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andy jones

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Everything posted by andy jones

  1. current favorite at home (hope to play it out in next couple of weeks) and quite cheap! johnny starr dont hold back not heard it played anywhere. but i'm sure you guys will tell me different only got a partial clip off ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Must-HEAR-JOHNNY-STARR-Dont-Hold-Back-NORTHERN-SOUL-45rpm-Eastern-Promo-/271113347123?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item3f1f9d6033 Andy
  2. Hi Brooky certainly like the Intros - not one I've come across before! Love to add it to my collection Couple more from me Lovables trying their best to be the supremes Kendra Spotswood (Sandi Sheldon) great double sider Spandells OK THREE Andy
  3. Hi Steve Played 30 minutes of 60s girlie soul on sunday Like your choices, but prefer the other side of the Lovations my other choices would be Andy
  4. definately want to add this one - I've even been asked which Supremes Lp its off LOVEABLES on TOOT Just beyond my fingertips Andy
  5. got a copy on IGL somewhere between VG+ and ++ (depending who you're taling too) PM me if interested
  6. Clip added SHERWOODS - COME ON - KAPP - Hi Chalky don't think its the same group, "Come on" I think is from 65, Billboard quote 68 Andy
  7. Doesn't seem to be same to be same group who did El Scorpion on Maggie, (another instrumental). Only release on Kapp? So was wondering who they really are. Just a group put together for the one record as per for instance a lot of Dore singles. Where were they from? Its always good to know something about the records you have. Andy
  8. Does anyone know anything about The Sherwoods "Come on" instumental on Kapp k-679. (Bought originally for the other side "Ice cream") this certainly is something I'm sure I've heard it played out somewhere. Sorry no soundclip at moment Andy
  9. Its not quite Jewel Akens - My first lonely night but can't stop this running round and round in my brain Trish Thuy Trang Sukiyaki Who says I don't like modern Andy
  10. i've got 3 all from major performers, all cheap and all from the same stable and all underplayed Andy percy sledge - youve got that something wonderful - WILLIAM BELL--DONT STOP NOW--STAX - Otis Redding - Demonstration - sorry no clip
  11. defo agree about the Commands played b side saturday night how about Fanatics on Backbeat You're moving too fast / Dancing to the shotgun Andy
  12. HI BAZ Try to buy something different once a month, usually one in six comes thru! A good ratio, but some of the dross is absolutly appalling, how did they get onto vinyl in the first place! Best tip from me is to look for unknown labels preferably with release numbers like 101, -often the first and only release on the label. Best buys Sabiastian Shane, Thats what she said on Lucky Eleven (clip on here, still trying to find something about the artist) $10 Empire Power and Light, Love bones on Revelation $15 a little too funky for nsoul could probably like most other posters provide a long list of failures Exceptionals on Red Coach Vandals on Parkway both bought because of pedigree on labels etc :thmbdn: Andy
  13. Any body got a copy of this for sale - Willaim Bell Don't Stop Now - minimum condition excellent - please pm with details One of my current top ten wants many thanks Andy_jones_99
  14. Sabiastian Shane "Thats what she said" Lucky Eleven LE-008 Anybody got a value on this (and info) Current favourite track, sorry can't provide a sound clip Andy

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