I think it's getting harder for younger DJs (say between 25 and 35 years old) to gain experience behind the decks as the Allnighter scene is definately a closed shop.
I can't remember the last time I saw a new/different name on a line up -which is partly the reason I haven't been out and about so much lately.
Add to this the fact that local soul nights (the original testing ground for DJs) have slipped into being an oldies fests, with younger DJs (sub 25) being booked as novelties (I'm still waiting for a 'Promotor' to put a Johnny Foetus on, since we've gone as far back as under 11 year olds DJing).
As stated earlier, it's probably going to be down to a younger group of DJs to form a club and put their own events on, appealing to a younger crowd, without as much baggage as the current scene carries.