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Everything posted by likealaff

  1. Few more from the basement, What,s going on Quincy Jones Summer in the city Quincy Jones Julia Ramsey Lewis Got my Mojo working Jimmy Smith Light my fire Stevie Wonder
  2. I can't let go Hollies Mickey's Monkey Hollies Last Night Georgie Fame
  3. They call me Mr Tibbs. Absolutely the best soundtrack ever .
  4. All this amazing info/articles should not go to waste..............how about a "Dirty Stop Out's Guide to 1960,s Soul Clubs " ??
  5. I had a similar time ,went to the Polytechnic on Pond St and Shirecliffe college in Attercliffe 66-69........ You mention "great crowd"....that's the thing I recall most , the kids I hung out with. I've done a bit of travelling ( hit the road in 1970 ) But I never came across such a bunch of genuine people. ( Yorkshire folk ) Getting back on topic, another place I recall was a "country club" called the Side Saddle ( think I only went once ) someone brought "Al Capone" & " Guns of Navarone" (may have been Cliff Sirs )......which was played endlessly !!
  6. 1) not to any all-nighters...... just a couple of week nights after school 2) Intake
  7. That's correct, we were down making our usual donations to the casino and got wind of this, and came along.....had you been doing a tour ? what year was this ?..... in the 90's ? I recall the guy from the Platters....... I half expected the answer from Ady. I guessed that most of the tracks played would be too costly . I have, in the past tried to persuade Martin Kopple, (who lives not far from me) when he was involved with Goldmine to put out a Mojo CD just for posterity if nothing else .Maybe Mr Stringfellow could finance the project ! Mac tells me he had a cracking time @ the Earl.........anyone take any photo's ??
  8. Where do you get all this stuff ? Roburt...........Mac now reveals you as John Smith ... we last met in a Las Vegas Tex-Mex restaurant ! here'a thought....if you and Ace records do manage to get a Mojo CD out, will there be a CD release party ??
  9. Well, I guess I'll have to stop calling you "Broughie"........great to hear from you....how long has it been ? 20-25 years ? I still keep in touch with Dave, Mac, Dek /Sue Wynne. I see you're still dancin' in Goole. Not much of a scene n Toronto, bits and bobs here and there. In fact , the only place to consistently hear good music is in my basement ! However, having said, in the late 90's I hooked up with four other ex-pats to put on "soul nites" around town which turned out to be quite popular. .There are 3 other parts to this on YT, but this one seems to be the most viewed, can't think why. A couple of the guys were ex Wigan/Blackpool who tried to "educate" the folks with the NS stuff. but did'nt have much success.I was quite happy to do my Stringfellow impression and play anything that filled the floor. We even had the local Guinness rep. sponsor us. Limey's and free beer ?? Big mistake !! Still, a good time was had all round.Getting back to the topic, a couple more names for Roburt,s list...........Digger, Rocky, Linda Mitchell from Donny. Two sisters from York, Jackie and Sue. I see Charlie from Goole is mentioned.He and I share the same birthday. I recall being in the Leger bar one time with the pints of D.D lined up. Hilda says" it's your birthday...how old are you? we replied "18" she says "18 ???? ...you've been coming in here 2 years !!! " see you on FB
  10. Well, I guess I'll have to stop calling you "Broughie"........great to hear from you....how long has it been ? 20-25 years ? I still keep in touch with Dave, Mac, Dek /Sue Wynne. I see you're still dancin' in Goole. Not much of a scene n Toronto, bits and bobs here and there. In fact , the only place to consistently hear good music is in my basement ! However, having said, in the late 90's I hooked up with four other ex-pats to put on "soul nites" around town which turned out to be quite popular. .There are 3 other parts to this on YT, but this one seems to be the most viewed, can't think why. A couple of the guys were ex Wigan/Blackpool who tried to "educate" the folks with the NS stuff. but did'nt have much success.I was quite happy to do my Stringfellow impression and play anything that filled the floor. We even had the local Guinness rep. sponsor us. Limey's and free beer ?? Big mistake !! Still, a good time was had all round.Getting back to the topic, a couple more names for Roburt,s list...........Digger, Rocky, Linda Mitchell from Donny. Two sisters from York, Jackie and Sue. I see Charlie from Goole is mentioned.He and I share the same birthday. I recall being in the Leger bar one time with the pints of D.D lined up. Hilda says" it's your birthday...how old are you? we replied "18" she says "18 ???? ...you've been coming in here 2 years !!! " see you on FB
  11. Well...........this IS interesting...what was it the Beatles said on Sgt Peppers ? "a splendid time is guaranteed for all " I recall it being a bloody brilliant time for all. Here's a few more names and places to add to your list. Dek Wynn, Sue Pollard, Geoff Womack ( married Veronica from York, the lucky sod! ) Sandy Grimes, June Arnette ,,Sue Grogan, "Little" Rita Devry , sadly no longer with us, but the BEST dancer ever !! Ian " Pixie" (don't recall his last name) Johnny Johnson ( with the two- seater MG which five of us would pile into regular ! ) "Bronco" Lane ( who drove his Dad's Jag and had LOTS of friends ) Kev McMahon who had a Metropolitan car which ALWAYS had some thing wrong with it ! Ivan who had a white VW Beetle. Al Turner, Terry, Sue, Angie from Armthorpe. A few places to add............the Merchant Navy House ( the BEST jukebox thanks to the sisters Brough ) the Vikings pub, Goole Ruby club. Danum St Leger bar in Donny ( remember Hilda ?? )Top Rank on a Tuesday night, Excel Bowl with its great jukebox and tiny dance floor. Roburt, you mention a Dance Comp @ the Tin Chicken ( where on Earth did that name come from ?? ) I recall being shoved up on stage ( happily blocked I might add ) and myself and a guy called Alex from Wakefield getting a pound each our the trouble !!................ BIG time or what ?? I was going to list other names like Jennings , McDonald ,Rigby, Harrison,Sirs, Nigel King ( he and I both started work for the Gas Board on the same day) but a certain Mrs Pidd seems to have beat me to it............. HELLO LINDA.................Mick "Pop" Taylor Toronto via Intake ! while we're all on the same page.............something has bugged me for some time..........WHY has no-one issued a CD dedicated to the Mojo ??? Come on, the club,and Stringfellow in particular were an inspiration. I think Ace/Kent would do a cracking job. Where's the petition ??
  12. I have a copy of Blues and Soul mag, issue # 1 October 1967. In good shape. Anyone got an idea on the value ? thanks
  13. Marvin Gaye You're a wonderful one Stateside SS # 284 Mint The Tams Hey girl don't bother me HMV POP # 1331 Mint Major Lance The Monkey time Columbia DB # 7099 Very good (close to mint ) I'm open to offers for any of these records. All discs will be shipped from Ontario ,Canada. These are from a small box of records I managed to bring over in the 1970's

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