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Gert Mark

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Everything posted by Gert Mark

  1. Since moving oop North, its memory 1 on the car wireless, Lavit
  2. Agreed. Thats what i meant when i said this is more about their hopes for the show rather than XFM's reasons for airing it. I am probably inbetween the age groups which are polarising here (38) and i worry a lot about where im going to have a dance in 10 15+ years so those younger than me must be even more worried. So worried in fact that whenever Northern Soul gets a public airing they will heavily scruitinse it, to see if it is promoting the scene. The older ones among us have the luxury of just being able to enjoy it for what it is. M
  3. Interesting. Reading the thread i think that its less important what XFM are trying to achieve with this show as what a young soul fans hopes and expectations are for this show. I think Win is correct that this is esentially a retro scene, but i also think that it is only this from Sunday to Thursday. When the weekend comes around the important thing is the night/nighter that you are at is fun and exiting, the history behind this events existance is only somthing you think about after the adrenaline calms down. So if we are to encourage "young blood" then i agree that Russ is probably a bad choice for presenter, and a younger presenter would probably focus on the Saturday night experiance more, which i think would be a bigger turn on for the 15 - 30 year olds.
  4. Probably the Sherries - put your arms around me
  5. What can you add to the above? Just Thank You. See you Sat Mark
  6. No, my point was they dont look anything like each other. So you look like miss popoff then, i'll keep me eye out.
  7. As to who will play me ....... like to think Steve Buschemi or Dev off Coronation Street. Thank you Father . Malc Burton
  8. My first all nighter, Last bus from Dursley to Yate, then hanging around avoiding all the street rucks cos i was too young to get in the pub. Then Vince Ayrs's mum giving me a clip round the ear and threatening to call my parents and telling them im not on an Army Cadet camp. Walked in to Epitome of sound, thin end of a very very big wedge.
  9. Rick Moranis could play Shifty
  10. ?????? EDDIE !!!!!! "I dont want no woman always tellin me what to do". The ultimate bugger off record. Busy Body - the title track of the album i'll let you slide is on would qualify too.. "Youve got a busy body, giving all your loving to just anybody", Basicly calling her a slapper. God bless Luther.
  11. How about. Matt Lucus-
  12. This was about Vietnam then. Its weird that for some reason (probably the trumpets) always makes me think of John Wayne WWII movies.
  13. J P Robinson - Our day is here (Blue Candle) Brilliant tune about a guy getting back from the Nam. Only ever heard Dave Taylor play this out, should def be picked up on.
  14. Bit of a poncy name though, whats wrong with Amy Boozer? God, Its like the 90's never happend.
  15. Then there's the argument that the production only enhanced the singers qualities (obviously we are talking the 70's here and not the making of a silk purse out of a sows harris like they can now). The 50's and 60's singers were all live acts who would only get to make a record if they could cut it live, and the records were almost just marketing tools to advertise their gigs. I think we can thank nationwide distribution for the less talented acts and the need for enhancments to production techniques. Double edged sword init.
  16. Carl Carlton - Competition. Sums it all up for me. quite simply Northern Soul
  17. Of course! Add "Money" to that aswell.
  18. No there's only Lap up here.
  19. I thought that was boy - girl stuff. Sorry, putting my shoes on.
  20. Guitar Ray - How many more years?
  21. You can dance to most of these though so ill see you all and raise you Gene mcDanials - Walk with a winner Even Gene himself couldnt dance to it on the you tube clip.
  22. Dunno about a contribution to the soul scene, but they brought Babes in toyland over here first and for that i will be eternally grateful. ROCK ON!
  23. Tis modern soul Style is irrelevent, its the soulful feeling that counts. As much Soul from Masics and Sullivan as any artist we dance to at nighters.
  24. Kind of understand Nick, But it doesnt really differ from ajusting the bass or treb though does it?

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