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Everything posted by Ljblanken

  1. it's funny you mention the accents. about half of the people from cincinnati do not have southern accents, and half do. during WWII, many Appalachians migrated into the city to work in the factories, and so there are enclaves that have heavy accents (Norwood, Over-the-Rhine, Northside). i don't have an accent (i hauled my ass out to California when i was 18), but when i speak to some of my sisters, they do have slight accents. and yes, Indiana is super racist. it has the highest number of KKK members in the country! and yep, it is the Queen city. the logos on the cop cars are the blue stripe with a crown (the queen city on the ohio river)
  2. haha! love this early logo from when they concentrated on white hillbilly music... (pic) my dad said the reason King was in Cincy was because the old AM station WLW was based there. before FCC regulations, AM stations could have signals as strong as they could afford. WLW was like a zillion watts (my Dad said he could sometimes pick it up when he was stationed in Germany in the Army after the war). they had a big radio show called "Midwestern Hayride" on WLW that was a huge deal for country/hillbilly/bluegrass artists - so there was a natural synergy with King records. anyway...that's what my daddy told me!
  3. as far as i know, it was always housed here (pic) on Brewster Ave in Evanston... (i used to walk past it on my way to school)
  4. and another fave! "i'm ready for love" ...so good, that the Jam ripped off the bass-line...
  5. my favorite! the 45 version is better than the LP cut, IMO, but both are good... "I promise to wait my love" 45 version LP version
  6. Dream Timers - "invitation" (Flippin) Bill Coday "back to collect" (Crajon) [where he is mad at a girl who dumped him, and now he is going to rape her for revenge - super creepy] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ThExKYHYMs
  7. spot on. that song has truly "got the power"! "i'm a strong hearted woman, but you so, so much man!" - sends chills!
  8. i had a similar problem.... then a wealthy Nigerian prince offered to help me out with $100 million if i would only...
  9. liked this one (which i found on soul-source) so much i had it made into a poster for my bedroom! hope the owner of the image doesn't mind :-) for anyone that is curious, i had it made at Costco.com. it was cheap! and they mail it to your house. and it is actually printed onto a canvas that is stretched over a wooden frame. really nice service for the price (i do NOT work for costco, btw!) https://www.costcophotocenter.com/Shop/CanvasPrints#/
  10. i was just thinking of boots and how people try and make them look "real". have you ever noticed BB holes in boots to make them look legit? i don't know that i've ever seen one. would that be hard to do? (i always heard they ran a heated rod through a stack of records at the factory to make BB holes)
  11. i remember Maxwell's! saw some shows there too: Antarctica, Christie Front Drive, Chisel. i never saw/heard 3M3, but i remember people talking about them in wonder! like they were from another planet.
  12. that's too bad. used to take the PATH train over there in the 90s (i lived in brooklyn) to see hardcore bands in some dirty first street bars. saw Unwound and Clikitat Ikatowi there! good show.
  13. does anyone know the current value of this ?
  14. i don't know if this has happened to you, but i've noticed some records sound really tepid on a cold, stone-sober thursday afternoon when they arrive in the post, but on a saturday evening with a few pints in you....they sound AMAZING. this recently happened to me. got "you're my world" by the five wagers (nation) in the mail and kinda just filed it away. then about six months later, after a few drinks on a saturday night i was playing random records and was like "oh my god, this sounds like god weeping" - it sounded so good! now i am totally into this song! has this happened to anyone else? or am i just a sad b*stard?
  15. you could totally be right (a "different" USA) as i live on the west coast. no DJ ever speaks at non-soul events (club, reggae, house, etc), and even the soul ones have no talking unless the DJ is a british ex-pat (which there are some I've seen like that in san jose). if he's a radio jock, that makes sense. those guys live/die on their personalities! once again, not complaining - it's just a different DJ culture, i guess. someone told me the old (early 70s) reggae sound-system "toasters" in Jamaica became big celebrities (and gave birth to dancehall, if i remember correctly), so it has a rich history!
  16. i think it's weird that british DJs talk at all. in the US we never even use a microphone; just play records! at least no DJ i've ever seen uses a mic - unless its a wedding DJ saying "now it's time for the bride to dance with her father" - not saying it's a bad thing either way, just different cultures i guess.
  17. ha ha. not surprising!
  18. dean francis - funky disposition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN6xReAWPb4 i actually prefer the other side ("tipping") for spinning out, but the drums on this side are hard as woodpecker lips. ...and of course.... betty harris - break in the road
  19. that is inspired. is this single hard to acquire?
  20. uuuuggg! pre-ordered mine from american amazon today. doesn't release in USA until 26 NOV. waiting to see what i will get! nervous....
  21. i saw this Ramona Jones (M-) and bid 21.00 USD, and then it ended up going for $46.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/331065900432?ssPageName=STRK:MEDWX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1435.l2649 ...during the auction, however, i searched "ramona jones" and found another M- copy from Craig Moerer "buy it now" for 18.00! so i just bought that instead. https://www.ebay.com/itm/310797105591?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649i is mine a second issue? i know moerer doesn't sell boots. or are people just silly?
  22. just got this for a few bucks. love the easy breeze pace of this song...
  23. no, not those sapphires. i am leaving for Afghanistan tomorrow - hope they have groups like this over there. would make the trip much more enjoyable!

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