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pikeys dog

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Everything posted by pikeys dog

  1. They often promo'd different sides in different areas... putting the same track on both sides ensured that only one side of the 45 was considered for promotion.
  2. Definitely the same cut - I've got them both and played them side by side.
  3. Got a Vg copy - plays nicely but has a few light marks. Small name on label in felt tip but centre is intact and otherwise in good order.
  4. Good price on the Leo Price - the inferior version was fetching this price last time I looked.
  5. I would have thought £100 to £125 for the more common of the two.
  6. I don't know if you've been buying in the States recently Ian, but it isn't as easy as rucking up in the US and falling over piles of records. Finding owt decent is hard work, and it's getting harder and harder year on year.
  7. Bit of early Detroit - Spinners - That's What Little Girls Are Made For .jpg]
  8. Is it April 1st already?
  9. Most of these are less than P&P would cost you from the States.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/tiki_terror/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  10. If the seller was reasonable and friendly in your interactions I wouldn't leave any feedback. If he was a bit of an arse then I'd leave neutral stating full refund but poor grading.
  11. Suprised no Wit has chimed in with Hokey Cokey.
  12. I have records with the name Pete Smith stamped on, and it's from a different one - it's a fairly common name
  13. The Shotgun The Duck The Wahtusi Hitch Hike Madison The Twine
  14. I'll bet Messers Manship, Brady and Brown are rubbing their hands together. Think of all the under £20 records that they are now going to be able to sell, as it will now be cheaper to get them from the UK than the US.
  15. Bit awkward to answer this one - I first listened to it in the early 70's but only started going out on the scene in the late 80s
  16. Rufus Thomas Memphis Train was on both as well. I think the concensus was that they issued at the same time by different plants.
  17. Tony Rounce put the numbers up on site a while back.... a search for Johnny Taylor might throw it up (I'm sure it was on a thread about one of his 45s)
  18. pikeys dog


    Whos that handsome bugger third from left?
  19. Mick, Apologies if I've come over as being an arse, that wasn't the intention. I think too many of these threads are popping up, and that due to eBays' inaction, all they are is free advertising to the sellers of boots. Put it down to me being a Yorkshireman - Say it as I see it...
  20. I think most dealers will only give 30 to 40%.
  21. You obviously never went to Canklow....
  22. What use is 'exposing' them? eBay do nob all with your report, and giving chumps a link to the sale, just makes the bootleg purchasers life even easier. It's clearly a boot (single sided, modern print on the label, text stating new reissue in ad) so can't see the benefit in putting a link up? If you think that people need to see the boot then a screen-grab of the eBay picture should suffice.
  23. New as stated in the auction. Link removed as the bootleggers don't need adverts on Soul Source.

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