The Four Tops did appear...
The organisers had fecked all of the weekender attendees over by selling tickets to the chicken-ina-basket crowd and shipping them in in coaches.
The venue was chock-a-block from early on, so everyone who had gone for the weekend only managed to see four tiny gold specks on a stage with loads of carrot crunching locals sat at large circular tables in front of the stage.
The show was so cabaret that I sidled off into the Northern room after a couple of numbers.
After the Four Tops finished the compere announced that the next act would be coming on, to loads of the shipped in yocals grumbling about 'never heard of 'em', 'yarr, be mangel wurzel picking season so i beyoff' etc.
So it was that Betty Lavette came out to a smaller but very enthusiastic crowd and blew their socks off.