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Everything posted by Ljblanken

  1. That is a great single. I always wondered if Dorothy Beery was also Dorothy Berry (on Planetary)? Both have that big raspy voice... just a thought.
  2. Does anyone know if there is a young popcorn crowd? or mostly older folks? I know the soul/funk scene attracts lots of twenty-something hipsters... but that the doo-wop scene mostly died off because they never attracted new generations. anyone know which is the case with popcorn?
  3. do you know any video links of this kind of dancing? i have found tons of popcorn music on youtube, but no vids of clubs (at least older ones - i found some of very recent events, but most ppl are just standing around drinking)
  4. also, as i read about Stafford i hear the term "sixties mafia" - does that just refer to Keb Darge and Guy Henigan? Or is it a broader label?
  5. i can name some records that i own that come up on youtube as "top popcorn sounds": mitty collier - pain (chess) deloris hill - true confession (companion) dorothy berry - you better watch out (planetary) jean knight - love (tribe) kitty love - power of love (dade) maxine davis - really got it bad for my baby (guyden) valerie and nick - it aint like that (glover) patience valentine - unlucky girl (sar) pearlean gray - don't rush me baby (dcp) all great tunes!!
  6. also, when people dance to this mid-tempo / beat ballad stuff, is it a different type of dancing than the "normal" side-to-side, spinning type northern soul dancing i see on wigan videos?
  7. I was just going through the Stafford Top of the World playlist that is contained on the "Soulfulkindamusic" website (and there is a guy on youtube called "soulechoes" who puts up great videos of stafford) and it struck me how many of the songs sounded like Belgian popcorn. I am from California, so I don't know anything about either of these scenes (except what i learn here and on youtube). was there any connection between the two scenes? why did the sound of Stafford sound so different (from what I can tell) from Wigan (stompers) and the Mecca (70s)? it just seems like such a non-obvious direction for soul DJing to take at that time. anyway, i love the music! I feel like if i could go back in time and attend any past soul events - it would be Stafford. Bobby Smith, Roy Roberts, Freddie North etc. awesome!
  8. good -- all very interesting. thanks! i would love to see playlists if anyone knows any more websites!
  9. Couple of questions (and betting Boba will be able to answer this): a) what defines this genre and is there a scene around it? b) is there an iconic list (like a "top 500") anywhere? c) do they have to be recorded in Chicago? When i hear this term I think of things like Unifics - "sentimental man" or Delfonics - "i was there". or more floaty? more sweet?
  10. just got a mint minus of the MBS for $11.61 USD. sweet! https://www.ebay.com/itm/271166612123?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
  11. which release came first? (mir-a-don or MBS?) is the MBS (yellow label) just the national distribution of the mir-a-don (purple) local one? thanks! p s - never heard this before, but it was on this week's "sitting in the park" podcast, which is awesome!
  12. if you haven't spun "don't forget about me baby" - you should try it. very DEEP, but also spins like a nice beat ballad. sounds very good over a PA system!
  13. this is rad! too bad the ones i knew were already done... please post more pics! ( i would but i am too lazy)
  14. my friend lives up in the Bay Area (San Francisco) and belongs to a club/class that meets every week. their goal is to build their own stero equipt from scratch! It is all weirdo audiophiles who have $10,000 turntables at home, but just like the challenge of making stuff. He has made speakers, tube amps, and a turntable (his has, i believe, a marble plynth - which is the base). the raw materials are expensive and some things need to be machine tooled or purchased (like tone-arms), but it is still a pretty cool hobby!
  15. oh...i guess it was a bit before my time (was born in the seventies).
  16. oh man. that is depressing. i grew up in ohio and had tons of BBQ up in cleveland - maybe i ate at his joint?
  17. i only wanted to clarify whether it was (a) kettle drums, or (b) Odin weeping in the heavens because of song's supernatural power to induce melancholy..... because both are plausible answers.
  18. my fave...Joan Moody - music to my ears
  19. this song is so dramatic - i LOVE the drum rolls in intro ... are those kettle drums?
  20. I have these three singles by Jeff Dale on ATCO, and I love them all. Does anyone know anything more about him? Language Of Love / Don't Forget About Me Baby - 1965 Come To Me Girl / Where Did I Go - 1965 A Suffering Pain / Our Love Will Grow Stronger - 1966 Thanks!
  21. bought this for the other side ("big bird" - which i only knew cuz of the Jam cover version on "dig the new breed") - - - - and when i got it in the mail and flipped it to find this understated monster - oh wow!
  22. awesome! we had a couple of engineers in the crowd and they spent all night devising plans to prevent skips - bungee cords sounds like just the thing!
  23. no worries. you see the two turntables? i had records to do the whole night, but once the dancing started, the records started skipping. we tried to put some yoga mats under the tables to absorb the shock, but no avail. it was either laptop or no music at that point! if this van is rocking, don't come a knocking! (actually a cop did stop by, but he said as long as we kept the alcohol inside it was cool. good dude!)

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