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Everything posted by Ljblanken

  1. great song! does anyone know how much this item went for on Manship's?
  2. i just got this record (vid below) and both sides are awesome! (love the atmospheric production - reminds me of Joann and Troy "same old feeling" on Atlantic) question - who were they? what else did they do? (solo, in other groups, etc) thanks! ronnie and joyce - 'yes i'm falling in love'
  3. https://www.facebook.com/events/309513525849633/ i found this event - within walking distance of the hotel. should be a good Mod event!
  4. thanks! also, do you know if there are alternate mixes of this record? i thought i heard that somewhere... anyway, thanks for your help.
  5. how much does derek martin "if you go" on sue go for? thanks!
  6. am currently sitting in a little hotel in the country listening to choppers fly from the nearby military base - and i can also hear music from the bar downstairs - and mixed in with the salsa they also played "tears of a clown." you can find soul anywhere!
  7. i will see if he has anything for this friday (my last night in bogota). thanks andreas!
  8. ....sorry to say that red-tape bureaucracy stepped in. i work for the US Govt, and the embassy has sections of the city "red zoned" for official US personnel. we can only travel by armored SUV and the driver has instructions on where he can and cannot take us....and that location was not permitted for security reasons. i am sure it is a totally safe club (and I am sure the soulies were not dangerous!), but security is a big issue for our embassy. if it was 10 blocks further north - no problem. thanks for your help and time, andreas --- sometimes it just sucks working for "the man"!
  9. arrived last night - bogota is beautiful! will hit andreas' suggested spot tomorrow night. can't wait!
  10. Awesome! Thank you! I love club soul/mod/R&B - so should be right up my alley!
  11. I will be in Bogota for work over the next ten days....anyone know of soul nights or record stores?
  12. clydie king on backing vocals - nice!
  13. that is very disturbing that is is based on a white power web address ("www.aryan88.com"). in case you don't know, "H" is the eighth letter of the alphabet and "88" is american white power code for "Heil Hitler!".
  14. yes, do. i would love to see some of your collection so i can salivate!
  15. ...more on the books. my understanding is that book stores bore very little risk (so they didn't "buy" the books they got from distributors, they jst retailed them and split the profits with the distributor on each book actually sold). but when books didn't sell, they would only send back the torn-off cover (cuz no one wanted to pay to ship worthless books that weren't selling!). the distributor would just get the cover as proof that the book wasn't sold (and presumably destroyed). under-handed book sellers would send back the torn-off covers, and then try and sell the books cheaply with no cover. sometimes old paperbacks will have a warning on the inside that said "if you have purchased this book without a cover, it was sold to you illegally and will result in your favorite book presses going out of business" or something like that. ...i always thought "drill holed" records were ones marked as promos for free distribution to radio stations and record stores. guess not. also, i started a thread a while back debating how people thought about drill holes when buying/selling (in terms of degrading value). i don't even noticed them (unless in the run-out grooves!)
  16. "baby take it all" - the flip to "tightrope" by Inez Foxx. i think it is such a moody swayer!
  17. if you just cut and paste the webpage address for the exact video into this box, it will transform right into the video when it uploads!
  18. thanks for all the info everyone! i wish i could post an MP3 of "i find no fault." the recording is very crude, but the lead vocal is AMAZING!
  19. this sounds like the exact same backing track as the Deniece Chandler version on Toddlin Town (just listened to it in the car on the way home from the gym!)
  20. clay hunt - your love's gone bad (bay sound) dee dee sharp - the bottle or me (gamble) butterfield blues band - got my mojo working (electra)
  21. I just bought a fantastic gospel record "I find no fault / what a friend we have in jesus" by Francis Thomas and the Thomas Singers on Thomas Records (no address on label). Is this the same Thomas Records that put out stuff like "without a warning" by the Amazers? was that a Chicago label? just curious...
  22. i ordered a carver of this for DJ-ing - always go down a storm.
  23. here ya go.... mar-vells - have yourself a ball (butane) [early incarnation of the fabulettes] carol fran - i'm gonna try (port) big mama thornton - yes i cried (Carolyn)
  24. yes... the key is to slide horizontally (along the plane as the record) and try not to apply force perpendicular to the plane of the record. even if you do it well, it still may leave a small "bite" on the edge of the inner hole (but it was probably made just by the center being inserted). i used to collect rockabilly/bluegrass/hillbilly/country 45s and got tons of these!

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