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pikeys dog

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Everything posted by pikeys dog

  1. Is this what passes as foreplay in the potteries?
  2. Randy Newman wrote it.
  3. Bang in the middle for me. Neither Love it or Hate it. Definately loads of worse records in the same price bracket.
  4. Nice grouping of early Motown... shame you've listed them as a single lot - I would have bid on a couple of them, but unfortunately not enough to warrant buying the whole shebang.
  5. Wankco might be able to help you out.... /Gotta-W...ops#entry441668
  6. Thanks for the reply. I was actually commenting on the backing singers and sax - it's so close that I wouldn't be suprised if you said you'd remixed the original - or sampled sections of it at least.
  7. Re Bobby Hebb. Is this a re-recording, or the original with tamborine added over the top? Sounds mighty close to the original - even the backing singers and sax are spot on...
  8. I'd say Bri's about spot on for an issue, UK demo a tad more, probably about a ton.
  9. You'd think so, but out of the six people on this thread, there's three of us with UK copies, and two without any.
  10. You're right, it's "I'm The One" that I was getting it confused with.
  11. No, came out on Atlantic.
  12. The Major Lance seems very cheap, considering there was no U.S. 45 issue (only a very scarce jukebox e.p. on 7")
  13. John and Carol should be in refosoul under my ID.
  14. First off I'll have to find it, secondly I'll have to listen to it, to see if I want to part with it, thirdly depends on how much wonga....
  15. Go on then.
  16. Jukeboxes were made to play either 33rpm or 45rpm.... My theory is that all of the defunkt 33rpm jukeboxes were dumped on the South American market, so they stuck with 33rpm to make life easier.
  17. Got a Jayboy demo kicking around somewhere... what's it go for?
  18. judging by the number on that at least 26300....
  19. ok then, Tom Jones played at 78rpm....
  20. didn't even realise there was a competition running. Maybe a banner to advertise such?
  21. I think EZZIE BROWN on here had a copy of the Jack Hammer LP... he might be able to confirm whether it was UK or European.

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