At the height of the Vichy/funky occupation of the southern Godlands, it is easy to forget the active resistance to all the crimes of humanity which were taking place,e.g. the branding of persons with foreign sounding words accross their chests, like Fila or Nike.
The main resistance was led by a midland nobleman, Known as sir Horrace, who much like the scarlet pimpernel led a double life, in the day displaying a false front of respectibility and some times even sat down to tea with the enemy, but at night in a dingy cellar, plotted the down fall of the hoards in crap, tucked in pullovers.
The ebbs and flows of this resistance is well documented, however sometimes sadly discounted, as when the Godin parrallel was breached and the south liberated, the recriminations began. Mostly disgruntled Northerners who werent awarded medals of honour for their war effort work, safely behind allied lines and miles from the front line.
However today, each June, the southern resistance is honoured by a weekend pilgrimage to Lincolnshire, where veterans of this glorious campeign get together and talk of the God old days. Proudly displaying their Kent singles like poppies.
Educate your children, that the danger and sacrifice of the southern resistance not be forgotten.