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Gert Mark

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Everything posted by Gert Mark

  1. Do you reckon a dome revival night could be a goer? Are you listening boys?
  2. Just listened to it. He deos himself no favours does he?
  3. We are kind of arguing the same corner. Maybe not so much with scooters cos the people who ride them (i dont) get somthing more out of it than only image. Much the same as us with music. While i agree that each to there own and vive le difference, i just think that grown ups wearing a youth culture uniform of any description is very very odd. Im not also saying that we should fade to grey, but image is a very loud statement. One that the teenagers HAVE to use because their voices arent heard elsewhere. I view adults dressing as such, as people who still feel the need to have a visual identity cos they dont have a real one. Yet they do, wives, children, morgages, work, tax,etc. We have much bigger fish to fry. Let the teenagers keep one of the few voices they have, and maybe they will find their own Wigan Casino/Woodstock/Knebworth. Punks not dead.
  4. Soul fashions, Mod fashions, Punk fashions, Goth, Rockabilly etc and yes even football shirts, great when you were young and wanted the world to see a certain statement. But as a grown up it just looks tragic. oh yeah IMHO Mark
  5. AHH so thats where all that R&B shite came from.
  6. The Irish side of my family tell me that people are stopping going to pubs, not so much because of the non smoking but the aggro that happens outside the pubs now, people with booze on board forced to go out in the wind and rain, get hacked off and wind up rucking. Interesting point earlier about off sales, ive been wondering how they will recoup any lost revinue from people giving up smoking too, the faith we have in our politicians is astounding init?
  7. I bought a mp3 dictaphone from Aldi, 29.99, it has a double telephone socket with it, schoolboy spy stuff but works a treat. recommend one of those
  8. Im wiv you Col. We all get different things out of the scene, let em enjoy a bit of competition if thats what they like. Christ im turning into a hippy.
  9. Ok, youve nearly won my vote. But there needs to be a more obvious paper trail. When i did the record reviews for Shadow ( the best punk fanzine since sniffin glue, ok im a little biased) we reviewed new and re-released punk stuff along side various indie bands and even rave stuff, showing the comparisons of the diy ethic. With Northern, its goes from hearing Amy Winehouse straight to Eddie Parker, thats a huge step to make. If you dont know someone who will introduce you to the scene, and numbers are dwindling, how does the youngster find it organicaly?
  10. Good points, and your starting to win me over, however, where is the gateway into the scene? With the punk movement,and after this kind of discussion, the general concensus is that bands like busted or mcfly, however cr*p, have an important place in introducing youngsters into rock music, then in turn the more interested will seek out and find (how shall i put it)more refined bands. Where is the gateway into northern soul if not KFC or catfood ads? I got into it cos i was force fed it from a very young age, if that wasnt the case how would i have progressed further than liking Freda Payne played at the youth club?
  11. It looks like the people voting no, are voting to keep the scene as it is, ifear its a lost cause, things change ( had that rammed home when we nearly lost the 100 club). We used to wear flares and sideburns, then pegs and sweatbands, then 50,s geasy hair and levis, all with different people and times. The one constant is the music, and to keep that to ourselves for fear of looking silly in the press isnt doing the music justice, and maybe a little unsure ourselves, sod it, let em come, let em come, let em come, let em all come down to the tundrid. (Quoting milwall???)
  12. Gert Mark

    So long Welly

    W'boro final night 6th apr 2007
  13. Gert Mark

    picture 071

    From the album: So long Welly

  14. Gert Mark

    picture 070

    From the album: So long Welly

  15. Gert Mark

    picture 065

    From the album: So long Welly

  16. Gert Mark

    picture 064

    From the album: So long Welly

  17. Gert Mark

    picture 059

    From the album: So long Welly

  18. Gert Mark

    picture 058

    From the album: So long Welly

  19. Gert Mark

    picture 057

    From the album: So long Welly

  20. Gert Mark

    picture 056

    From the album: So long Welly

  21. Gert Mark

    picture 055

    From the album: So long Welly

  22. Gert Mark

    picture 054

    From the album: So long Welly

  23. Gert Mark

    picture 047

    From the album: So long Welly

  24. Gert Mark

    picture 046

    From the album: So long Welly

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