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Gert Mark

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Everything posted by Gert Mark

  1. Voted 12-8, not really bothered about start times but i dont like early finishes (anything b4 8). Reason being i like to dance all night so dont get to chat much, i enjoy the post all-nighter debrief. Usually theres nowt open before 8am like cafes or coffee shops. I rarely miss the 100 club and imo the new hours are a bit give and take, i like the early start, and that we get more time in there but its only McDonalds that is open at 6, Starbucks was a lot more civilised and didnt smell of saturday night puke. Early starts-late finishes. thats the way to go.
  2. I Think she's great. Thanks for turning me on to her. Will watch closley.
  3. I feel for you Paul, do you think this is what the stones would feel like if westlife coverd one of their songs? Actually at least there would be a pay off.
  4. Ann Sexton never fails to get me bustin my lungs. Also Eddie Parker when the Mrs is getting her nag on.
  5. Theyre good fun, and keep us punters guessing. but essentially its, OOH I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DONT KNOW. Can it feed you? no? well shut the fcuk up then. Cover this. Ok maybe having a bad day.
  6. Weired how the font changes..
  7. BANG ON.
  8. P.S. Answered original question without reading the whole thread, so if im just repeating im soz
  9. I think in a way its similar to the R&B rooms in that its hard to find 1 dj set, let alone a whole nights worth of SOUL music. What happens when you cast your net over an even smaller part of Soul music is the options and therefore Soulfulness (note i didnt say quality)is compromised Of course good tunes will get played, but on the whole the style seems to trump the soulfulness, and as we are all soul fans.......
  10. No its not just you. Thats Nasty.
  11. Especially Clarence Carter, last i heard US-£30, UK-£50, Think it was 99p when i got it. (Barbera Carr is better)
  12. Too many. Lets face it, it was pants.
  13. I once argued with a friend who is in a succesful rock band about the merits of bands like Mcfly (on topic, stay with me) and busted, being a gateway band, and maybe a few 10 yr old busted fans will go on to find AC/DC or Moterhead. No reason Big Al cant do that for us. Thought the ad was ace.
  14. Looks like a still from the Sopranos. Old school spect
  15. Eddie's Brother?
  16. Not many better, true enough.
  17. "Take a look at me now" is another super uplifting TC song for me. But "Eddies my name" just never fails to change my mood for the better. Cheaper than therapy
  18. When i was about 17/18 i serenaded a 35 year old bird with this, worked a treat did a lot of growing up that night. I owe the big fella a good drink when i get there.
  19. "I'll let you slide" from the "Busy body" album had 5 mins on the NS scene aswell, one of my fav singers ever and one of my fav songs. Class.
  20. Why do people ie Radio shows, Mags etc give time and space to someone who clearly has delusions of grandeur which arent recipricated from the listeners/buyers ? Its like a tabloid style slow motion car crash, he was relevent 30 years ago, not today. Giving him publicity just shows that these mags/shows are starting to become irrelevent to todays soul scene, as with everything the internet is taking over. IMHO Gert Roach.
  21. And no bad thing IMO Mark. Classing myself as a fan rather than a collector, i am constantly priced out of the market, usually relying on charity shops or the very rare occasion i have sufficent brownie points with the Mrs to be able to buy any records. So anything that makes these records more accesable is a good thing. Its not all bad though, the thrill of the chase is as good as just buying the records i want, i kind of think that using dealers is a bit of a cop out for me. Never being able to afford to use them, makes the odd occasion i can, seem too easy. Dunno if this makes sense to all you serious dealers, traders, collectors. but it works for me.
  22. When i try to describe the Northen Soul scene to civilians, i always say that it is perfect Rock n Roll. No celebrity, no money men, no faceless suits behind the scenes pullng the strings, just "the Kids doing it for the Kids". What you have accieved with this site Mike is pure and perfect, congratulations.
  23. Couldnt give a flying one about IL bashing or any other "scene politics",but this is clearly trying to say that he got one over on the Dome crowd, DJ's and punters alike, and is total nonsense. He got his knickers in a twist when they woudnt give him a spot without a demo tape, as EVERY dj had to, not to scrutinise the quality of the set but to try to blend the whole evening together. I dont understand who, comments like this are aimed at. The CSC events were popular with every part of the country and every sub-genre of the NS scene, so who does he or the writer think was going buy this twaddle?

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