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pikeys dog

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pikeys dog last won the day on April 16 2013

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About pikeys dog

  • Birthday 22/01/1972

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    The Dog House
  • Interests
    Sniffing over-ripe cheese. Sculpting erotic statuettes out of King Edwards spuds. Banging Tin trays together. Eating blue food. Filing records by b-side.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Shit on your fingers - Millie Jackson

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Community Answers

  1. Reissues are styrene, and the labels are red with the girls head on. Reissued in the early 80s at a guess.
  2. yup
  3. Seen a scan of what appears to be a fantasy release (boot) of it.
  4. I'll take that bet. I believe my ears better than i believe your memory....
  5. It was used as a b-side filler on the Abbott release. There's every chance it was done under the name Forris Woods because David Morris was contractually obligated elsewhere.
  6. I don't doubt for a minute that you have John.
  7. Just played both copies on YouTube and so long as they are the correct version for each label scan there is no difference in them whatsoever. There are three repetitions of the opening brass riff, then the singer comes in at the point where the fourth would occur.
  8. Yes, exactly the same cut but it has a different and better flipside.
  9. Some of the early Goldmine CDs featuring unreleased tracks were fetching daft money at one time...
  10. Not sure Chalky.... I have what i presume is an original. The cover is thin stiff card that is a darkish brown (looks a bit like cork in colour and texture) on the inside. The front cover is slicked on and over the seams with a square slick on the back. The label has a definite ring around about a quarter of the way in, between the "Buddah Records" and the track selections. A-side run out has the following matrix: (hand etched) BUDDAH-BDS-5117-A (followed by a) 1 in a circle (then the) Frankford Wayne Mastering stamp (followed by hand etched) NS.-11-11 (Directly opposite is etched P.R).
  11. Hamilton Movement - She's Gone = Sheridans
  12. Seen loads of Motown demos in red vinyl, but I've only even seen the one copy of The Originals Goodnight Irene on a Soul issue with red vinyl.
  13. By the early 70s Chris was involved in Motown's Film and TV projects - perhaps these songs were assigned to her for possible inclusion in soundtracks?
  14. I hope that Curtis Mayfield's family now start checking through Pharrel's back catalogue - that could be interesting.
  15. In my experience the Harold Burrage is much, much harder to find on US, and the UK copy should be no more than £50 in the real world.

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