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Gert Mark

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Everything posted by Gert Mark

  1. Used to have the sterio at home perminantly up fast, records sounded dead slow when out.
  2. If the cap Fits .
  3. All very familiar, apart from Daley Thomson?? Brian Jacks circa squat thrust era maybe but whilst accepting Daley,s sporting prowess and the fact hes probably a double hard b'stard he's a bit of a Nob.
  4. Just thought it would be a bit of fun. And yes, Septics do pronounce every thing wrong, otherwise we'd be playing sosher and going to Lycester All naaders.
  5. The Thymes - Miss Grace. Charity shop classic
  6. Just looking through the look at your box section and saw a Larry Houston for sale, And as you do you find yourself singing it in your head. "I wanna spend some tahhme widchu" What other songs have obviously bad pronounciation, Feel free to Exagerate
  7. Class Tune, Class singer and oozes soulful feeling but again its not a dancer. Id go for "shout to the top" the most soulful the punk in a suit ever got.
  8. Barbera Carr - Messin with my mind - BarCar Far superior to the other versions. It was great hearing Clarence Carter at the 100 club last week though.
  9. Do you think thats where Shane McGowan got his moves from?
  10. I think imight be coming from a different angle here but the explainations so far, mostly 50's Rock n roll or doo wap being fused with blues and R n B describes what i see as Dance music. It was certainly made for the dance hall rather than the radio or theatre. Personaly i see soul music as a tune that gives you "that" feeling that we all know but probably cant fully put into words, if this IS how soul music is defined then surely the net has to be cast much wider and much earlier. As far as soul music as we know it, i seem to remember (though i wouldnt swear it) some reference to soul music being made in the W C Handy Biography "ST Louis Blues". He was a Blues Bugle and Trumpet player from the 1920's who was credited as being an early pioneer in blues music. His music was certainly a lot more uplifting than some of the " my birds left me, my dogs left me " style of blues at the time, and in my mind i can see a direct link between his style of music and my allnighter favs. Great topic Mark
  11. I have the dvd of this and when we were in China my wife showed it to her history of fashion class, it inspired two of them to design a clothing line based on the fashions of that time for their degree. I got a couple of cool shirts out of it too. Jobs a good un. Highlights of the movie for me is the Staple singers, Issac Hayes, and Richard Pryiors hilairious commentry.
  12. Nolan Porter's Imaculatly concepted love child is Janet Street.
  13. Are they from the Deep South ?
  14. Plus with the price of records its a far cheaper way to hear something new.
  15. I usually blag tapes off people, this is probably how ive heard most new (to me) tunes. Soul fans have never been backward in playing their records to anyone whose interested hence i have more tapes than GCHQ.
  16. Ella Woods for me too. Is it that pricey then ?
  17. Sun shining, roof down, any Staple Singers album. Drove a friend to London once, listend to the Beach Boys all the way then he asked why i changed to the Dead Kennedys when we reached London, makes perfect sense to me.
  18. I didnt know Nige that well but he always stopped to say hi. Gentleman.
  19. Just for Dan In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a miltary court for a crime they didnt commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they servive as soldiers of fortune. if you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire the Soul bro's inc.......i i i im your guy and your my
  20. Sorry but it sounds too 60's formula pop for me. I can see it working though. Kin love the avatar .
  21. I used to go out with a northern soul girl in the early 80's and hated it. I know its selfish but i dont want any other considerations at all nighters, so i swore i never would again. Then i met my wife at the 100 club about 9 years ago and have the best of both worlds, she loves the music and dancing but realy dislikes the "scene" thing. So we play music at home all the time but she rarely comes to nighters, bliss
  22. Surely the worst ever..... theres a new girl living in my neighbourhood. URGH. Always hated those spoken build-up intros too, eg Soul bro's inc, great tune but toe curling start.
  23. Personal must dancers Bobby Sheen - Something new to do Bobby Hutton - To this lonley man Gypsy - Cuz its you girl Ive noticed a couple of dj's fall back on Terry Callier - Ordinary Joe, that always seems to unite the floor.

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