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Everything posted by Henry

  1. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Harrison, Danny Girl, girl, girl / Broken and blue M-/y/demo/inc Co slv/2 great sides Coral 75 Peters, Howard Soulville EX/recommended Coral 25 Soul, Sharon His love is amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75 Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50 Spidells If it ain't one thing (sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat M-/superb Counsel 125 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat EX-/sm wol/superb Counsel 100 Le Bleau Monde After hours M-/great Counterpart 30 Til, Sonny And The Orioles Hey! Little woman EX+/black label issue/recommended CP Parker 150 Rice, Robin I've had it EX/w/demo/superb Crackerjack 40 Robinson, Billy And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning (wol) M-/superb Crazy Horse 40 Corvells The jokes on me M-/sm xol/great Cub 50 Ozells Please don't go demo/recommended Cub 50 Ozells Please don't go (Inc original sleeve) xol-flip/recommended Cub 40 Winstons Need a replacement M-/w/demo/superb Curtom 40 Scott, Ray & The Scottsmen Love piled on top of love M-/demo/xol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 100 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me recommended DeLuxe 15 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/w/demo/recommended/rare DeLuxe 25 D & Joe Instant happiness M-/smwol/superb De-to 75 Hall, Thomas You told me a lie M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommeded Diamond 25 Hall, Thomas You told me a lie EX+/demo//recommeded Diamond 25 Pirouettes If you see my baby 2 xol/great Diamond 20 Varner, Don More power to ya / Handshakin' demo/great Diamond 25 Winters, Ruby Just like a yo yo recommended Diamond 15 Black, Cody Too many irons in the fire M-/superb D-Town 75 Edwards, Dee To careless with my love / He told me lies M-/2 great sides D-Town 40 Peps My love looks good on you / Speak your peace M-/2 superb sides/689/690 mix D-Town 85 Blackmon, Bobby/Soul Express She's gotta have soul M-/demo/superb/rare Dynamic 60 Barbara And Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/superb Dynamo 40 Barbara And Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/w/demo/wol & sol-flip/superb Dynamo 60 Bethea I wouldn't come back great Dynamo 15 Bethea I wouldn't come back w/demo/great Dynamo 20 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache M-/highly recommended Dynamo 30 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed the heartache EX/superb Dynamo 25 Andrews, Harold You're a winner ex-/w/demo/superb Early Bird 65 Magnificent 7 She's called a woman / Since you've been gone so long M-/w/demo/superb/great slowie-flip Eastern 125 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 Ames, Nancy I don't want to talk about it (sm mol) EX+/1st yellow lbl/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 25 Franklin, Erma I don't want no mama's boy EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Hamilton, Roy Earthquake M-/w/demo/sol/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 100 Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 30 Big Don's Rebellion It was true (sm stain spot ol) / Smokin' M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Ethon 300 Bataan, Joe Special girl / Magic Rose EX/gold label/lite label ring/superb Fania 75 Corby, Chuck & The Entrees I need your love M-/recommended Fee Bee 75 Butts, Nancy You're gonna need somebody M-/great Flaming Arrow 25 Walker, Gloria & Chevelles Need of you recommended Flaming Arrow 15 Lost Souls I'm your love man M-/superb Northern/rare Glasco 75 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 85 Williams, Dorothy The well's gone dry VG++/superb R&B Goldwax 100 Williams, Dorothy The well's gone dry M-/superb R&B Goldwax 125 Reeves, Martha & The Vandellas I gotta let you go / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Gordy 30 Temptations Girl (why you wanna make me blue) (sm stmol) M-/classic/badge label Gordy 25 Weston, Kim A thrill a moment classic Gordy 60 Weston, Kim A thrill a moment (xol) M-/w/demo/classic Gordy 80 Little Jeanette Crazy crazy / Please come back again M-/2 superb sides Green Lights 150 Channels I got my eyes on you / Anything you do w/demo/2 great sides Groove 50 King Edward & His BD's Beg me (wol) / Girls are (suppposed to be) ex-/2 great sides/rare Groove 75 Fletcher, Darrow That certain little something / same (lite stmol) EX+/w/demo/recommended Groovy 40 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Bryant, Don Coming on strong M-/demo/wol-flip/superb Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX-/classic Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX/wol-flip/classic Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX/demo/classic R&B Hi 40 Frankie And Johnny I'll hold you / I'm never gonna leave you M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Hickory sold 200 Wynters, Gail You've got the power M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Hickory 25 Mike & Censations Don't mess with me / There is nothing I can do about it M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Highland 30 Frontera, Tommy You're my leading lady VG++/wol/superb Hi-lite 60 Seminoles Trouble in mind / Have you got a love EX-/2 great Detroit sides Hi-Lite 125 Mitchell, Jock Work with me Annie EX/w/demo/R&B/great Impact 75 Raye, Anthony Give me one more chance EX-/superb/rare issue Impact 35 McCracklin, Jimmy Can't raise me M-/superb R&B/TOP TIP!!! Imperial 30 Lynn, Cindy & The In-Sounds Meet me at midnight EX/w/demo/classic In-Sound 100 Bates, Lee You won't do right recommended Instant 25 Continental 4 The way I love you baby M-/superb Jay-Walking 25 Robins, Jimmy I can't please you (rarer 'Tomorrows Hit' logo) M-/superb R&B Jerhart 15 Julian, Don Philly jerk M-/w/demo/wol-flip/recommended Jerk 20 Castor, Jimmy Block party M-/highly recommended Jet Set 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for love / My baby's coming back... M-/2 superb sides Jetstar 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for loving / T.C.B. Or T.Y.A. M-/superb Jetstar 25 Original Cadillacs I'll never let you go (wol) / Wayward wanderer M-/2 superb sides Josie 35 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Hard Cover Do you care (like you say you do) demo/recommended Shanty Town 125 Invitations They say the girl's crazy w/demo/wol/recommended Silver Blue 25 Murphy, Merv It's growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Shock Footsteps across your mind M-/classic x-over Sirocco 25 Shock Footsteps across your mind EX/demo/classic x-over/rare demo Sirocco 30 Rock Gazers feat. Gordon Grody I believe in love /same-mono demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 Frank & James How long is forever EX+/superb Smooth City 60 9th Street Exit Let's make sweet harmony (promo stol) / continued M-/superb Solid Foundation 30 Clay, Sonji I can't wait (until I see my baby's face) fantastic version Songee 60 Sheppard, Rick I fall deeper in love / Just you and me 2 great sides Sonia 25 Hilton, Jerry & Gentle Rain Complete opposites great version Sonic 30 Soop & Co. feat. Moncell, Patrice Just because you're a lover / Take me to the…. 2 great sides Soops 30 Neal, CC All I want from you is your love recommended Soul Craft 30 Will, David Loneliness great Soul Craft 15 Joneses Love contest / Baby (there's nothing you can do) (Inc. Co. Slv) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip Spring 50 Street People I wanna get over / same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Jones, Linda & Whatnauts I'm so glad I found you EX/superb x-over Stang 30 Hollins, Blood Don't give it up / Inst. recommended Strange Fruit 30 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love superb x-over String 20 Ridley, Sharon Changin' M-/superb Tabu 25 Henry, Virgil I can't believe you're really leaving me / same w/demo/recommended Tamla 20 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/recommended Tamla 12 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie Date with the rain / Born again EX/superb Tamla 40 Starr, Edwin Don't tell me I'm crazy German/pic slv-woc/superb Tamla Motown 25 Topics Man M-/recommended Token 50 Newcomers The whole world's a picture show EX+/superb Truth 30 Green, Garland Angel baby / You played on a player M-/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Uni 25 Ballads I wish I knew M-/awesome Venture 25 Rising Love You take my heart away / same-mono (inc orig sleeve) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/rare Venture 40 Keith, Tommy Loving you comes easy recommended Vibration 60 Newsome, Frankie We're on our way (part I) / same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros. 25 Olympics Girl, you're my kind of people M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Warner Bros. 30 Ruffin, David I wanna be with you / same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros. 30 Wade, Bobby I'm in love with you / Down here on the ground M-/2 great sides Way Out 25 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  2. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Harrison, Danny Girl, girl, girl / Broken and blue M-/y/demo/inc Co slv/2 great sides Coral 75 Peters, Howard Soulville EX/recommended Coral 25 Soul, Sharon His love is amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75 Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50 Spidells If it ain't one thing (sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat M-/superb Counsel 125 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat EX-/sm wol/superb Counsel 100 Le Bleau Monde After hours M-/great Counterpart 30 Til, Sonny And The Orioles Hey! Little woman EX+/black label issue/recommended CP Parker 150 Rice, Robin I've had it EX/w/demo/superb Crackerjack 40 Robinson, Billy And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning (wol) M-/superb Crazy Horse 40 Corvells The jokes on me M-/sm xol/great Cub 50 Ozells Please don't go demo/recommended Cub 50 Ozells Please don't go (Inc original sleeve) xol-flip/recommended Cub 40 Winstons Need a replacement M-/w/demo/superb Curtom 40 Scott, Ray & The Scottsmen Love piled on top of love M-/demo/xol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 100 Sigler, Bunny For cryin' out loud (WOL/sol) EX-/demo/superb Decca 100 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me recommended DeLuxe 15 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/w/demo/recommended/rare DeLuxe 25 D & Joe Instant happiness M-/smwol/superb De-to 75 Hall, Thomas You told me a lie M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommeded Diamond 25 Hall, Thomas You told me a lie EX+/demo//recommeded Diamond 25 Pirouettes If you see my baby 2 xol/great Diamond 20 Varner, Don More power to ya / Handshakin' demo/great Diamond 25 Winters, Ruby Just like a yo yo recommended Diamond 15 Black, Cody Too many irons in the fire M-/superb D-Town 75 Edwards, Dee To careless with my love / He told me lies M-/2 great sides D-Town 40 Grier, Roosevelt Pizza pie man M-/sm wol-flip/classic/superb D-Town 100 Peps My love looks good on you / Speak your peace M-/2 superb sides/689/690 mix D-Town 85 Blackmon, Bobby/Soul Express She's gotta have soul M-/demo/superb/rare Dynamic 60 Barbara And Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/superb Dynamo 40 Barbara And Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/w/demo/wol & sol-flip/superb Dynamo 60 Bethea I wouldn't come back great Dynamo 15 Bethea I wouldn't come back w/demo/great Dynamo 20 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache M-/highly recommended Dynamo 30 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed the heartache EX/superb Dynamo 25 Andrews, Harold You're a winner ex-/w/demo/superb Early Bird 65 Magnificent 7 She's called a woman / Since you've been gone so long M-/w/demo/superb/great slowie-flip Eastern 125 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 King, Anna Mama's got a bag of her own EX+/rarer dog design label/superb R&B End 50 Ames, Nancy I don't want to talk about it (sm mol) EX+/1st yellow lbl/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 25 Franklin, Erma I don't want no mama's boy EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Hamilton, Roy Earthquake M-/w/demo/sol/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 100 Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 30 Big Don's Rebellion It was true (sm stain spot ol) / Smokin' M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Ethon 300 Bataan, Joe Special girl / Magic Rose EX/gold label/lite label ring/superb Fania 75 Corby, Chuck & The Entrees I need your love M-/recommended Fee Bee 75 Butts, Nancy You're gonna need somebody M-/great Flaming Arrow 25 Walker, Gloria & Chevelles Need of you recommended Flaming Arrow 15 Lost Souls I'm your love man M-/superb Northern/rare Glasco 75 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 85 Williams, Dorothy The well's gone dry VG++/superb R&B Goldwax 100 Williams, Dorothy The well's gone dry M-/superb R&B Goldwax 125 Reeves, Martha & The Vandellas I gotta let you go / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Gordy 30 Temptations Girl (why you wanna make me blue) (sm stmol) M-/classic/badge label Gordy 25 Weston, Kim A thrill a moment classic Gordy 60 Weston, Kim A thrill a moment (xol) M-/w/demo/classic Gordy 80 Little Jeanette Crazy crazy / Please come back again M-/2 superb sides Green Lights 150 Channels I got my eyes on you / Anything you do w/demo/2 great sides Groove 50 King Edward & His BD's Beg me (wol) / Girls are (suppposed to be) ex-/2 great sides/rare Groove 75 Fletcher, Darrow That certain little something / same (lite stmol) EX+/w/demo/recommended Groovy 40 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Bryant, Don Coming on strong M-/demo/wol-flip/superb Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX-/classic Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX/wol-flip/classic Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX/demo/classic R&B Hi 40 Frankie And Johnny I'll hold you / I'm never gonna leave you M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Hickory 200 Wynters, Gail You've got the power M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Hickory 25 Mike & Censations Don't mess with me / There is nothing I can do about it M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Highland 30 Frontera, Tommy You're my leading lady VG++/wol/superb Hi-lite 60 Seminoles Trouble in mind / Have you got a love EX-/2 great Detroit sides Hi-Lite 125 Mitchell, Jock Work with me Annie EX/w/demo/R&B/great Impact 75 Raye, Anthony Give me one more chance EX-/superb/rare issue Impact 35 McCracklin, Jimmy Can't raise me M-/superb R&B/TOP TIP!!! Imperial 30 Lynn, Cindy & The In-Sounds Meet me at midnight EX/w/demo/classic In-Sound 100 Bates, Lee You won't do right recommended Instant 25 Continental 4 The way I love you baby M-/superb Jay-Walking 25 Robins, Jimmy I can't please you (rarer 'Tomorrows Hit' logo) M-/superb R&B Jerhart 15 Julian, Don Philly jerk M-/w/demo/wol-flip/recommended Jerk 20 Castor, Jimmy Block party M-/highly recommended Jet Set 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for love / My baby's coming back... M-/2 superb sides Jetstar 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for loving / T.C.B. Or T.Y.A. M-/superb Jetstar 25 Original Cadillacs I'll never let you go (wol) / Wayward wanderer M-/2 superb sides Josie 35 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Hard Cover Do you care (like you say you do) demo/recommended Shanty Town 125 Special Delivery This kind of love M-/superb Shield 50 Invitations They say the girl's crazy w/demo/wol/recommended Silver Blue 25 Murphy, Merv It's growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Shock Footsteps across your mind M-/classic x-over Sirocco 25 Shock Footsteps across your mind EX/demo/classic x-over/rare demo Sirocco 30 Rock Gazers feat. Gordon Grody I believe in love (sm wol) / I can't let go M-/superb/great flip too Sixth Avenue 30 Rock Gazers feat. Gordon Grody I believe in love/same-mono demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 Frank & James How long is forever EX+/superb Smooth City 60 9th Street Exit Let's make sweet harmony (promo stol) / continued M-/superb Solid Foundation 30 Clay, Sonji I can't wait (until I see my baby's face) fantastic version Songee 60 Sheppard, Rick I fall deeper in love / Just you and me 2 great sides Sonia 25 Hilton, Jerry & Gentle Rain Complete opposites great version Sonic 30 Soop & Co. feat. Moncell, Patrice Just because you're a lover / Take me to the…. 2 great sides Soops 30 Neal, CC All I want from you is your love recommended Soul Craft 30 Will, David Loneliness great Soul Craft 15 Little Hank Try to understand EX-/demo/superb Sound Stage 7 100 Tams This precious moment M-/yellow label/highly recommended Sounds South 60 Melvin, Harold & The Blue Notes Prayin' / same-inst M-/classic Source 15 Joneses Love contest / Baby (there's nothing you can do) (Inc. Co. Slv) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip Spring 50 Street People I wanna get over / same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Jones, Linda & Whatnauts I'm so glad I found you EX/superb x-over Stang 30 Hollins, Blood Don't give it up / Inst. recommended Strange Fruit 30 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love superb x-over String 20 Ridley, Sharon Changin' M-/superb Tabu 25 Henry, Virgil I can't believe you're really leaving me / same w/demo/recommended Tamla 20 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/recommended Tamla 12 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie Date with the rain / Born again EX/superb Tamla 40 Starr, Edwin Don't tell me I'm crazy German/pic slv-woc/superb Tamla Motown 25 Topics Man M-/recommended Token 50 Newcomers The whole world's a picture show EX+/superb Truth 30 Green, Garland Angel baby / You played on a player M-/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Uni 25 Ballads I wish I knew M-/awesome Venture 25 Rising Love You take my heart away / same-mono (inc orig sleeve) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/rare Venture 40 Keith, Tommy Loving you comes easy recommended Vibration 60 Newsome, Frankie We're on our way (part I) / same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros. 25 Olympics Girl, you're my kind of people M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Warner Bros. 30 Ruffin, David I wanna be with you / same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros. 30 Wade, Bobby I'm in love with you / Down here on the ground M-/2 great sides Way Out 25
  3. SOUL45COLLECTOR Monthly list is now up https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  4. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / R&B / 60's Soul Harrison, Danny Girl, girl, girl / Broken and blue M-/y/demo/inc Co slv/2 great sides Coral 75 Peters, Howard Soulville EX/recommended Coral 25 Soul, Sharon His love is amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75 Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50 Spidells If it ain't one thing(sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Wells, Barbara My baby's name demo/xol/great Coral 25 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat M-/superb Counsel 125 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat EX-/sm wol/superb Counsel 100 Le Bleau Monde After hours M-/great Counterpart 30 Til, Sonny And The Orioles Hey! Little woman EX+/black label issue/recommended CP Parker 150 Rice, Robin I've had it EX/w/demo/superb Crackerjack 40 Robinson, Billy And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning (wol) M-/superb Crazy Horse 40 Fox, Damon Gotta get my baby back DJ stamp-ol Crimson 15 Mason, Barbara Trouble child recommended Crusader 15 Corvells The joke's on me M-/sm xol/great Cub 50 Impalas Sorry (I ran all the way home) Cub 20 Jones, Jimmy I say love ex-/smol/orig. sleeve Cub 20 Ozells Please don't go demo/recommended Cub 50 Ozells Please don't go (Inc original sleeve) xol-flip/recommended Cub 40 Winstons Need a replacement M-/w.demo/superb Curtom 40 Middleton, Gene & Sole Survivors You need love/Stop - where you are M-/2 great sides D and B 15 Guess, Lenis Thank you baby great D.P.G. 25 Marshall & The Chi-Lites Price of love/Baby it's time EX-/2 great sides Dakar 15 Marshall & The Chi-Lites Price of love/Baby it's time EX+/w/demo/wol/2 great sides Dakar 25 Glories I stand accused of loving you EX+/great Date 10 Glories Sing me a love song EX+/great Date 10 Little Anthony Never again awesome soul DCP 10 Carter, J.T. Closer to your heart M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Decca 85 Craig, Anna The life of the party/Shout and tell the world demo/2 great sides Decca 30 Free Movement I've found someone of my own demo/great Decca 15 Jive (Five) Fyve Feat Eugene Pitt If I had a chance to love you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 40 Lee, Brenda Ain't gonna cry no more great Decca 15 Lee, Brenda Coming on strong great Decca 10 Lee, Brenda Time and time again her best Decca 15 Lee, Brenda Time and time again M-/her best Decca 15 Mitchell, Grover Loving you M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 25 Saints I got it bad and that ain't good/I'll be with you demo/2 good sides Decca 8 Scott, Ray & The Scottsmen Love piled on top of love M-/demo/xol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 100 Sigler, Bunny For cryin' out loud (WOL/sol) EX-/demo/superb Decca 100 Bits 'N' Pieces Who could I turn to (promo stamp ol-flip) Dee Gee 10 West, Willie Greatest love deep Deesu 10 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me recommended DeLuxe 15 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/w/demo/lite rings wol/recommended/rare DeLuxe 20 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me w/demo/recommended/rare DeLuxe 25 Sax, Bobby Sock it/Taste of soul EX/2 great insts. DePlace 10 Flirtations Give me love love love/This must be the end…. 2 great sides Deram 10 Flirtations Give me love love love/This must be the end…. demo/2 great sides Deram 12 Flirtations Nothing but a heartache/How can you tell me? M-/2 great sides Deram 15 McPhatter, Clyde Thank you love/Only a fool vg/demo/great Deram 10 McPhatter, Clyde Thank you love/Only a fool demo/great Deram 20 Kane and Abel Break down and cry recommended Destination 25 Little Marion Let me back in your arms w/demo/great Destination 50 D & Joe Instant happiness M-/smwol/superb De-to 75 Tex, Joe Baby, be good w/demo/great Dial 20 Tex, Joe If sugar was as sweet as you VG++/sol-flip/recommended Dial 15 Trask, Diana Precious time M-/nice mid-tempo Dial 6 Hall, Thomas You told me a lie M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommeded Diamond 25 Hall, Thomas You told me a lie EX+/demo//recommeded Diamond 25 Pirouettes If you see my baby 2 xol/great Diamond 20 Varner, Don More power to ya/Handshakin' demo/great Diamond 25 Winters, Ruby Just like a yo yo recommended Diamond 15 Cookies Only to other people Dimension 10 Irwin, Big Dee And heaven was here stmol-flip/recommended Dimension 25 Cooke, Pete Little darlin EX/w/demo/xol/great Dimesion 20 Brenda & The Tabulations That's the price you have to pay recommended Dionn 15 Lady Fox & Foxettes Our love (will never grow cold) recommended Don-El 20 Superbs It hurts so much (wol) M-/superb group mid-tempo Dore 50 Flowers, Phil Son of mine w/demo Dot 12 Mod Squad Beautiful woman w/demo/great/unknown? Dot 20 Granger, Gerri You must be doing something right Double L 8 Hudson, Pookie (I love you) for sentimental reasons ex-/great Double L 12 Georgia Prophets For the first time recommended Double Shot 20 Wood, Brenton Baby you got it(sm sol & sol)/Catch you on the rebound EX+/2 great sides Double Shot 5 Van, Billy A year ago great/unknown? Dra 25 Precisions If this is love/You'll soon be gone (stmol) EX/great version Drew 30 Black, Cody Too many irons in the fire M-/superb D-Town 75 Edwards, Dee Too careless with my love/He told me lies M-/2 great sides D-Town 40 Grier, Roosevelt Pizza pie man M-/sm wol-flip/classic/superb D-Town 100 Peps My love looks good on you/Speak your peace M-/2 superb sides/689/690 mix D-Town 85 Rogers, Lee Boss love great D-Town 12 Bland, Bobby Call on me EX/great Duke 12 Parker, Junior Wait for another day nice mid-tempo Duke 15 Parker, Little Junior You're on my mind Duke 10 Taylor, Ted Hold me tight Duke 10 Smith, Effie Trouble mind w/demo/xol Duo Disc 10 Dynamics Hold it! ex-/R&B inst. Dyna 15 Blackmon, Bobby/Soul Express She's gotta have soul M-/demo/superb/rare Dynamic 60 Barbara And Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/superb Dynamo 40 Barbara And Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/w/demo/wol & sol-flip/superb Dynamo 60 Bethea I wouldn't come back great Dynamo 15 Bethea I wouldn't come back w/demo/great Dynamo 20 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache M-/highly recommended Dynamo 30 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed the heartache EX/superb Dynamo 25 Andrews, Harold You're a winner ex-/w/demo/superb Early Bird 65 Eddie & Ernie The cat M-/recommended Eastern 15 Magnificent 7 She's called a woman/Since you've been gone so long M-/w/demo/superb/great slowie-flip Eastern 125 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 Gin & Gents Dreams for sale/Boy and a girl 2 great sides Eldorado 25 Vonn, Gary Keep on comin' back to you girl w/demo/great mid-tempo Elf 15 Cincinnatians Do what you want to do M-/recommended Emerald 30 Pipkins, Jim & Boss Five Mr. C. C. great mod inst. Emerge 15 Kay, Joey Bundle of joy R&B/recommended Empire 100 King, Anna Mama's got a bag of her own EX+/rarer dog design label/superb R&B End 50 Ames, Nancy I don't want to talk about it (sm mol) EX+/1st yellow lbl/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 25 Franklin, Erma I don't want no mama's boy EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Hamilton, Roy Earthquake great Epic 100 Hamilton, Roy I need your lovin' great Epic 30 Soulosophy Mama's book/Live your life with someone w/demo/2 great sides Epic 15 Steelers Can't take this pain w/demo/recommended Epic 25 Troy, Ben E I miss you M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 15 Wade, Adam Rain from the skies superb version Epic 30 Akens, Jewel You sure know how to hurt a fella ex- Era 6 Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 30 Big Don's Rebellion It was true (sm stain spot ol)/Smokin' M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Ethon 300 McKay, Delsey Cast your spell on me Belgian/pic. Slv/superb Eurec 30 Lexingtons I found my baby recommended Everest 25 Jones, Bobby You're a devil great Expo 12 Bataan, Joe Special girl/Magic Rose EX/gold label/lite label ring/superb Fania 75 Conn, Billy I should have known recommended Federal 20 Jewels My song recommended Federal 15 Stratoliners What do you want with my love VG+/superb/rarer issue Federal 85 Corby, Chuck & The Entrees I need your love M-/recommended Fee Bee 75 Butts, Nancy You're gonna need somebody M-/great Flaming Arrow 25 Walker, Gloria & Chevelles Need of you recommended Flaming Arrow 15 Bond, Lou Ooh, you cheater/What have I done 2 great sides Fontana 30 Cunningham, Diane Someday baby M-/great Fontana 20 Leaders Night people vg+/great Fontana 10 Leaders Night people great Fontana 15 Taste Of Grey Just once in my life M-/w/demo/superb Fontana 25 Strong, Nolan Mind over matter great Fortune 15 Five Emprees Hey lover vg+/great version Freeport 12 Rouzan Sisters Dance every dance great Frisco 10 White, Danny The little bitty things (wol) M-/great Frisco 6 Hambric, Billy Talk to me baby/Human EX/2 great sides Fury 30 Hightower, Willie So tired/If I had a hammer EX+/great Fury 6 Taylor, Little Johnny Help yourself Galaxy 10 Dawn In love again/Ba ba ba de ba vg++/w/demo/great Gamble 15 White, Artie (Bluesboy) Don't love him like you did me/Gimme some of yours deep/funk Gamma 8 Dee, Ronnie About my love M-/WOL-flip/recommended Gateway 15 Constellations Easy to be hard/same M-w/demo Gemini Star 12 Armstead, Jo I've been turned on great Giant 12 Lost Souls I'm your love man M-/superb Northern/rare Glasco 75 Baron, Elliott Man to man/The spare rib (stol) EX/2 great sides Golden World 30 Debonaires How's your new love treating you/Big time fun VG+/sm edge chip-nap/w/demo/2 great sides Golden World 20 Kendrick, Willie Fine as wine M-/great Golden World 25 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke/A mountain of a man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 85 Sierras I'll believe it when I see it superb Goldisc 20 Sierras I'll believe it when I see it w/demo/superb Goldisc 30 Star-Drifts An eye for an eye w/demo/recommended Goldisc 15 Williams, Dorothy The well's gone dry VG++/superb R&B Goldwax 100 Williams, Dorothy The well's gone dry M-/superb R&B Goldwax 125 Contours Just a little misunderstanding EX-/classic Gordy 12 Contours Just a little misunderstanding classic Gordy 15 Martha & Vandellas My baby loves me EX+/at their best!/superb Gordy 15 Martha & Vandellas One way out M-/Inc Co slv/classic Gordy 15 Reeves, Martha & The Vandellas I gotta let you go/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Gordy 30 Reeves, Martha & Vandellas Forget me not 2 great sides Gordy 15 Temptations Beauty is only skin deep/You're not an ordinary girl EX/2 superb sides Gordy 8 Temptations Girl (why you wanna make me blue) (sm stmol) M-/classic/badge label Gordy 30 Temptations Girl why you wanna make me blue EX+/classic/superb Gordy 30 Temptations The girl's alright with me EX+/superb Gordy 25 Weston, Kim A thrill a moment sol-flip/classic Gordy 60 Weston, Kim A thrill a moment(xol) M-/w/demo/classic Gordy 80 Little Jeanette Crazy crazy/Please come back again M-/2 superb sides Green Lights 150 Avons Push a little harder M-/sm wol/great Groove 15 Channels I got my eyes on you/Anything you do w/demo/2 great sides Groove 50 King Edward & His BD's Beg me(wol)/Girls are (suppposed to be) ex-/2 great sides/rare Groove 75 Mills, Margie What about mine?/Look who's crying on my shoulder M-/w/demo/great Groove 20 Rich, Charlie Let me go my merry way/Big boss man M-/wol/2 great sides Groove 25 Pageants Make it last (sm wol)/She is your girl EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Groove 15 Mancha, Steve Don't make me a story teller VG++/demo//wol/great Groovesville 15 Mancha, Steve Don't make me a storyteller/I won't love and leave you M-/2 superb sides Groovesville 20 Fletcher, Darrow That certain little something/same (lite stmol) EX+/w/demo/recommended Groovy 40 King James & Mel You better move on sld Hal 12 Dunn, Leona Baby don't play around great Hallmark 15 Strogin, Henry Good love EX+/great R&B Hank 20 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 Ronnie & Robyn Cradle of love/Dreamin M-/demo/2 good sides HBR 20 Yeomans Unlucky ex-/great Heidi 20 Zircons, The Don't put off for tomorrow (what you can do today) M-/great Heigh-Ho 40 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Patty & The Emblems Mixed-up, shook-up, girl M-/great Herald 25 Townsmen Just a little bit ex-/w/demo/wol/great Herald 25 Cherry People And suddenly EX-/great Heritage 8 Cherry People And suddenly great Heritage 10 Bryant, Don Coming on strong M-/demo/wol-flip/great Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX-/classic Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX/wol-flip/classic Hi 30 Mitchell, Willie That driving beat EX/demo/classic R&B Hi 40 Frankie And Johnny I'll hold you/I'm never gonna leave you M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Hickory 200 Wynters, Gail You've got the power M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Hickory 25 Mike & Censations Don't mess with me/There is nothing I can do about it M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Highland 30 Frontera, Tommy You're my leading lady VG++/wol/superb Hi-lite 60 Seminoles Trouble in mind/Have you got a love EX-/2 great Detroit sides Hi-Lite 125 Wrigley, Betty Selfish one superb version Hit 20 L.H. & The Memphis Sounds Double up/House full of rooms M-/2 great sides Hollywood 40 Carr, Timothy A stop along the way xol/recommended Hot Biscuit 15 Carr, Timothy Love me love great Hot Biscuit 15 Epic Splendour A little rain must fall recommended Hot Biscuit 15 Greene, Al Don't leave me EX-/recommended Hot Line 12 Sha-Rae, Billy Do it M-/great funky dancer Hour Glass 12 Mitchell, Jock Work with me Annie EX/w/demo/R&B/great Impact 75 Raye, Anthony Give me one more chance EX-/superb/rare issue Impact 35 Classics IV Stormy good version Imperial 10 Courtney, Lew The man with the cigar recommended Imperial 20 Courtney, Lew The man with the cigar w/demo/recommended Imperial 30 Irwin, Dee I can't stand the pain demo/great Imperial 15 McCracklin, Jimmy Can't raise me M-/superb R&B/TOP TIP!!! Imperial 30 O'Jays Whip it on me baby great Imperial 15 Silhouettes Which way did she go w/demo/stmol-flip Imperial 20 Lynn, Cindy & The In-Sounds Meet me at midnight EX/w/demo/classic In-Sound 100 Bates, Lee You won't do right recommended Instant 25 Nash, Johnny You got soul EX+/great Jad 3 Price, Lloyd Take all/Luv, luv, luv 2 great sides Jad 15 Price, Lloyd Take all/Luv, luv, luv w/demo/2 great sides Jad 20 Hamilton, Peter Hey girl/same-inst M-/w/demo/superb Jamie 100 Jo, Shirley Trust each other M-/recommended Jas 8 Continental 4 The love you gave to me great Jay-Walking 6 Continental 4 The way I love you baby M-/superb Jay-Walking 25 Robins, Jimmy I can't please you (rarer 'Tomorrows Hit' logo) M-/superb R&B Jerhart 15 Julian, Don Philly jerk M-/w/demo/wol-flip/recommended Jerk 20 Castor, Jimmy Block party M-/highly recommended Jet Set 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for love/My baby's coming back... M-/2 superb sides Jetstar 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for loving/T.C.B. Or T.Y.A. M-/superb Jetstar 25 Butler, George (Wild Child) Hold me baby w/demo Jewel 15 Johnny and Jon Why did you leave me wol-flip/R&B/recommnded Jewel 20 Johnny and Jon Why did you leave me ex-/demo/smooth R&B Jewel 20 Wagner, Cliff Exception to the rule M-/recommended Jewel 40 Wagner, Cliff Exception to the rule M-/demo/recommended Jewel 60 Clovers For days/Too long without some loving w/demo/wol/2 great sides Josie 25 Clovers For days/Too long without some loving w/demo/great Josie 30 Elliot, Linda Fell in love with you baby w/demo/recommended Josie 50 Flowers, Phil You little devil R&B/superb Josie 25 Flowers, Phil You little devil w/demo/R&B/superb Josie 35 Johnny & Expressions Where is the party ex-/great Josie 15 Kokomos No lies w/demo/sm wolgreat Josie 20 Love, Jimmy Two sides to every story w/demo/recommended Josie 45 Love, Mary The hurt is just beginning/same w/demo/great mid-tempo Josie 15 Mitchell, Grover I don't want to hear it w/demo/2 x's ol/great Josie 15 Original Cadillacs I'll never let you go(wol)/Wayward wanderer M-/2 superb sides Josie 35 21st I just can't forget your name/The thought of me losing you M-/2 great sides Joy 25 Appreciations Afraid of love great Jubilee 30 Dee, Joey & The Starlighters Feel good about it (Part I) (WOL)/Feel good about it (Part II) EX+/great Jubilee 15 Dee, Joey & The Starlighters Good little you (wol) M-/recommended Jubilee 25 Dentie, Gino Sad Tomorrows/same w/demo/great mid-tempo Jubilee 25 Prophets Talk don't bother me (WOL) M-/w/demo/classic Jubilee 30 Skyliners Don't hurt me baby recommended Jubilee 20 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul McNeir, Ronnie Wendy is gone/Give me a sign M-/superb/nice flip too Setting Sun 15 Beavers, Jackie I never found a girl (to love me like you do) great version Seventy 7 10 Sexton, Ann You're gonna miss me/same ex-/w/demo Seventy 7 12 Sexton, Ann You're losing me/You're gonna miss me Seventy 7 15 Sweet Cream You brought joy great Shady Brook 15 Williams, Lee Shot I hurt myself/I like your style 2 great sides/#101 Shama 8 Hard Cover Do you care (like you say you do) demo/recommended Shanty Town 125 Faze-o See you through the night/Breakin' the funk M-/nice/funk flip She 8 Special Delivery This kind of love M-/superb Shield 50 Overton, CB Superstar lady recommended Shock 12 Woman I want to get back/That's how it is great Shock 15 Asterix Dreams M-/w/demo/great Sho-Pro 10 Jackson, Deon I'll always love you M-/w/demo/superb/rare Shout 30 Naturals Crystal blue persuasion/same great Shout 10 Naturals, The Color him father/Crystal blue persuasion 2 great versions Shout 15 Seymour, Kenny I've got the rest of my life/inst great Shout 8 Torrence, George & Naturals So long goodbye/Lickin' stick w/demo/2 x's ol & stol-flip Shout 15 Nero, Don & Full Flavour Get up and dance great Show Biz 15 Invitations They say the girl's crazy recommended Silver Blue 25 Invitations They say the girl's crazy/same w/demo/wol/recommended Silver Blue 25 Murphy, Merv It's growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Shock Footsteps across your mind M-/classic x-over Sirocco 25 Shock Footsteps across your mind EX/demo/classic x-over/rare demo Sirocco 30 Rock Gazers feat. Gordon Grody I believe in love/I can't let go M-/superb/great flip too Sixth Avenue 30 Rock Gazers feat. Gordon Grody I believe in love/same-mono demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 State Department I'm counting on you/long version demo/great Sixth Avenue 12 Family Circle I hope you really love me great x-over Sky Disc 12 Family Circle I hope you really love me/same demo/great x-over Sky Disc 15 Clayton, Willie Livin' with you……. heart is somewhere else Sky Hero 12 Frank & James How long is forever EX+/superb Smooth City 60 9th Street Exit Let's make sweet harmony (promo stol) / continued M-/superb Solid Foundation 30 Constellations In love forever w/demo Sonday 15 Clay, Sonji I can't wait (until I see my baby's face) fantastic version Songee 60 Sheppard, Rick I fall deeper in love/Just you and me 2 great sides Sonia 25 Hilton, Jerry & Gentle Rain Complete opposites great version Sonic 30 Taylor, Robert Good times great Sonic 15 Maddox, Walt I've got my own thing going ex-/recommended Sonnet 20 Maddox, Walt I've got my own thing going recommended Sonnet 25 Soop & Co. feat. Moncell, Patrice Just because you're a lover/Take me to the…. 2 great sides Soops 30 Bourne, Joe The one for me great Sophisticated Soul 15 Originals I'm someone who cares ex-/recommended Soul 12 Originals I'm someone who cares recommended Soul 15 Neal, CC All I want from you is your love recommended Soul Craft 30 Will, David Loneliness great Soul Craft 15 Williams, Otis I got to have you//Take me back M-/UK/fantastic/prev unreleased Soul Intention 8 Young, Tommie Hit & run lover M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Soul Power 100 King, Ramona I choose you ex-/xol/recommended Soul Set 20 King, Ramona I choose you recommended Soul Set 25 Whispers In love forever ex-/recommended Soultrain 20 Whispers In love forever superb Soultrain 25 Whispers I've got a feeling recommended Soultrain 12 Brown Rhythm Band, Al I wanna dance/same-mono w/demo Sound Gems 6 Everett, Betty Prophecy great Sound Stage 7 12 Little Hank Try to understand EX-/demo/superb Sound Stage 7 100 Greene, Laura Manhattan/Let me blow your whistle M-/2 great sides Sound Trek 15 Tams This precious moment M-/yellow label/highly recommended Sounds South 60 Melvin, Harold & The Blue Notes Prayin'/same-inst M-/classic Source 15 Leaders, The feat. Cash, JD Strollin on the boardwalk nice mid-tempo South Star 8 Mitchell, McKinley When it rains it pours Southern Biscuit 10 Fields, Lily I'll get along somehow deep Spectrum 10 Fields, Lily Lover recommended Spectrum 30 Grier, Sonja Right here, right now fantastic modern Spirit 6 Love Foundation Let one hurt do/What's the matter baby M-/sl warp-nap/2 great sides Spot 10 Godfrey, Ray I gotta get away/Sherry Washington great Spring 15 Green, Garland Just loving you highly recommended Spring 20 Jones, Busta Just a little misunderstanding/same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great version Spring 15 Joneses Love contest/Baby (there's nothing you can do) (Inc. Co. Slv) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip Spring 50 Martin, Daltry Everybody dance/same w/demo/wol Spring 15 Martin, Daltry Everybody dance/Stay with me recommended Spring 20 Parker, Winfield I'm on my way/S.O.S. (Stop her on sight) w/demo/2 great sides Spring 20 Randolph, Leroy Good to the last drop EX-/sm wol-flip/recommended Spring 6 Randolph, Leroy Good to the last drop EX+/recommended Spring 8 Street People I wanna get over/same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Adams, Johnny Something worth leaving for nice SSS International 6 Jones, Linda & Whatnauts I'm so glad I found you EX/superb x-over Stang 30 Moments Nine times classic Stang 10 Moments Rain in my backyard at their best Stang 15 Moments So this is our good-bye great x-over Stang 10 El-Roy I crave your love/For every action there's a reaction stunning ballad Star Crest 10 Smith, Timmy I'm willing to love you recommended Starville 15 Brighter Side Of Darkness Oh baby ex-/sol-flip/recommended Star-vue 25 Brighter Side Of Darkness Oh baby recommended Star-vue 30 Johnson, Johnny & Bandwagon I don't know why/Honey bee (dancer flip) UK/superb x-over Stateside 20 Bell, William Happy great Stax 15 Crutchers, Bettye Sugar daddy UK/great Stax (Pye) 25 Impalas When you dance (sm wol)/I can't see me without you demo/great Steady 20 Lee, Lois One night stand/same EX-/demo/great Steady 20 Lee, Lois One night stand/same M-/demo/great Steady 25 Entertains Love will turn it around superb Steel Town 20 Gaye, Erroll & The Imaginations Love and affection superb Steel Town 20 Keith, Gordon Don't take my kindness for weakness/Tell the story 2 great sides Steeltown 15 Lou, Bubba & Highballs Over you/Love all over the place demo/UK/2 great sides Stiff 15 Different Shades I like it/inst. ex-/sl warp-nap/funk Stone Lady 12 Sheffield, David I should have listened/What's done in the dark x-over/great Stone Lady 20 Hollins, Blood Don't give it up/Inst. recommended Strange Fruit 30 Franky & Spindles Crazy about your love/Inst. wol/great 2 step Strawberry 15 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love superb x-over String 20 Wynne, Philippe You ain't going anywhere but gone demo/great Sugar Hill 8 Mokie, J.J. & R.O.B. Come together in love/You're so real 2 great sides Sun, Moon & Stars 20 Fields, Lily Love has so many meanings/inst. nice Sunburst 8 Bradley, Marvin Everybody's dancing great Sundance 15 Mercy Love (can make you happy) sm wol Sundi 8 Velvet, Jimmy A woman demo/ballad Sundi 15 Blacklove People keep changing/PT. 2 vg/funk Super M 15 Buchana, OB Back up lover/It's over 2 great sides Susie Q 20 Buchana, OB Bedroom eyes/Back door tipper 2 great sides Susie Q 20 Sands and The Pebbles, Pat Loving him M-/demo/superb Sussex 40 Hazelhurst, James I won't die rev. labels/superb Swar 15 Hazelhurst, James I won't die superb Swar 20 Stringer, Bobby You've got too many miles sl warp-nap Swar 8 La Flavour Only the lonely 2 x's ol/super 2 step Sweet City 12 La Flavour Only the lonely super 2 step Sweet City 15 Inner Space Make it hard on him/same demo/great Sweet Fortune 15 Troutman, Tony Your man is home tonight great T. Main 8 Five Flights Up After the feeling is gone sm sol/x-over/sm wol-flip TA 10 Ridley, Sharon Changin' M-/superb Tabu 25 Courtship It's the same old love recommended Tamla 25 Gaye, Marvin Come get to this EX/superb/sm lbl rub on flip-nap Tamla 15 Henry, Virgil I can't believe you're really leaving me/same w/demo/recommended Tamla 20 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/recommended Tamla 12 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie All of my love/He's a friend M-/2 great sides Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am ex-/great Tamla 6 Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am wol-flip/great Tamla 6 Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am great Tamla 8 Kendricks, Eddie Date with the rain EX/superb Tamla 40 P.J. T.L.C. Tender loving care M-/great Tamla 10 Robinson, Smokey Ever had a dream ex-/highly recommended Tamla 10 Robinson, Smokey Ever had a dream highly recommended Tamla 12 Vega, Tata Full speed ahead/Just as long as there is you EX+/2 great sides Tamla 3 Commodores The zoo (the human zoo) UK/small flat edge warp-nap Tamla Motown 8 Commodores The zoo (the human zoo) UK/classic dancer Tamla Motown 10 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer) UK/great Tamla Motown 15 Starr, Edwin Don't tell me I'm crazy German/pic slv-woc/superb Tamla Motown 25 Adams, Arthur I can't wait to see you again recommended Ta'san 25 Front Row Wanting you recommended TBC 25 Direct Current When it's love super mellow goove TEC 10 Parker, Cecil I really really love you/same superb TEC 10 Chance, Nolan I'll never forget you M-/demo/recommended Thomas 25 Jenkins, Donald A new world beautiful M-/demo/stunning!!! Thomas 10 Lloyd, Betty Snowflakes Pt I/same Pt II (inst) M-/demo/superb Thomas 8 T.F.O. I come here to party ex-/disco-funk dancer Three G's 8 5 Wagers Come and ask me classic Tiara 8 5 Wagers Come and ask me demo/classic Tiara 15 Beck, Floyd I'm in love ex-/awesome soul Timeless 45 Beck, Floyd I'm in love awesome soul Timeless 50 Topics Man M-/recommended Token 50 Wells, Wes & Steelers From the top of my heart great x-over Torrid 10 McNeir, Ronnie Different kind of love/same-mono M-/demo/superb Tortoise 20 Green Brothers Sweet loving woman highly recommended Tortoise Int'l 25 Skyliners Oh how happy recommended Tortoise Int'l 10 Skyliners The love bug/same demo/great dancer Tortoise Int'l 15 Skyliners The love bug/Smile on me dancer/mid-tempo Tortoise Int'l 20 Hammond, Charles Blues Breakaway (autographed label) ex-/wol/v sl warp-nap/superb Touch 25 Bailey, JR After hours nice Toy 10 Bailey, JR Love,love,love ex-/nice Toy 8 Cruz, Roger Here we are again/Lover on the side recommended Trac 15 Wilder, Chuck Why superb x-over Tragar 15 Mandells How to love a woman/I can't get enough of your stuff M-/tiny warp-nap/recommended Trans World Sound 12 Mandells How to love a woman/I can't get enough of your stuff EX+/great Trans World Sound 15 Mandells I'm the one/Baby don't get hooked on me M-/great/nice flip too Trans World Sound 12 Up From The Bottom The way the world will be/Inst. M-/superb x-over True 30 Green Brothers Can't give you up/Dy-no-mite Truth 10 Knight, Frederick I betcha didn't know that/Let's make a deal xol/great Truth 15 Newcomers Keep an eye on your close friends great Truth 10 Newcomers Keep an eye on your close friends/same w/demo/great Truth 15 Newcomers The whole world's a picture show EX+/superb Truth 30 Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out EX/w/demo/superb Truth 25 Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out (bubbly vinyl-plays fine) w/demo/superb Truth 25 Wright, Sandra Lovin' you, lovin' me/same demo/wonderful!!! Truth 10 City Limits Love is everywhere recommended TSOP 20 Intruders A nice girl like you ex-/recommended TSOP 15 Intruders A nice girl like you recommended TSOP 20 Intruders A nice girl like you/same demo/recommended TSOP 25 McFadden & Whitehead Ain't no stoppin' us now/same w/demo/different version TSOP 20 McFadden & Whitehead I heard it in love song/Always room for one more recommended TSOP 20 McFadden & Whitehead I heard it in a love song/same w/demo/recommended TSOP 15 Davis, Darlene I found love (and you're the one)/inst good modern/1986 Tubotune 10 Hines, Ernie Thank you baby/We're gonna party great U.S.A. 20 Classets I've got to space great Ultra-Class 25 Classtets I've got to space sm lbl tear/xol-flip/great Ultra-Class 15 Fletcher, Darrow Changing by the minute superb Uni 25 Green, Garland Angel baby/You played on a player M-/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Uni 25 New World Soul Choir You better be goin' ex-/recommended Uni 12 New World Soul Choir You better be goin' demo/recommended Uni 20 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Don't ever be lonely wol/nice United Artists 5 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Don't ever be lonely nice United Artists 6 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Too late to turn back now great United Artists 8 Fisher, Bruce At the end of a love affair dancer/recommended United Artists 30 Fisher, Bruce At the end of a love affair/same demo/dancer/recommended United Artists 30 Green, Sonny Come and see me United Artists 6 Hidden Strength Hustle on up (do the bump)/inst. ex-/funk United Artists 6 Hill, ZZ Your love makes me feel good nice United Artists 8 Womack, Bobby Daylight M-/highly recommended United Artists 12 York, Patti He's coming in the morning EX+/demo/superb x-over United Artists 40 York, Patti Where were you/same-mono EX-/demo/sm wol/Inc Co slv/great United Artists 6 Pearson, Mr. Danny Is it really true girl great Unlimited Gold 10 Mintz, Charles Give a man a break/Finders keepers EX-/great funk/superb slowie-flip Up Look 35 125th Street Candy Store If you wanna dream EX/recommended Uptite 12 Parrish Remembering the times/Inst. 2 x's ol-flip/superb Uptite 25 Parrish Remembering the times/Inst. w/demo/superb Uptite 30 Wells, Billy Girl watcher sl lbl stain/xol/nice version Uranus 15 Hill, Lonnie Could it be love/same demo/great mellow groove Urban Sound 15 Bell, Arlene It ain't easy M-/great Velvet 15 Ballads I wish I knew M-/awesome Venture 25 Contributors Of Soul You can't help but fall in love/same M-/w/demo/superb Venture 15 Natura'elles Show me the way great Venture 10 Rising Love You take my heart away/Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare Venture 40 Strong, Chuck You beat me at my game like a lady Part I/Same part II M-/demo/great/rare demo Venture 12 T.F.O. Happy family/Let love come right on in 2 great sides Venture 10 Hammond, Clay Women are human superb Versepto 15 Keith, Tommy Loving you comes easy recommended Vibration 60 De-lite-ful Forget that girl demo Vigor 6 Street People I wanna spend my whole…/Wanna slow dance.. great Vigor 8 Street People Liberated lady/Re-run (from an old time movie) 2 superb sides/TOP TIP!!! Vigor 15 Street People Never get enough of your love/I wanna spend... 2 great sides Vigor 10 Stylists What is love/same w/demo/sm wol/recomnd VIP 15 Banks, Darrell Just because our love is gone/same ex-/w/demo/great Volt 20 Branding Iron Slave for love recommended Volt 25 Charmells Sea shell/Lovin' feeling (sm wol) w/demo/2 great sides Volt 15 Dotson, Jimmy I used to be a loser w/demo/awesome x-over Volt 30 Hot Sauce Echoes from the past recommended Volt 15 Joseph, Dee Dee & David Devil made me do it W.J.J. Productions 15 Bailey, Ann Sweeping your dirt under my rug/same demo/great Wand 25 Crook, General Tell me what'cha gonna do great x-over Wand 15 Crook, General Tell me what'cha gonna do demo/great x-over Wand 20 Hatcher, Will What is best for me…/Who am I without you baby 2 nice sides Wand 8 Hughes, Freddie I gotta keep my bluff in recommended Wand 12 Lovely, Ike Fools hall of fame M-/great Wand 12 Secrets (Baby) save me/disco version demo Wand 10 South Shore Commission We're on the right track great Wand 10 Ashford & Simpson Main line xol/great Warner Bros. 8 Ashford & Simpson Over and over great Warner Bros. 8 Newsome, Frankie We're on our way (part I)/same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros. 25 Olympics Girl, you're my kind of people M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Warner Bros. 30 Osiris Consistency/Almost never gets there M-/great/funk flip Warner Bros. 6 Ruffin, David I wanna be with you/same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros. 30 Sadane One-way love affair/same demo/nice mid-tempo Warner Bros. 6 Tower Of Power So very hard to go M-/highly recommended Warner Bros. 8 Tower Of Power What happened to the world that day recommended Warner Bros. 15 Wright, Charles Love land wol/recommended Warner Bros. 12 Wright, Charles Love land recommended Warner Bros. 15 Lamont Cranston Band Takin' a chance (with pic sleeve) recommended Waterhouse 60 Scott, Norman Baby don't go sweet Way Out 10 Wade, Bobby I'm in love with you/Down here on the ground M-/2 great sides Way Out 25 Change Searching UK/'A' ol/Luther Vandross WEA 4 Dukes, The (Bugatti & Musker) Mystery girl (Inc Co sleeve) w/demo/Canada/superb WEA 20 La Salle, Denise I'm over you/A Man size job ex-/2 good sides Westbound 3 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website ww.soul45collector.com
  5. Ends tomorrow (Sunday) around 7pm (UK time)
  6. Well spotted that man!
  7. Ends this Sunday, around 7pm (UK time)
  8. Includes these artists - Lancelot, Rick - King, Ben E - Soul Survivors - Sledge, Percy - Radcliffe, Jimmy - Carlton, Carl - Attractions, Moore, Johnny - Good Intentions - Magnificent Men - McNeal, Landy - Holmes, Eldridge - Dialtones Precisions - Perry, Jeff - Two Tons Of Love - Weston, Kim - King Edward & His BD's - Chocolate Syrup Hesitations - Barnes, Myra - Gomez, Jessie - Warwick, Dee Dee - Lovesmith - Washington, Baby Jackson, Walter - Checker, Chubby - 4 Seasons - Gaynor, Gloria - Barons, The - Paris, Freddie Graham, Jimmy - Lee, Buddy - Shock - Vega - Tata - Joy, Bobby - Purrell, Eddie
  9. SOUL45COLLECTOR I have some more records up for auction and set sale on Ebay at the moment Auctions end this Sunday around 7.00 pm - UK time To view them click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser https://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZ45rabbiQQhtZ-1 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Also loads more great soul vinyl for set sale, with sound clips, on the website www.soul45collector.com
  10. Any good to you? Apollas Mr. Creator M-/w/demo Warner Bros £125
  11. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Wiggins, Percy That's loving you M-/demo/classic A-bet 100 Rays Love another girl EX+/demo/superb mid tempo Amy 150 Dawkins, Earl with The Aqua Lads Ain't gonna ride / My friend, the fool (autographed) M-/2 great sides Aqua 75 Levon And The Hawks He don't love you / The stones I throw M-/2 superb sides Atco 75 Uggams, Leslie Don't you even care M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Atlantic 50 Hinton, Joe Got you on my mind M-/feint sm ink stamp ol/superb Back Beat 50 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/superb Bell 100 Barnes, Sidney Talkin' 'bout a shindig (xol) / New York city EX+/demo/2 great sides Blues Tone 40 Velvets & Louis Prejean Estelle Parker EX- flip/recommended Bofuz 65 Clark, Lewis Dog (ain't a man's best friend) / I need you baby (lite lbl ring) EX+/2 superb sides Brent 60 Moovers One little dance EX+/superb Brent 40 Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone / I want love EX+/2 great sides Brent 50 Holmes, Sherlock What an argument M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40 Ross, Jackie Keep your chin up M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Brunswick 40 Dells Thinkin' about you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cadet 60 Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got M-/w/demo/# 143/superb/rare demo Calla 40 Lovettes, The I need a guy M-/feint wol/fantastic! Carnival 75 Thomas, Luther Upset the town / Who slipped out M-/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 Vashonettes A mighty good lover (sm sol) EX-/superb Checker 75 La Salle, Denise Count down (and fly me to the moon) M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/DEMO/2 superb sides Chess 60 Lucien, John What a difference love makes M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 50 Austin, Patti Leave a little love M-/Inc Co sleeve/at her best! Coral 100 Barnes, Ortheia Take my heart and soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat M-/superb Counsel 125 D & Joe Instant happiness M-/smwol/superb De-to 75 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Hesitations You can't by pass love / You'll never know M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Kapp 50 Sweethearts, The This couldn't be me / No more tears M-/DEMO/superb Kent 85 Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen / Little red riding hood M-/2 superb sides Landa 125 Rotations Don't ever hurt me girl EX-/superb Law-ton 35 King, Anna The big change EX+/great Ludix 75 Classic Sullivans Shame, shame, shame M-/superb Master Key 100 Wesley, John & The Four Tees You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Mars, Marlina Put your love on strike / Give your love to me EX/y/demo/superb/great flip too M-G-M 60 Barnes, Orthea Your picture on the wall / Same as before M-/2 great sides/1st label/RARE Mickay's 75 Marvellos Down in the city (xol) / In the sunshine M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 50 Jean, Ruby Empty words / Roving girl M-/2 great sides Monster Masters 150 Jefferies, Fran Gone now EX/w/demo/superb Monument 75 Price, Lloyd Oh, lady luck M-/Inc Co slv/superb Monument 75 McNair, Barbara You're gonna love my baby EX/WOL/classic Motown 85 Kittens Three, The Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams EX+/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40 Charades Love of my life / Can't make it without you M-/w/demo/fantastic!!!/great flip too Okeh 75 Little Foxes So glad your love don't change / Love made to order M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Okeh 100 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power (xol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve Parkway 75 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Philips 50 Webs Give in M-/superb Popside 60 In-Men Ltd Take a look at my baby / The one who really cares EX/2 great sides Pyramid 125 Pinkertones Feat Eddie Gross Its not the way you walk M-/superb Queen-G 250 Griffin, Little Jimmy If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Adams, Nancy I wanna hear it from you M-/highly recommended RCA 60 Dallas, Maria Ambush M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended RCA 50 Wilson, Delores Come on shy guy M-/great R&B Renee 60 Blossoms That's when the tears start EX+/Inc Co slv/v sl label ring/classic Reprise 50 Rivieras You counter feit girl EX+/superb Rileys 150 Davis, Curtis Tell me (2 lite x's ol) EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Huimes, Anita & The Essex What did I do EX+/highly recommended Roulette 50 Guess, Lenis Just ask me / Workin' for my baby EX/2 superb sides S.P.Q.R. 60 Ellis, Jimmy Puttin it on your mind M-/superb Salem 75 Wilson, Madeline Dial "L" for lonely M-/superb Samar 100 Jim & Lee Let go, baby M-/w/demo/superb Smash 60 Sophisticates Back up baby M-/superb Sonny 60 Soulville All-Stars Nobody to blame but myself M-/superb Soulville 150 Appreciations She never really loved me / There's a place in my heart M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Sport 100 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX-/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Sansom, Bobby Don't leave M-/superb mid-tempo Sublime 60 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Houston, Freddie Soft walkin' EX+/recommended Toto 75 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Lopez, Trini Sinner not a saint (wol) / If EX+/2 great sides United Modern 75 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX+/EX- flip/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 50 Ward, Clara The right direction M-/demo/wol/classic Verve 100 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / same M-/w/demo/superb/rare white demo VIP 75 Dean, Debbie Why am I lovin' you / same M-/w/demo/perfect labels/classic VIP 75 Apollas Mr. Creator M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Warner Bros 125 Little Tony I'm comin' home M-/w/demo/superb Warner Bros 30 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Grier, Rosie Beautiful people / same-mono M-/w/demo/wol/awesome soul A&M 75 Prophecy Rain in my life / same M-/highly recommended All Platinum 75 Kirton, Lew Heaven in the afternoon / same M-/w/demo/classic Alston 85 Santiago Mister love (short) / same (long) M-/w/demo/highly recommended Amherst 30 Mandrill Too late / same-mono (date stamp ol-mono side) M-/w/demo/superb Arista 75 Ace Spectrum Don't send nobody else / same-mono (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/classic Atlantic 50 Drifters You got to pay your dues M/superb/rare issue Atlantic 100 Joseph, Margie Come on back to me lover / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Atlantic 30 21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish (xol) EX+/demo/superb x-over Beegee 30 Alexander, La-Jay Say so / same-mono M-/demo/superb x-over Black Gold 50 Darin, Curt Two on a cloud / Grown up fairy tale M-/2 superb sides Buddah 60 Haywood, Leon Consider the source M-/Inc Co sleeve/classic x-over Capitol 75 Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do / What shall I do (Inst) superb Casablanca 40 Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Enchanted Five Try a little love / Have you ever M-/gold label/2 great sides CVS 40 California Rock Choir Whoever you are EX+/w/demo/sm wol/superb x-over Cyclone 40 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Rumpus My love's gonna getcha (Inc Co sleeve) M-/sm wol/superb Dash 60 Saddler, Janice & Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX+/w/demo/superb De-Lite 75 Swope, Sheryl Run to me / Are you gonna do right this time (SOL) M-/superb/great flip too Duo 60 Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono (Inc Co slv) M-/w/demo//superb Epic 40 Universal Love It's you girl / Moon ride VG++/label wear/superb Glades 100 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Las Vegas Connection Running back to you / Can't nobody love me like you do M-/2 superb sides Hep'Me 200 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Barrino Brothers Trapped in a love M-/superb Invictus 40 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to… EX/demo/sol/wol-flip/2 great sides Invictus 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 We The People Making my daydream real / Whatcha done for me..... M-/superb/great flip too Lion 75 Chandler, Deniece Mama, I wish I stayed at home M-/w/demo/superb Lock 75 Brown, JT Liking taking candy (from a baby) M-/superb Mahogany 30 Gomez, Jessie Lace / Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Smith, Marvin Who will do your running now EX+/great Mayfield 100 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) EX+/German/Inc pic slv/fantastic!!!/TOP TIP! MCA 20 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 40 Jones, Tamiko Cross my heart M-/superb Metromedia 40 Rawls, Lou A man of value / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version MGM 30 Bay Brothers What does it take (to win your love) / same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 Gardner, Don Your love is driving me crazy M-/demo/highly recommended Mr. G 60 Lynch, Frank Young girl / same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 Barnes, Jimmy J I think I've got a good chance (Pt. 1) / Same (Pt. 2) EX-/superb x-over Organic 175 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Ebonys I'm so glad I'm me / Do you like the way I love M-/2 superb sides/rare Phil. Int. 50 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare issue Polydor 75 Downing, Al I'm just nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair EX+/UK/superb Polydor 40 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended Quiet Storm 40 Green, Garland Don't let love walk out on us demo/superb RCA 60 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb RCA 75 Contours I'm a winner / Same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/top tip!!! Rocket Records 30 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin' away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Washington, John Daddy teddybear / Burn the calendar M-/2 great sides Sandwash 40 Out-Of-Sights My womans love M-/superb x-over Saru 60 Murphy, Merv It's growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Joneses Love contest / Baby (there's nothing you can do) (Inc. Co. Slv) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip Spring 50 Street People I wanna get over / same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Ruffin, David I wanna be with you / same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros. 30 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb Yew 40 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  12. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Wiggins, Percy That's loving you M-/demo/classic A-bet 100 Rays Love another girl EX+/demo/superb mid tempo Amy 150 Dawkins, Earl with The Aqua Lads Ain't gonna ride / My friend, the fool (autographed) M-/2 great sides Aqua 75 Levon And The Hawks He don't love you / The stones I throw M-/2 superb sides Atco 75 Uggams, Leslie Don't you even care M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Atlantic 50 Hinton, Joe Got you on my mind M-/feint sm ink stamp ol/superb Back Beat 50 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/superb Bell 100 Barnes, Sidney Talkin' 'bout a shindig (xol) / New York city EX+/demo/2 great sides Blues Tone 40 Velvets & Louis Prejean Estelle Parker EX- flip/recommended Bofuz 65 Clark, Lewis Dog (ain't a man's best friend) / I need you baby (lite lbl ring) EX+/2 superb sides Brent 60 Moovers One little dance EX+/superb Brent 40 Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone / I want love EX+/2 great sides Brent 50 Holmes, Sherlock What an argument M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40 Ross, Jackie Keep your chin up M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Brunswick 40 Dells Thinkin' about you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cadet 60 Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got M-/w/demo/# 143/superb/rare demo Calla 40 Lovettes, The I need a guy M-/feint wol/fantastic! Carnival 75 Thomas, Luther Upset the town / Who slipped out M-/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 Vashonettes A mighty good lover (sm sol) EX-/superb Checker 75 La Salle, Denise Count down (and fly me to the moon) M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/DEMO/2 superb sides Chess 60 Lucien, John What a difference love makes M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 40 Austin, Patti Leave a little love M-/Inc Co sleeve/at her best! Coral 100 Barnes, Ortheia Take my heart and soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat M-/superb Counsel 125 D & Joe Instant happiness M-/smwol/superb De-to 75 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Hesitations You can't by pass love / You'll never know M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Kapp 50 Sweethearts, The This couldn't be me / No more tears M-/DEMO/superb Kent 85 Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen / Little red riding hood M-/2 superb sides Landa 125 Rotations Don't ever hurt me girl EX-/superb Law-ton 35 King, Anna The big change EX+/great Ludix 75 Classic Sullivans Shame, shame, shame M-/superb Master Key 100 Wesley, John & The Four Tees You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Mars, Marlina Put your love on strike / Give your love to me EX/y/demo/superb/great flip too M-G-M 60 Barnes, Orthea Your picture on the wall / Same as before M-/2 great sides/1st label/RARE Mickay's 75 Marvellos Down in the city (xol) / In the sunshine M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 50 Jean, Ruby Empty words / Roving girl M-/2 great sides Monster Masters 150 Jefferies, Fran Gone now EX/w/demo/superb Monument 75 Price, Lloyd Oh, lady luck M-/Inc Co slv/superb Monument 75 McNair, Barbara You're gonna love my baby EX/WOL/classic Motown 85 Kittens Three, The Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams EX+/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40 Charades Love of my life / Can't make it without you M-/w/demo/fantastic!!!/great flip too Okeh 75 Little Foxes So glad your love don't change / Love made to order M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Okeh 100 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power (xol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve Parkway 75 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Philips 50 Webs Give in M-/superb Popside 60 In-Men Ltd Take a look at my baby / The one who really cares EX/2 great sides Pyramid 125 Pinkertones Feat Eddie Gross Its not the way you walk M-/superb Queen-G 250 Griffin, Little Jimmy If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Adams, Nancy I wanna hear it from you M-/highly recommended RCA 60 Dallas, Maria Ambush M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended RCA 50 Wilson, Delores Come on shy guy M-/great R&B Renee 60 Blossoms That's when the tears start EX+/Inc Co slv/v sl label ring/classic Reprise 50 Rivieras You counter feit girl EX+/superb Rileys 150 Davis, Curtis Tell me (2 lite x's ol) EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Huimes, Anita & The Essex What did I do EX+/highly recommended Roulette 50 Guess, Lenis Just ask me / Workin' for my baby EX/2 superb sides S.P.Q.R. 60 Ellis, Jimmy Puttin it on your mind M-/superb Salem 75 Wilson, Madeline Dial "L" for lonely M-/superb Samar 100 Jim & Lee Let go, baby M-/w/demo/superb Smash 60 Sophisticates Back up baby M-/superb Sonny 60 Soulville All-Stars Nobody to blame but myself M-/superb Soulville 150 Appreciations She never really loved me / There's a place in my heart M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Sport 100 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX-/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Sansom, Bobby Don't leave M-/superb mid-tempo Sublime 60 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Houston, Freddie Soft walkin' EX+/recommended Toto 75 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Lopez, Trini Sinner not a saint (wol) / If EX+/2 great sides United Modern 75 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX+/EX- flip/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 50 Ward, Clara The right direction M-/demo/wol/classic Verve 100 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / same M-/w/demo/superb/rare white demo VIP 75 Dean, Debbie Why am I lovin' you / same M-/w/demo/perfect labels/classic VIP 75 Apollas Mr. Creator M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Warner Bros 125 Grey, Gloria It's a sweet world M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Warner Bros 200 Little Tony I'm comin' home M-/w/demo/superb Warner Bros 30 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Grier, Rosie Beautiful people / same-mono M-/w/demo/wol/awesome soul A&M 75 Prophecy Rain in my life / same M-/highly recommended All Platinum 75 Kirton, Lew Heaven in the afternoon / same M-/w/demo/classic Alston 85 Santiago Mister love (short) / same (long) M-/w/demo/highly recommended Amherst 30 Mandrill Too late / same-mono (date stamp ol-mono side) M-/w/demo/superb Arista 75 Ace Spectrum Don't send nobody else / same-mono (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/classic Atlantic 50 Drifters You got to pay your dues M/superb/rare issue Atlantic 100 Joseph, Margie Come on back to me lover / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Atlantic 30 21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish (xol) EX+/demo/superb x-over Beegee 30 Alexander, La-Jay Say so / same-mono M-/demo/superb x-over Black Gold 50 Darin, Curt Two on a cloud / Grown up fairy tale M-/2 superb sides Buddah 60 Haywood, Leon Consider the source M-/Inc Co sleeve/classic x-over Capitol 75 Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do / What shall I do (Inst) superb Casablanca 40 Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Enchanted Five Try a little love / Have you ever M-/gold label/2 great sides CVS 40 California Rock Choir Whoever you are EX+/w/demo/sm wol/superb x-over Cyclone 40 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Rumpus My love's gonna getcha (Inc Co sleeve) M-/sm wol/superb Dash 60 Saddler, Janice & Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX+/w/demo/superb De-Lite 75 Swope, Sheryl Run to me / Are you gonna do right this time (SOL) M-/superb/great flip too Duo 60 Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono (Inc Co slv) M-/w/demo//superb Epic 40 Universal Love It's you girl / Moon ride VG++/label wear/superb Glades 100 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Las Vegas Connection Running back to you / Can't nobody love me like you do M-/2 superb sides Hep'Me 200 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Barrino Brothers Trapped in a love M-/superb Invictus 40 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to… EX/demo/sol/wol-flip/2 great sides Invictus 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 We The People Making my daydream real / Whatcha done for me..... M-/superb/great flip too Lion 75 Chandler, Deniece Mama, I wish I stayed at home M-/w/demo/superb Lock 75 Brown, JT Liking taking candy (from a baby) M-/superb Mahogany 30 Gomez, Jessie Lace / Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Smith, Marvin Who will do your running now EX+/great Mayfield 100 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) EX+/German/Inc pic slv/fantastic!!!/TOP TIP! MCA 20 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 40 Jones, Tamiko Cross my heart M-/superb Metromedia 40 Rawls, Lou A man of value / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version MGM 30 Bay Brothers What does it take (to win your love) / same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 Gardner, Don Your love is driving me crazy M-/demo/highly recommended Mr. G 60 Lynch, Frank Young girl / same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 Barnes, Jimmy J I think I've got a good chance (Pt. 1) / Same (Pt. 2) EX-/superb x-over Organic 175 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Ebonys I'm so glad I'm me / Do you like the way I love M-/2 superb sides/rare Phil. Int. 50 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare issue Polydor 75 Downing, Al I'm just nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair EX+/UK/superb Polydor 40 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended Quiet Storm 40 Green, Garland Don't let love walk out on us demo/superb RCA 60 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb RCA 75 Contours I'm a winner / Same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/top tip!!! Rocket Records 30 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin' away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Washington, John Daddy teddybear / Burn the calendar M-/2 great sides Sandwash 40 Out-Of-Sights My womans love M-/superb x-over Saru 60 Murphy, Merv It's growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Joneses Love contest / Baby (there's nothing you can do) (Inc. Co. Slv) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip Spring 50 Street People I wanna get over / same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Ruffin, David I wanna be with you / same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros. 30 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb Yew 40 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  13. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / R&B / 60's Soul Wiggins, Percy That's loving you M-/demo/classic A-bet 100 Rays Love another girl EX+/demo/superb mid tempo Amy 150 Dawkins, Earl with The Aqua Lads Ain't gonna ride / My friend, the fool (autographed) M-/2 great sides Aqua 75 Levon And The Hawks He don't love you / The stones I throw M-/2 superb sides Atco 75 Uggams, Leslie Don't you even care M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Atlantic 50 Hinton, Joe Got you on my mind M-/feint sm ink stamp ol/superb Back Beat 50 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/superb Bell 100 Barnes, Sidney Talkin' 'bout a shindig (xol) / New York city EX+/demo/2 great sides Blues Tone 40 Velvets & Louis Prejean Estelle Parker EX- flip/recommended Bofuz 65 Clark, Lewis Dog (ain't a man's best friend) / I need you baby (lite lbl ring) EX+/2 superb sides Brent 60 Moovers One little dance EX+/superb Brent 40 Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone / I want love EX+/2 great sides Brent 50 Holmes, Sherlock What an argument M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40 Ross, Jackie Keep your chin up M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Brunswick 40 Dells Thinkin' about you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cadet 60 Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got M-/w/demo/# 143/superb/rare demo Calla 40 Lovettes, The I need a guy M-/feint wol/fantastic! Carnival 75 Thomas, Luther Upset the town / Who slipped out M-/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 Vashonettes A mighty good lover (sm sol) EX-/superb Checker 75 La Salle, Denise Count down (and fly me to the moon) M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/DEMO/2 superb sides Chess 60 Lucien, John What a difference love makes M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 40 Chandler, Gene Pretty little girl / A little like lovin' EX+/superb/nice flip too/his rarest Constellation 125 Austin, Patti Leave a little love M-/Inc Co sleeve/at her best! Coral 100 Barnes, Ortheia Take my heart and soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Impacts Jerkin' in your seat M-/superb Counsel 125 D & Joe Instant happiness M-/smwol/superb De-to 75 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Hesitations You can't by pass love / You'll never know M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Kapp 50 Sweethearts, The This couldn't be me / No more tears M-/DEMO/superb Kent 85 Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen / Little red riding hood M-/2 superb sides Landa 125 Rotations Don't ever hurt me girl EX-/superb Law-ton 35 King, Anna The big change EX+/great Ludix 75 Classic Sullivans Shame, shame, shame M-/superb Master Key 100 Wesley, John & The Four Tees You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Mars, Marlina Put your love on strike / Give your love to me EX/y/demo/superb/great flip too M-G-M 60 Barnes, Orthea Your picture on the wall / Same as before M-/2 great sides/1st label/RARE Mickay's 75 Marvellos Down in the city (xol) / In the sunshine M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 50 Jean, Ruby Empty words / Roving girl M-/2 great sides Monster Masters 150 Jefferies, Fran Gone now EX/w/demo/superb Monument 75 Price, Lloyd Oh, lady luck M-/Inc Co slv/superb Monument 75 McNair, Barbara You're gonna love my baby EX/WOL/classic Motown 85 Kittens Three, The Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams EX+/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40 Charades Love of my life / Can't make it without you M-/w/demo/fantastic!!!/great flip too Okeh 75 Little Foxes So glad your love don't change / Love made to order M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Okeh 100 Steinways You've been leading me on / My heart's not in it anymore EX/WOL/2 classics Oliver 185 Admirations Heaven is in your arms VG++/reversed labels/superb Paree 225 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power (xol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve Parkway 75 Intentions Don't forget that I love you (XOL) / The night rider EX+/w/demo/superb/great Inst-flip Philips 55 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Philips 50 Webs Give in M-/superb Popside 60 In-Men Ltd Take a look at my baby / The one who really cares EX/2 great sides Pyramid 125 Pinkertones Feat Eddie Gross Its not the way you walk M-/superb Queen-G 250 Griffin, Little Jimmy If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Adams, Nancy I wanna hear it from you M-/highly recommended RCA 60 Dallas, Maria Ambush M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended RCA 50 Wilson, Delores Come on shy guy M-/great R&B Renee 60 Blossoms That's when the tears start EX+/Inc Co slv/v sl label ring/classic Reprise 50 Rivieras You counter feit girl EX+/superb Rileys 150 Davis, Curtis Tell me (2 lite x's ol) EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Huimes, Anita & The Essex What did I do EX+/highly recommended Roulette 50 Guess, Lenis Just ask me / Workin' for my baby EX/2 superb sides S.P.Q.R. 60 Ellis, Jimmy Puttin it on your mind M-/superb Salem 75 Wilson, Madeline Dial "L" for lonely M-/superb Samar 100 Jim & Lee Let go, baby M-/w/demo/superb Smash 60 Sophisticates Back up baby M-/superb Sonny 60 Soulville All-Stars Nobody to blame but myself M-/superb Soulville 150 Appreciations She never really loved me / There's a place in my heart M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Sport 100 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX-/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Sansom, Bobby Don't leave M-/superb mid-tempo Sublime 60 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Houston, Freddie Soft walkin' EX+/recommended Toto 75 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Lopez, Trini Sinner not a saint (wol) / If EX+/2 great sides United Modern 75 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX+/EX- flip/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 50 Ethics I want my baby back EX+/sl outer edge label stain/superb Vent 60 Ward, Clara The right direction M-/demo/wol/classic Verve 100 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / same M-/w/demo/superb/rare white demo VIP 75 Dean, Debbie Why am I lovin' you / same M-/w/demo/perfect labels/classic VIP 75 Apollas Mr. Creator M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Warner Bros 125 Grey, Gloria It's a sweet world M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Warner Bros 200 Little Tony I'm comin' home M-/w/demo/superb Warner Bros 30 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul James, Jesse If you want a love affair / same-mono M-/demo/fantastic 20th Century 50 Grier, Rosie Beautiful people / same-mono M-/w/demo/wol/awesome soul A&M 75 Mann, Charles It's all over / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic ender ABC 40 Prophecy Rain in my life / same M-/highly recommended All Platinum 75 Willie And The Mighty Magnificents Funky 8 corners Pt 1 / Pt 2 M-/superb All Platinum 30 Kirton, Lew Heaven in the afternoon / same M-/w/demo/classic Alston 85 Santiago Mister love (short) / same (long) M-/w/demo/highly recommended Amherst 30 Mandrill Too late / same-mono (date stamp ol-mono side) M-/w/demo/superb Arista 75 Ace Spectrum Don't send nobody else / same-mono (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/classic Atlantic 50 Drifters You got to pay your dues M/superb/rare issue Atlantic 100 Joseph, Margie Come on back to me lover / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Atlantic 30 Spinners I just want to fall in love / same-mono M-/demo/superb/rare demo Atlantic 40 21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish (xol) EX+/demo/superb x-over Beegee 30 Alexander, La-Jay Say so / same-mono M-/demo/superb x-over Black Gold 50 Darin, Curt Two on a cloud / Grown up fairy tale M-/2 superb sides Buddah 60 Haywood, Leon Consider the source M-/Inc Co sleeve/classic x-over Capitol 75 Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do / What shall I do (Inst) superb Casablanca 40 Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Womack, Bobby & Brotherhood Home is where the heart is M-/Inc Co slv/fantastic!!!/RIP! Columbia 40 Enchanted Five Try a little love / Have you ever M-/gold label/2 great sides CVS 40 California Rock Choir Whoever you are EX+/w/demo/sm wol/superb x-over Cyclone 40 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Rumpus My love's gonna getcha (Inc Co sleeve) M-/sm wol/superb Dash 60 Saddler, Janice & Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX+/w/demo/superb De-Lite 75 Swope, Sheryl Run to me / Are you gonna do right this time (SOL) M-/superb/great flip too Duo 60 Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono (Inc Co slv) M-/w/demo//superb Epic 40 Universal Love It's you girl / Moon ride VG++/label wear/superb Glades 100 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Las Vegas Connection Running back to you / Can't nobody love me like you do M-/2 superb sides Hep'Me 200 Mahdi & Tracy Kerr Who are you M-/superb x-over Indy 5 50 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Barrino Brothers Trapped in a love M-/superb Invictus 40 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to… EX/demo/sol/wol-flip/2 great sides Invictus 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 We The People Making my daydream real / Whatcha done for me..... M-/superb/great flip too Lion 75 Chandler, Deniece Mama, I wish I stayed at home M-/w/demo/superb Lock 75 Brown, JT Liking taking candy (from a baby) M-/superb Mahogany 30 Gomez, Jessie Lace / Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Smith, Marvin Who will do your running now EX+/great Mayfield 100 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) EX+/German/Inc pic slv/fantastic!!!/TOP TIP! MCA 20 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 40 Jones, Tamiko Cross my heart M-/superb Metromedia 40 Rawls, Lou A man of value / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version MGM 30 Bay Brothers What does it take (to win your love) / same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 Gardner, Don Your love is driving me crazy M-/demo/highly recommended Mr. G 60 Lynch, Frank Young girl / same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 Barnes, Jimmy J I think I've got a good chance (Pt. 1) / Same (Pt. 2) EX-/superb x-over Organic 175 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Perry, Oscar Main string M-/superb Peri-Tone 50 Ebonys I'm so glad I'm me / Do you like the way I love M-/2 superb sides/rare Phil. Int. 50 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare issue Polydor 75 Downing, Al I'm just nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair EX+/UK/superb Polydor 40 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended Quiet Storm 40 Green, Garland Don't let love walk out on us demo/superb RCA 60 Walsh, James Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/Inc Co slv/classic RCA 75 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb RCA 75 Contours I'm a winner / Same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/top tip!!! Rocket Records 30 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin' away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Washington, John Daddy teddybear / Burn the calendar M-/2 great sides Sandwash 40 Out-Of-Sights My womans love M-/superb x-over Saru 60 Murphy, Merv It's growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Joneses Love contest / Baby (there's nothing you can do) (Inc. Co. Slv) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip Spring 50 Street People I wanna get over / same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Ruffin, David I wanna be with you / same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros. 30 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb Yew 40
  14. SOUL45COLLECTOR Winter Warmers Special https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm Loads more goodies to tempt you!!!!! Email or phone to buy / reserve / enquire – soul45collector@ntlworld.com Tel: (0)1724-357147 or (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm – UK time) Most major credit and debit cards accepted also www.paypal.com payments as a ‘Friends Or Family’ payment or @ 4% extra Don’t forget to check-out the rest of the website. Loads more great stuff available www.soul45collector.com Soul 45’s wanted! From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!
  15. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve records; email – soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone – (UK) - (0)1724-357147 or (0)7941 309081 (9am to 9pm) All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Payment details at end of list. Full list with the sound clips here – https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Vic And The Catalinas Talkin about my girl M-/recommended Bar Clay 60 Attractions That girl is mine EX+/superb Bell 30 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/superb Bell 100 Chandlers Your love keeps drawing me closer / I loved you, girl M-/not RITE press/2 superb sides Bleu Rose 30 Barnes, Sidney Talkin' 'bout a shindig (xol) / New York city EX+/demo/2 great sides Blues Tone 40 Variations Yesterday is gone superb/original label Bob-Joy 40 Velvets, The & Louis Prejean Estelle Parker ex- flip/recommended Bofuz 65 Clark, Lewis Dog (ain't a man's best friend) / I need you baby (lite lbl ring) EX+/2 superb sides Brent 60 Lovells Here come the heartaches / My time to cry vg++/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 40 Moovers One little dance EX+/superb Brent 40 Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone / I want love EX+/2 great sides Brent 50 Artistics Hope we have / I'm gonna miss you (WOL) EX+/2 superb sides Brunswick 25 Holmes, Sherlock What an argument demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40 Leavill, Otis Baby why can't you hear me / Can't stop loving you (wol) EX+/y/demo/2 great sides Brunswick 75 Ross, Jackie Keep your chin up recommended Brunswick 30 Ross, Jackie Keep your chin up M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Brunswick 40 Dells Thinkin' about you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cadet 60 Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got M-/w/demo/# 143/superb/rare demo Calla 40 Kelly, Gail Who do you think you're fooling / Every time I see you again M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Capitol 30 Magnificent Men I've got news for you ex-/superb Capitol 40 Magnificent Men I've got news for you M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Capitol 50 Mason, Tina Finders keepers ex-/great Capitol 35 Sam & The Iridescents Without my sugar M-/demo/recommended Capitol 30 Black, Marion Who knows M-/light warp-nap/recommended Capsoul 30 Jackson, Deon I can't go on / I need a love like your (wol) M-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/classic/great flip too Carla 30 Jackson, Deon Ooh baby / All on a sunny day (maroon/silver print label) M-/classic/great flip too Carla 25 Leon & Metronomes I'll catch you on the rebound w/demo/recomnded Carnival 40 Lovettes I need a guy EX/fantastic! Carnival 65 Lovettes I need a guy M-/feint wol/fantastic! Carnival 75 Lovettes Little miss soul EX/sm wol-flip/superb Carnival 25 Lovettes Little miss soul (STAMPED ORIGINAL) M-/superb Carnival 30 Thomas, Luther Upset the town / Who slipped out M-/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 Vashonettes A mighty good lover (sm sol) EX-/superb Checker 75 La Salle, Denise Count down and fly me to the moon M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/DEMO/2 superb sides Chess 60 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry/Count on me M-/2 superb sides Chess 50 Joe-L (I'm not gonna be) worried highly recommended Clissac 30 Corvairs Ain't no soul in these old shoes / Get a job M-/2 great sides/rarer issue-stock copy Columbia 40 Lee, Donna Clown town M-/superb Columbia 30 Lester, Bobby Hang up your hang ups w/demo/great Columbia 25 Lewis, Junior Forty days and forty nights EX/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30 Lucien, John What a difference love makes M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 50 Lundy, Pat The thrill is gone w/demo/recommended Columbia 30 Moody, Ron & Centaurs The new breed w/demo/great version Columbia 25 Pussycats I want your love EX+/recommended Columbia 40 Regan, Joan Don't talk to me about love EX/w/demo/wol/recommended Columbia 20 Chandler, Gene Pretty little girl / A little like lovin' EX+/superb/nice flip too/his rarest Constellation 125 Austin, Patti Leave a little love M-/Inc Co sleeve/at her best! Coral 100 Austin, Patti Only all the time M-/demo/superb Coral 40 Barnes, Ortheia Take my heart and soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Gordon Five, Sonny The yea yea song / The dance M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Coral 40 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul S.O.U.L. This time around / On top of the world 2 superb sides Musicor 15 Lynch, Frank Young girl / same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 Chappell, Eddie/Szkolny, Terry Hey baby / Brother man M-/w/demo?/2 superb sides Natru 25 Decker, Bobby Where quiet waters flow EX-/superb x-over Nebo 50 Poole, Jay I love you (FIRST LABEL) M-/superb mid-tempo/funk flip Ne-bo 25 Honeycutt, Johnny Loving you M-/superb New City 20 Lance, Major Without a doubt EX/superb Okeh 40 Barnes, Jimmy J I think I've got a good chance (Pt. 1) / Same (Pt. 2) EX-/superb x-over Organic 175 Lance, Major I got a right to cry (great version) EX+/w/demo/v sl warp-nap Osiris 50 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Parker, Winfield I wanna be with you M-/highly recommended P&L 30 Curtan Revue, Lou/Winter Band, Robert Heaven in the afternoon / L-O-V-E M-/2 superb sides PAD 25 Montclairs Unwanted love M-/superb Paula 20 Caldwell, Bobby The house is rockin M-/great PBR International 25 Perry, Oscar Main string M-/superb Peri-Tone 50 Bell, Archie & Drells Old People M-/superb/Inc Co slv/rare issue Phil. Int. 30 Bell, Archie & Drells Old People/Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 25 Bell, Archie & Drells Where will you go when the party's over M-/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 30 Bell, Archie & Drells Where will you go when the party's over (lite wol) demo/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 40 Ebonys I'm so glad I'm me / Do you like the way I love M-/2 superb sides/rare Phil. Int. 50 C, Fantastic Johnny Don't depend on me / Waitin' for the rain classic/great flip too Phil-L.A. Of Soul 20 Russell, Sam What's usual, ain't natural / same w/demo/fantastic Playboy 30 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare issue Polydor 75 Downing, Al I'm just nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair EX+/UK/superb Polydor 40 Main Ingredient Everything man UK/great version Power Exchange 25 Adams, Gayle Baby I need your loving / Long version M-/w/demo/superb version Prelude 30 Innervision Honey baby (be mine) superb Private Stock 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine)/same-mono demo/superb Private Stock 25 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended Quiet Storm 40 Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UKsuperb Inst RCA 20 Green, Garland Don't let love walk out on us demo/superb RCA 60 Hit Parade Kisses never die demo/great RCA 15 Hit Parade Stand by me baby demo/superb RCA 25 Hollins, Everett 'Blood' Heaven must have known recommended RCA 20 Hollins, Everett 'Blood' Heaven must have known/same demo/recommended RCA 20 Hudson County Heaven's here on earth recommended RCA 15 Inception Everybody loves a winner / same-long version demo/recommended RCA 15 Satyr Free and easy / Pity for a fool M-/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 30 Walsh, James Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/Inc Co slv/classic RCA 75 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb RCA 75 Waters, Fred Singing a new song / I love you, I love you, I love you M-/superb/great flip too Ref-o-ree 20 Fletcher, Darrow I like the way I feel / The way of a man M-/2 great sides Revue 30 Hopson, Joyce I surrender to you / This time EX-/superb/great flip too Revue 40 Contours I'm a winner / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/top tip!!! Rocket Record Co 30 Gentlemen & Their Lady Like her! (part I) / Part II-Inst. M-/classic Roulette 15 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up wol/recommended Roulette 20 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up recommended Roulette 25 Washington, John Daddy teddybear / Burn the calendar M-/2 great sides Sandwash 40 Out-Of-Sights My womans love M-/superb x-over Saru 60 Corby, Chuck & Quiet Storm See you when I get there superb version Sceptre 15 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com Payment must be made within 7 days for U.K. customers and 14 days for overseas customers, unless agreed otherwise. Most major credit / debit cards accepted. If you wish to pay by card, please email or phone your details to me. Telephone - 01724 357147 Overseas (U.K.) 1724 357147 I will require your name, address, card number, expiry date and the 3 security numbers on the back of the card. If emailing your details, please split up your card details, over more than one email, for security. I also accept the following forms of payment: - UK or US cash, UK cheques or international money orders in UK pounds. Please make all payments payable to: Henry Atkinson Please note - I will take payments via www.paypal.com. Please add 4% to your total, if using www.paypal.com or pay as a ‘personal gift’. Contact me for paypal details BEFORE making any paypal payment.
  16. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / R&B / 60's Soul Vic And The Catalinas Talkin about my girl M-/recommended Bar Clay 60 Hysong, Don Baby here's my heart ex-/great Bard 10 Martin Sisters Only seventeen w/demo/nice Barry 15 Jenkins, Earl Duke Misusin' me recommended Bee 20 Jenkins, Earl Duke Misusin' me ex-/w/demo/recommended Bee 25 Jenkins, Earl Duke Misusin' me w/demo/recommended Bee 30 Attractions That girl is mine EX/superb Bell 25 Attractions That girl is mine EX+/superb Bell 30 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/superb Bell 100 Bartholomew Plus Three She's mine/You're not there EX-/demo/great Bell 20 Dearborn, Billie You need me to love you EX+/sm clear sol/recommended/rare issue Bell 50 Graham, Rita Can I go with you w/demo/nice ballad Bell 10 O'Jays I'm so glad I found you M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Bell 15 Turner, Titus Sportin' Tom EX/great R&B Bell 30 Inspirations Gotta find a new love/I can feel it 2 superb sides Benn-x 15 Occasions There's no you M-/superb Big Jim 20 Johnson, Lou If I never get to love you M-/w/demo/xol/Inc Co sleeve/great Big Top 25 Sterling, Spencer Jilted M-/lite xol/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Big Top 40 Bitter/Sweet Living on love blue-eyed mid-tempo Bitter/Sweet 10 Chandlers Your love keeps drawing me closer/I loved you, girl M-/not RITE press/2 superb sides Bleu Rose 30 Ad Libs He ain't no angel/Ask anybody great Blue Cat 15 Soul Brothers I got a dream/Keep it up M-/ink stamp ol/2 great sides Blue Cat 15 Brothers Of Love Check my love EX/superb Blue Rock 40 Brothers Of Love Check my love M-/w/demo/superb Blue Rock 60 Brothers Of Love Yes I am vg+/recommended Blue Rock 12 Brothers Of Love Yes I am recommended Blue Rock 15 Chi-Lites I'm so jealous/The mix mix song 2 great sides Blue Rock 25 Commotions Handy man/We'll make it someday vg+/recommended Blue Rock 15 Commotions Handy man/We'll make it someday M-/recommended Blue Rock 30 Leaders You are the one I love/It's funny how fast you forgot me M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Blue Rock 25 Leavill, Otis It's the same old me/Let me live EX+/2 great sides Blue Rock 25 Little, Little Rose Bye bye big boy sl warp-nap/demo/great Blue Rock 15 Little, Little Rose Bye bye big boy great Blue Rock 20 Little, Little Rose Bye bye big boy demo/great Blue Rock 20 Turner, Ike And Tina Crazy bout you baby M-/great R&B Blue Thumb 15 Barnes, Sidney Talkin' 'bout a shindig (xol)/New York city EX+/demo/2 great sides Blues Tone 40 Pittsburgh Phil Don't tell her lies Bob Cat 15 Variations Yesterday is gone superb/original label Bob-Joy 40 Velvets, The & Louis Prejean Estelle Parker ex- flip/recommended Bofuz 65 Emotions I can't stand no more heartaches great Brainstorm 10 Clark, Lewis Dog (ain't a man's best friend)/I need you baby (lite lbl ring) EX+/2 superb sides Brent 60 Lovells Here come the heartaches/My time to cry vg++/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 40 Moovers One little dance EX+/superb Brent 40 Tillman, Bertha Lovin' time vg+/feint wol/recomnded Brent 8 Tillman, Bertha Lovin' time recommended Brent 15 Wood, Brenton Good lovin/I want love (sm stmol) M-/2 great sides Brent 20 Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone/I want love EX+/2 great sides Brent 50 Fats Domino Work my way up steady R&B Broadmoor 20 Phillips, Sandra You succeeded M-/sm clear sol/classic Broadway 50 Artistics Hope we have/I'm gonna miss you(WOL) EX+/2 superb sides Brunswick 25 Artistics Price of love M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Brunswick 25 Barry, Len 1,2,3/Bullseye UK/noc Brunswick 5 Chandler, Gene & Acklin, Barbara Will I find love recommended Brunswick 15 Chi-Lites Give it away recommended Brunswick 12 Holmes, Sherlock What an argument demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40 Hughes, Fred I understand (stereo)/ same (wol) M-/demo/great Brunswick 6 Leavill, Otis Baby why can't you hear me/Can't stop loving you (wol) EX+/y/demo/2 great sides Brunswick 75 Ross, Jackie Keep your chin up recommended Brunswick 30 Ross, Jackie Keep your chin up M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Brunswick 40 Sweethearts No no y/demo Brunswick 15 Symphonics Silent kind of guy great Brunswick 20 Wilson, Jackie Haunted house/I'm travelin' on M-/ 2 great sides Brunswick 15 Wilson, Jackie I don't want to lose you/just be sincere 2 great sides Brunswick 15 Wilson, Jackie I get the sweetest feeling/Nothing but heartaches great Brunswick 15 Wilson, Jackie Since you showed me how to be happy/The who who song vg+/OH SO GOOD!!! The Master! Brunswick 10 Wilson, Jackie Since you showed me how to be happy/The who who song OH SO GOOD!!! The Master! Brunswick 15 Young Holt Unlimited Soulful strut Brunswick 8 Esquires You say M-/recommended Bunky 5 Watts, Glenn My little plaything/Money gives dignity EX+/demo/2 great sides Bunky 20 Moore, Bernie Forty-five rpm's great Burdett 20 Martin, Derek Moving hands of time Buttercup 10 Dells Thinkin' about you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cadet 60 Frankie And The Classicals What shall I do/I only have eyes for you EX/classic Calla 30 Lavette, Betty Let me down easy/What I don't know (won't hurt me) EX-/wol/2 great sides Calla 30 Lavette, Betty Let me down easy/What I don't know won't hurt me M-/2 superb sides Calla 40 Maze Chained to your heart M-/great version Calla 15 Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got M-/w/demo/# 143/superb/rare demo Calla 40 Witches, The & A Warlock Heavenly love ex-/recommended Calla 15 Witches, The & A Warlock Heavenly love demo/recommended Calla 30 Orlons Crossfire !/It's no big thing ex-/great Cameo 8 Orlons Crossfire !/It's no big thing M-/Inc colour pic sleeve/great Cameo 12 Sharp, Dee Dee There ain't nothin I wouldn't do for you M-/yellow demo/1st issue/#347/superb Cameo 25 Knight, Terry Come home, baby M-/Inc Co slv/great Cameo Parkway 20 Knight, Terry Come home, baby EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Cameo Parkway 25 Williams, Maurice & Inspirations The day has come w/demo/nice mid-tempo Candi 20 Washington, Michael Stay mine/inst. great Cap City 15 Checkmates Mastered the art of love M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Capitol 40 Diamond, Randy I can't live without you/Giving you my love M-/demo/2 great sides Capitol 30 Drew, Patti He's the one superb Capitol 25 Drew, Patti He's the one M-/Canadian/Inc Co sleeve/superb Capitol 25 Drew, Patti He's the one demo/superb Capitol 30 Drew, Patti I've been here all the time demo Capitol 10 Hal and Jean Don't tell me lies R&B Capitol 15 Harris, Jill You really didn't mean it/His kiss 2 great sides Capitol 30 Houston, Eddie I can't go wrong/That's how much(ballad) demo/2 great sides Capitol 30 Jackson, Jerry Take over now recommended Capitol 20 Jades, The Ain't it funny what love can do demo/great version Capitol 20 Kelly, Gail Who do you think youre fooling/Every time I see you again M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Capitol 30 Love, Marian The right to cry superb version Capitol 25 Love, Marian The right to cry demo/superb version Capitol 30 Magnificent Men Forever together EX-/superb Capitol 20 Magnificent Men Forever together M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Capitol 25 Magnificent Men I've got news for you/Maybe maybe baby ex-/superb Capitol 40 Magnificent Men I've got news for you/Maybe maybe baby M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Capitol 50 Magnificent Men Tired of pushing great Capitol 15 Mason, Tina Finders keepers ex-/great Capitol 35 Mosley, Robert Crazy 'bout my baby/Goodbye my lover goodbye 2 great sides Capitol 15 Outsiders Time won't let me EX+/Inc Co sleeve/classic Capitol 10 Outsiders Time won't let me M-/sm wol-flip/Inc Co sleeve/classic Capitol 10 Rawls, Lou Dead end street/Yes it hurts-doesn't it M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Capitol 15 Rawls, Lou You're good for me great Capitol 10 Sam & The Iridescents Without my sugar M-/demo/recommended Capitol 30 Sweet Things Breakfast in bed great Capitol 12 Thrills Bring it on home to me sl lbl damage/great Capitol 15 Thrills Bring it on home to me great Capitol 20 Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX+/xol-flip/classic Capitol 15 Black, Marion Who knows M-/light warp-nap/recommended Capsoul 30 Jackson, Deon I can't go on/I need a love like your(wol) M-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/classic/great flip too Carla 30 Jackson, Deon Ooh baby/All on a sunny day (maroon/silver print label) M-/classic/great flip too Carla 25 Leon & Metronomes I'll catch you on the rebound w/demo/recomnded Carnival 40 Lovettes I need a guy EX/fantastic! Carnival 65 Lovettes I need a guy M-/feint wol/fantastic! Carnival 75 Lovettes Little miss soul EX/sm wol-flip/superb Carnival 25 Lovettes Little miss soul (STAMPED ORIGINAL) M-/superb Carnival 30 Manhattans All I need is our love recommended Carnival 15 Manhattans I bet'cha (couldn't love me) w/demo/sm wol/recommended Carnival 20 Williams, Lee & Cymbals Shing-a-ling U.S.A. w/demo/great Carnival 20 Agee, Ray Your precious love Celeste 15 Fuller, Jerry I get carried away (XOL) M-/w/demo/classic Challenge 60 Knickerbockers Wishful thinking M-/w/demo/recommended Challenge 30 Wynns, Sandy Yes I really love you/Love belongs to everyone EX/2 great sides Champion 20 Clark, Claudine The telephone game recommended Chancellor 30 Gerace, Carlo Wild about that girl w/demo Chancellor 30 Royalettes No big thing ex-/great Chancellor 20 Royalettes No big thing w/demo/great Chancellor 30 Thomas, Luther Upset the town/Who slipped out M-/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 McKay, Delsie Cast your spell rev labels/unknown ? Chapter One 12 McKay, Delsie Cast your spell great Chapter One 15 Dirte Four I want to give you all my love R&B inst. Charay 10 Nat & John Pretty woman R&B version/great Charay 15 Brady, Bob & The Con Chords Everybody's going to the love-in EX/great Chariot 15 Brady, Bob & The Con Chords Everybody's going to the love-in M-/great Chariot 20 Brady, Bob & The Con Chords Goodbye baby EX/green label/classic Chariot 75 Berry, Joan Just like my baby/Humpty dumpty Canada/recommended Chateau 50 Alaimo, Steve Everyday I have to cry/Little girl M-/great Checker 15 Chandler, Gene I won't need you great Checker 12 Chandler, Gene Such a pretty thing/I fooled you this time M-/2 great sides Checker 15 Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much recommended Checker 15 Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much w/demo/recommended Checker 20 Little Milton Don't leave her great Checker 15 Little Milton Don't talk back recommended Checker 12 Little Milton I'm so blue (without you) M-/highly recommended Checker 8 Little Milton So blue (without you) demo/wol/recommended Checker 15 Mary & Desirables Hurting hurts/You're changing demo/sol/recommended Checker 25 Moore, Bobby Chained to your heart classic Checker 15 Moore, Bobby Chained to your heart(wol) M-/DEMO/classic Checker 20 Ocapello's Anytime demo/recommended Checker 15 Vashonettes A mighty good lover (sm sol) EX-/superb Checker 75 Charles & Walter Night/Kissin and huggin w/demo/2 great sides Chene 30 Chuck & Rita Baby you got it great Chess 20 Clarke, Tony Joyce Elaine ex-/w/demo/great Chess 20 Clarke, Tony Joyce Elaine w/demo/great Chess 25 Davis, Andrea Lonely girl/blank flip w/demo/recommended Chess 20 Garrett, Jo Ann Just say when great Chess 10 Gems Ain't that loving me demo/great Chess 15 Gems All of it great Chess 15 Gems All of it/same w/demo/great Chess 15 Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much UK/great Chess 15 La Salle, Denise Count down and fly me to the moon M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Lime Love a go-go recommended Chess 15 Lime Love a go-go M-/small mark on lbl/demo/recommended Chess 20 Radiants Whole lot of woman great Chess 15 Radiants Whole lot of woman w/demo/great Chess 20 Ross, Jackie Selfish one classic Chess 15 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry/Count me out M-/DEMO/2 superb sides Chess 60 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry/Count on me M-/2 superb sides Chess 50 Stewart, Billy What have I done recommended Chess 10 Stewart, Billy What have I done demo/recommended Chess 15 Williams, Larry Everyday I wonder w/demo/sld & stmol-flip Chess 15 Baxter, Tony I'll come to you great Chubby 20 Neville, Art Lover of love ex-/recommended Cinderella 15 Neville, Art Lover of love recommended Cinderella 20 Mackey, Linda Yours for the asking M-/recommended Claire 30 Church, Eugene I ain't goin' for that wol/great Class 20 Joe-L (I'm not gonna be) worried highly recommended Clissac 30 Vogues True lovers Co & Ce 10 Burke Family Under the spell vg+/recommended Cobblestone 10 Burke Family Under the spell recommended Cobblestone 15 Burke Family Under the spell demo/recommended Cobblestone 20 Vonettes Touch my heart EX-/superb/classic Cobblestone 100 Crests The angels listened in ex-/great Coed 8 Crests The angels listened in wol-flip/great Coed 10 Crests The angels listened in great Coed 10 Scott, Freddie Brand new world nice mid-tempo Colpix 10 Scott, Freddie Brand new world w/demo/sm wol/nice Colpix 15 Artie & Linda Goody goody/same w/demo/wol/R&B/great Columbia 15 Bailey, Jimmy Happy train EX+/w/demo/recommended Columbia 25 Buckinghams You misunderstand me superb Columbia 25 Colbert, Bertha Teardrop avenue M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30 Corvairs Ain't no soul in these old shoes/Get a job M-/2 great sides/rarer issue-stock copy Columbia 40 Dey & Knight I'm gonna love you tomorrow w/demo/great Columbia 15 Dey & Knight Sayin' something/Ooh da la da lay w/demo/great Columbia 15 Diamond, Johnny Our dream/Dark rain recommended/rare issue Columbia 15 Flavor Dancing in the street w/demo/version Columbia 10 Franklin, Aretha Lee cross M-/w/demo/sm wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Columbia 8 Jackson, Walter I don't want to suffer(wol)/This world of mine tiny label tear/recommended Columbia 35 Jackson, Walter I don't want to suffer/This world of mine w/demo/recommended Columbia 50 Kenny & Yvonne Come on and be my love w/demo/recommended Columbia 20 Lee, Donna Clown town M-/superb Columbia 30 Lester, Bobby Hang up your hang ups w/demo/great Columbia 25 Lewis, Junior Forty days and forty nights EX/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30 Lucien, John What a difference love makes M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 50 Lundy, Pat The thrill is gone w/demo/recommended Columbia 30 Moody, Ron & Centaurs The new breed w/demo/great version Columbia 25 Moultrie, Mary Rover M-/w/demo/wol/stmol/recommended Columbia 40 Ovella & Overtures That's all you gotta do w/demo/great Columbia 40 Players Giving up your love is like giving up the world/Guilty EX+/inc Co sleeve/2 great soul sides Columbia 25 Pussycats I want your love EX+/recommended Columbia 40 Regan, Joan Don't talk to me about love EX/w/demo/wol/recommended Columbia 20 Regina If you're gonna love me recommended Columbia 25 Richards, Turley I just can't take it any longer w/demo/Inc pic slv Columbia 60 Roddy & Robins I'm telling you baby/Let's do the freeze (great) ex-/w/demo/unknown? Columbia 25 Royal, Billy Joe Everything turned blue ex-/w/demo/great Columbia 20 Scott, Freddie Mr Heartache M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rarer issue Columbia 50 Smith, OC Little green apples + 3 more tracks vg/wol/4 track ep/ Columbia 8 Spellbinders Were acting like lovers/same EX+/w/demo/superb Columbia 20 Thornton, Teri To remember you by w/demo/recommended Columbia 25 Thornton, Teri To remember you by recommended Columbia 25 Tony and Tyrone A fool am I/Crossroads of love 2 nice ballads Columbia 10 Young, April Run to my lovin' arms/You're the one vg+/w/demo/wol-flip/great Columbia 15 Tribe Dancing to the beat of my heart great Columbus 40 Accents Tell me (what's on your mind) ex- Commerce 20 Harrison, Tony Sad occasion ex-/great Commerce 35 Lee, Sammy Rosetta/As a city sleeps great Commerce 25 Adams, Ritchie Slippin' away w/demo/great Congress 20 Ellis, Shirley The clapping song (2 x's ol) M-/w/demo/classic/rare demo Congress 20 Love, J.B. No one else but you w/demo/great Congress 40 Ray, James One by one superb Congress 15 Ray, James One by one w/demo/superb Congress 20 Chandler, Gene If you can't be true classic Constellation 12 Chandler, Gene Pretty little girl/A little like lovin' EX-/superb/nice flip too/his rarest Constellation 100 Chandler, Gene Pretty little girl/A little like lovin' EX+/superb/nice flip too/his rarest Constellation 125 Clark, Dee That's my girl(date stamp ol)/It's raining M-/w/demo/superb/very rare wdj Constellation 75 Dynettes New guy/Witness to a heartbreak` 2 great sides Constellation 15 Mike & Michael My neighborhood/Where have you been M-/w/demo/2 great sides Constellation 25 Miller, Bobby I'm for the girls demo/recommended Constellation 30 Miller, Bobby The big question recommended Constellation 20 Hart, Don Soldier coming home recommended Coolschool 20 Austin, Patti Leave a little love M-/Inc Co sleeve/at her best! Coral 100 Austin, Patti Only all the time M-/demo/superb Coral 40 Barnes, Ortheia Take my heart and soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Gordon Five, Sonny The yea yea song/The dance M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Coral 40 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul S.O.U.L. This time around/On top of the world 2 superb sides Musicor 15 Lynch, Frank Young girl/same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 West, Paula You're the trouble funk Nale 10 Silk Nature boy/inst. 2x'sol/x-over/great Nation 30 Five Wagers Until I found you recommended Nation Time 15 Shaw, James Got to get me a wife/Guilty of adultry x-over/2 great sides Nation-Wide 15 Chappell, Eddie/Szkolny, Terry Hey baby/Brother man M-/w/demo?/2 superb sides Natru 25 Decker, Bobby Where quiet waters flow EX-/superb x-over Nebo 50 Poole, Jay I love you/Funky music (FIRST LABEL) M-/superb mid-tempo/funk flip Ne-bo 25 O'Jays One night affair/There's someone x-over/2 great sides Neptune 15 Honeycutt, Johnny Loving you M-/superb New City 20 Candy Coated People Roads/Time to love 2 great sides New York Sound Co 15 Wright, Bill How can I hit the ball (when you won't let me bat) w/demo?/FUNK Note 25 Chi-lites Hard act to follow modern-'85 Nuance 8 Gibbs, Doug I'll always have you there/Cloudy day great/nice flip too Oak 10 Waters, Freddie I'm afraid to let you into my life great October 15 Lance, Major Without a doubt EX/superb Okeh 40 Prysock, Arthur All I need is you tonight ex-/great Old Town 8 Prysock, Arthur All I need is you tonight great Old Town 10 Newday Wait a minute superb x-over On Top 15 Barnes, Jimmy J I think I've got a good chance (Pt. 1)/Same (Pt. 2) EX-/superb x-over Organic 175 Lance, Major I got a right to cry EX-/w/demo/great version Osiris 50 Lance, Major I got a right to cry (great version) EX+/w/demo/v sl warp-nap Osiris 50 Lance, Major You're everthing I need/inst. great Osiris 10 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love/I'm tired of dreaming w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Entertainers Why ?/Po boy 2 nice sides Ovide 15 Masters Of Soul Count the times bubbly vinyl-plays fine/nice Ovide 10 Parker, Winfield I wanna be with you M-/highly recommended P&L 30 Curtan Revue, Lou/Winter Band, Robert Heaven in the afternoon/L-O-V-E M-/2 superb sides PAD 25 Brown, Randy I wanna make love to you superb Parachute 8 Brown, Randy You says it all/same demo/great Parachute 10 Clifford, Linda March across the land great Paramount 15 Courtney, Dean It makes me nervous/You're all I've got 2 great sides Paramount 25 Gentle Persuausion Lu w/demo/great Paramount 15 Tender Touch You were never mine to begin with demo/great Paramount 20 First Class Laying my heart on the line nice Park-way 12 Montclairs I need you more than ever M-/superb Paula 15 Montclairs Unwanted love EX/superb Paula 15 Montclairs Unwanted love M-/superb Paula 20 Clayton, Willie Hello, how have you been?/Say yes to me demo/nice mid-tempo Pawn 15 Caldwell, Bobby The house is rockin M-/great PBR International 25 Guess, George Do it to death (xol) recommended Pearl Harbor 10 Jon, Leslie Never want to lose this feeling 2x's ol/great x-over Pelegrin Sands 25 Weston, Kim Danger, heartbreak ahead M-/great People 5 Eight Minutes Looking for a brand new game/Find the one who loves you M-/great/sweet flip Perception 10 Velvet Bet you if you ask around/inst. recommended Perception 15 Perry, Oscar Main string M-/superb Peri-Tone 50 Originals The magic is you recommended Phase II 15 Originals The magic is you w/demo/recommended Phase II 20 Bell, Archie & Drells Everybody have a good time/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Phil. Int. 6 Bell, Archie & Drells Old People M-/superb/Inc Co slv/rare issue Phil. Int. 30 Bell, Archie & Drells Old People/Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 25 Bell, Archie & Drells Where will you go when the party's over M-/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 30 Bell, Archie & Drells Where will you go when the party's over (lite wol) demo/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 40 Bennett, Bobby Days go by/Bumble bee (sting me) recommended Phil. Int. 20 Carn, Jean Don't let it go to your head/same w/demo/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Carn, Jean If you wanna go back classic Phil. Int. 8 Carn, Jean If you wanna go back EX+/DEMO/UK/Inc Co slv/classic Phil. Int. 12 Carn, Jean If you wanna go back/same w/demo/classic Phil. Int. 12 Covay, Don Travelin' in heavy traffic sl lbl wear/recommended Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys I'm so glad I'm me/Do you like the way I love M-/2 superb sides/rare Phil. Int. 50 Ebonys I'm so glad I'm me/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys It's forever w/demo Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Life in the country/same w/demo Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Nation time sl lbl stain/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Ebonys Nation time sol-flip/recommended Phil. Int. 18 Ebonys Nation time recommended Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys Sexy ways/You're the reason why 2 good sides Phil. Int. 8 Futures Party time man ex-/superb Phil. Int. 25 Futures Party time man M-/superb Phil. Int. 30 Intruders A nice girl like you UK Phil. Int. 20 Intruders A nice girl like you German/pic. sleeve Phil. Int. 25 Jones Girls Nights over Egypt classic Phil. Int. 6 Melvin, Harold & Blue Notes Where are all my friends recommended Phil. Int. 12 O'jays I love music classic Phil. Int. 6 Pendergrass, Teddy Close the door EX+/Inc Co sleeve/classic Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass, Teddy Do me M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Pendergrass, Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass, Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/w/demo/great Phil. Int. 6 Pendergrass, Teddy Turn off the lights/If you know like I know M-/superb Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass, Teddy Where did all the lovin' go recommended Phil. Int. 20 Rawls, Lou Groovy people/same w/demo/recommended Phil. Int. 10 White, Anthony I'm so much in love with you/same w/demo/great Phil. Int. 10 White, Anthony Never repay your love/same w/demo/great Phil. Int. 15 Williams, Johnny Put it in motion/same w/demo Phil. Int. 8 C, Fantastic Johnny Don't depend on me/Waitin' for the rain classic/great flip too Phil-L.A. Of Soul 20 Delfonics Loving him recommended Philly Groove 15 Delfonics Loving him w/demo/recomendd Philly Groove 20 First Choice Armed and extremely dangerous classic Philly Groove 8 Storm She comes up superb Pi Kappa 30 Shaker Give me love recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30 Weiss, Terry Keep on pushin' your love/same demo/great Platinum 15 Buck I can't quit your love sm wol/v sl lbl ring wear/superb Playboy 12 Lance, Major Sweeter/same demo/great Playboy 10 Russell, Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same ex-/w/demo/fantastic Playboy 25 Russell, Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same w/demo/fantastic Playboy 30 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) ex-/w/demo?/superb Playboy 20 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) w/demo?/superb Playboy 25 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) w/demo?/Inc pic slv/superb Playboy 30 Wilson, Al I've got a feeling/Be concerned EX-/2 great sides Playboy 6 Wilson, Al I've got a feeling/Be concerned 2 great sides Playboy 8 Wilson, Al You did it for me EX+/sm lbl edge tear/superb Playboy 15 Jackson, Maurice Step by step/inst. recommended Plum 20 Jackson, Maurice Step by step/inst. demo/sl label stain Plum 25 Brown, James (I love you) for sentimental reasons superb Polydor 15 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you/Don't blame me EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare issue Polydor 75 Downing, Al I'm just nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria Let's make a deal ex-/great Polydor 6 Gaynor, Gloria Let's make a deal M-/w/demo/great Polydor 15 Gaynor, Gloria Let's mend what's been broken M-/superb Polydor 12 Gaynor, Gloria Let's mend what's been broken/same M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 15 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair EX-/sl label wear/superb Polydor 30 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair EX+/UK/superb Polydor 40 Hayes, Isaac Love has been good to us a tip !! Polydor 15 Invitations Love has to grow ex-/UK/great Polydor 30 Neville, Ivan Not just another girl/same (Canadian) demo/modern dancer Polydor 10 Richmond Extension Let's get into something/same sl off center-nap/demo/great Polydor 12 Richmond Extension Let's get into something/She's everything I need Jamaican/2 great sides Polydor 20 Stratavarious feat. Lady I got your love-part 1/part 2 Canadian/orig slv/great Polydor 15 Vaneese & Carolyn Let me in/I'm losing you M-/Inc Co slv/funky/slowie-flip Polydor 20 Serious Intention Serious UK Pow Wow 5 Byers, Ann This man is rated-X demo/UK/sl lbl damage Power Exchange 12 Main Ingredient Everything man M-/great version Power Exchange 20 Main Ingredient Everything man UK/great version Power Exchange 25 Colors L.O.S. (Love on sight) EX-/great Power Light 5 Glenn, Gary I need you in my life/Cause I love you great PPL 15 Beck, Floyd What about me M-/superb Precision 15 Adams, Gayle Baby I need your loving/Long version M-/w/demo/superb version Prelude 30 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair) Canadian/great dancer Prelude 15 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair)/same w/demo/great dancer Prelude 20 Silk Ain't no need of crying w/demo/recommended Prelude 15 Lloyd, Hetti If you can't satisfy (I've gotta say goodbye) Pride 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine) superb Private Stock 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine)/same-mono demo/superb Private Stock 25 Black, Marion I'm gonna get loaded Prix 10 Mcneir, Ronnie Saggitarian affair Prodigal 8 Mcneir, Ronnie Saggitarian affair/same w/demo Prodigal 8 McNeir, Ronnie Wendy is gone w/demo/recomnded Prodigal 12 Brown, Sharon I specailize in love Profile 8 Jackson Sisters (Why can't we be) more than just friends/same demo/nice Prophesy 15 Philosophers The law of love funk PS 20 Moses Sweetest love Pure Silk 10 Helms, Jimmy Don't pull your love/same demo/wol Pye 8 James, Jimmy Want you so much CANADIAN/sm wol-flip Pye 15 James, Jimmy Want you so much demo/UK/sm lbl tear-flip Pye 15 Theryl Open up your heart/same-inst M-/great Pyramid 8 Banks, Bessie Baby you sure know how to get to me/Same-mono M-/EX flip/w/demo/great Quality 20 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended Quiet Storm 40 Armstrong, Chuck Give me all your sweet lovin'/She had the right M-/2 great sides R&R 8 Williams, Bobby You need love like I do/Everybody needs love somtime M-/2 great sides R&R 8 Merritt, Richie You got problems/inst. nice R.A.M. 8 Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/superb Inst RCA 20 Brothers Brothers theme/Don't stop now smol/demo RCA 5 Brothers & Others Now is the time of the season demo/recommended RCA 20 Center Stage Someday, someway (you're gonna love me)/Hey lady M-/demo/2 superb sides RCA 25 Darcus It's got to be love/same ex-/demo/recommended RCA 5 Darcus Who's gonna love you/same demo/nice RCA 5 Drain, Charles Is this really love/same demo/great RCA 15 Edwards, Dee All we need is a miracle EX/EX- flip/demo/recommended RCA 8 Edwards, Dee All we need is a miracle demo/great RCA 15 Fields, Richard 'Dimples' Woman (let me into your life)/You're wife is cheatin' on us RCA 5 Franklin, Carolyn You really didn't mean it/All I want is to be your woman RCA 5 Graham, Ralph Changing up my life demo/great RCA 8 Green, Darren Checkin' on you stmol-flip/recommended RCA 15 Green, Garland Don't let love walk out on us demo/superb RCA 60 Hit Parade Kisses never die demo/great RCA 15 Hit Parade Stand by me baby demo/superb RCA 25 Hollins, Everett 'Blood' Heaven must have known recommended RCA 20 Hollins, Everett 'Blood' Heaven must have known/same demo/recommended RCA 20 Hudson County Heaven's here on earth recommended RCA 15 Hutch, Willie Love games demo/great RCA 20 Hutch, Willie The magic of love demo/great RCA 15 Inception Everybody loves a winner/same-long version demo/recommended RCA 15 Main Ingredient Happiness is just around the bend great RCA 5 Main Ingredient Looks like rain superb RCA 15 Main Ingredient Need her love recommended RCA 8 Main Ingredient Rolling down a mountainside xol/recommended RCA 10 Marcel, Vic Won't you come and fly with me fantastic x-over RCA 15 Ruffin, David & Kendrick, Eddie I couldn't believe it recommended RCA 15 Ruffin, David & Kendrick, Eddie I couldn't believe it/same demo/recommended RCA 15 Satyr Free and easy/Pity for a fool M-/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 30 Simone, Nina Do what you gotta do Gold Standard label/great RCA 8 Swiss Movement This moment...../Bring back your love demo/2 great sides RCA 10 Til, Sonny You're all I need RCA 6 Til, Sonny You're all I need demo RCA 8 Tymes It's cool ex-/recommended RCA 8 Tymes It's cool recommended RCA 10 Tymes It's cool demo/recommended RCA 10 Tymes Only your love UK/sl lbl damage/great RCA 15 Walsh, James Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/Inc Co slv/classic RCA 75 Waymon, Sam Hey love sl warp-nap/great RCA 12 Waymon, Sam It be's that way sometimes great RCA 15 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb RCA 75 Universal Mind Something fishy going on M-/classic Red Coach 8 Sophisticated Ladies I'll keep coming back/same demo Reflection 6 Waters, Fred Singing a new song/I love you, I love you, I love you M-/superb/great flip too Ref-o-ree 20 Waters, Freddie This is the life great x-over Ref-o-ree 10 Wade, Adam My time for love/Half the world w/demo/sol/great Remember 25 Wade, Adam My time for love/Half the world w/demo/great Remember 30 Smith, OC Nothing but the best great Rendezvous 20 Hypnotics Beware of the stranger/Memories M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Reprise 20 King, Bobby Loving you is sweeter than ever/same demo/ballad/vers/SOUL!! Reprise 10 Bernard, Chris Mother nice x-over Revue 15 Chi-lites (Um, um) my baby loves me great Revue 10 Chi-lites (Um, um) my baby loves me/same demo/great Revue 10 Chi-lites Love is gone vg+/superb x-over Revue 5 Fletcher, Darrow I like the way I feel/The way of a man M-/2 great sides Revue 30 Fletcher, Darrow Sitting there that night great Revue 15 Graham, Jimmy Soul walk/A soul walk in vg/funk Revue 10 Hopson, Joyce I surrender to you/This time EX-/superb/great flip too Revue 40 Vance, Frankie Somewhere in your life/You are my solution 2 great sides Revue 15 Vance, Frankie Somewhere in your life/You are my solution demo/2 great sides Revue 15 9th Creation Falling in love/part II RiteTrack 10 Enchantment Anyway you want it ex-/great Roadshow 12 Bee, Walter Angel man great x-over Robot 25 Contours I'm a winner/Same M-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/Inc Co slv/top tip!!! Rocket Record Co 20 Contours I'm a winner/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/top tip!!! Rocket Record Co 30 Allen, Na Everytime it rains M-/recommended Ronn 25 Taylor, Ted How do you walk away from fear great Ronn 10 Baker, Betty Do it to me/same w/demo/funk Roulette 15 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain Ask me demo/recommended Roulette 12 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain Good things don't last forever great Roulette 12 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain There's so much love all around me/long vers. great Roulette 5 Gentlemen & Their Lady Like her!(part I)/Part II-Inst. M-/classic Roulette 15 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye/Don't take your sweet lovin' away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up wol/recommended Roulette 20 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up recommended Roulette 25 Magic Touch Lost and lonely boy ex-/great Roulette 10 Magic Touch Lost and lonely boy great Roulette 12 Miran, Wayne & Rush Release Oh baby/long version recommended Roulette 10 Miran, Wayne & Rush Release Oh baby/long version demo/recommended Roulette 10 Nobles, Cliff This feeling of loneliness/same w/demo/nice Roulette 10 Whirlwind Don't let him get the best of you/Something, I can feel something M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 15 Whirlwind Full time thing (between dusk and dawn)/same-long version demo/recommended Roulette 10 Whirlwind Full time thing between dusk and dawn/Don't let him get the best of you M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 10 Weaver, Jerry I'm in love/Love sick child orig. label/great S.O.B. 20 Plummer, Betty Jean Baby I want you back great x-over Salem 15 Bataan The bottle/When you're down (funky mambo) M-/w/demo/great version Salsoul 8 Holman, Eddie This will be a night to remember/Time will tell ex-/2 great sides Salsoul 8 Holman, Eddie This will be a night to remember/Time will tell 2 great sides Salsoul 10 Silvetti Spring rain M-/classic Inst. Salsoul 6 Washington, John Daddy teddybear/Burn the calendar M-/2 great sides Sandwash 40 Out-Of-Sights My womans love M-/superb x-over Saru 60 Samson & Delilah I can feel your love slippin away/Inst. good modern Saturn 8 Love, Katie It hurts so good w/demo/superb Scepter 30 Love, Katie It hurts so good w/demo/2 x's ol/superb Scepter 30 Corby, Chuck & Quiet Storm See you when I get there superb version Sceptre 15 David I'd be a millionaire great x-over Scorpio 15 Ross, Jackie Man is born Sedgrick 15 Morrow, Teddie What's your sign nice Seibu 20 Right Combination How can your heart be free recommended Select-O-Hit 20 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  17. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Merry Christmas & Happy Soulful New Year! Northern / 60's / R&B La Salle, Denise Count down and fly me to the moon M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/DEMO/2 superb sides Chess 60 Joe-L (I'm not gonna be) worried highly recommended Clissac 30 Scott, Freddie Mr Heartache M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rarer issue Columbia 50 Austin, Patti Only all the time M-/demo/superb Coral 40 Edwards, Dee To careless with my love / He told me lies M-/2 great sides D-Town 40 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 30 Hambric, Billy Talk to me baby / Human EX/2 great sides Fury 30 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 McCracklin, Jimmy Can't raise me M-/superb R&B/TOP TIP!!! Imperial 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for loving / T.C.B. Or T.Y.A. M-/superb Jetstar 25 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 40 Brown, Otis I'am ready for love / Will you wait M-/yellow label/2 great sides Lujuna 20 Burns, Jackie & The Bo-Bells I do the best I can ex-/great/rarer issue M-G-M 45 Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover M-/recommended M-G-M 30 Mars, Marlina Put your love on strike / Give your love to me EX/y/demo/superb/great flip too M-G-M 60 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Day, Jackie Oh ! What heartaches classic Modern 20 Marvellos Down in the city (xol) / In the sunshine M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 50 Vontastics Lady love M-/recommended Moon Shot 25 Variations Shakin' and breakin' M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great MTA 40 Williams, Arlene Duck all over town (xol) M-/great R&B Musette 40 Kittens Three Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams EX+/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40 Williams, Larry/Johnny Watson A quitter never wins EX+/classic/sleeve Okeh 40 Helms, Jimmy My little devil recommended Oracle 30 Intentions Don't forget that I love you (XOL) / The night rider EX+/w/demo/superb/great Inst-flip Philips 55 Stacey, Gwenn Lonely girl / How many times can one heart break M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 60 Huimes, Anita & The Essex What did I do EX+/highly recommended Roulette 50 Snowmen Sugar daddy EX+/recommended Roulette 40 Thomas, Tasha I saw the sky M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Roulette 60 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/Canadian/superb Scepter 25 Jim & Lee Let go, baby M-/w/demo/superb Smash 60 Turner, Duke & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Hunt, William Would you believe EX-/w/demo/superb Streamside 40 Marvelettes I'll keep holding on M-/classic/superb Tamla 30 Miracles If your mother only knew EX+/w/demo/great Tamla 60 Crossover / 70's / Modern Cut Glass Rising cost of love demo/great version 20th Century 20 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around / same M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12 Mann, Charles It's all over M-/classic ABC 40 Cado Belle Got to love / same-mono (wol) M-w/demo/recommended Anchor 30 Mandrill My kind of girl my girl / same-mono EX/w/demo/sm wol/superb Arista 25 Ace Spectrum Don't send nobody else (Inc Co sleeve) M-/classic Atlantic 35 Joseph, Margie Come on back to me lover (sm wol) / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Atlantic 30 Henderson, Ron I love you more than dancin' / Same EX+/w/demo/fantastic!!! Avanti 30 Jones, Grace Sorry M-/fantastic Beam Junction 25 Darin, Curt Two on a cloud / Grown up fairy tale M-/2 superb sides/rare issue Buddah 60 T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love superb/great flip too Chess 30 Natural Four Love's so wonderful EX+/UK/demo/wol/superb Curtom 30 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Saddler Revue, Reggie So long sweet little girl M-/w/demo/highly recommended De-Lite 30 Oncoming Times If you had my love (xol) M-/superb Duo 40 Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono (Inc Co slv) M-/w/demo//superb Epic 40 Jeffreys, Garland What does it take (to win your love) / same M-/w/demo/superb version Epic 20 Checkmates Ltd Take all the time you need / same-mono M-/demo/superb Fantasy 30 Williams, Lenny How can I forget you / Feelin' blue (xol) M-/DEMO/superb x-over Galaxy 40 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Bristol, Johnny Love no longer has a hold on me M-/classic Handshake 20 Mahdi & Tracy Kerr Who are you M-/superb x-over Indy 5 50 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to… 2 great sides Invictus 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) EX+/German/Inc pic slv/fantastic!!! MCA 20 Perry, Oscar He sent me you superb Mercury 35 Polk, Lonnie I can make you happy M-/demo/superb Mercury 30 Jones, Tamiko Cross my heart M-/superb x-over Metromedia 40 Rawls, Lou A man of value / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version MGM 30 N'Cole You're gonna need this love / Thank you for the love M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Millennium 30 Womack, Bobby Tried and convicted M-/Inc Co slv/superb Minit 30 Rock Gazers feat. Gordon Grody I believe in love / same-mono demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 Grier, Sonja Right here, right now fantastic modern Spirit 6 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love superb x-over String 20 Ridley, Sharon Changin' M-/superb Tabu 25 Topics Man M-/recommended Token 50 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Big time lover / same-mono M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb United Artists 25 Rising Love You take my heart away / same-mono (inc orig sleeve) w/demo//Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare Venture 40 Newsome, Frankie We're on our way (part I) / same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros. 25 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb/rare Yew 40 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!
  18. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Merry Christmas & Happy Soulful New Year! Northern / 60's / R&B La Salle, Denise Count down and fly me to the moon M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/DEMO/2 superb sides Chess 60 Joe-L (I'm not gonna be) worried highly recommended Clissac 30 Ellis, Shirley Soul time / Waitin' EX-/w/demo/classic/great flip too Columbia 50 Scott, Freddie Mr Heartache M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rarer issue Columbia 50 Austin, Patti Only all the time M-/demo/superb Coral 40 Magnificent 7 Never will I make my baby cry M-/superb Dial 40 Edwards, Dee To careless with my love / He told me lies M-/2 great sides D-Town 40 Foxx, Inez And Charlie You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25 Bragg, Johnny They're talking about me (2 x's ol) M-/Inc M- Pic sleeve/classic Elbejay 75 Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 30 Hambric, Billy Talk to me baby / Human EX/2 great sides Fury 30 United Four She's putting you on M-/superb Harthon 60 Walker All Stars, Jr Good rockin' M-/DJ ink stamp ol/R&B inst/superb Harvey 40 McCracklin, Jimmy Can't raise me M-/superb R&B/TOP TIP!!! Imperial 30 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for loving / T.C.B. Or T.Y.A. M-/superb Jetstar 25 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 40 Brown, Otis I'am ready for love / Will you wait M-/yellow label/2 great sides Lujuna 20 Soul City I shot for the moon / I will take care of you M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Mercury 50 Burns, Jackie & The Bo-Bells I do the best I can ex-/great/rarer issue M-G-M 45 Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover M-/recommended M-G-M 30 Mars, Marlina Put your love on strike / Give your love to me EX/y/demo/superb/great flip too M-G-M 60 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Day, Jackie Oh ! What heartaches classic Modern 20 Marvellos Down in the city (xol) / In the sunshine M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 50 Vontastics Lady love M-/recommended Moon Shot 25 Variations Shakin' and breakin' M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great MTA 40 Williams, Arlene Duck all over town (xol) M-/great R&B Musette 40 Kittens Three Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams EX+/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40 Williams, Larry/Johnny Watson A quitter never wins EX+/classic/sleeve Okeh 40 Helms, Jimmy My little devil recommended Oracle 30 Intentions Don't forget that I love you / The night rider M-/w/demo/superb/great Inst-flip Philips 60 Stacey, Gwenn Lonely girl / How many times can one heart break M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 60 Lee, Curtis & The KCP's Everybody's going wild M-/w/demo/superb Rojac 40 Huimes, Anita & The Essex What did I do EX+/highly recommended Roulette 50 Snowmen Sugar daddy EX+/recommended Roulette 40 Thomas, Tasha I saw the sky M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Roulette 60 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/Canadian/superb Scepter 25 Jim & Lee Let go, baby M-/w/demo/superb Smash 60 Turner, Duke & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Vontastics Never let your love grow cold / You can work it out M-/2 superb sides St Lawrence 40 Hunt, William Would you believe EX-/w/demo/superb Streamside 40 Marvelettes I'll keep holding on M-/classic/superb Tamla 30 Miracles If your mother only knew EX+/w/demo/great Tamla 60 Crossover / 70's / Modern Cut Glass Rising cost of love demo/great version 20th Century 20 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around / same M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12 Mann, Charles It's all over / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic ABC 40 Cado Belle Got to love / same-mono (wol) M-w/demo/recommended Anchor 30 Mandrill My kind of girl my girl / same-mono EX/w/demo/sm wol/superb Arista 25 Ace Spectrum Don't send nobody else (Inc Co sleeve) M-/classic Atlantic 35 Joseph, Margie Come on back to me lover (sm wol) / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Atlantic 30 Henderson, Ron I love you more than dancin' / Same EX+/w/demo/fantastic!!! Avanti 30 Jones, Grace Sorry M-/fantastic Beam Junction 25 Darin, Curt Two on a cloud / Grown up fairy tale M-/2 superb sides/rare issue Buddah 60 T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love superb/great flip too Chess 30 Natural Four Love's so wonderful EX+/UK/demo/wol/superb Curtom 30 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Saddler Revue, Reggie So long sweet little girl M-/w/demo/highly recommended De-Lite 30 Oncoming Times If you had my love (xol) M-/superb Duo 40 Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono (Inc Co slv) M-/w/demo//superb Epic 40 Jeffreys, Garland What does it take (to win your love) / same M-/w/demo/superb version Epic 20 Checkmates Ltd Take all the time you need / same-mono M-/demo/superb Fantasy 30 Williams, Lenny How can I forget you / Feelin' blue (xol) M-/DEMO/superb x-over Galaxy 40 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Bristol, Johnny Love no longer has a hold on me M-/classic Handshake 20 Mahdi & Tracy Kerr Who are you M-/superb x-over Indy 5 50 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to… 2 great sides Invictus 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) EX+/German/Inc pic slv/fantastic!!! MCA 20 Girls The hurt's still here M-/superb Memphis 25 Perry, Oscar He sent me you superb Mercury 35 Polk, Lonnie I can make you happy M-/demo/superb Mercury 30 Jones, Tamiko Cross my heart M-/superb x-over Metromedia 40 Rawls, Lou A man of value / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version MGM 30 N'Cole You're gonna need this love / Thank you for the love M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Millennium 30 Womack, Bobby Tried and convicted M-/Inc Co slv/superb Minit 30 Rock Gazers feat. Gordon Grody I believe in love / same-mono demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 Grier, Sonja Right here, right now fantastic modern Spirit 6 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love superb x-over String 20 Ridley, Sharon Changin' M-/superb Tabu 25 Topics Man M-/recommended Token 50 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Big time lover / same-mono EX/w/demo/superb United Artists 25 Rising Love You take my heart away / same-mono (inc orig sleeve) w/demo//Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare Venture 40 Newsome, Frankie We're on our way (part I) / same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros. 25 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb/rare Yew 40
  19. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern/R&B/60's Soul Moore, Joe Nobody loves me / Hang right in there EX+/2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50 Williams, Johnny Maggie / Breaking point EX-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Twinight 25 Everett, Betty Unlucky girl recommended Uni 15 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it M-/w/demo/superb United Artists 50 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it EX+/rare issue/superb United Artists 50 Lorri, Mary Ann I wanna thank you w/demo/recommended United International 40 Lopez, Trini Sinner not a saint (wol) / If EX+/2 great sides United Modern 75 Bataan, Joe Special girl / The prayer EX-/superb Uptite 30 Intertains Gotta find a girl / I see the light M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Uptown 30 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (ink stamp ol) EX+/w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30 Everett, Betty Trouble over the weekend / The shoe won't fit w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Flemons, Wade Watch over her M-/recommended Vee-Jay 25 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX+/EX- flip/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 50 Little Anthony And The Imperials Better use your head VG+/classic Veep 20 Ethics I want my baby back EX+/sl outer edge label stain/superb Vent 60 Ganey, Jerry Just a fool(xol) EX-/classic/plays great Verve 60 Pickett, Wilson Let me be your boy EX/demo/WOL/superb Verve 75 Stridell, Gene Let her go EX/recommended Verve 75 Superiors What would I do M-/superb Verve 30 Ward, Clara The right direction M-/demo/wol/classic Verve 100 Webs I want you back EX-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 30 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad (sol)/Same EX+/RED vinyl/recommended VIP 50 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / same M-/w/demo/superb/rare white demo VIP 75 Dean, Debbie Why am I lovin' you / same M-/w/demo/perfect labels/classic VIP 75 Tabs Two stupid feet M-/Inc Co slv/great Wand 25 Grey, Gloria It's a sweet world M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Warner Bros 250 Marvellos Let me keep you satisfied M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Warner Bros 25 Debanairs Feel all right / Everything I need superb/great flip too W-BS 20 Lamp, Buddy I wanna go home / You've got the loving touch ex-/2 great sides Wheelsville 35 Vanguards I can't use you girl highly recommended Whiz 15 Tymes This time it's love EX/w/demo/wol/recommended Winchester 15 Stereos Mumbling word EX/wol/recommended World Artists 25 Church, Eugene Dollar bill demo/great World Pacific 25 Counts Stronger than ever / Gospel Truth EX-/superb/great R&B inst flip/RARE Yes 150 Intrigues I'm gonna love you EX+/green-white label/superb Yew 15 Intrigues In a moment superb Yew 15 Peterman, Pat Like the way you do your thing M-/recommended 123 30 Grayson, Art Bad dreams EX/DEMO/recommended 4 Corners 40 Ballard, Flo Florence Love ain't love / Forever faithful EX+/2 great sides ABC 20 Barnes, Orthea Your picture on the wall / Same as before M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 50 Mighty Marvelows Talkin' bout ya baby EX+/superb ABC 20 O'Brien, Betty You can't stop me (from dreaming) / I don't feel a thing M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 40 Wiggins, Percy That's loving you M-/demo/classic A-bet 100 Vick & John Dont dish out (more than you can take) (stol) / Lonely man M-/w/demo/superb/great down tempo flip Allert 40 Rays Love another girl EX+/demo/superb mid tempo Amy 150 Mason, Barbara Ain't got nobody M-/recommended Arctic 25 Mason, Barbara Bobby, is my baby EX/wol-flip/superb Arctic 25 Mason, Barbara Bobby, is my baby M-/superb Arctic 30 James, Etta Seven day fool VG++/superb R&B Argo 30 Andriani, Bobby I've got to find a way / To be in love with you M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Atco 40 King, Ben E I can't break the news to myself VG++/great Atco 40 King, Ben E I can't break the news to myself EX-/sol & sm wol-flip/great Atco 40 King, Ben E The record EX+/w/demo/superb mid-tempo Atco 25 Levon And The Hawks He don't love you / The stones I throw M-/2 superb sides Atco 75 Parker, Winfield Sweet little girl (sm wol) M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Atco 25 Soul Survivors Mama soul M-/w/demo/highly recommended Atco 30 Uggams, Leslie Don't you even care M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Atlantic 50 Washington, Ella Bye, bye baby w/demo/recommended Atlantic 30 Hinton, Joe Got you on my mind M-/feint sm ink stamp ol/superb Back Beat 50 Imaginations Wait a little longer son (sol) EX-/w/demo/great Ballad 30 Voice Masters If a woman catches a fool / You've hurt me baby M-/2 superb sides Bamboo 30 Voice Masters Never gonna leave you / If a woman catches a fool M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Bamboo 50 Crossover/70's/Modern Bristol, Johnny Love no longer has a hold on me M-/classic Handshake 20 Righteous Brothers Hold on (to what you got)(sm wol) / same-mono w/demo/superb Haven 30 Hot Ice Lady / Isn't it lonely M-/great/sweet flip Heavy Duty 40 Topics Try a little love / All good things must end M-/great Heavy Duty 20 Las Vegas Connection Running back to you / Can't nobody love me like you do M-/2 superb sides Hep'Me 200 Chapter One Money won't do it, love will / Loan shark 2 great sides Heritage 15 Houston, Larry Let's spend some time together / Give me something to go on M-/2nd legit press/classic/great flip too HFMP 20 McClure, Bobby Love trap / Was it something I said demo/highly recmnded Hi 20 Brandon, Cal I kept on smilin recommended Hit Man 40 Numonics You lied / Forever and a day EX+/2 great sides Hodisk 40 Cloud, Michael Check your direction recommended HoMark 25 Mahdi & Tracy Kerr Who are you M-/superb x-over Indy 5 50 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Hall, Barbara You brought it on yourself recommended Innovation II 25 Hi-lites That's love (vocal) / Same (Inst) M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Invictus 20 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to… 2 great sides Invictus 40 Hunter, Ty I don't see me in your eyes / Hey there lonely girl 2 great sides Invictus 30 Lovemakers When you're next to me / same M-/w/demo/superb Island 30 Beverly, Charles Stop and think a minute / same w/demo/awesome soul IX Chains 15 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine / inst highly recommended IX Chains 25 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/same w/demo/highly recomnded IX Chains 30 Smoke Have I really lost you classic x-over J.Bridge 15 Jobell & The Orchestra De Salsa Never gonna let you go / same-long M-/fantastic/2nd press Jan 15 Watts, Wendell Grooviest thing this side of heaven recommended Jiminie 30 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Jones, Albert Unity ('SAMPLE COPY'-stol) wol//superb x-over Kapp 35 Blade Family My baby's gone / Sweet dream 2 great sides King James 25 Phillips, Esther I've never found a man(to love me like you do) great version Kudu 15 Reynolds, LJ All I need / Cookin with Nixon (Northern inst) 2 great sides Lady 30 Williams, Willie The baa-baa song / Psyched out superb/up-tempo funk flip Lakeside 30 Hebb, Bobby True I love you recommended Laurie 20 We The People Making my daydream real / Whatcha done for me..... M-/superb/great flip too Lion 75 Washington, Harold I want you back recommended Little House 30 Chandler, Deniece Mama, I wish I stayed at home M-/w/demo/superb Lock 75 Jacocks, Bill You are the one / Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25 Jackson, JJ Let me try again highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Brown, J.T. Like taking candy from a baby M-/superb Mahogany 30 Brown, J.T. Like taking candy from a baby / same EX+/w/demo/superb Mahogany 40 Gomez, Jessie Lace / Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Martin, Hazel Out of my life recommended Marco 30 Smith, Marvin Who will do your running now EX+/great Mayfield 100 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) EX+/German/Inc pic slv/fantastic!!! MCA 20 McGregor, Billy It's my turn now awesome soul Mellotone 75 Girls The hurt's still here M-/superb Memphis 25 Butler, Jerry High stepper recommended Mercury 15 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Five Special The more I get to know you superb Mercury 20 Joneses Name of the game (Pt 1) / same (Pt 2) superb/Inc Co sleeve Mercury 15 Perry, Oscar He sent me you superb Mercury 35 Polk, Lonnie I can make you happy M-/demo/superb Mercury 30 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 40 Jones, Tamiko Cross my heart M-/superb x-over Metromedia 40 Rawls, Lou A man of value / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version MGM 30 Ovations One in a million highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Lords Since I fell for you / same demo/recommended Mikim 25 Bay Brothers What does it take (to win your love) / same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/Same-mono M-/demo/great Millennium 20 N'Cole You're gonna need this love / Thank you for the love M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Millennium 30 Stage IV Just another guy awesome Millie 20 Players Why did I lie superb Minit 30 Players Why did I lie demo/wol-flip/superb Minit 35 Womack, Bobby Tried and convicted M-/Inc Co slv/superb Minit 30 Moore, Delilah Wrapped up tight / Ooh-wee baby M-/superb x-over/great flip to Money 25 St. German, Tyrone In a world so cold great x-over Morning Dove 30 Bottom & Company Spread the news / same w/demo/great Motown 20 Bottom & Company You're my life / same w/demo/recommended Motown 15 Darin, Bobby Melodie (wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 30 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Motown 30 Gardner, Don Your love is driving me crazy M-/DEMO/highly recommended Mr. G 60 Kendricks, Eddie I'm in love with you recommended Ms. Dixie 20 Korla with Klass Stop before you start dish nap/superb Music Master 150 Solid State I'm gonna make you mine / inst. great Music Town 30 Sensational Little Doc My precious love great mid-tempo Music-Go-Round 40 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!
  20. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Northern / R&B / 60's Soul Gardner, Don My baby likes to boogaloo EX-/great R&B Tru-Glo-Town 35 Moore, Joe Nobody loves me/Hang right in there-(2 x's ol) EX+/2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50 Sandpipers All over but the crying w/demo/great Tru-Glo-Town 20 Symphonics Our love will grow great group soul Tru-lite 30 Lee, Carol I'll buy you gold w/demo Tru-sound 20 Fantastic Vantastics Gee what a boy ex-/great Tuff 15 Dynamic Tints Falling in love/Be my lady ex-/great Twinight 40 Guild, The You've got the cutest smile w/demo/nice Twinight 20 Williams, Johnny Maggie/Breaking point EX-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Twinight 25 Everett, Betty Unlucky girl recommended Uni 15 Everett, Betty Unlucky girl demo/recommended Uni 25 Green, Garland All she did…../Don't think that I'm a violent guy 2 great sides Uni 10 Green, Garland Jealous kind of fella great Uni 15 Lovelites This love is real/Oh my love M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 nice sides Uni 10 Mirettes Ain't you trying to cross over recommended Uni 12 Barnes, Billy I'm coming to see you vg++/w/demo/great United Artists 15 Barnes, Billy You'd have to fall in love United Artists 8 Crystals My place(xol)/You can't tie a good girl down ex-/wol/w/demo United Artists 25 Crystals My place(xol)/You can't tie a good girl down w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 30 Davis, Joyce Moments/Superman ex-/great/R&B flip United Artists 12 Davis, Joyce Moments/Superman great/R&B flip United Artists 15 Dawn Love is a magic word w/demo/wol-flip/great United Artists 25 Elektras It ain't as easy as that EX-/w/demo United Artists 20 Germaine, Denise Unforgotten yesterdays w/demo/great United Artists 30 Johnson, Marv All the love I've got recommended United Artists 15 Johnson, Marv All the love I've got w/demo/recommended United Artists 20 Johnson, Marv Don't leave me great United Artists 20 Love Chain Sensative vibrations w/demo United Artists 20 Mimms, Garnet Look away recommended United Artists 15 Smith, Roy I can remember demo/recommended United Artists 30 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart/And if I had my(wol) ex-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it M-/w/demo/superb United Artists 50 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it EX+/rare issue/superb United Artists 50 Lorri, Mary Ann I wanna thank you w/demo/recommended United International 40 Lopez, Trini Sinner not a saint (wol)/If EX+/2 great sides United Modern 75 Mintz, Charles Running back/inst. re-iss/with pic. Sleeve Up-Look 10 Bataan, Joe Special girl/The prayer EX-/superb Uptite 30 Intertains Gotta find a girl/I see the light M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Uptown 30 Jackson, Cookie Uptown jerk EX+/sl warp-nap/great Uptown 10 Lewis, Debra A million tears recommended Valiant 20 Lewis, Debra A million tears w/demo/recommended Valiant 25 Lewis, Debra You stole him ex-/w/demo/ink stamp ol-flip Valiant 15 Radiations Shaking up the nation great Valise 15 Chandler, Gene Check yourself M-/recommended Vee-Jay 20 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (ink stamp ol) EX+/w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30 Everett, Betty Trouble over the weekend/The shoe won't fit w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Flemons, Wade Watch over her M-/recommended Vee-Jay 25 Hughes, Fred You can't take it away great Vee-Jay 8 Jackson, Barbara Second best w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30 Jones, Bobby A certain feeling great Vee-Jay 20 Jones, Bobby A certain feeling M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recmnded Vee-Jay 25 Rivingtons Years of tears/I love you always EX+/EX- flip/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 50 Rubies, The A Spanish boy/Deeper M-/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Velasco, Vi I don't want to go on M-/great Vee-Jay 40 Velasco, Vi I don't want to go on w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50 Group From Queens Boss man/Your search is over EX+/w/demo/2 superb group soul sides Veep 30 Little Anthony And The Imperials Better use your head VG+/classic Veep 20 Soul Sisters A thousand mountains/ You got 'em beat recommended Veep 15 T-birds Nobody but you/Have you ever been in love up-tempo/deep Vegas 15 T-birds Nobody but you/Have you ever been in love w/demo/up-tempo/deep Vegas 20 Ethics I want my baby back EX+/sl outer edge label stain/superb Vent 60 Ballads My baby knows how to love her man recommended Venture 15 People's Choice You're mine recommended Veroneeca 20 Chantels You're welcome to my heart vg++/vg- flip/demo/great Verve 12 Chantels You're welcome to my heart ex-/great Verve 15 Chantels You're welcome to my heart demo/great Verve 20 Chantels You're welcome to my heart great Verve 20 Fitzgerald, Ella Mr. Paganini/You're driving me crazy M-/great Verve 3 Ganey, Jerry Just a fool(xol) EX-/classic/plays great Verve 60 Pickett, Wilson Let me be your boy EX/demo/wol/superb Verve 75 Prince Harold Born to please ex-/great Verve 15 Prince Harold Born to please black label/great Verve 20 Stridell, Gene Let her go EX/recommended Verve 75 Superiors What would I do M-/superb Verve 30 Ward, Clara The right direction M-/demo/wol/classic Verve 100 Webs I want you back/We belong together EX-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 30 Yates, Tommy Darling somethings gotta give/If you're looking for a fool EX-/red/demo/superb/aka Tommy Tate Verve 45 Bossmen Take it easy w/demo/recommended Vim 75 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad EX/recommended VIP 40 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad (sol)/Same EX+/RED vinyl/recommended VIP 50 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad/same M-/w/demo/superb/rare white demo VIP 75 Dean, Debbie Why am I lovin' you/same M-/w/demo/perfect labels/classic VIP 75 Monitors Say you(wol) M-/EX- flip/superb VIP 20 Rick, Robin & Him Cause you know me EX-/lite lbl ring/recommended VIP 40 Spinners It's a shame great VIP 8 Spinners My whole world ended (the moment you left me) great VIP 6 Storm, Billy Push over ex-/sm lbl tear/great Vista 15 Dino & Doc A woman can't do (what a man do) recommended Volt 30 Jeanne & The Darlings Hang me now EX-/xol-flip/great Volt 6 Mad Lads I don't want to lose your love mid-tempo Volt 15 Brown, Maxine If you gotta make a fool of somebody w/demo/great Wand 10 Diplomats Love ain't what t used to be ex-/sm stol-flip/superb Wand 15 Diplomats Love ain't what t used to be w/demo/wol/superb Wand 25 Diplomats There's still a tomorrow superb Wand 25 Dodds, Nella Finders keepers, losers weepers/A girl's life great Wand 15 Esquires Part angel/I don't know recommended Wand 10 Hughes, Freddie Send my baby back superb Wand 12 Inspirations Kiss and make up ex-/vsld Wand 10 Jackson, Chuck I don't want to cry great Wand 10 Jackson, Chuck I don't want to cry blue label/great Wand 15 Moore, Johnny Haven't I been good to you(sm wol)/A dollar ninety eight demo/2 superb sides Wand 25 Preyer, Marvin It's coming to me demo/R&B/great Wand 50 Robinson, Roscoe That's enough (sm sol) M-/classic Wand 15 Steele, John & Del-Mates Tha fat man R&B Wand 15 Tabs Two stupid feet M-/Inc Co slv/great Wand 25 Dickens, Charles In the city/That's the way love goes M-/w/demo/2 great sides Warner Bros 30 Grey, Gloria It's a sweet world M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Warner Bros 250 Jones, Linda I just can't live my life M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Warner Bros 125 Marvellos Let me keep you satisfied M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Warner Bros 25 Baby Little & Playboys Big time playboy R&B/great Watts Way 30 Sensations Too shy/Please baby please M-/vg++ flip/2 great sides Way Out 15 Springers I know my baby loves me so vg+/w/demo? Way Out 8 Verna & Rob I'm in love with you/More soul EX-/VG+ flip/2 superb sides Way Out 35 Debanairs Feel all right/Everything I need superb/great flip too W-BS 20 Hughes, Freddie Send my baby back/Where's my baby first label/wol-flip/great Wee 20 Del-vons All I did was cry EX-/great group slowie Wells 8 Lamp, Buddy I wanna go home/You've got the loving touch ex-/2 great sides Wheelsville 35 Experts You're bein' brainwashed baby great Whirl World 15 Powell, Bobby I'm gonna leave you/Hold my hand great Whit 15 Powell, Bobby What are you trying to do to me ex- Whit 10 Damon's Orient Express, Liz You're falling in love great White Whale 8 Scott, Walter Silly girl/Just you wait demo/v. sl. warp-nap White Whale 12 Vanguards I can't use you girl highly recommended Whiz 15 Dubs Just you great Wilshire 15 Dubs Just you demo/great Wilshire 20 Tymes This time it's love EX/w/demo/wol/recommended Winchester 15 Tymes This time it's love M-/classic Winchester 15 Five Stairsteps Playgirl's love superb Windy C 12 Five Stairsteps You can't see/Ain't gonna rest great Windy C 12 Quaite, Christine In the middle of the floor recommended World Artists 15 Stereos Mumbling word EX/wol/recommended World Artists 25 Church, Eugene Dollar bill demo/great World Pacific 25 Counts Stronger than ever/Gospel Truth EX-/superb/great R&B inst flip/RARE Yes 150 Intrigues I'm gonna love you EX+/green-white label/superb Yew 15 Intrigues In a moment superb Yew 15 Cortez & Entertainers Life/I sent her back (to to the home she loves) recommended Your Town 25 Johnson, Syl Surrounded/Straight love no chaser superb R&B Zachron 15 Larry & Rexettes/Johnson, Larry That ain't all/Mercy R&B/great inst. Flip Zorro 20 Cormier, Myra G O 2 & the rest of it/Pleasant dreams demo/2 good sides ZZZ 20 Peterman, Pat Like the way you do your thing M-/recommended 123 30 Fashions A lover's stand recommended 20th Century 15 Lancelot, Rick That's my bag vg+/w/demo 20th Century 8 Renay, Diane Unbelievable guy EX/great 20th Century 5 Grayson, Art Bad dreams EX/DEMO/recommended 4 Corners 40 Mr. Tears (Paris) Don't lead me on ex-/great 4J 35 Mr. Tears (Paris) Don't lead me on great 4J 40 Tempo, Nino & 5th Ave Sax Sister James M-/w/demo/great/rare demo A&M 25 Tempo, Nino & 5th Ave. Sax Sister James 2 x's ol/great A&M 12 Dotson, Jimmy Gone, gone, gone/To be your lover 2 great sides Aar O Dot 15 Ballard, Flo Florence Love ain't love/Forever faithful EX+/2 great sides ABC 20 Barnes, Orthea Your picture on the wall/Same as before M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 50 Charles, Ray Hide 'nor hair good version ABC 10 Charles, Ray Something inside me recommended ABC 15 Cotillions Sometimes I get lonely great ABC 20 Dorsey, Jackie Sweetheart baby w/demo/great ABC 15 Earls It's been a long time coming/My lonely lonely room superb ABC 20 Earls It's been a long time coming/My lonely lonely room w/demo/wol/superb ABC 30 Harris & The Vanguards, Van Hey, hey (feel alright) Pt. I/Pt. II EX+/recommended ABC 10 Impressions You've been cheatin' M-/Inc Co slv/classic ABC 20 Keyes, Troy Love explosion great ABC 15 Marvelows I do M-/superb ABC 10 Mer-lyn Promise w/demo/wol/recomnded ABC 50 Mighty Marvelows Talkin' bout ya baby EX+/superb ABC 20 O'Brien, Betty You can't stop me (from dreaming)/I don't feel a thing M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 40 Sapphires Thank you for loving me/Our love is everywhere great ABC 10 Spindles Ten shades of blue EX/w/demo/superb ABC 30 Tams Trouble maker/Laugh at the world 2 great sides ABC 10 Tandy, Sharon I've found love M-/w/demo/great ABC 25 Tandy, Sharon Now that you've gone/Hurtin me 2 great sides ABC 25 Taylor, Rosemary I really got it bad for my baby w/demo/great ABC 15 We Two Way down deep inside ex-/w/demo/wol/great ABC 25 White, Danny One little lie M-/w/demo/xol-flip/great ABC 30 Mathis, Lucille Somewhere out there/same demo/nice mid-tempo A-bet 10 Wiggins, Percy That's loving you M-/demo/classic A-bet 100 Hines, Sonny Nothing like your love R&B Airtown 10 Jackson, Chuck Come on and love me his first record ? Alcar 15 Emanons Look in the want ads/One heart dancer/group-flip/pic slve All Brothers 10 Vick & John Dont dish out (more than you can take)(stol)/Lonely man M-/w/demo/superb/great down tempo flip Allert 40 Harper, Willie You're gonna pay w/demo/wol Alon 12 Wright, Betty Sweet lovin' daddy/Girls can't do what the guys do M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Alston 8 Carl, Carolyn Spend my whole life/same-mono EX+/w/demo/highly recommended Ampex 10 McPhatter, Clyde I belong to you vg/nice mid-tempo Amy 5 Walker, Anna & Crownettes You don't know/Ode to Billy Joe demo/R&B/2 great sides Amy 30 Clark, Delores Livin' to please recommended Antares 60 Florence, Tina Too much for me, baby great Apt 40 Dawkins, Earl with The Aqua Lads Ain't gonna ride/My friend, the fool(autographed) M-/2 great sides Aqua 75 Love, Candace Never in a million years / I want to get back nice Aquarius 15 Williams, Ken Anytime you want me/Take me back w/demo?/blue-eyed ARA 15 Mason, Barbara Ain't got nobody M-/recommended Arctic 25 Mason, Barbara Bobby, is my baby EX/wol-flip/superb Arctic 25 Mason, Barbara Bobby, is my baby M-/superb Arctic 30 Mason, Barbara Half a love w/demo/fantastic Arctic 30 Melvin, Harold & The Bluenotes What can a man do VG/lbl ring mark/stmol-flip/great Arctic 20 Volcanos Storm warning/blank M-/w/demo/classic/rare demo Arctic 25 Dells Good-bye Mary Ann M-/DEMO/great Argo 30 James, Etta Seven day fool VG++/superb R&B Argo 30 Nash, Johnny Strange feeling M-/great Argo 15 Fisher, Shelley Big city lights great Aries 15 Aesop's Fables Girl I've got news for you w/demo/superb Atco 30 Andriani, Bobby I've got to find a way/To be in love with you M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Atco 40 Chapman, Andy Double your satisfaction/Happy is the man w/demo Atco 20 Cooper, Les & Soulrockers Gonna have a lot of fun recommended Atco 25 King, Ben E Amor great Atco 8 King, Ben E I can't break the news to myself VG++/great Atco 40 King, Ben E I can't break the news to myself EX-/sol & sm wol-flip/great Atco 40 King, Ben E The record EX+/w/demo/superb mid-tempo Atco 25 Lee, Marva Lover boy warp-nap/great Atco 12 Lee, Marva Lover boy tiny warp-nap/great Atco 15 Levon And The Hawks He don't love you/The stones I throw M-/2 superb sides Atco 75 O'Henry, Lenny Sweet young love great newy Atco 15 O'Henry, Lenny Sweet young love w/demo/great newy Atco 20 Parker, Winfield Sweet little girl (sm wol) M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Atco 25 Precisions New York city M-/great Atco 15 Sharp, Dee Dee Bye bye baby/My best friend's man 2 superb sides/recommended Atco 15 Soul Survivors Mama soul M-/w/demo/highly recommended Atco 30 Soul Survivors Mama soul (sm dh next to middle hole) M-/highly recommended Atco 20 Taylor,Ted River's invitation ex-/great Atco 10 Taylor,Ted River's invitation great Atco 12 Moore, Henry She's a lover recommended Athens 15 Drifters The outside world/Follow me ex-/2 great sides Atlantic 12 Drifters The outside world/Follow me w/demo/2 great sides Atlantic 20 Greenwood, Johnny I'm crawling back w/demo/great Atlantic 15 Jackson, Deon You said you love me great Atlantic 30 Jackson, Deon You said you love me ex-/w/demo/great Atlantic 35 Jackson, Deon You said you love me w/demo/great Atlantic 40 Jo Ann & Troy Who do you love R&B/recommended Atlantic 10 La Belle, Patti & Blue Belles Wonderful great Atlantic 10 Lewis, Barbara Don't forget about me great Atlantic 12 Lewis, Barbara Don't forget about me w/demo/wol Atlantic 15 Lewis, Barbara I say love Atlantic 10 Lewis, Barbara If you love her/Straighten up your heart(sm wol) Canadian/2 great sides Atlantic 20 Lewis, Barbara Sho-nuff/Thankful for what I got Atlantic 15 Matthews, Shirley (You can) count on that/Big-town boy 2 great sides Atlantic 15 Thomas, Carla For you recommended Atlantic 10 Thomas, Carla The puppet ex-/w/demo/wol/nice Atlantic 15 Uggams, Leslie Don't you even care M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Atlantic 50 Washington, Ella Bye, bye baby w/demo/recommended Atlantic 30 Incredibles Without a word/Standing here crying M-/w/demo/great Audio Arts 20 Radcliffe, Jimmy My ship is coming in EX+/sl label ring/superb Aurora 30 Garrett, Kelly This heart is haunted (with original sleeve) w/demo/recommended Ava 30 Velons That's all right/That's what love can do M-/sl warp-nap/2 great sides B.J.M. 150 Attractions Mama's baby/C.O.D. 2 good sides/Texas label B&B 15 Carlton, Carl Sure miss loving you M-/demo/great Back Beat 8 Carlton, Little Carl Why don't they leave us alone #627/great Back Beat 10 Hinton, Joe Got you on my mind M-/feint sm ink stamp ol/superb Back Beat 50 Imaginations Wait a little longer son (sol) EX-/w/demo/great Ballad 30 Voice Masters If a woman catches a fool/You've hurt me baby M-/2 superb sides Bamboo 30 Voice Masters Never gonna leave you/If a woman catches a fool M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Bamboo 50 Arrows Bring back the one I love M-/very slight warp-nap/great Bandit 15 Beaumont, Jimmy I feel like I'm falling in love ex-/great Bang 8 Rose Colored Glass Can't find the time nice Bang 10 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul Hines, Perry Stay Ham-Sem 8 Pinho, Glenn Wishbone give me a break great x-over Hana Boy 25 Bristol, Johnny Love no longer has a hold on me M-/classic Handshake 20 Shields, Billy I was a boy (when you needed a man) superb Harbour 20 Shields, Billy I was a boy (when you needed a man)/same demo/sol/wol/superb Harbour 20 Redding, Gene This heart highly recommended Haven 15 Righteous Brothers Hold on (to what you got)(sm wol)/same-mono w/demo/superb Haven 30 Righteous Brothers Hold on (to what you got)/same-mono(wol) w/demo/superb Haven 30 Hot Ice Lady/Isn't it lonely M-/great/sweet flip Heavy Duty 40 Topics Try a little love/All good things must end M-/great Heavy Duty 20 Las Vegas Connection Running back to you/Can't nobody love me like you do M-/2 superb sides Hep'Me 200 Chapter One Money won't do it, love will/Loan shark 2 great sides Heritage 15 McClure, Bobby Love trap/Was it something I said demo/highly recmnded Hi 20 McClure, Bobby Love trap/Was it something I said highly recmnded Hi 20 Teacher's Edition It helps to make you strong vg+/demo/nice Hi 12 Brandon, Cal I kept on smilin recommended Hit Man 40 Numonics You lied/Forever and a day EX+/2 great sides Hodisk 40 Larry & Accommodations Love is the answer demo Holiday Inn 15 Cloud, Michael Check your direction recommended HoMark 25 Adams, Bobby Is it too late Home-Town 15 Moore, Bobby (Call me your) anything man great Hot Line 8 Honey Cone If I can't fly/same demo/recommended Hot Wax 25 Lee, Laura Wedlock is a padlock UK/great Hot Wax 8 Lewis, Jimmy Help me understand you nice mid-tempo Hotlanta 6 Mandells Don't turn your back on me/Now I know EX+/2 great sides Hour Glass 12 Evans, Margie I'm on my way dancer/great ICA 8 Austin, Lee (The Burner) Missin' you/same w/demo/sl label stain/great I-dentify 8 Meli, Debbie Take my love demo In 10 Mahdi & Tracy Kerr Who are you M-/superb x-over Indy 5 50 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself recommended Infinity 15 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself/same w/demo Infinity 20 Hall, Barbara You brought it on yourself recommended Innovation II 25 Thunderfunk Symphany Forty days (& forty nights)/Time to discover w/demo/funk Innovation II 15 Wallace, Sir Wales Whatever you want/I wish I could say… recommended Innovation II 12 Glass House Playing games vg+/wol/highly recomnded Invictus 8 Glass House Playing games wol/highly recomnded Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games sl warp-nap/highly recmnd Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games highly recommended Invictus 15 Hi-lites That's love(vocal)/Same(Inst) M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Invictus 20 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman/If you don't want to… 2 great sides Invictus 40 Hunter, Ty I don't see me in your eyes/Hey there lonely girl 2 great sides Invictus 30 Payne, Freda You brought joy/Suddenly it's yesterday M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Invictus 3 Chocolate Syrup The goodness of love/Stop your cryin' vg-/plays well/wol-flip/great IRA 15 Lovemakers When you're next to me/same M-/w/demo/superb Island 30 Whitehead, Charlie Love being your fool great Island 6 Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman recommended IX Chains 8 Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman/same w/demo/recommended IX Chains 10 Beverly, Charles Stop and think a minute/same w/demo/awesome soul IX Chains 15 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/inst highly recommended IX Chains 25 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/same w/demo/highly recomnded IX Chains 30 Smoke Have I really lost you classic x-over J.Bridge 15 Nature's Creation Let's fire it up w/demo/disco-funk Jamtu 10 Jobell & The Orchestra De Salsa Never gonna let you go/same-long M-/fantastic/2nd press Jan 15 Sample, Hank So in love with you M-/recommended Jay-Walking 15 Otis, Johnny Show Hey boy! I want ya! labels reversed Jazz World 15 Otis, Johnny Show Hey boy! I want ya! highly recommended Jazz World 20 Jones, Sammy She didn't know recommended Jenesis 20 T.H.A.T. Lady, lady/What goes around comes around 2 great sides Jeree 20 THAT I've got to have you/All I need 2 great sides Jeree 25 Brown, Charlie 'Cole Black' I've got your love great x-over Jewel 8 Watts, Wendell Grooviest thing this side of heaven recommended Jiminie 30 Blendelles La la,the magic song Jotee 10 Controllers Feeling a feeling EX+/recommended Juana 12 Livin' Proof You and I superb sweet Ju-par 15 Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you ex-/demo/superb Kama Sutra 25 Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you wol/superb Kama Sutra 25 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Jones, Albert Unity ('SAMPLE COPY'-stol) wol//superb x-over Kapp 35 Two Tons Of Love Brown and beautiful (SEE GORDO LABEL) M-/recommended Kapp 12 Waters, Freddie It has to be love wol/mid-tempo Kari 12 Facts Of Life Caught in the act (of getting' it on)/same w/demo/recommended Kayvette 15 Jackson, Walter Touching in the dark great Kelli-arts 10 Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck recommended Kent 20 Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck w/demo Kent 25 Four Tees One more chance/I could never love another recommended Kent 20 Jones, Jeanette The thought of you ex-/wol/w/demo Kent 10 Barnes, Myra Super good/Part 2 vg/funk King 10 Brown, James World Pt. 2 / I cried EX+/tiny slight warp-nap/2 good sides King 3 Cherry Blend Warning of danger funk/w/demo King 20 Edwards, Gloria Need nobody…...keep up with my man w/demo/recommended King 25 Blade Family My baby's gone/Sweet dream 2 great sides King James 25 Samson & Delilah Living in a world of trouble funk King James 20 Dash, Sarah (Come and take this) candy from your baby very sl warp-nap Kirshner 8 Clayton, Willie Love pain superb Kirstee 15 Ingram, Luther Trying to find my love/Get to me 2 great sides KoKo 15 Tate, Tommy I ain't gonna worry/same w/demo? Koko 6 Tate, Tommy More power to you/I ain't gonna worry Koko 10 Tate, Tommy More power to you/same w/demo Koko 10 Tate, Tommy More power to you/same demo Koko 10 Tate, Tommy School of life superb Koko 10 Tate, Tommy School of life/same demo/superb Koko 10 Phillips, Esther I've never found a man(to love me like you do) great version Kudu 15 Reynolds, LJ All I need/Cookin with Nixon(Northern inst) 2 great sides Lady 30 Williams, Willie The baa-baa song/Psyched out superb/up-tempo funk flip Lakeside 30 Esquires Ain't gonna give it up recommended Lamarr 15 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl wol/recommended Lamarr 22 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl recommended Lamarr 25 Star-tels What more can I ask for recommended Lamarr 25 Cutchins, Bobby I did it again superb Lasso 10 Cutchins, Bobby I did it again with pic. slv/superb Lasso 12 Hebb, Bobby True I love you recommended Laurie 20 Beck Family Falling in love again/Can you feel it 2 great sides Lejoint 10 Beck Family Falling in love again/same w/demo/recommended Lejoint 8 Laws, Ronnie Stay awake great Liberty 8 Allen, Vee Love is all around me/Don't go to strangers M-/great x-over Lion 30 Allen, Vee Love is all around me/Trying to forget vg++/great x-over Lion 15 Allen, Vee Love is all around me/Trying to forget EX+/w/demo/great x-over Lion 30 We The People Making my daydream real/Whatcha done for me..... M-/superb/great flip too Lion 75 We The People You made me/Right now 2 great sides Lion 15 Family Feeling what you wanna feel/Trump tight w/demo/x-over/funk flip Little City 15 Family My song to you/Music great slowy/funk flip Little City 8 Washington, Harold I want you back recommended Little House 30 Dyer, Louis I wanna make love to you/Lonely drifter 2 superb sides Little Star 10 Humphrey, Paul/Cool Aid Chemists Cool aid great funk instrumental Lizard 6 Hardie, Celeste Thank you love/inst. Loadstone 8 Chandler, Deniece Mama, I wish I stayed at home M-/w/demo/superb Lock 75 Elbert, Donnie Where did our love go UK/Inc Co sleeve/great London 5 Sease, Marvin I belong to you nice mid-tempo London 6 Price, Lloyd Feelin' good/Cupid's bandwagon (2 x's ol) 2 great sides Ludix 20 Jacocks, Bill You are the one/Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25 Jacocks, Bill You are the one/Fickle finger M-/Inc promo sheet/2 superb sides Maggio 30 Jackson, JJ Let me try again highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Brown, J.T. Like taking candy from a baby M-/superb Mahogany 30 Brown, J.T. Like taking candy from a baby/same EX+/w/demo/superb Mahogany 40 Huff, Terry Just not enough love recommended Mainstream 12 Huff, Terry Where there's a will (there's a way) Mainstream 8 Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now) superb Mainstream 40 Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now)/same w/demo/superb Mainstream 30 Formula Five Back to love nice m-tempo/vg++ flip Malaco 5 Moore, Dorothy (We need more) loving time A TIP !!/recommended Malaco 10 Moore, Dorothy Girl overboard recommended Malaco 8 Bailey, JR I'll always be your lover/same demo MAM 15 Gomez, Jessie Lace/Baby I'm coming at you VG++/DJ ink stamp ol/2 superb sides Mankind 50 Gomez, Jessie Lace/Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Hill ZZ Chokin' kind Mankind 10 Martin, Hazel Out of my life recommended Marco 30 Johnson, Al Too late/I'll do anything for you great/awesome flip Marina 10 Kirton, Lew Do what you want…/Come on with it 2 great sides Marlin 10 Washington, Baby Care free recommended Master Five 10 Washington, Baby I've got to break away Master Five 8 Faith Hope & Charity So much love label damage Maxwell 5 Garner Jr., Emmett So much better ex-/w/demo/classic x-over Maxwell 15 Garner Jr., Emmett So much better w/demo/classic x-over Maxwell 20 Smith, Marvin Who will do your running now EX+/great Mayfield 100 Sophisticated Ladies Check it out M-/what a voice!!!!/highly recommended Mayhew 8 Cheatham, Oliver Something about you MCA 5 Hudson, Al & Soul Partners You can do it w/demo MCA 6 Lifestyle Katrina M-/UK/highly recommended MCA 15 One Way + Al Hudson Now that I found you MCA 5 Peaches & Herb We're still together recommeded MCA 15 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) EX+/German/Inc pic slv/fantastic!!! MCA 20 Williams, Moon Everytime I take the time/same demo/recommended MCA 15 Bernard, Chris Mother nice/orig.label McVoutie 15 McGregor, Billy It's my turn now awesome soul Mellotone 75 Girls The hurt's still here M-/superb Memphis 25 Beaumont, Donny Look but don't touch/same-mono demo/great Mercury 12 Bell, William Easy comin' out (hard goin' in) superb Mercury 20 Bell, William Tryin' to love two ex-/great Mercury 5 Bell, William Tryin' to love two great Mercury 6 Butler, Jerry High stepper recommended Mercury 15 Carmine & Co What would I do without your love/What's in store(inst) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great/Inst flip Mercury 30 Chandler, Gene Groovy situation recommended Mercury 6 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful M-/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 40 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful/same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Five Special The more I get to know you/Part II superb Mercury 20 Five Special The more I get to know you/Part II demo/superb/rare Mercury 30 Heaven And Earth Let's work it out/How do you think you're gonna find love recommended Mercury 15 Joneses Name of the game (Pt 1) /same (Pt 2) superb/Inc Co sleeve Mercury 15 Mark IV You're just like a dream Mercury 6 Notations Judy blue eyes recommended Mercury 25 Notations Judy blue eyes demo/recommended Mercury 30 Oliver, David Friends & strangers Mercury 5 Oliver, David Friends & strangers demo Mercury 6 Perry, Oscar He sent me you superb Mercury 35 Polk, Lonnie I can make you happy M-/demo/superb Mercury 30 Silvester, Tony Soca/Pazuzu M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Mercury 6 Soulful Illusion Searching for love/To get your love M-/w/demo/sl lbl stain/2 great sides Mercury 75 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/label wear-stain/superb Mercury 30 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 40 Band Of Oz Love sickness nice mid-tempo Metro 8 Band Of Oz Snap your fingers nice mid-tempo Metro 8 East Coast Rivieras Donna nice mid-tempo Metro 8 North Tower Living just for loving you recommended Metro 10 Winstons Color him father classic x-over Metromedia 15 Gaynor, Gloria Honey bee (sm label edge split)/Come tonight ex-/recommended MGM 8 Jones, Tamiko Cross my heart M-/superb x-over Metromedia 40 Rawls, Lou A man of value/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb version MGM 30 Ovations Touching me MGM SoM 8 Ovations One in a million highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Coggswell, Alice Hey good lover/You just lead the way (I'll be right behind) recommended Midland Int'l 12 Lords Since I fell for you/same demo/recommended Mikim 25 Bay Brothers What does it take (to win your love)/same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/Same-mono M-/demo/great Millennium 20 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/Thank you for the love M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Millennium 30 Stage IV Just another guy awesome Millie 20 Players Why did I lie superb Minit 30 Players Why did I lie demo/wol-flip/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie demo/sm wol/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie demo/superb Minit 40 Womack, Bobby Tried and convicted M-/Inc Co slv/superb Minit 30 Coffee Say it, it's good to you/I wanna be with you MIR 8 Moore, Delilah Wrapped up tight/Ooh-wee baby M-/superb x-over/great flip to Money 25 St. German, Tyrone In a world so cold great x-over Morning Dove 30 Edwards, Dee (I can) deal with that modern version/great Morning Glory 10 Jacobs, Barbara There will never be another Morning Glory 8 Bottom & Company Spread the news/same w/demo/great Motown 20 Bottom & Company You're my life/same w/demo/recommended Motown 15 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life superb version Motown 20 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/same w/lbl test press/rare Motown 25 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/same w/demo Motown 25 Darin, Bobby Melodie(wol)/same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 30 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is(vocal)/inst funky Motown 10 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is/inst-both sides w/demo/funky Motown 8 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Deception ex-/highly recommended Motown 12 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Deception highly recommended Motown 15 Hutch, Willie Just another day ex-/superb Motown 10 Hutch, Willie Talk to me ex-/superb Motown 10 Hutch, Willie Talk to me superb Motown 12 Lavette, Bettye I can't stop/same w/demo Motown 10 Lavette, Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love) great Motown 8 Lavette, Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love)/same w/demo/great Motown 10 Lovesmith, Michael What's the bottom line recommended Motown 10 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/Nothing can take the place.. M-/superb/great flip too Motown 30 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Motown 30 Ross, Diana We can never light that old flame again/same w/demo/recommended Motown 12 Ross, Diana We can never light that old flame again/same w/demo/pic slv/recomdd Motown 15 Ross, Diana & Supremes & I'll try something new (& Temptations) fantastic version Motown 10 Ross, Diana & Supremes & I'll try something new/same (& Temptations) ex-/w/demo/red vinyl Motown 15 Ruffin, David Love can be hazardous to your health great Motown 10 Ruffin, David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX/recommended Motown 25 Ruffin, David Walk away from love classic/awesome Motown 10 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer) recommended Motown 15 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer)/same w/demo/recommended Motown 20 Supremes You're my driving wheel/same w/demo/nice Motown 6 Supremes You're what's missing in my life recommended Motown 15 Cameron, GC Don't wanna play pajama games/same w/demo/recommended Mowest 15 Gardner, Don Your love is driving me crazy M-/DEMO/highly recommended Mr. G 60 Middleton, Tony Let me down easy/Same-inst vg+ Mr. G 6 Kendricks, Eddie I'm in love with you recommended Ms. Dixie 20 Herring, Sid Do it in the name of love w/demo/wol/recomnded Muscle 20 Eviruin, Maye Lady's of the 80's good modern Music International 10 Korla with Klass Stop before you start dish nap/superb Music Master 150 Brotherly Love Mama's little baby(loves lovin') vg+ Music Merchant 5 Solid State I'm gonna make you mine/inst. great Music Town 30 Sensational Little Doc My precious love/Mellow dreamin' great mid-tempo Music-Go-Round 40 Drake, Tony Lets play house/She's gone nice mid-tempo Musicor 15 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
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  22. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted directly, also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends & Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. 60's / R&B / Northern Soul 45's Charles, Ray Something inside me recommended ABC 15 Earls, The It's been a long time coming/My lonely lonely room recommended ABC 20 Marvelows I do M-/superb ABC 10 Mighty Marvelows, The Talkin' bout ya baby EX+/recommended ABC 20 Sharp, Dee Dee Bye bye baby/My best friend's man 2 superb sides/recomnded Atco 15 Preston, Nancy I got a right w/demo/great Banward 40 Inspirations, The Gotta find a new love/I can feel it M-/previously unreleased/superb Benn-x 15 Occasions There's no you M-/superb Big Jim 20 Variations, The Yesterday is gone M-/superb/original label Bob-Joy 40 Wilson, Jackie Since you showed me how to be happy/The who who song recommended Brunswick 15 McKay, Delsie Cast your spell great Chapter One 15 Moore, Bobby Chained to your heart classic Checker 15 La Salle, Denise Count down (and fly me to the moon) M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40 Chandler, Gene If you can't be true Chicago classic Constellation 12 Manhattans, The I can't stand for you to leave me recommended DeLuxe 15 Winters, Ruby Just like a yo yo recommended Diamond 15 Georgia Prophets, The For the first time recommended Double Shot 20 Wade, Adam Rain from the skies superb version Epic 30 Jewels, The My song recommended Federal 15 Walker, Gloria & Chevelles, The Need of you recommended Flaming Arrow 15 Contours, The Just a little misunderstanding classic Gordy 15 Walker All Stars, Jr Good rockin' M-/DJ ink stamp ol/R&B inst/superb Harvey 40 Bates, Lee You won't do right recommended Instant 25 Robins, Jimmy I can't please you (rarer 'Tomorrows Hit' logo) M-/superb R&B Jerhart 15 Patterson, Bobby What a wonderful night for loving / T.C.B. Or T.Y.A. M-/superb Jetstar 25 Wagner, Cliff Exception to the rule recommended Jewel 40 Flowers, Phil You little devil R&B/superb Josie 25 C.O.D.'s, The I'm a good guy/Pretty baby superb 'n' cheap Kellmac 10 Austin, Leon Two sided love recommended King 15 Duncan, James Out of sight/Too hot to hold recommended King 20 Duncan, James Stop talking to your child superb dancer King 15 Daniels, The (I lost my heart) In the big city great Lantam 15 Chandler, Denise I'm walking away recommended Lock 15 Du-ettes, The Every beat of my heart classic Mar-V-lus 12 Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover M-/recommended M-G-M 30 Day, Jackie Oh ! What heartaches classic Modern 20 Three Of Us, The I'm gonna love you baby M-/great Molly 30 Vontastics, The Lady love recommended Moon Shot 25 La Belle, Patti Love me just a little/The jokes on you 2 great sides Newtime 15 Variations, The Yesterday is gone w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Admirations, The Wait til I get to know you/inst. recommended One-derful 15 Sharpees, The I've got a secret recommended One-derful 20 Sharpees, The My girl Jean recommended One-derful 25 Day, Eddie For my girl /Summers gone 2 great sides Onyx 30 Harner, Billy She's almost you /Fool me (superb m-tempo flip) classic Open 8 Harner, Billy She's almost you/Fool me (superb m-tempo flip) w/demo/classic Open 12 Helms, Jimmy My little devil recommended Oracle 30 Four Tempos, The Come on home/Got to have you 2 great sides Rampart 15 Metros, The Now that you've gone recommended Ra-sel 12 Barnes, Betty Walking down broadway w/demo.great RCA 25 Barons, The Since you're gone (date stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb RCA 40 Lollipops, The Busy signal w/demo/great RCA 25 Paris, Freddie There she goes y/demo/superb RCA 25 Sedaka, Neil Too late M-/w/demo/superb RCA 30 Banks, Darrell Our love (is in the pocket)/Open the door to your heart 2 great sides Revilot 20 Taylor, Ted Miss you so great R&B Ronn 25 Roberts, Tina Snow/My basket (a tisket-a tasket) 2 great sides Security 20 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love/I've been lost recommended Soft 30 Love, Dave Colalined baby recommended Solid Soul 10 Sophisticates, The Back up baby M-/superb Sonny 60 Walker, Jr & All Stars Tune up M-/superb Soul 20 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.. 2 great sides Soul City 20 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.. demo/2 great sides Soul City 25 Simon, Joe I got a whole lot of lovin' M-/superb Sound Stage 7 25 Washington, Justine I can't wait until I see my baby great version Sue 30 Marcels, The No love left M-/superb/highly recommended Super M 15 Corvairs, The A victim of her charms/Love is such a good thing w/demo/recommended Sylvia 30 Gaye, Marvin & Terrell, Tammi California soul recommended Tamla 15 Miracles, The Whole lot of shakin' in my heart (since I met you) EX/twin globes label/superb Tamla 15 Willis, Nicole & Soul Communicators If this ain't love (don't know what is)/Inst. Finland/yellow lbl/fantastic Timmion 6 Willis, Nicole & Soul Communicators My four leaf clover/Holdin' on Finland/black lbl/fantastic Timmion 6 Chandler, Deniece I don't wanna cry/Good bye cruel world awesome soul Toddlin' Town 15 Moore, Joe Nobody loves me / Hang right in there (2 x'sol) 2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50 Everett, Betty Unlucky girl recommended Uni 15 Mintz, Charles Running back/inst. re-iss/with pic. Sleeve Up-Look 10 Everett, Betty Trouble over the weekend/The shoe won't fit w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Dino & Doc A woman can't do (what a man do) recommended Volt 30 Hughes, Freddie Send my baby back superb Wand 12 Experts, The You're bein' brainwashed baby great Whirl World 15 Five Stairsteps, The Playgirl's love superb Windy C 12 Five Stairsteps, The You can't see/Ain't gonna rest great Windy C 12 Church, Eugene Dollar bill demo/great World Pacific 25 Johnson, Syl Surrounded/Straight love no chaser 2 great sides Zachron 15 Cormier, Myra G O 2 & the rest of it/Pleasant dreams demo/2 good sides ZZZ 20 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!
  23. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted directly, also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends & Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Crossover/70's/Modern Ware, Leon What's your name recommended Fabulous 10 Two Tons, The Never like this/same demo/superb/hard to find Fantasy/Honey 20 Simmons, David Will they mss me/same-mono demo/dancer/recommended Fantasy WMOT 20 Welch, Lenny I thank you love recommended Fig 12 Green, Bob I've never found a girl pale blue lbl/great version Fretone 12 Green, Bob I've never found a girl white label/great version Fretone 12 Bell, Archie & Drells Ain't nothing for a man in love recommended Glades 15 Bell, Archie & Drells Dancing to your music recommended Glades 15 Two Tons Of Love Brown and beautiful great/orig. label Gordo 30 Troutman, Tony I truly love you stunning mid-tempo Gram-o-phon 15 Starr, Edwin I'll never forget you superb x-over Granite 15 Brown, Sammy Got to leave this town recommended Grassroots 15 Gerrard, Donny He's always somewhere around classic Greedy 8 Debra Can you remember recommended Gree-jack 12 Caine, General All about you recommended Groove Time 15 Exceptionals, The Unlucky girl w/demo/great GRT 30 McClure, Bobby Love trap/Was it something I said demo/highly recmnded Hi 20 Wallace, Sir Wales Whatever you want/I wish I could say… recommended Innovation II 12 Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman recommended IX Chains 8 Beverly, Charles Stop and think a minute/same w/demo/awesome IX Chains 15 Otis, Johnny Show, The Hey boy! I want ya! labels reversed Jazz World 15 Cutchins, Bobby I did it again with pic. slv/superb Lasso 12 Family, The Feeling what you wanna feel/Trump tight w/demo/x-over/funk flip Little City 15 Jackson, JJ Let me try again highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Johnson, Al Too late / I'll do anything for you great/awesome flip Marina 10 Kirton, Lew Do what you want… / Come on with it 2 great sides Marlin 10 Sophisticated Ladies Check it out M-/what a voice!!!!/highly recommended Mayhew 8 Peaches & Herb We're still together recommended MCA 15 Bernard, Chris Mother nice/orig.label McVoutie 15 Butler, Jerry High stepper recommended Mercury 15 Joneses, The Name of the game (Pt 1) / same (Pt 2) superb/Inc Co sleeve Mercury 15 Winstons, The Color him father classic x-over Metromedia 15 Ovations One in a million highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Lords, The Since I fell for you / same demo/recommended Mikim 25 Stage IV Just another guy / Our world awesome/great flip too Millie 20 Players, The Why did I lie demo/sm wol/superb Minit 35 Womack, Bobby Tried and convicted M-/Inc Co slv/superb Minit 30 Bottom & Company Spread the news / same w/demo/great Motown 20 Cameron, GC Don't want to play pajama games /same w/demo/recommended MoWest 15 S.O.U.L. This time around / On top of the world 2 superb sides Musicor 15 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  24. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted directly, also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends & Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. All records should be in at least excellent condition, unless stated otherwise. Most will be mint-. Please ask if you need to know the exact condition. As always your satisfaction is guaranteed. Crossover/70's/Modern Recommendations Benson, George My woman's good to me EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb A&M 30 Keith, Ron & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones) recommended A&M 25 Garner, Reggie Half a cup / same (Inc. promo sheet) w/demo/superb ABC 25 Heartstoppers Marching out of your life / Court' in mama MINT-/2 great sides All Platinum 20 Wilson, Charles Trying to make a wrong thing right recommended Alley Cat 15 GQ Make my dreams a reality (date-ol) / same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Arista 12 Stewart, Calvin Try loving me (I'm willing) recommended Artly 20 Ace Spectrum Don't send nobody else (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/classic Atlantic 50 Wilson, George Here stands the man who needs you / inst. M-/awesome x-over Black Circle 20 Wilson, Jackie This love is real sm stol/superb Brunswick 15 Wilson, Jackie What'cha gonna do about love M-/highly recommended Brunswick 15 Black Satin + Parris, Fred Everybody stand and clap our hands / same demo/recommended Buddah 15 Ebonys, The Making love ain't no fun / same demo/recommended Buddah 15 Henderson, Michael Take me I'm yours superb Buddah 15 Norman, Jimmy I wanna make love to you / same demo/awesome Buddah 15 Owens, Tony All that matters / same demo/recommended Buddah 15 Paragons, The Oh lovin' you / same demo/recommended Buddah 15 Sins Of Satan Dance and free your mind / Part II demo/recommended Buddah 20 Wilson, Bobby Deeper and deeper / same demo/recommended Buddah 12 Maze + Frankie Beverly While I'm alone best version Capitol 15 Jackson, Deon You gotta love / You'll wake up wiser 2 great sides Carla 20 Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run demo/recommended Casablanca 10 Reynolds, Jeannie Unwanted Company great Casablanca 10 Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind superb Casablanca 15 Scott, Gloria Just as long as we're together / same demo/UK/inst. Flip Casablanca 15 Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do / same demo/superb Casablanca 40 Topics, The Women's liberation great Castle 15 Little Beaver Little girl blue / Ain't no time 2 great sides Cat 12 McCrae, George & Gwen Winners together or losers apart / Homesick, lovesick 2 great sides Cat 15 American Gypsy 10,000 miles / Angel eyes M-/superb Chess 10 T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me / Falling in love superb/nice flip too Chess 30 Baker, Johnny Operator,operator great Cisco 15 Love Comer, Mary Come out of the sandbox highly recommended CoLove 20 8th Avenue Band The whole thing / same demo/recommended Columbia 20 Anacostia All I need recommended Columbia 15 Davis, Mac I'm just in love ex-/superb/highly recommended Columbia 45 Moore, Jackie This time baby recommended Columbia 8 Pockets Happy for love w/demo/recomnded Columbia 8 Tower Of Power You ought to be havin' fun / While we went to the moon 2 great sides/A TIP!!! Columbia 20 Womack, Bobby Trust your heart recommended Columbia 15 Patti & Lovelites, The We've got the real thing recommended Cotillion 25 Tony and Tandy Two can make it together / Bitter with the sweet 2 great sides Cotillion 20 Strong, Barrett Love is you / You make me feel the way I do recommended Coup 10 Butler, Billy She's got me singing / Feel the magic great Curtom 15 Impressions, The I'll always be here recommended Curtom 15 Impressions, The Wherever she leadeth me recommended Curtom 15 Natural Four Love's so wonderful EX+/UK/demo/wol/superb Curtom 30 Solaris You and me great Dana 8 Summits, The It takes two DC International 8 Truth Coming home / Touch me M-/2 great sides Devaki 12 Chymes, The My baby's gone away great x-over Down To Earth 20 Fantastic Four I'm falling in love (I feel good all over) great x-over Eastbound 15 Berdell, Cherl Giving it all to you recommended EM.T 10 Labelle, Patti It's alright with me /same w/demo/recommended Epic 15 Woods, Belita I just love you great x-over Epic 25 Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com

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