I think imight be coming from a different angle here but the explainations so far, mostly 50's Rock n roll or doo wap being fused with blues and R n B describes what i see as Dance music. It was certainly made for the dance hall rather than the radio or theatre.
Personaly i see soul music as a tune that gives you "that" feeling that we all know but probably cant fully put into words, if this IS how soul music is defined then surely the net has to be cast much wider and much earlier.
As far as soul music as we know it, i seem to remember (though i wouldnt swear it) some reference to soul music being made in the W C Handy Biography "ST Louis Blues". He was a Blues Bugle and Trumpet player from the 1920's who was credited as being an early pioneer in blues music. His music was certainly a lot more uplifting than some of the " my birds left me, my dogs left me " style of blues at the time, and in my mind i can see a direct link between his style of music and my allnighter favs.
Great topic