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Gert Mark

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Everything posted by Gert Mark

  1. Gert Mark

    picture 044

    From the album: So long Welly

  2. Gert Mark

    picture 039

    From the album: So long Welly

  3. Gert Mark

    picture 038

    From the album: So long Welly

  4. Gert Mark

    picture 037

    From the album: So long Welly

  5. Gert Mark

    picture 036

    From the album: So long Welly

  6. Substitution ????
  7. James Walsh Gypsy Band - Cuz its your felt girl
  8. My Mama said that i should never play with my good friend James, so i started calling it thor
  9. That blinkin nik nak paddywack song that somehow people get off on ???????
  10. Ok so there is some alright examples of this phenonmenom ( doo doo doo doo doo) but it still seems pretty weak to me, using someone elses successes to sell your record. Bit like the Fugees singing a straight cover of a song, saying ah yeah or one time over the top and suddenly they are creative geniuses. I know record companys are firms with dubious regard for there customers, but i think these answer songs are milking it, a bit like corrie with their storylines that go on for monthes.
  11. My wise old Mum has always told me, you dont regret the things you do, only the things you dont! GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Just been reading Robert Pruter's Chicago Soul, as part of a uni module (modern world history rules) and on numerous occasions he refers to tracks being put out in response to other tracks, e.g. Gene Chandler - You threw a lucky punch, a response to Mary Well's - You beat me to the punch.( plenty of others but cant be rsed digging them out). This style of writing seems to come in and out of vogue in "urban" music e.g. Aemon vs Franki, and Mike Skinners roaster mate( Cant remember his name) did a track as a talk back to a Lilley Allen number. I cant decide if this is a very lazy or at least contrived way to write music, especially when you think of people like Curtis Mayfield, Berry Gordy, Van McCoy etc who could knock a song up in half an hour, like a chippy putting up shelves, But then im inspired by music so why shouldnt musicians be? Im very confused, any one able to shed more light on this? M
  13. When your mates introduce you to someone and then fade away (either giggling or tutting) when the subject of music comes up. When you err away from using the term "Northern" and towards "Rare" to avoid complicating matters.
  14. Just been talking to Lenny D about this, i said we both met our wives at the 100 club, he said Ady is responsible for more births and marriges than Barry White. When i think back on previous nighters Yate, Stafford etc, i remember the music but when i think of the 100 club, even though it introduced me to more new music than i could ever remember, its the people i think of. Thats testimont to what Ady and Randy created, Thank you so so much. I know that Ady will create this again wherever we wind up, God bless. M
  15. The Winehouse/Weller songs were pretty awful, sad though cos i thought it would have made a good pairing. Sam Morore was great but i thought Lilly Allen was the badgers nadgers, pissed up and pitch perfect
  16. More like a pamphlet than a book though bro urry up erd theres some mods abaat.
  17. Can you though? I still dont geddit, i see no difference, im not havin a pop and i know youve tried to explain it all to me before Andy but its still mutton dressed as lamb innit so for people who are clearly image concious how do you reconcile this in your head? Ps. Am i still safe in the corner? if not then it is Mikey.
  18. Thats the key to the whole thing isnt it? Wearing 6ts style clobber is just a uniform and clearly forced, im not nor ever have been a mod but have always been interested in the whole mod thing as i have always loved all strands of youth culture. My question is why do people on the whole leave their youthful way of life behind as they grow up yet mods seem, at least compared to other scenes, to keep their faith? Surely the level of commitment to wearing a sharp suit and subtle accessories needs to be quite high, ok not as high as a 45 yr old with a green mohawk, but still an extra effort that people of this age could do without,so why do mods keep at it? Please dont give me that "its not what we do its who we are" style of answer cos i really am interested. Mark the soulful punk.
  19. Dont worry Audra. For years I thought Marie Knight - Thats no way to treat a girl, was sung by a bloke. Mikey on Mark's account
  20. I remember little scroats blaggin money off Wally to look after his car out side the sub rooms, classy. And there was that place near the Railway pub, a working mens club or summit, had to fight our way out of there when the toothless locals decided we danced like girls. I just hid behind Banger and Dicker. Lovely Cotswold village, Stroud.
  21. You have to be shittin me, he cant seriously have been trying to pass them off as legit?
  22. What do you reckon Lenny's Embankment club anniversary ones would go for???
  23. Its just that record companys are more clued up, business wise. Back in the day, artists were singers, musicians and performers long before they got in a recording studio, so IMHO the cream rose (the music exec's most common defence). What happens now is the record company are so savvy that the whole package is sorted before it goes to press, musical talent is only a part of the whole saleable commodity with looks, personality etc. You just need to look how much of a huge point they make of it when someone writes and records their own material, its always like theyre the new Lennon or Lady Day. Its just that the job has changed, people like Legend,or even the Spice Girls or Westlife et al are just as professional at what they do. We just listen to music from a different era, not just musicaly, but on a business level too. M
  24. I always sit on the stage at tundred, and often Ady has given me a nudge and asked if anyone has played this or that. Common sense to me. I spose it dont happen too much for guys like Ady or Butch cos no-one else has their records but i think this a lesson budding DJ's could learn.

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