiting for one of them to crack, as i would like to get a nice copy, but not for that price. ( i know that is not a very expensive record, but i am like a baby bird - cheap cheap!)
  15. Lee Charles - then would you love me (Dakar) Fabulous Traits - love is strange (Telephonic) Four Js - will you be my love (4 J) Jimmy & Eddie - stop think it over (One Way) and by far #1 ... Dorothy Berry - ain't that love (Planetary)
  16. oh also, i bought a mint copy of benny spellman's fortune teller from a woman on ebay - and she sent me an empty elvis presley picture sleeve! it turned ouy she sent my record to some old lady and sent the old lady's elvis pic sleeve to me by mistake. then she asked us to mail the items to each other. i received the record loose in a 8X11 manila envelope with nothing else in it! not even the paper sleeve! the record was broken. i tried to contact the original seller (who was like a junk shop owner), but she had shut down her ebay account.
  17. yes! just got the white demo of patti/emblems "tomorrows are gone" from craigmoerer and the two stiffeners made the package like a foot thick! i totally appreciate his packing - even when it is not a very rare record.
  18. ...this sounds like the basis for Junior Well's version on the "hoodoo man blues" LP with buddy guy. i was hoping to find a 45 of that version because i would totally DJ it! he totally makes the song sound SO CREEPY when he sucks the air in between his teeth. totally awesome.
  19. Oh, one more (very happy) example of ignorance coupled with serendipity... I listened to this song "You better watch out" by Dorothy berry on a Belgian popcorn site. I bid on a couple copies on eBay and lost each one... And then finally won a mint copy from a guy in Japan. When it finally came it occurred to me to flip it and check out the other side....and it was even better! (ain't that love) It was like Christmas....
  20. George G listed the Vanguards "thought of losing your love" as something he just heard on the radio as a youngster. I never heard of it, and saw a vid on YouTube and immediately found a copy on eBay. I thought "what a cool record, I bet this is totally obscure!" ...and now i can't believe it is a common song. This doesn't make me like it any less (I still think the totally disparate singing styles contained in it are really interesting), but just blows my mind how much stuff is out there, and how much of it was actually popular. Just beginning to learn how much I don't know!
  21. It is interesting that you mention both memory from sight (labels, etc) and memory from sound (tunes and singers voices). I wonder how those go together (or not). My wife, for example, can hear a song once and know the tune and lyrics perfectly (but can't recall the artist or title, let alone label or anything), whereas I have a bit of the other side (visual). I do research by trade, and am used to looking things up and making lists and memorizing information, etc. but I will often find a record in my collection, and know that I've listened to it a few times, but can't recall what it sounds like for the life of me. Do you think most collectors use sight, or hearing, or both?
  22. Did you say 200,000?! My wife is ready to strangle me in my sleep cuz a have a couple thousand. She says if I get to five thousand, she will put me in a loony bin.
  23. Where did you learn the most about soul? Going to clubs? Researching on your own? Ransacking your friends collection? Just curious, as I never had clubs to go to, and friends listened to other genres, so I've only picked things up on my own (YouTube, online playlists, discog websites, etc).
  24. So.... Given that tons of British folks have been searching-studying-listening to soul 45s for at least thirty or forty years, who in your opnion simply knows the most music (not necessarily prices, etc , but knows the songs)? Like if you sat in a cafe and just chatted, they just couldn't be stumped? Here n California I always think of Dick Vivian (owns Rooky Ricardo's record shop in SF). Whenever I bring up or mention any record (especially girl group stuff), he immediately starts singing it (way out of tune). He just seems to know everything!

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