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Everything posted by Henry

  1. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - soul45collector@ntlworld.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £5 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £8.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Angel, Ronnie I saw the sky M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great version Mala 40 King, Anna In between tears EX+/wol/recommended Malibu 40 Joys I loved you once EX/superb Master 30 Berry, Chuck Club nitty gritty (wol) M-/wol/great R&B Mercury 30 Butler, Jerry Moody woman M-/1st press/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Mercury 25 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same MEX+w/demo/Inc Co slc/superb Mercury 40 Hall, Carl As Long As She Needs Me EX/mark on vinyl-nap/superb/rarer issue Mercury 45 McPhatter, Clyde In my tenament M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Mercury 30 Moore, Melba Patience is rewarded M-/w/demo/recommended Mercury 15 Young Jessie I'm a lovin' man (sol) VG++/green demo/great R&B Mercury 40 Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover M-/recommended M-G-M 30 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 35 Nash, Johnny Stormy / I'm so glad you're my baby EX+/2 superb sides M-G-M 60 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Payne, Freda Sad sad September EX+/demo/superb M-G-M 20 Perry, Charles How can I EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30 Wilson, Norris Where the action is M-/Inc Co slv/great mid-tempo M-G-M 20 Banks, Homer 60 minutes of your love M-/demo/classic/rare demo Minit 40 Larks Come back baby / The skate M-/superb/great flip too Money 40 M-M's And The Peanuts The Phillie EX+/w/demo/xol-flip/great Money 40 Vontastics Lady love EX+/superb Moon Shot 30 Earls Papa / If I could do it over again M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Williams, Arlene Duck all over town / Part Two M-/great R&B Musette 50 Two Fellows Stop (don't give up your loving) EX-/superb Mutt 50 Major Lance Ain't no soul in these old shoes (feint wol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Okeh 40 Major Lance Investigate (light stmol) / Little you lover (2 light x's ol) EX-/w/demo/classic/superb flip too Okeh 60 Variations Yesterday is gone M-/w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Vibrations End up crying / Ain't love that way EX+/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 50 Calello, Pat The things I need M-/w/demo/highly recommended/one day! Oliver 60 Admirations Don't leave me / All for you M-/fantastic/great flip too/what price if rare!!! One-derful 20 Admirations Wait til I get to know you/inst. M-/fantastic One-derful 15 Day, Eddie For my girl / Summers gone M-/2 great sides Onyx 30 Helms, Jimmy My little devil M-/recommended Oracle 30 Lords There ain't no doubt about it VG++/CANADA/light label ring/recommended Pace 60 De Vonns Freddie M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25 Graves, Joe See saw M-/w/demo/superb Parkway 20 Holman, Eddie Stay mine for heavens sake EX/w/demo/more Harthon magic/superb Parkway 25 Holman, Eddie Eddie's my name EX+/superb Parkway 60 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol & feint date wol-flip/superb mid-tempo Philips 50 Allison, Leevert I want to give my heart to you M-/highly recommended Poncello 40 Jets Everything I do / I was born with it (wol) EX/light label fade/2 great sides Port 50 Admirals Sawmill EX-/great raw soul-R&B Pulse 35 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!
  2. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - soul45collector@ntlworld.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Showmen The honey house / Please try and undersatnd M-/2 superb sides Swan 20 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on EX+/wol/Canada/Inc Co slv/classic/rare Canadian release Tamla 50 Miracles Whole lot of shakin' in my heart EX+/sol/twin globes label/superb Tamla 15 Bill Penny and The Pacemakers I can't stay / Stick with it EX+/superb/great inst flip too/rare Tempo 100 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Jamo Thomas & His Party Bros Orch I spy (for the FBI) EX/silver lbl/superb/classic Thomas 15 Metrix Gonna have to put you down EX-/great/rare Tiara 35 Clark, Lewis If you ever, ever leave me M-/superb smooth R&B Tigertown 75 Nicole Willis & Soul Communicators If this ain't love (don't know what is) / Inst. M-/Finland/yellow lbl/fantastic Timmion 6 Nicole Willis & Soul Communicators My four leaf clover / Holdin' on M-/black label/fantastic Timmion 6 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (lite label ring) EX-/tiny edge bump-nap/2 great sides Tollie 45 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (sm slight label ring) M-/2 great sides Tollie 60 Royal, Margaret I'll never go away M-/sl lbl stain/highly recommended Tra-x 35 Harvey Any way you wanta EX+/classic Tri-Phi 85 Harvey Any way you wanta (xol) EX-/w/demo/classic Tri-Phi 100 Seay, Frankie All I want is loving you / Baby please M-/2 great sides Tropical 100 Gardner, Don Aint gonna let you get me down M-/superb Tru-Glo-Town 25 Moore, Joe Nobody loves me / Hang right in there M-/2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50 Jamison, Gay Stay another day / Cause you're on my mind EX/w/demo/2 great big production sides Turntable 100 Smith, George I've had it / When love turns to pity EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Turntable 125 Radiants Don't wanna face the truth / My sunshine girl M-/fantastic/needs re-activating!/great flip too Twinight 30 Williams, Johnny Maggie / Breaking point EX-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Twinight 30 Stan Gorman & The Revolvers I love lovin you EX+/sl marks ol/recommended Ty Tex 50 Bobby Jones & The Para-monts Beware a stranger / Check me out (sm stmol) M-/tiny warp-nap/2 superb sides U.S.A. 25 Chicago Fire Come see what I got VG+/demo/great U.S.A. 30 Everett, Betty Unlucky girl M-/recommended Uni 15 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Sue, Karen Something on my mind EX-/highly recommended/rare issue-stock copy United Artists 60 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb United Artists 45 Intertains Gotta find a girl / I see the light M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Uptown 30 Elgins Street Scene / You found yourself another fool EX+/2 great sides Valiant 50 Brenda Lee Jones You're the love of my life / Thread your needle (stol) M-/Italy/Inc EX- Colour pic slv-2 cellotaped seams/stoc-back/superb Variety 75 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (sm ink stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb Vee-Jay 30 Everett, Betty Trouble over the weekend / The shoe won't fit M-/w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Flemons, Wade Watch over her M-/recommended Vee-Jay 25 Marx, Melinda What / It happens in the same old way M-/M- pic slv-neat d/h/great version and flip Vee-Jay 100 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 60 Ganey, Jerry Just a fool (very slight label stain) EX+/demo/classic Verve 75 King Davis House Rockers Baby you satisfy me (very slight label stain) EX+/y/demo/superb Verve 40 Webs I want you back / We belong together M-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 40 Yates, Tommy Darling somethings gotta give / If you're looking for a fool M-/demo/2 great sides Verve 40 Magicians Keep your hands off my baby EX/superb Villa 30 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb VIP 85 Dean, Debbie Why am I lovin' you / Same EX/w/demo/classic VIP 75 Brown, Maxine One in a million VG+/superb Wand 30 Brown, Maxine Yesterday's kisses M-/w/demo/superb Wand 30 Reid, Clarence I refuse to give up EX-/w/demo/superb Wand 35 Tabs Two stupid feet M-/Inc Co slv/great Wand 25 The Groove Love it's getting better EX/sol/Inc Co slv/superb Wand 40 Invincibles I got soul / This is my story EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Warner Bros 40 Little Tony I'm comin home M-/w/demo/sl label stain/superb Warner Bros 25 Debanairs Feel all right / Everything I need M-/recommended W-BS 20 Hughes, Freddie Send my baby back / Where's my baby M-/first label/great Wee 20 Fabulous Peps With these eyes (sol) EX-/feint wol/superb Wee 3 60 Magictones Happy days / Trying real hard M-/superb/great flip too Westbound 25 Gilford, Jimmy I wanna be your baby / Misery street M-/superb ballad & up-tempo flip Wheelsville 50 Lamp, Buddy I wanna go home / You've got the loving touch EX-/2 great sides Wheelsville 35 Magictones Me and my baby / Got to get a little closer EX-/smwol/2 great sides Wheelsville 30 Vanguards I can't use you girl M-/highly recommended Whiz 15 Lasky, Emanuel Lucky to be loved by you / Our love (sm wol) VG+/2 great sides Wild Deuce 20 Sharon Soul How can I get to you? / Don't say goodbye love EX-/red-white label/2 great sides Wild Deuce 40 Honeycut, Johnny I'm tired M-/w/demo/recommended Willow 30 Tymes This time it's love M-/classic Winchester 15 Buck Rodgers Movement Take it from me girl EX-/wol/sol-flip/recommended 21st Century 85 Grayson, Art Bad dreams EX+/demo/recommended 4 Corners 40 Chester St. Anthony Without you / Together VG+/w/demo/2 great sides A&M 60 Barnes, Orthea Your picture on the wall / Same as before M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 50 Brown, Maxine Am I falling in love EX/at her best! ABC 40 Charles, Ray I don't need no doctor M-/Inc Co slv/classic ABC 25 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul Universal Joint Love won't wear off as the years wear on / Same-inst. VG+/superb rare version Sniff 250 Jerry Hilton & Gentle Rain Complete opposites M-/great version Sonic 30 Maddox, Walt I've got my own thing going M-/recommended Sonnet 25 Soop & Co. feat. Patrice Moncell Just because you're a lover / Take me to the…. M-/2 great sides Soops 30 Trice, Jamal If love is not the answer / Same-mono M-/w/demo/sm wol/superb Soul 40 Neal,CC All I want from you is your love M-/recommended Soul Craft 30 Wilson, Flora Dancing on a daydream / Same-Inst EX-/light label ring dirt/highly recommended Soulvation Army 40 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Prayin' / Same-inst EX+/classic Source 15 Grier, Sonja Right Here, Right Now M-/fantastic modern Spirit 8 Green, Garland Just loving you M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Spring 20 Jones, Busta Just a little misunderstanding / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great version Spring 15 Joneses Love contest / Baby (there's nothing you can do) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip/Inc Co slv Spring 50 Street People I wanna get over / same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Hollins, Blood Don't give it up / Inst. M-/recommended Strange Fruit 30 Hunt, William Would you believe (sm wol) M-/superb Streamside 50 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love M-/superb x-over String 20 Mokie, J.J. & R.O.B. Come together in love / You're so real M-/2 great sides Sun, Moon & Stars 20 Courtship It's the same old love EX+/recommended Tamla 25 Henry, Virgil I can't believe you're really leaving me / same M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 20 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/recommended Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie All of my love / He's a friend EX+/2 great sides Tamla 15 5 Wagers Come and ask me M-/classic Tiara 8 Green Brothers Sweet loving woman M-/highly recommended Tortoise Int'l 25 McNeir, Ronnie Different kind of love / same-mono M-/demo/superb Tortoise Int'l 20 Charles Blues Hammond Breakaway (autographed label) EX-/wol/v sl warp-nap/autographed label/superb Touch 25 Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out (bubbly vinyl-plays fine) M-/w/demo/superb Truth 25 Wright, Sandra Lovin' you, lovin' me / same M-/demo/wonderful!!! Truth 10 Kaleidoscope I wanna live for you / We're not getting any younger M-/xol/2 great sides/rare TSOP 25 Mann, Donny The girl next door / This love is real EX/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Uni 30 Parrish Remembering the times / Inst. M-/w/demo/superb Uptite 30 Bell, Arlene Stop before you start / I wanna be loved M-/great funk/x-over flip Velvet 25 Ballads I wish I knew M-/awesome! Venture 30 Rising Love You Take My Heart Away / same-mono EX-/w/demo/superb Venture 30 Rising Love You take my heart away / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Venture 40 Drake, Kent Boss thing together / With a lady's hand M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/good flip too Wand 85 Newsome, Frankie We're on our way (part I) / same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros 25 Lamont Cranston Band Takin' a chance (with pic sleeve) M-/recommended/Inc M- pic slv Waterhouse 60 Wade, Bobby I'm in love with you / Down here on the ground M-/2 great sides Way Out 25 Onyx You never fail to amaze me EX+/x-over/superb Yew 40 Dr. York Don't stop / It's on me M-/Inc pic slv/2 great modern sides York's 30 Brothers Secret place M-/wol-flip/superb x-over Zanzee 25 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around M-/highly recommended 20th Century 10 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around / same M-/DEMO/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12 Dells Your song M-/UK/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Dells Your song (xol) M-/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Grier, Rosey Take the time to love somebody / same-mono EX/demo/superb 20th Century 15 Wiley, Michelle Feel good / I feel so at home here VG+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 20th Century 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over M-/Inc Co slv/2 greats sides A&M 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over M-/Germany/Inc EX+ colour pic slv/woc &soc/2 greats sides A&M 100 Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones) M-/recommended A&M 25 The South Daybreaks M-/w/demo/highly recommended A&M 30 Davis, Billy Three steps from true love / Light a candle M-/superb/fantastic flip ABC 12 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  3. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - soul45collector@ntlworld.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Showmen The honey house / Please try and undersatnd M-/2 superb sides Swan 20 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on EX+/wol/Canada/Inc Co slv/classic/rare Canadian release Tamla 50 Miracles Whole lot of shakin' in my heart EX+/sol/twin globes label/superb Tamla 15 Bill Penny and The Pacemakers I can't stay / Stick with it EX+/superb/great inst flip too/rare Tempo 100 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Jamo Thomas & His Party Bros Orch I spy (for the FBI) EX/silver lbl/superb/classic Thomas 15 Metrix Gonna have to put you down EX-/great/rare Tiara 35 Clark, Lewis If you ever, ever leave me M-/superb smooth R&B Tigertown 75 Nicole Willis & Soul Communicators If this ain't love (don't know what is) / Inst. M-/Finland/yellow lbl/fantastic Timmion 6 Nicole Willis & Soul Communicators My four leaf clover / Holdin' on M-/black label/fantastic Timmion 6 Bull & The Matadors If you decide M-/superb Toddlin' Town 30 Bull & The Matadors If you decide M-/w/demo/xol/superb/rare demo Toddlin' Town 40 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (lite label ring) EX-/tiny edge bump-nap/2 great sides Tollie 45 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (sm slight label ring) M-/2 great sides Tollie 60 Royal, Margaret I'll never go away M-/sl lbl stain/highly recommended Tra-x 35 Harvey Any way you wanta EX+/classic Tri-Phi 85 Harvey Any way you wanta (xol) EX-/w/demo/classic Tri-Phi 100 Seay, Frankie All I want is loving you / Baby please M-/2 great sides Tropical 100 Gardner, Don Aint gonna let you get me down M-/superb Tru-Glo-Town 25 Moore, Joe Nobody loves me / Hang right in there M-/2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50 Jamison, Gay Stay another day / Cause you're on my mind EX/w/demo/2 great big production sides Turntable 100 Smith, George I've had it / When love turns to pity EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Turntable 125 Radiants Don't wanna face the truth / My sunshine girl M-/fantastic/needs re-activating!/great flip too Twinight 30 Williams, Johnny Maggie / Breaking point EX-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Twinight 30 Stan Gorman & The Revolvers I love lovin you EX+/sl marks ol/recommended Ty Tex 50 Bobby Jones & The Para-monts Beware a stranger / Check me out (sm stmol) M-/tiny warp-nap/2 superb sides U.S.A. 25 Chicago Fire Come see what I got VG+/demo/great U.S.A. 30 Everett, Betty Unlucky girl M-/recommended Uni 15 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Sue, Karen Something on my mind EX-/highly recommended/rare issue-stock copy United Artists 60 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb United Artists 45 Intertains Gotta find a girl / I see the light M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Uptown 30 Elgins Street Scene / You found yourself another fool EX+/2 great sides Valiant 50 Brenda Lee Jones You're the love of my life / Thread your needle (stol) M-/Italy/Inc EX- Colour pic slv-2 cellotaped seams/stoc-back/superb Variety 75 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (sm ink stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb Vee-Jay 30 Everett, Betty Trouble over the weekend / The shoe won't fit M-/w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Flemons, Wade Watch over her M-/recommended Vee-Jay 25 Marx, Melinda What / It happens in the same old way M-/M- pic slv-neat d/h/great version and flip Vee-Jay 100 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 60 Ganey, Jerry Just a fool (very slight label stain) EX+/demo/classic Verve 75 King Davis House Rockers Baby you satisfy me (very slight label stain) EX+/y/demo/superb Verve 40 Webs I want you back / We belong together M-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 40 Yates, Tommy Darling somethings gotta give / If you're looking for a fool M-/demo/2 great sides Verve 40 Magicians Keep your hands off my baby EX/superb Villa 30 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb VIP 85 Dean, Debbie Why am I lovin' you / Same EX/w/demo/classic VIP 75 Brown, Maxine One in a million VG+/superb Wand 30 Brown, Maxine Yesterday's kisses M-/w/demo/superb Wand 30 Reid, Clarence I refuse to give up EX-/w/demo/superb Wand 35 Tabs Two stupid feet M-/Inc Co slv/great Wand 25 The Groove Love it's getting better EX/sol/Inc Co slv/superb Wand 40 Invincibles I got soul / This is my story EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Warner Bros 40 Little Tony I'm comin home M-/w/demo/sl label stain/superb Warner Bros 25 Debanairs Feel all right / Everything I need M-/recommended W-BS 20 Hughes, Freddie Send my baby back / Where's my baby M-/first label/great Wee 20 Fabulous Peps With these eyes (sol) EX-/feint wol/superb Wee 3 60 Magictones Happy days / Trying real hard M-/superb/great flip too Westbound 25 Gilford, Jimmy I wanna be your baby / Misery street M-/superb ballad & up-tempo flip Wheelsville 50 Lamp, Buddy I wanna go home / You've got the loving touch EX-/2 great sides Wheelsville 35 Magictones Me and my baby / Got to get a little closer EX-/smwol/2 great sides Wheelsville 30 Vanguards I can't use you girl M-/highly recommended Whiz 15 Lasky, Emanuel Lucky to be loved by you / Our love (sm wol) VG+/2 great sides Wild Deuce 20 Sharon Soul How can I get to you? / Don't say goodbye love EX-/red-white label/2 great sides Wild Deuce 40 Honeycut, Johnny I'm tired M-/w/demo/recommended Willow 30 Tymes This time it's love M-/classic Winchester 15 Buck Rodgers Movement Take it from me girl EX-/wol/sol-flip/recommended 21st Century 85 Grayson, Art Bad dreams EX+/demo/recommended 4 Corners 40 Chester St. Anthony Without you / Together VG+/w/demo/2 great sides A&M 60 Barnes, Orthea Your picture on the wall / Same as before M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 50 Brown, Maxine Am I falling in love EX/at her best! ABC 40 Charles, Ray I don't need no doctor M-/Inc Co slv/classic ABC 25 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul Universal Joint Love won't wear off as the years wear on / Same-inst. VG+/superb rare version Sniff 250 Jerry Hilton & Gentle Rain Complete opposites M-/great version Sonic 30 Maddox, Walt I've got my own thing going M-/recommended Sonnet 25 Soop & Co. feat. Patrice Moncell Just because you're a lover / Take me to the…. M-/2 great sides Soops 30 Trice, Jamal If love is not the answer / Same-mono M-/w/demo/sm wol/superb Soul 40 Neal,CC All I want from you is your love M-/recommended Soul Craft 30 Wilson, Flora Dancing on a daydream / Same-Inst EX-/light label ring dirt/highly recommended Soulvation Army 40 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Prayin' / Same-inst EX+/classic Source 15 Top Shelf Doggone baby I love you M-/superb x-over Spectrum 85 Grier, Sonja Right Here, Right Now M-/fantastic modern Spirit 8 Green, Garland Just loving you M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Spring 20 Jones, Busta Just a little misunderstanding / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great version Spring 15 Joneses Love contest / Baby (there's nothing you can do) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip/Inc Co slv Spring 50 Street People I wanna get over / same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Hollins, Blood Don't give it up / Inst. M-/recommended Strange Fruit 30 Hunt, William Would you believe (sm wol) M-/superb Streamside 50 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love M-/superb x-over String 20 Mokie, J.J. & R.O.B. Come together in love / You're so real M-/2 great sides Sun, Moon & Stars 20 Courtship It's the same old love EX+/recommended Tamla 25 Henry, Virgil I can't believe you're really leaving me / same M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 20 Houston, Thelma Saturday night, Sunday morning M-/recommended Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie All of my love / He's a friend EX+/2 great sides Tamla 15 5 Wagers Come and ask me M-/classic Tiara 8 Green Brothers Sweet loving woman M-/highly recommended Tortoise Int'l 25 McNeir, Ronnie Different kind of love / same-mono M-/demo/superb Tortoise Int'l 20 Charles Blues Hammond Breakaway (autographed label) EX-/wol/v sl warp-nap/autographed label/superb Touch 25 Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out (bubbly vinyl-plays fine) M-/w/demo/superb Truth 25 Wright, Sandra Lovin' you, lovin' me / same M-/demo/wonderful!!! Truth 10 Kaleidoscope I wanna live for you / We're not getting any younger M-/xol/2 great sides/rare TSOP 25 Mann, Donny The girl next door / This love is real EX/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Uni 30 Parrish Remembering the times / Inst. M-/w/demo/superb Uptite 30 Bell, Arlene Stop before you start / I wanna be loved M-/great funk/x-over flip Velvet 25 Ballads I wish I knew M-/awesome! Venture 30 Rising Love You Take My Heart Away / same-mono EX-/w/demo/superb Venture 30 Rising Love You take my heart away / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Venture 40 Drake, Kent Boss thing together / With a lady's hand M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/good flip too Wand 85 Newsome, Frankie We're on our way (part I) / same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros 25 Lamont Cranston Band Takin' a chance (with pic sleeve) M-/recommended/Inc M- pic slv Waterhouse 60 Wade, Bobby I'm in love with you / Down here on the ground M-/2 great sides Way Out 25 Onyx You never fail to amaze me EX+/x-over/superb Yew 40 Dr. York Don't stop / It's on me M-/Inc pic slv/2 great modern sides York's 30 Brothers Secret place M-/wol-flip/superb x-over Zanzee 25 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around M-/highly recommended 20th Century 10 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around / same M-/DEMO/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12 Dells Your song M-/UK/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Dells Your song (xol) M-/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Grier, Rosey Take the time to love somebody / same-mono EX/demo/superb 20th Century 15 Wiley, Michelle Feel good / I feel so at home here VG+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 20th Century 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over M-/Inc Co slv/2 greats sides A&M 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over M-/Germany/Inc EX+ colour pic slv/woc &soc/2 greats sides A&M 100 Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones) M-/recommended A&M 25 The South Daybreaks M-/w/demo/highly recommended A&M 30 Davis, Billy Three steps from true love / Light a candle M-/superb/fantastic flip ABC 12 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  4. Does discogs make everyone an expert? LOL!
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Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Showmen The Honey House/Please Try And Understand EX-/2 superb sides Swan 15 Showmen The Honey House/Please Try And Understand M-/2 superb sides Swan 20 Swans You better be a good girl now EX-/stmol/great girl group Swan 12 Swans You better be a good girl now M-/w/demo/recommended Swan 25 Teddy & Twilights I'm Just Your Clown EX-/sm wol/great Swan 15 Valentino, Mark Walking alone/Push and kick VG-/lbl tear-flip/2 good sides Swan 10 Valentino, Mark Walking alone/Push and kick VG+/wol-flip//2 good sides Swan 15 Valentino, Mark Walking alone/Push and kick M-/ink stamp-flip/2 good sides Swan 20 Corvairs A victim of her charms/Love is such a good thing EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Sylvia 35 Corvairs A victim of her charms/Love is such a good thing M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sylvia 40 Baines, Vicki Sweeter than sweet things/We can find that love EX+/1st label/superb/great flip too/rare Symbol 75 Vows The things you do to me M-/great Tamara 30 Holloway, Brenda I'll be available/Operator M-/w/demo/twin globes/2 great sides Tamla 25 Holloway, Brenda When I'm gone (2 light x's ol) / I've been good to you EX-/w/demo/114312 mix/2 great sides Tamla 30 Holloway, Brenda When I'm gone (light xol) / Blank M-/w/demo/118209 mix/2 great sides Tamla 50 Marvelettes A breath taking guy/Same EX-/w/demo/great Tamla 8 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on VG++/sol/Inc black Co slv/classic Tamla 35 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on M-/classic Tamla 50 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on EX+/wol/Canada/Inc Co slv/classic/rare Canadian release Tamla 50 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on (feint wol) EX-/classic Tamla 40 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell If I Could Build My Whole World Around You/same M-/w/demo/superb Tamla 20 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Two can have a party M-/superb Tamla 10 Miracles If your mother only knew VG+/classic Tamla 30 Miracles If your mother only knew VG++/classic Tamla 35 Miracles If your mother only knew M-/wol-flip/Inc black-gold print Co slv/classic Tamla 40 Miracles I'll try something new M-/sm wol/sm sol/recomnded Tamla 20 Miracles I'll try something new EX+/recommended Tamla 25 Miracles Whole lot of shakin' in my heart VG++/twin globes label/superb Tamla 12 Miracles Whole lot of shakin' in my heart EX+/v sl lbl stain/twin globes label/superb Tamla 15 Miracles Whole lot of shakin' in my heart EX+/sol/twin globes label/superb Tamla 15 Wonder, Stevie Nothings too good for my baby EX+/superb Tamla 10 Andrews, Dee Stop! You're hurting my heart M-/w/demo/recommended Tangerine 25 Gunter, Shirley Stuck up M-/ w/demo/recommended Tangerine 30 Rhythm Rebellion Spellbinder EX-/great Tangerine 6 Joy, Barbara Do this do that M-/sl warp-nap Target 12 Wally & The Knight Hang on little mama M-/superb R&B Tarx 20 Reid,Clarence Along came a woman M-/great Tay-ster 8 Little Joe & Latinaires Hey pretty baby VG/wol-flip/recommended/rare Tear Drop 20 Fawns Bless you/Girl in trouble M-/2 great sides TEC 12 Bill Penny and The Pacemakers I can't stay / Stick with it EX+/superb/great inst flip too/rare Tempo 100 Tko's Dancing With My Baby/getting Into Something EX+/2 great inst's Ten Star 15 Johnny Little John Can't be still M-/great R&B Terrell 20 Soul Exotics Baby It's True/Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Incredibles All of a sudden/Standing here crying (wol) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Tetragrammaton 15 Matthews, Joe Sorry ain't good enough/You better mend your ways M-/hazey marks on vinyl-nap/2 great sides Thelma 25 Jamo Thomas & His Party Bros Orch I spy (for the FBI) EX/silver lbl/superb/classic Thomas 15 Metrix Gonna have to put you down EX-/great/rare Tiara 35 Metrix Gonna Have To Put You Down M-/great/rare Tiara 40 Bright, Larry I'm a mojo man) M-/R&B Tide 30 Clark, Lewis If you ever, ever leave me M-/superb smooth R&B Tigertown 75 Nicole Willis & Soul Communicators If This Ain't Love (don't Know What Is)/inst. M-/Finland/yellow lbl/fantastic Timmion 6 Nicole Willis & Soul Communicators My Four Leaf Clover/Holdin' On M-/black label/fantastic Timmion 6 Johnson, Syl I've got to get over/Falling in love again M-/2 great sides TMP-Ting 15 Bull & The Matadors I can't forget/Move with the groove EX-/2 great sides Toddlin' Town 8 Bull & The Matadors If you decide M-//superb Toddlin' Town 30 Bull & The Matadors If you decide M-/w/demo/xol/superb/rare demo Toddlin' Town 40 Chandler, Deniece I don't wanna cry/Good bye cruel world M-/awesome soul Toddlin' Town 15 Thomas East & The Fabulous Playboys I get a groove EX-/funk Toddlin' Town 8 Kal David & Exceptions Daydreaming of you M-/recommended Tollie 30 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (lite label ring) EX-/tiny edge bump-nap/2 great sides Tollie 45 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (sm slight label ring) M-/2 great sides Tollie 60 Hal Miller & Rays An angel cried VG+/great Topix 20 Hal Miller & Rays An angel cried EX-/great Topix 25 Hal Miller & Rays An angel cried M-/sol/great Topix 30 Champions Three blocks away/In the ring M-/2 great sides Tower 20 Ford, Mary One in a million M-/nice version Tower 15 Marlynns My heart is yours/The break (wol) VG++/yellow label/2 great sides/rare Tower 75 Miller, Mary Here comes the heartache M-/nice mid-tempo Tower 10 Passions Without a warning/I can see my way through EX+/superb/great flip too Tower 25 Passions Without a warning/Just like a rolling sea M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Tower 30 Hamlin, Billy Somebody please/The concentration M-/recommended Toy 15 Royal, Margaret I'll Never Go Away M-/sl lbl stain/highly recommended Tra-x 35 Adams, Lindy A bird in the hand M-/great Tri Disc 15 Shelley Du Pont & Calendars Stop driving me crazy M-/ink stamp ol/great Tribune 12 Shelley Du Pont & Calendars Stop driving me crazy M-/great Tribune 15 Harvey Any way you wanta EX+/classic Tri-Phi 85 Harvey Any way you wanta (xol) EX-/w/demo/classic Tri-Phi 100 Seay, Frankie All I want is loving you/Baby please M-/2 great sides Tropical 100 Gardner, Don Aint gonna let you get me down M-/superb Tru-Glo-Town 25 Moore, Joe Nobody loves me/Hang right in there-(2 x's ol) M-/2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50 Sandpipers All over but the crying M-/w/demo/great Tru-Glo-Town 20 Symphonics Our love will grow M-/great group soul Tru-lite 30 Lee, Carol I'll buy you gold M-/w/demo Tru-sound 20 Fantastic Vantastics Gee what a boy EX-/great Tuff 15 Jamison, Gay Stay another day/Cause you're on my mind EX/w/demo/2 great big production sides Turntable 100 Smith, George I've had it / When love turns to pity EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Turntable 125 Dynamic Tints Falling In Love/Be My Lady EX+/great Twinight 40 Guild You've got the cutest smile M-/w/demo/nice Twinight 20 Radiants Don't wanna face the truth M-/fantastic/needs re-activating!/great flip too Twinight 30 Williams, Johnny Breaking Point (2 sm X's ol)/Women EX-/w/demo/recommended/rare DJ Twinight 25 Williams, Johnny Maggie/Breaking Point EX-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Twinight 30 Williams, Johnny Maggie/Breaking Point M-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Twinight 40 Stan Gorman & The Revolvers I love lovin you EX+/sl marks ol/recommended Ty Tex 50 Bobby Jones & The Para-monts Beware a stranger/Check me out (sm stmol) M-/tiny warp-nap/2 superb sides U.S.A. 25 Chicago Fire Come see what I got VG+/demo/great U.S.A. 30 Everett, Betty Unlucky Girl M-/recommended Uni 15 Everett, Betty Unlucky girl EX/demo/recommended Uni 20 Green, Garland All she did…. /Don't think that I'm a violent guy M-/2 great sides Uni 10 Lovelites This Love Is Real/oh My Love M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 nice sides Uni 15 Mirettes Ain't you trying to cross over M-/recommended Uni 12 Barnes, Billy I'm Coming To See You VG++/w/demo/great United Artists 15 Barnes, Billy You'd Have To Fall In Love M- United Artists 8 Crystals My place(xol)/You can't tie a good girl down EX+/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 30 Crystals My place/You can't tie a good girl down EX-/wol/w/demo United Artists 25 Davis, Joyce Moments/Superman EX-/great/R&B flip United Artists 12 Davis, Joyce Moments/Superman M-/great/R&B flip United Artists 15 Elektras It Ain't As Easy As That EX-/w/demo United Artists 20 Jive Five I'm a happy man EX-/sm sol/great United Artists 5 Johnson, Marv All the love I've got M-/recommended United Artists 15 Johnson, Marv All the love I've got M-/w/demo/recommended United Artists 20 Johnson, Marv Don't leave me M-/great United Artists 20 Love Chain Sensative vibrations M-/w/demo United Artists 20 Mimms, Garnet Look away M-/recommended United Artists 15 Smith, Roy I can remember M-/demo/recommended United Artists 30 St. John, Rose Mend My Broken Heart/and If I Had My(wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb United Artists 45 Thomas, Gene I'd rather not talk about it M-/w/demo/superb United Artists 50 Lorri, Mary Ann I wanna thank you M-/w/demo/recommended United International 40 Mintz, Charles Running back/inst. M-/re-iss/with pic. Sleeve Up Look 12 Four Larks It's unbelievable EX-/w/demo/great Uptown 12 Intertains Gotta Find A Girl/i See The Light M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Uptown 30 Elgins Street Scene/You found yourself another fool EX+/2 great sides Valiant 50 Lewis, Debra A million tears EX+/recommended Valiant 20 Lewis, Debra A million tears M-/w/demo/recommended Valiant 25 Lewis, Debra You stole him EX+/w/demo/ink stamp ol-flip Valiant 15 Radiations Shaking up the nation/Love be not a stranger M-/great group Valise 15 Brenda Lee Jones You're the love of my life/Thread your needle(stol) M-/Italy/Inc EX- Colour pic slv-2 cellotaped seams/stoc-back/superb Variety 75 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (sm ink stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb Vee-Jay 30 Everett, Betty Trouble over the weekend/The shoe won't fit M-/w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Flemons, Wade Watch over her M-/recommended Vee-Jay 25 Flemons, Wade Watch over her (2 x's ol) M-/w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30 Hughes, Fred You can't take it away (2 x's ol) M-/great Vee-Jay 8 Hughes, Fred You can't take it away (2 x's ol) M-/w/demo/great Vee-Jay 15 Jackson, Barbara Second best EX+/w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30 Jones, Bobby A certain feeling M-/great Vee-Jay 20 Jones, Bobby A certain feeling M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recmnded Vee-Jay 25 Rivingtons All that glitters M-/w/demo/xol/great group soul Vee-Jay 12 Rivingtons I love you always/Years of tears EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 60 Rubies A Spanish Boy M-/recommended Vee-Jay 15 Velasco, Vi I don't want to go on M-/sm wol/stmol/great Vee-Jay 35 Velasco, Vi I don't want to go on M-/xol-flip/great Vee-Jay 40 Velasco, Vi I don't want to go on EX+/w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50 Boyd, Bobby My type of dancin' EX/w/demo/great Veep 20 Soul Sisters A thousand mountains/ You got 'em beat M-/recommended Veep 15 T-birds Nobody but you/Have you ever been in love M-/up-tempo/deep Vegas 15 T-birds Nobody but you/Have you ever been in love M-/w/demo/up-tempo/deep Vegas 20 Ballads My baby knows how to love her man EX+/recommended Venture 15 People's Choice You're mine M-/recommended Veroneeca 20 Ambers I love you baby M-/superb/classic Verve 75 Chantels You're welcome to my heart VG++/VG- flip/demo/great Verve 12 Chantels You're welcome to my heart EX-/great Verve 15 Chantels You're welcome to my heart M-/demo/great Verve 20 Chantels You're welcome to my heart EX+/great Verve 20 Fitzgerald, Ella You're driving me crazy M-/great Verve 3 Prince Harold Born to please EX-/great Verve 15 Prince Harold Born to please M-/black issue/great Verve 20 Prince, Billy One shot left/Somebody help me M-/demo/2 great sides Verve 20 Stridell, Gene Let her go EX/recommended Verve 60 Velvetones What can the matter be M-/demo/recommended Verve 25 Webs I Want You Back/we Belong Together EX-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 35 Webs I Want You Back/we Belong Together M-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 40 Bossmen Take it easy EX+/w/demo/recommended Vim 75 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad/Put yourself in my place VG++/sl label ring wear/superb/great version on flip VIP 45 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb VIP 85 Monitors Since I lost you girl/Don't put off til tomorrow…… EX/2 fantastic sides VIP 20 Rick, Robin & Him Cause You Know Me EX-/lite lbl ring/recommended VIP 40 Spinners My whole world ended (the moment you left me) EX+/great VIP 6 Storm,Billy Push over EX-/sm lbl tear/great Vista 15 Keyes, Troy If I had my way M-/Inc EX+ pic slv/superb VMP 15 Dino & Doc A Woman Can`t Do (what A Man Do) M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Volt 30 Jeanne & The Darlings Hang me now EX-/xol-flip/great Volt 6 Mad Lads I don't want to lose your love M-/mid-tempo Volt 15 Brown, Maxine If you gotta make a fool of somebody M-/w/demo/great Wand 10 Brown, Maxine Yesterday's kisses VG++/wol-flip/superb Wand 15 Brown, Maxine Yesterday's kisses M-/w/demo/superb Wand 30 Diplomats Love ain't what t used to be EX-/sm stol-flip/superb Wand 15 Diplomats There's still a tomorrow EX+/sm xol/superb Wand 25 Dodds, Nella Finders keepers, losers weepers/A girl's life M-/great Wand 15 Esquires Part angel/I don't know M-/recommended Wand 10 Hughes, Freddie Send my baby back M-/superb Wand 12 Inspirations Kiss and make up EX-/v sm lbl tear/great Wand 10 Jackson, Chuck I don't want to cry EX+/great Wand 10 Jackson, Chuck I don't want to cry M-/blue label/great Wand 15 John Steele & Del-Mates Tha fat man M-/great R&B Wand 15 Moore, Johnny Haven't I been good to you (sm wol)/A dollar ninety eight M-/demo/2 superb sides Wand 25 Preyer, Marvin It's coming to me M-/demo/R&B/great Wand 50 Robinson, Roscoe That's Enough EX+/classic Wand 15 Robinson, Roscoe That's Enough EX/demo/wol/classic Wand 15 Tabs Two stupid feet M-/Inc Co slv/great Wand 25 The Groove Love it's getting better EX/sol/Inc Co slv/superb Wand 40 Dickens, Charles In the city/That's the way love goes M-/w/demo/2 great sides Warner Bros 30 Little Tony I'm comin home M-/w/demo/sl label stain/superb Warner Bros 25 Turley Freedom mountain M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Warner Bros 6 Wade, Adam Old devil moon EX-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Warner Bros 20 Sensations Too shy/Please baby please M-/VG++ flip/2 great sides Way Out 15 Springers I know my baby loves me so vg+/w/demo Way Out 8 Debanairs Feel all right / Everything I need M-/recommended W-BS 20 Hughes, Freddie Send my baby back/Where's my baby M-/first label/great Wee 20 Fabulous Peps With these eyes (sol) EX-/feint wol/superb Wee 3 60 Del-vons All I did was cry EX-/great group slowie Wells 8 Magictones Happy days/Trying real hard M-/superb/great flip too Westbound 25 Gilford, Jimmy I wanna be your baby / Misery street M-/superb ballad & up-tempo flip Wheelsville 50 Lamp, Buddy I wanna go home/You've got the loving touch EX-/2 great sides Wheelsville 35 Magictones Me and my baby/Got to get a little closer EX-/smwol/2 great sides Wheelsville 30 Experts You're bein' brainwashed baby M-/great Whirl World 15 Powell, Bobby I'm gonna leave you/Hold my hand M-/great Whit 15 Powell, Bobby Thank you EX-/w/demo/wol-flip/great mid-tempo R&B/rare Whit 5 Powell, Bobby What Are You Trying To Do To Me EX+/nice mid paced R&B Whit 10 Powell, Bobby Who is your lover M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great up-tempo R&B Whit 15 Liz Damon's Orient Express You're falling in love M-/feint stmol-flip/Inc Co slv/great White Whale 8 Scott, Walter Silly girl/Just you wait M-/demo/v. sl. warp-nap/great White Whale 12 Vanguards I can't use you girl M-/highly recommended Whiz 15 Lasky, Emanuel Lucky to be loved by you/Our love (sm wol) VG+/2 great sides Wild Deuce 20 Sharon Soul How can I get to you? / Don't say goodbye love EX-/red-white label/2 great sides Wild Deuce 40 Honeycut, Johnny I'm tired M-/w/demo/recommended Willow 30 Dubs Just you EX+/great Wilshire 15 Dubs Just you M-/demo/great Wilshire 20 Tymes This time it's love M-/classic Winchester 15 Tymes This Time It's Love EX/w/demo/wol/recommended Winchester 15 Tymes This time it's love EX+/w/demo/sol/classic Winchester 20 Five Stairsteps Playgirl's love M-/superb Windy C 12 Five Stairsteps You can't see/Ain't gonna rest M-/great Windy C 12 Quaite, Christine In the middle of the floor EX+/recommended World Artists 15 Church, Eugene Dollar bill EX/demo/great World Pacific 25 Intrigues To make a world/Same EX+/w/demo/great Yew 10 Cortez & Entertainers Life/I sent her back (to to the home she loves) M-/recommended Your Town 25 Johnson, Syl Surrounded/straight Love No Chaser M-/superb R&B Zachron 15 Larry & Rexettes / Larry Johnson That ain't all/Mercy EX+/R&B/great inst. Flip Zorro 20 Cormier, Myra G O 2 & the rest of it/Pleasant dreams M-/demo/2 good sides ZZZ 20 Fashions A lover's stand M-/Inc Co slv/recommended 20th Century 15 Lancelot, Rick That's my bag VG+/w/demo 20th Century 8 Renay, Diane Unbelievable guy EX/sm sol-flip/great 20th Century 5 Buck Rodgers Movement Take it from me girl EX-/wol/sol-flip/recommended 21st Century 85 Grayson, Art Bad dreams EX+/demo/recommended 4 Corners 40 Mr. Tears (Paris) Don't lead me on EX-/great 4J 35 Mr. Tears (Paris) Don't lead me on M-/great 4J 40 Mr. Tears (Paris) Don't lead me on EX-/DEMO/great/rare 4J 45 Chester St. Anthony Without you/Together VG+/w/demo/2 great sides A&M 60 Nino Tempo & 5th Ave Sax Sister James EX+/Inc Co slv/2 x's ol/great A&M 12 Nino Tempo & 5th Ave Sax Sister James M-/w/demo/great/rare demo A&M 25 Pieces Of Eight Lonely drifter M-/highly recommended A&M 8 Dotson, Jimmy Gone, gone, gone/To be your lover M-/2 great sides Aar O Dot 15 Ballard, Flo Florence Love ain't love/Forever faithful EX+/great ABC 20 Ballard, Flo Florence Love ain't love/Forever faithful EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides ABC 25 Barnes, Orthea Your Picture On The Wall/Same As Before M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 50 Brown, Maxine Am I falling in love EX/at her best! ABC 40 Charles, Ray Hide 'nor hair EX+/sm ink stamp ol-flip/good version ABC 10 Charles, Ray I don't need no doctor M-/Inc Co slv/classic ABC 25 Charles, Ray Something inside me M-/recommended ABC 15 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Universal Joint Love won't wear off as the years wear on/Same-inst. VG+/superb rare version Sniff 250 Constellations In love forever M-/w/demo/nice Sonday 15 Jerry Hilton & Gentle Rain Complete opposites M-/great version Sonic 30 Taylor, Robert Good times M-/recommended Sonic 15 Maddox, Walt I've got my own thing going M-/recommended Sonnet 25 Soop & Co. feat. Patrice Moncell Just because you're a lover/Take me to the M-/2 great sides Soops 30 Originals I'm someone who cares M-/recommended Soul 15 McCrae, George Take it all off M-/superb Soul City 20 Neal,CC All I want from you is your love M-/recommended Soul Craft 30 King, Ramona I choose you EX-/xol/recommended Soul Set 20 King, Ramona I choose you M-/recommended Soul Set 25 Whispers In Love Forever EX-/recommended Soultrain 20 Whispers In Love Forever M-/recommended Soultrain 25 Whispers I've got a feeling EX+/recommended Soultrain 12 Wilson, Flora Dancing on a daydream/Same-Inst EX-/light label ring dirt/highly recommended Soulvation Army 40 Al Brown Rhythm Band I wanna dance/same-mono M-/w/demo Sound Gems 6 Everett, Betty Prophecy M-/great Sound Stage 7 12 Brown, Norman Everybody likes it/Sugar M-/2 great sides Sound Town 50 Greene, Laura Manhattan/let Me Blow Your Whistle M-/2 great sides Sound Trek 15 Original Drifters Just let your heart be your guide EX+/superb Sounds South 60 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Prayin'/Same-inst EX+/classic Source 15 Leaders feat. JD Cash Strollin on the boardwalk M-/nice mid-tempo South Star 8 Mitchell, McKinley When it rains it pours EX+/nice Southern Biscuit 10 Fields, Lily I`ll Get Along Somehow M-/deep Spectrum 10 Fields, Lily Lover M-/recommended Spectrum 30 Lands, Hoagy Do you know what life is all about EX-/sl lbl ring/maroon label/recommended Spectrum 30 Grier, Sonja Right Here, Right Now M-/fantastic modern Spirit 8 Godfrey, Ray I gotta get away/Sherry Washington EX/great/Inc Co slv Spring 15 Green, Garland Just Loving You M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Spring 20 Jones, Busta Just A Little Misunderstanding/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great version Spring 15 Joneses Love contest/Baby (there's nothing you can do) M-/superb/sweet ballad-flip/Inc Co slv Spring 50 Martin, Daltry Everybody dance/same M-/w/demo/wol/Inc Co slv/great Spring 15 Martin, Daltry Everybody dance/Stay with me M-/recommended Spring 20 Randolph, Leroy Good to the last drop EX-/sm wol-flip/recommended Spring 6 Randolph, Leroy Good to the last drop EX+/recommended Spring 8 Randolph, Leroy Good to the last drop M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 10 Street People I wanna get over/same M-/w/demo/recommended Spring 30 Adams, Johnny Something worth leaving for M-/nice SSS International 6 Moments Nine times M-/classic Stang 10 Moments Rain in my backyard M-/at their best Stang 15 El-Roy I crave your love/For every action there's a reaction M-/stunning ballad Star Crest 10 Smith, Timmy I'm willing to love you M-/recommended Starville 15 Brighter Side Of Darkness Oh baby EX-/sol-flip/recommended Star-vue 25 Brighter Side Of Darkness Oh baby M-/recommended Star-vue 30 Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon I don't know why/Honey bee EX/UK/superb x-over/dancer flip Stateside 15 Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon I don't know why/Honey bee M-/UK/superb x-over/dancer flip Stateside 20 Bell, William Happy M-/great Stax 15 Crutchers, Bettye Sugar Daddy M-/UK/great Stax (pye) 25 Impalas When you dance (sm wol) / I can't see me without you M-/demo/swol Steady 20 Lee, Lois One Night Stand/same EX-/demo/great Steady 20 Lee, Lois One Night Stand/same M-/demo/great Steady 25 Entertains Love will turn it around M-/superb Steel Town 15 Erroll Gaye & The Imaginations Love and affection M-/superb Steel Town 15 Keith, Gordon Don't take my kindness for weakness/Tell the story M-/2 great sides Steeltown 15 Different Shades I like it/inst. EX-/sl warp-nap/funk Stone Lady 12 Sheffield, David I should have listened/What's done in the dark M-/x-over/great Stone Lady 20 Hollins, Blood Don't give it up/Inst. M-/recommended Strange Fruit 30 Franky & Spindles Crazy about your love/Inst. M-/wol/great 2 step Strawberry 15 Hunt, William Would you believe EX-/superb Streamside 45 Hunt, William Would you believe EX-/w/demo/superb Streamside 55 Hunt, William Would you believe (sm wol) M-/superb Streamside 50 Sue, Carletta You keep holding back on love M-/superb x-over String 20 Mokie, J.J. & R.O.B. Come together in love/You're so real M-/2 great sides Sun, Moon & Stars 20 Fields, Lily Love has so many meanings/inst. M-/nice Sunburst 8 Bradley, Marvin Everybody's dancing M-/great Sundance 15 Mercy Love (can make you happy) M-/swol Sundi 8 Velvet, Jimmy A woman EX/demo/ballad Sundi 15 Blacklove People keep changing/PT. 2 VG/funk Super M 15 Buchana, OB Back Up Lover/It's Over M-/2 great sides Susie Q 20 Buchana, OB Bedroom Eyes/Back Door Tipper M-/2 great sides Susie Q 20 Presidents It's all over now/The sweetest thing this side of heaven EX+/demo/superb/great version on flip Sussex 15 Hazelhurst, James I won't die M-/rev. labels/superb Swar 15 Hazelhurst, James I won't die M-/superb Swar 20 La Flavour Only The Lonely M-/super 2 step Sweet City 12 Inner Space Make it hard on him/same-mono M-/demo/great Sweet Fortune 15 Troutman, Tony Your man is home tonight EX/great T. Main 8 Five Flights Up After the feeling is gone M-/sol/x-over TA 10 Courtship It's the same old love EX+/recommended Tamla 25 Henry, Virgil I can't believe you're really leaving me/same M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 20 Houston, Thelma Saturday Night, Sunday Morning M-/recommended Tamla 15 Houston, Thelma Saturday Night, Sunday Morning/Same M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie All of my love/He's a friend EX/date-wol/2 great sides Tamla 12 Kendricks, Eddie All of my love/He's a friend EX-/2 great sides Tamla 12 Kendricks, Eddie All of my love/He's a friend EX+/2 great sides Tamla 15 Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am EX-/great Tamla 6 Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am M-/wol-flip/great Tamla 6 Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am M-/great Tamla 8 Robinson, Smokey Ever had a dream EX-/highly recommended Tamla 6 Robinson, Smokey Ever had a dream M-/highly recommended Tamla 8 Vega, Tata Full Speed Ahead/Just As Long As There Is You EX+/2 great sides Tamla 3 Commodores The zoo (the human zoo) EX+/UK/small flat edge warp-nap Tamla Motown 8 Commodores The zoo (the human zoo) M-/UK/classic dancer Tamla Motown 10 Starr, Edwin Don't tell me I'm crazy EX+/German/Inc EX+ pic slv/superb Tamla Motown 25 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer) M-/UK/great Tamla Motown 15 Adams, Arthur I Cant Wait To See You Again M-/recommended Ta'san 25 Lloyd, Betty Snowflakes Pt I/same Pt II (inst) M-/demo/superb Thomas 8 5 Wagers Come And Ask Me M-/classic Tiara 8 5 Wagers Come And Ask Me EX+/demo/classic Tiara 12 Beck, Floyd I'm In Love EX-/awesome soul Timeless 55 Beck, Floyd I'm In Love EX+/awesome soul Timeless 60 Messina, J. C. Time won't let me M-/stamped original/classic Tom King Prod's 30 Wes Wells & Steelers From the top of my heart M-/great x-over Torrid 10 Green Brothers Sweet loving woman M-/highly recommended Tortoise Int'l 25 McNeir, Ronnie Different kind of love/same-mono M-/demo/superb Tortoise Int'l 20 Skyliners Oh how happy EX+/great Tortoise Int'l 10 Skyliners The love bug/Smile on me M-/great dancer/mid-tempo Tortoise Int'l 20 Charles Blues Hammond Breakaway EX-/wol/v sl warp-nap/autographed label/superb Touch 25 Bailey, Jr After hours M-/nice Toy 10 Bailey, Jr Love Love Love EX-/nice Toy 8 Cruz, Roger Here we are again/Lover on the side recommended Trac 15 Wilder, Chuck Why M-/superb x-over Tragar 15 Mandells How To Love A Woman/I Can't Get Enough Of Your Stuff M-/tiny warp-nap/recommended Trans World 12 Mandells How To Love A Woman/I Can't Get Enough Of Your Stuff EX+/recommended Trans World 15 Mandells I'm the one/Baby don't get hooked on me M-/great/nice flip too Trans World Sound 12 Up From The Bottom The way the world will be/Inst. M-/superb x-over TRUE 30 Green Brothers Can't give you up/Dy-no-mite M- Truth 10 Knight, Frederick I Betcha Didn't Know That/Let's Make A Deal M-/xol/great Truth 6 Newcomers Keep an eye on your close friends M-/great Truth 10 Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out EX/w/demo/superb Truth 25 Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out (bubbly vinyl-plays fine) M-/w/demo/superb Truth 25 Wright, Sandra Lovin' you, lovin' me/same M-/demo/wonderful!!! Truth 10 City Limits Love is everywhere M-/recommended TSOP 20 Intruders A nice girl like you EX-/recommended TSOP 15 Intruders A nice girl like you EX+/recommended TSOP 20 Intruders A nice girl like you M-/wol/Inc Co slv/recommended TSOP 20 Intruders A nice girl like you/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended TSOP 25 Kaleidoscope I wanna live for you/We're not getting any younger M-/xol/2 great sides/rare TSOP 25 McFadden & Whitehead Ain't no stoppin' us now/same M-/w/demo/different version TSOP 20 McFadden & Whitehead I heard it in love song/Always room for one more M-/recommended TSOP 20 Davis, Darlene I found love (and you're the one)/Inst M-/good modern/1986 Tubotune 10 Hines, Ernie Thank you baby M-/great U.S.A. 20 Classets I've got to space M-/stmol & 2 x's ol-flip/great Ultra-Class 15 Classets I've got to space M-/great Ultra-Class 20 Mann, Donny The girl next door/This love is real EX/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Uni 30 New World Soul Choir You better be goin' EX-/recommended Uni 12 New World Soul Choir You better be goin' M-/demo/recommended Uni 20 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Don't Ever Be Lonely EX/wol/nice United Artists 5 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Don't Ever Be Lonely EX-/nice United Artists 5 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Too late to turn back now EX+/sol-flip/classic United Artists 6 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Too late to turn back now EX/classic United Artists 6 Fisher, Bruce At the end of a love affair M-/dancer/recommended United Artists 25 Fisher, Bruce At the end of a love affair/same M-/demo/dancer/recommended United Artists 20 Green, Sonny Come and see me M-/Inc Co slv United Artists 6 Hidden Strength Hustle on up (do the bump)/inst. EX-/funk United Artists 6 Hill, ZZ Your love makes me feel good M-/nice United Artists 8 Womack, Bobby Daylight M-/wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended United Artists 10 York, Patti He's Coming In The Morning EX+/superb x-over United Artists 40 York, Patti He's Coming In The Morning EX+/demo/superb x-over United Artists 50 York, Patti Where were you/same-mono EX-/demo/sm wol/Inc Co slv/great United Artists 6 Mr. Danny Pearson Is it really true girl M-/great Unlimited Gold 10 Mintz, Charles Give A Man A Break/finders Keepers EX-/great funk/superb slowie-flip Up Look 35 125th Street Candy Store If you wanna dream VG++/recommended Uptite 12 Parrish Remembering the times/Inst. EX/2 x's ol-flip/superb Uptite 25 Parrish Remembering the times/Inst. M-/w/demo/superb Uptite 30 Parrish Remembering the times/same-inst EX+/demo/superb Uptite 30 Wells, Billy Girl watcher EX+/sl lbl stain/xol/nice version Uranus 15 Hill, Lonnie Could it be love/same M-/demo/great mellow groove Urban Sound 15 Bell, Arlene It Aint Easy M-/great Velvet 15 Bell, Arlene Stop before you start/I wanna be loved M-/great funk/x-over flip Velvet 25 Ballads I wish I knew M-/awesome! Venture 30 Rising Love You Take My Heart Away/same-mono EX-/w/demo/superb Venture 30 Rising Love You Take My Heart Away/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Venture 40 Rising Love Feat Caryn Braxton Treasure chest/same-mono M-/demo/recommended Venture 8 Hammond, Clay Women are human M-/superb Versepto 15 De-lite-ful Forget that girl M-/demo/great Vigor 6 Street People I wanna spend my whole life with you M-/great Vigor 8 Street People Liberated lady/Re-run (from an old time movie) M-/2 superb sides/TOP TIP!!! Vigor 15 Street People Never get enough of your love/I wanna spend... M-/2 great sides Vigor 10 Stylists What is love/same EX+/w/demo/sm wol/recommended VIP 15 Banks, Darrell Just because our love is gone/same EX-/w/demo/great Volt 20 Branding Iron Slave for love M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Volt 30 Charmells Sea shell / Lovin' feeling M-/demo/stunning version Volt 15 Charmells Sea shell / Lovin' feeling (sm wol) EX+/w/demo/stunning version Volt 15 Dotson, Jimmy I used to be a loser M-/w/demo/awesome x-over Volt 30 Hot Sauce Echoes from the past M-/recommended Volt 15 Joseph, Margie Make me believe you'll stay/Stop! In the name of love M-/nice Volt 6 Dee Dee Joseph & David Devil made me do it EX+/nice W.J.J. Productions 15 Bailey, Ann Sweeping Your Dirt Under My Rug/same M-/demo/great Wand 25 Drake, Kent Boss thing together/With a lady's hand M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/good flip too Wand 85 General Crook Tell me what'cha gonna do M-/great x-over Wand 15 General Crook Tell me what'cha gonna do M-/demo/great x-over Wand 20 Hatcher, Will What Is Best For Me…./Who am I without you baby M-/2 nice sides Wand 8 Hughes, Freddie I Gotta Keep My Bluff In M-/recommended Wand 12 Lovely, Ike Fools hall of fame M-/great Wand 12 Secrets Baby save me/Same (disco version) M-/demo Wand 10 South Shore Commission We're on the right track M-/great Wand 10 Ashford & Simpson Main line M-/xol/great Warner Bros 8 Ashford & Simpson Over and over M-/great Warner Bros 8 Newsome, Frankie We're On Our Way(part I)/same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros 25 Osiris Consistency/Almost never gets there M-/great/funk flip Warner Bros 6 Sadane One-way love affair/same M-/demo/nice mid-tempo Warner Bros 6 Tower Of Power What happened to the world that day M-/recommended Warner Bros 15 Wright, Charles Love land M-/wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Warner Bros 12 Wright, Charles Love land EX+/recommended Warner Bros 15 Lamont Cranston Band Takin' a chance M-/recommended/Inc M- pic slv Waterhouse 60 Scott, Norman Baby don't go EX+/sweet Way Out 10 Wade, Bobby I'm in love with you/Down here on the ground M-/2 great sides Way Out 25 Change Searching M-/UK/'A' wol/Luther Vandross WEA 4 AC Tilmon & Detroit Emeralds Rosetta Stone M-/demo/great/Inc Co slv Westbound 15 La Salle, Denise I'm over you/A Man size job EX-/2 good sides Westbound 3 Lasky, Emanuel More love (where this came from) M-/great/Inc Co slv Westbound 15 Masterpiece The girl's alright with me/same M-/demo/superb version Whitfield 15 Bulluck, Janice I'm riding high on love M-/nice Wilbe 8 Harris, Major Laid back love M-/great Wmot 10 Harris, Major Laid back love/same M-/w/demo/great Wmot 10 Mason, Barbara On And Off/same M-/demo/potential monster !! Wmot 10 Flamingos Think about me VG+/great Worlds 10 Flamingos Think about me M-/great Worlds 15 Love, David Baby hard times/You painted me blue M-/2 great sides Worlds 12 Fantasie The composer/Can't get it M-/great XKR III 15 Onyx You Never Fail To Amaze Me EX+/x-over/superb Yew 40 Dr. York Don't stop/It's on me M-/Inc pic slv/2 great modern sides York's 30 Brothers Secret place M-/wol-flip/superb x-over Zanzee 25 Brothers Secret place M-/superb x-over Zanzee 30 Chaz Tell me your name M-/nice Zanzibar 8 CJ Austin & Gold-Star We got to turn it around M-/superb mid-tempo Zanzibar 10 James, Jesse I know I'll never find another M-/great x-over Zay 15 Bernard, Chuck Love bug M-/nice Zodiac 15 Bean, Carl I was born this way M-/UK/great version 10 8 Swinging Medallions We're gonna hate ourselves in the morning EX/demo 123 10 Brighter Side Of Darkness Love Jones M-/nice 20th Century 10 Brock If We Don't Make It Nobody Can/same-long M-/demo/great 20th Century 20 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around M-/highly recommended 20th Century 10 Dazz, Kinsman I Searched Around/same-mono M-/DEMO/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12 Dells Your song M-/UK/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Dells Your song M-/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Grier, Rosey Take the time to love somebody/same-mono EX/demo/superb 20th Century 15 Haywood, Leon The day I laid eyes on you M-/recommended 20th Century 15 Jackson, Walter Magic man EX+/nice 20th Century 8 Southside Movement Love is for fools M-/great ballad 20th Century 6 Wiley, Michelle Feel good/I feel so at home here VG+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 20th Century 75 Younghearts All the love in the world / Do you have the time M-/2 great sides 20th Century 15 Bill Scott & The Prophets So glad you happened to me EX-/superb x-over 3-P 20 Atlantic Starr Circles M-/classic A&M 8 Graves, Carl Heart be still M-//lite wol/great A&M 15 Graves, Carl Heart be still EX+/great A&M 15 Graves, Carl Heart be still M-/w/demo/great A&M 15 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine/When the party is over VG++/2 greats sides A&M 65 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine/When the party is over M-/Inc Co slv/2 greats sides A&M 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine/When the party is over EX-/w/demo/2 greats sides A&M 85 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine/When the party is over M-/Germany/Inc EX+ colour pic slv/woc &soc/2 greats sides A&M 100 Osborne, Jeffrey Don't you get so mad EX+/great A&M 6 Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones) M-/recommended A&M 25 Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones)/Get it on EX/w/demo/Japan/Inc EX colour pic insert/recommended A&M 30 Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones)/same EX+/w/demo A&M 25 The South Daybreaks M-/w/demo/highly recommended A&M 30 McFarland, Queenie I need a full time lover/inst. M-/great A&T 15 Bland, Bobby It ain't the real thing M-/recommended ABC 12 Bland, Bobby It ain't the real thing M-/w/demo/recmnded ABC 15 Davis, Billy Three Steps From True Love/light A Candle M-/superb/fantastic flip ABC 12 Davis, Billy Three Steps From True Love/light A Candle M-/UK/superb/fantastic flip ABC 12 Davis, Billy Three Steps From True Love/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb ABC 8 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  6. SOUL45COLLECTOR Monthly list is now up https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  7. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - soul45collector@ntlworld.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £5 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £8.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Bryant, Don Coming on strong M-/demo/wol-flip/great Hi 30 Wynters, Gail You've Got The Power M-/w/demo/inc Co slv/great Hickory 20 Brooks, Bobby Wise like Soloman EX-/highly recommended Hit 35 Moments Don't take your love from me (sm wol) / Happiest man in the land EX/w/demo/Atlantic dist/2 great sides Hit Productions 25 Joe Taylor & The Dominoes You don't love me EX/recommended HMF 30 Greene, Al Don't leave me EX+/recommended Hot Line 15 Lynch, Kenny My own two feet EX-/w/demo/sm xol-flip/recommended Imperial 25 McCracklin, Jimmy Can't Raise Me EX/xol-flip/superb R&B Imperial 25 Sam E Solo Love is not a game M-/demo/sm wol-flip/great Imperial 40 Thomas, Irma What are you trying to do / Take alook VG+/superb/great flip too Imperial 50 Kimble, Bobby Stop right here I got love EX-/recommended JAB 35 Chell-Mars Roamin' heart (xol) EX+/w/demo/great mid-tempo Jamie 40 Robins, Jimmy I can't please you M-/superb R&B Jerhart 15 Julian, Don Philly jerk M-/w/demo/wol-flip/recommended Jerk 20 Castor, Jimmy Block party M-/highly recommended Jet Set 30 Clovers Try my lovin' on you VG++/superb Josie 50 Flowers, Phil You little devil M-/R&B/superb Josie 25 Love, Jimmy Two sides to every story EX+/w/demo/recommended Josie 40 Original Cadillacs I'll never let you go (xol) / Wayward wanderer M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Josie 40 Joey Dee & The Starlighters Good little you (wol) M-/recommended Jubilee 25 Meza, Lee One good thing leads to another M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Jubilee 40 Williams, Scotty In the same old way VG++/w/demo/classic Jubilee 50 Sensations Feat Yvonne Baker It's Good Enough For Me M-/w/demo/sm label fold-flip/great Junior 40 Hunt, Clay In the city square (sm ink stamp ol) / Since I lost you VG++/w//demo/2 superb sides Kapp 60 Sherry Satins Don't let him catch you crying / Little girl sad M-/w/demo/2 great girl group sounds Karate 40 C.O.D.'s I'm a good guy / Pretty baby M-/superb 'n' cheap Kellmac 10 Hill,ZZ You just cheat and lie M-/oh so good!! Kent 25 Bee, Jimmy Wanting you M-/w/demo/1st label/stormer! Kimberly 30 Austin, Leon Two sided love M-/recommended King 20 Billy Soul Big balls of fire M-/w/demo/great King 30 De Vons Someone to treat me the way you use to M-/superb King 40 Duncan, James Here comes Charlie M-/Inc Co slv/R&B/great King 20 Duncan, James Out of sight / Too hot to hold M-/Inc Co slv/recommended King 20 Duncan, James Stop talking to your child M-/superb dancer King 15 Fabulous Denos Bad girl / Once I had a love M-/sm ink spot/superb/great flip too King 60 Jewells Lookie lookie lookie / Smokie Joe's M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides King 25 Little Carl Carlton Don't you need a boy like me M-/recommended Lando 40 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 50 Daniels (I lost my heart) In the big city M-/superb/WHAT PRICE IF RARE!!!! Lantam 15 Barlow, Dean Yesterday's kisses VG+/great version Lescay 30 Clark, Dee 24 hours of loneliness M-/demo/wol/great Liberty 15 Jhamels A road to nowhere M-/highly recommended Liberty 20 McDaniels, Gene It's a lonely town EX-/w/demo/great Liberty 20 Leavill, Otis I'm amazed EX+/highly recommended Limelight 40 Leavill, Otis Jane Girl / Don't Let Me Down VG++/pink demo/light lbl ring dirt/great Limelight 45 Jones, Bobby I got a bad hait of loving you / I am so lonely in my apartment EX-/2 great sides Lionel 20 Parker, Gloria Why can't we get together M-/good version LLP 10 Chandler, Denise I'm walking away M-/recommended Lock 15 Apollas Pretty red ballons EX+/great Loma 20 Clyde And The Blue Jays The big jerk - Pt. 1 / Same - Pt. 2 EX-/recommended Loma 15 Lewis, Artie Ain't no good / Falling (in love with you) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Loma 25 een Turbans We need to be loved / Didn't he run EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Loma 60 Mitchell, Willie The champion (Part 1) / Same (Part 2) M-/Belgium/Inc M- pic slv/classic inst London 20 Brown, Otis I'am ready for love / Will you wait M-/yellow label/2 great sides Lujuna 20 Lavett, Betty Witch craft in the air M-/w/demo/great R&B Lu-Pine 50 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!
      • 1
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  8. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Anderegg, Calleen Fool's paradise M-/great RBE 50 Barnum, H.B. It hurts too much to cry EX/4 track EP/Spain/inc EX+ pic slv/classic RCA 100 Barons Since you're gone M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Bell, Bobby Don't come back to me / Drop me a line M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides RCA 50 Carter, Kenny Don't go (lite stmol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her / I really love you (stmol) EX/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her / I really love you EX+/2 great sides RCA 50 Celestrals Chain reaction / Keep your hands off my baby EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 60 Dynamics You make me feel good M-/w/demo/superb RCA 60 Garnett, Gale I'll cry alone M-/recommended RCA 50 Lee Andrews And The Hearts Quiet as it's kept M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 40 Lester, Ketty Please don't cry anymore M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 40 Lollipops Busy signal EX-/w/demo/recommended RCA 25 Pageants I'm a victim / Are you ever coming home M-/WOL/2 great sides RCA 30 Paris, Freddie There she goes M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 25 Reese, Della A clock that's got no hands M-/sol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Sedaka, Neil Too late M-/superb/rare issue RCA 50 Wallis, Suzy Kisses on paper / New-naw-nee-naw M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Wallis, Suzy Tell him / A time for us M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Blake, Cicero You're gonna be sorry / Sad feeling M-/2 great sides Renee 40 Wilson, Delores Come On Shy Guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Henderson, Carl That girl M-/superb Renfro 75 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG+/sm /wol/lite lbl wear/classic/superb Reprise 30 Sims, Marvin L Talkin Bout Soul M-/Inc Co slv/great Revue 20 Mike Finnigan And The Serfs Bread & Water / Help me somebody VG++/1st label/2 superb sides Rhythm & Soul 30 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Holidays This is love / The love we share M-/2 superb sides Rob-Ron 60 Flamingo, Chuck Love, love, love M-/xol-flip/great Rojac 75 Del Capris Hey little girl M-/classic Ronjerdon 30 Davis, Curtis Tell Me EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Elliott, Shawn The joker M-/w/demo/highly recommended Roulette 50 Snowmen Sugar Daddy EX+/recommended Roulette 40 George Tindley & The Modern Red Caps Don't you hear them laughing / You can dream M-/2 great sides Rowax 25 Victorians I want to belong to you M-/recommended Rowena 75 Party Favors Changed disposition EX/great RSVP 40 Gene & Eddie Sweet little girl EX-/superb Ru-jac 30 Sugar & Sweet I refuse to cry VG+ /feint xol-flip/great R&B S.S.J. 35 Dynamics Old shoes and rice / Uncle Willy M-/xol/2 great sides/rare Saa-ce 60 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/DEMO/great Scepter 40 Mahan, Benny She knows how EX/recommended Scratch 25 Williams, Maurice Return M-/WOL/great Sea-horn 50 Roberts, Tina Snow / My basket (a tisket-a tasket) M-/2 great sides Security 15 Cumbo, Linda Yesterday, today & tomorrow EX+/w/demo/wol/recommended Select 50 Jay Walkers Featuring Mickey Holiday I got my own thing going (sm lbl scuff) M-/DEMO/recommended Selsom 75 Clayton, Pat Someone else's turn M-/recommended Silver Tip 60 Webster, Billy Good people EX/superb Silver-Tone 30 Johnson, Deena I'm a sad girl / I'll never let you down EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Simpson 60 Gardner, Al Watch yourself EX+/w/demo/great Sir-rah 60 Stagemasters Baby, I'm here just to love you M-/recommended Slide 15 Domino, Renaldo Don't go away / I'm getting nearer to your love (WOL) EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Smash 35 Woods, Danny I want to thank you… / Come on and dance - Part 1 M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 60 Exsaveyons I don’t love you no more / Somewhere M-/2 superb sides Smoke 75 Herbs Never, never will I fall in love / Question EX+/2 fantastic sides Smoke 50 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love / I've been lost M-/recommended Soft 30 Lewis, Pat Look what I almost missed M-/great Solid Hit 40 Love, Dave Colalined baby M-/recommended Solid Soul 10 Del Counts With another guy EX+/wol & light stmol-flip/superb Northern Soma 60 Del Counts With another guy M-/Inc Co slvl/superb Northern Soma 75 Sophisticates Back Up Baby M-/superb Sonny 60 5th Dimension Too poor to die EX+/superb Soul City 15 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power / How come baby, you don't love me M-/v sl lbl ring/superb/great flip too Soul City 45 Wilson, Al The snake (sm wol) M-/demo/classic/rare demo Soul City 30 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too / Who could be.. M-/demo/2 great sides Soul City 25 Sugar Pie Desanto Be happy / The Feelin's too strong M-/gold demo/Fantastic/great flip too Soul Clock 60 And The Echoes Tell me anything but give love / I've always wanted someone like you EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 Smith, Arlene Good girls M-/recommended Spectorious 75 Duke Turner & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Richardson Johnny Every Night The Same Time EX+/great R&B Sprout 50 Mamie Galore It ain't necessary / Don't think I could stand it M-/classic/great flip too St. Lawrence 30 Sayles, Johnny I can't get enough (of your love) / Hold my own baby VG++/DEMO/classic/great flip/very rare demo St. Lawrence 225 Vontastics You can work it out / blank M-/demo/1 sided/great/very rare St. Lawrence 40 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me EX-/sm wol/classic Stallion 200 Jenning, Lee Just Keep On Loving Me / same-inst. M-/superb version Star Track 25 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one M-/highly recommended Sue 30 Marcels No love left M-/superb/highly recommended Super M 15 J. J. Daniels Mr. Lonesome / Deep down inside EX+/demo/great/nice flip too Sure-Shot 30 Sevens, Sammy Everybody crossfire / You better watch your step EX+/w/demo/superb version/great flip too Swan 40 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Lance, Major Without A Doubt EX/superb Okeh 40 Lance, Major Without A Doubt (WOL) EX-/sl lbl ring/superb Okeh 30 Prysock, Arthur All I need is you tonight M-/great Old Town 10 Lance, Major I got a right to cry EX+/w/demo/v sl warp-nap/great version Osiris 50 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Love, Devotion And Happiness Joy sweet joy M-/great x-over P.E.U. Jadan 25 Gary Toms Empire Love me right / Same-long version M-/demo/highly recommended P.I.P. 30 Courtney, Dean It makes me nervous / You're all I've got M-/2 great sides Paramount 25 Montclairs I Need You More Than Ever EX+/w/demo/superb Paula 20 Montclairs Unwanted love M-/superb Paula 20 Archie Bell & The Drells Old People M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue Phil. Int. 30 Carn, Jean If You Wanna Go Back M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Phil. Int. 12 Ebonys I'm So Glad I'm Me / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 20 Paradise Tell her M-/recommended Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Holmes, Mary I need your lovin' EX/highly recommended Philly Groove 30 Storm She comes up M-/superb Pi Kappa 30 Shaker Give me love M-/recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30 Jackson, Maurice Step by step / inst. M-/recommended Plum 20 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 85 Downing, Al I'm just nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 30 Duprees Check yourself M-/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Polydor 50 Main Ingredient Everything man EX+/UK/great version Power Exchange 25 Beck, Floyd What about me M-/superb Precision 20 Adams, Gayle Baby I need your loving / Long version M-/superb version Prelude 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine) EX+/superb Private Stock 25 Jimmy James & The Vagabonds Hey girl EX+/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Pye 75 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended QS 40 Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/DEMO/Inc Co slv/superb inst/rare demo RCA 40 Douglas & Lonero Don't let yourself get carried away / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Everett 'Blood' Hollins Heaven must have known M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Green, Garland Don't let love walk out on us EX/demo/superb RCA 50 Hit Parade Kisses never die M-/demo/great RCA 15 Hit Parade Stand by me baby EX/y/demo/stmol-flip/superb RCA 20 Inception Everybody loves a winner / same-long version M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 McDonald, Mike God knows M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 75 Purple Reign You gave me somebody to love / same-mono M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Satyr Free and easy / Pity for a fool M-/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 25 Waters, Fred Singing a new song / I love you, I love you, I love you M-/recommended Ref-o-ree 20 Waters, Freddie This is the life M-/great x-over Ref-o-ree 10 Contours I'm a winner / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/top tip!!! Rocket Record Co 30 Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P. - Part 1 (lite wol) / Same - Part 2 M-/Italy/Inc EX+ colour pic slv-sm woc/classic Roulette 100 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Right Combination How can your heart be free recommended Select-O-Hit 20 Butch Martin & Sepia One I believe in miracles / Same-inst EX+/virtual unknown/superb Sepia One 60 Naturals Color him father / Crystal blue persuasion M-/2 great versions Shout 15 Bingo We can't get enough / Same M-/demo/great Silver Blue 40 Murphy, Merv It's Growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Shock Footsteps across your mind M-/classic x-over Sirocco 25 Rock Gazers Feat. Gordon Grody I Believe In Love / same-mono M-/demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 State Department I'm counting on you / long version M-/demo/great Sixth Avenue 12 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  9. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Anderegg, Calleen Fool's paradise M-/great RBE 50 Barnum, H.B. It hurts too much to cry EX/4 track EP/Spain/inc EX+ pic slv/classic RCA 100 Barons Since you're gone M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Bell, Bobby Don't come back to me / Drop me a line M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides RCA 50 Carter, Kenny Don't go (lite stmol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her / I really love you (stmol) EX/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her / I really love you EX+/2 great sides RCA 50 Celestrals Chain reaction / Keep your hands off my baby EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 60 Dynamics You make me feel good M-/w/demo/superb RCA 60 Franklin, Carolyn Reality M-/demo/recommended RCA 30 Garnett, Gale I'll cry alone M-/recommended RCA 50 Lee Andrews And The Hearts Quiet as it's kept M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 40 Lester, Ketty Please don't cry anymore M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 40 Lollipops Busy signal EX-/w/demo/recommended RCA 25 Pageants I'm a victim / Are you ever coming home M-/WOL/2 great sides RCA 30 Paris, Freddie There she goes M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 25 Reese, Della A clock that's got no hands M-/sol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Sedaka, Neil Too late M-/superb/rare issue RCA 50 Wallis, Suzy Kisses on paper / New-naw-nee-naw M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Wallis, Suzy Tell him / A time for us M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Blake, Cicero You're gonna be sorry / Sad feeling M-/2 great sides Renee 40 Wilson, Delores Come On Shy Guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Henderson, Carl That girl M-/superb Renfro 75 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG+/sm /wol/lite lbl wear/classic/superb Reprise 30 Sims, Marvin L Talkin Bout Soul M-/Inc Co slv/great Revue 20 Mike Finnigan And The Serfs Bread & Water / Help me somebody VG++/1st label/2 superb sides Rhythm & Soul 30 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Boss-Four Walkin by EX+/superb Rim 60 Holidays This is love / The love we share M-/2 superb sides Rob-Ron 60 Flamingo, Chuck Love, love, love M-/xol-flip/great Rojac 75 Del Capris Hey little girl M-/classic Ronjerdon 30 Davis, Curtis Tell Me EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Elliott, Shawn The joker M-/w/demo/highly recommended Roulette 50 Snowmen Sugar Daddy EX+/recommended Roulette 40 George Tindley & The Modern Red Caps Don't you hear them laughing / You can dream M-/2 great sides Rowax 25 Victorians I want to belong to you M-/recommended Rowena 75 Party Favors Changed disposition EX/great RSVP 40 Gene & Eddie Sweet little girl EX-/superb Ru-jac 30 Sugar & Sweet I refuse to cry VG+ /feint xol-flip/great R&B S.S.J. 35 Dynamics Old shoes and rice / Uncle Willy M-/xol/2 great sides/rare Saa-ce 60 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/DEMO/great Scepter 40 Mahan, Benny She knows how EX/recommended Scratch 25 Williams, Maurice Return M-/WOL/great Sea-horn 50 Roberts, Tina Snow / My basket (a tisket-a tasket) M-/2 great sides Security 15 Cumbo, Linda Yesterday, today & tomorrow EX+/w/demo/wol/recommended Select 50 Jay Walkers Featuring Mickey Holiday I got my own thing going (sm lbl scuff) M-/DEMO/recommended Selsom 75 Clayton, Pat Someone else's turn M-/recommended Silver Tip 60 Webster, Billy Good people EX/superb Silver-Tone 30 Johnson, Deena I'm a sad girl / I'll never let you down EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Simpson 60 Gardner, Al Watch yourself EX+/w/demo/great Sir-rah 60 Stagemasters Baby, I'm here just to love you M-/recommended Slide 15 Domino, Renaldo Don't go away / I'm getting nearer to your love (WOL) EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Smash 35 Woods, Danny I want to thank you… / Come on and dance - Part 1 M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 60 Exsaveyons I don’t love you no more / Somewhere M-/2 superb sides Smoke 75 Herbs Never, never will I fall in love / Question EX+/2 fantastic sides Smoke 50 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love / I've been lost M-/recommended Soft 30 Lewis, Pat Look what I almost missed M-/great Solid Hit 40 Love, Dave Colalined baby M-/recommended Solid Soul 10 Del Counts With another guy EX+/wol & light stmol-flip/superb Northern Soma 60 Del Counts With another guy M-/Inc Co slvl/superb Northern Soma 75 Sophisticates Back Up Baby M-/superb Sonny 60 5th Dimension Too poor to die EX+/superb Soul City 15 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power / How come baby, you don't love me M-/v sl lbl ring/superb/great flip too Soul City 45 Wilson, Al The snake (sm wol) M-/demo/classic/rare demo Soul City 30 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too / Who could be.. M-/demo/2 great sides Soul City 25 Sugar Pie Desanto Be happy / The Feelin's too strong M-/gold demo/Fantastic/great flip too Soul Clock 60 And The Echoes Tell me anything but give love / I've always wanted someone like you EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 Smith, Arlene Good girls M-/recommended Spectorious 75 Duke Turner & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Richardson Johnny Every Night The Same Time EX+/great R&B Sprout 50 Mamie Galore It ain't necessary / Don't think I could stand it M-/classic/great flip too St. Lawrence 30 Sayles, Johnny I can't get enough (of your love) / Hold my own baby VG++/DEMO/classic/great flip/very rare demo St. Lawrence 225 Vontastics You can work it out / blank M-/demo/1 sided/great/very rare St. Lawrence 40 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me EX-/sm wol/classic Stallion 200 Jenning, Lee Just Keep On Loving Me / same-inst. M-/superb version Star Track 25 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one M-/highly recommended Sue 30 Marcels No love left M-/superb/highly recommended Super M 15 J. J. Daniels Mr. Lonesome / Deep down inside EX+/demo/great/nice flip too Sure-Shot 30 Sevens, Sammy Everybody crossfire / You better watch your step EX+/w/demo/superb version/great flip too Swan 40 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Lance, Major Without A Doubt EX/superb Okeh 40 Lance, Major Without A Doubt (WOL) EX-/sl lbl ring/superb Okeh 30 Prysock, Arthur All I need is you tonight M-/great Old Town 10 Lance, Major I got a right to cry EX+/w/demo/v sl warp-nap/great version Osiris 50 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Love, Devotion And Happiness Joy sweet joy M-/great x-over P.E.U. Jadan 25 Gary Toms Empire Love me right / Same-long version M-/demo/highly recommended P.I.P. 30 Courtney, Dean It makes me nervous / You're all I've got M-/2 great sides Paramount 25 Montclairs I Need You More Than Ever EX+/w/demo/superb Paula 20 Montclairs Unwanted love M-/superb Paula 20 Archie Bell & The Drells Old People M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue Phil. Int. 30 Carn, Jean If You Wanna Go Back M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Phil. Int. 12 Ebonys I'm So Glad I'm Me / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 20 Paradise Tell her M-/recommended Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Holmes, Mary I need your lovin' EX/highly recommended Philly Groove 30 Storm She comes up M-/superb Pi Kappa 30 Shaker Give me love M-/recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30 Jackson, Maurice Step by step / inst. M-/recommended Plum 20 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 85 Downing, Al I'm just nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 30 Duprees Check yourself M-/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Polydor 50 Main Ingredient Everything man EX+/UK/great version Power Exchange 25 Beck, Floyd What about me M-/superb Precision 20 Adams, Gayle Baby I need your loving / Long version M-/superb version Prelude 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine) EX+/superb Private Stock 25 Jimmy James & The Vagabonds Hey girl EX+/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Pye 75 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended QS 40 Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/DEMO/Inc Co slv/superb inst/rare demo RCA 40 Douglas & Lonero Don't let yourself get carried away / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Everett 'Blood' Hollins Heaven must have known M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Green, Garland Don't let love walk out on us EX/demo/superb RCA 50 Hit Parade Kisses never die M-/demo/great RCA 15 Hit Parade Stand by me baby EX/y/demo/stmol-flip/superb RCA 20 Inception Everybody loves a winner / same-long version M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 McDonald, Mike God knows M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 75 Purple Reign You gave me somebody to love / same-mono M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Satyr Free and easy / Pity for a fool M-/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 25 Waters, Fred Singing a new song / I love you, I love you, I love you M-/recommended Ref-o-ree 20 Waters, Freddie This is the life M-/great x-over Ref-o-ree 10 Contours I'm a winner / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/top tip!!! Rocket Record Co 30 Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P. - Part 1 (lite wol) / Same - Part 2 M-/Italy/Inc EX+ colour pic slv-sm woc/classic Roulette 100 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Right Combination How can your heart be free recommended Select-O-Hit 20 Butch Martin & Sepia One I believe in miracles / Same-inst EX+/virtual unknown/superb Sepia One 60 Naturals Color him father / Crystal blue persuasion M-/2 great versions Shout 15 Bingo We can't get enough / Same M-/demo/great Silver Blue 40 Murphy, Merv It's Growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Shock Footsteps across your mind M-/classic x-over Sirocco 25 Rock Gazers Feat. Gordon Grody I Believe In Love / same-mono M-/demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 State Department I'm counting on you / long version M-/demo/great Sixth Avenue 12 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  10. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Adventures It's Alright M-/great Ran-dee 12 Dee, Kiki Love Makes The World Go Round/same M-/w/demo/superb version Rare Earth 15 Metros Now that you've gone M-/recommended Ra-sel 12 Anderegg, Calleen Fools Paradise M-/great RBE 50 Barnes, Betty Walking down broadway M-/w/demo.great RCA 25 Barnum, H.B. It hurts too much to cry EX/4 track EP/Spain/inc EX+ pic slv/classic RCA 100 Barons Since you're gone M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Bell, Bobby Don't come back to me / Drop me a line M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides RCA 50 Benton, Brook Where does a man go to cry M-/great RCA 20 Benton, Brook Where does a man go to cry M-/w/demo/great RCA 25 Benton, Brook Where does a man go to cry M-/w/demo/wol-flip/superb RCA 20 Cappel, Larry Hush, hush M-/w/demo/superb version RCA 40 Carter, Kenny Don't go (lite stmol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her/I really love you EX/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her/I really love you (stmol) EX+/2 great sides RCA 50 Celestrals Chain reaction/Keep your hands off my baby EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 60 Chandler, Lorraine What can I do/Tell me you're mine M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/Pied Piper perfection! RCA 150 Day, Bobby Know it all M-/recommended RCA 25 Derek And Ray Interplay M-/w/demo/sol/classic Inst RCA 40 Dynamics You make me feel good M-/w/demo/superb RCA 60 Escorts The hurt EX+/great version RCA 30 Franklin, Carolyn Reality M-/demo/recommended RCA 30 Garnett, Gale I'll cry alone M-/recommended RCA 50 Hamilton, Roy Crackin' up over you M-/w/demo/sm wol-flip/classic RCA 150 Lee Andrews And The Hearts Quiet as it's kept M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 40 Lester, Ketty Please don't cry anymore EX-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 35 Lester, Ketty Please don't cry anymore M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 40 Lollipops Busy signal EX-/w/demo/recommended RCA 25 March, Peggy Losin' my touch M-/w/demo/stmol/superb RCA 25 Mason, Tony We're gonna bring the country to the city) M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended RCA 25 Miller, Lesley You've got a way of bringing out my tears M-/great RCA 25 Miller, Lesley You've got a way of bringing out my tears M-/w/demo/great RCA 30 Pageants I'm a victim / Are you ever coming home M-/WOL/2 great sides RCA 30 Paris, Freddie Face it, boy, it's over EX-/w/demo/great RCA 15 Paris, Freddie There she goes M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 25 Reese, Della A clock that's got no hands M-/sol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Reese, Della Blow out the sun EX-/great RCA 15 Reese, Della Blow out the sun M-/great RCA 20 Reese, Della Ninety nine and 1/2 won't do M-/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 40 Sedaka, Neil Too Late M-/w/demo/superb RCA 40 Sedaka, Neil Too late EX-/superb/rare issue RCA 40 Sedaka, Neil Too late EX/superb/rare issue RCA 45 Sedaka, Neil Too Late M-/superb/rare issue RCA 50 Wallis, Suzy Kisses on paper / New-naw-nee-naw M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Wallis, Suzy Tell him/A time for us M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Barry, Jeff I'll Still Love You M-/recommended Red Bird 15 Poets I'm stuck on you M-/wol/recommended Red Bird 20 Poets I'm stuck on you M-/w/demo/sld/superb Red Bird 30 Virgil Griffin & The Rhythm Kings I'm on my way M-/recommended Reginald 15 Hall, Dora It's all over M-/great Reinbeau 8 Blake, Cicero You're gonna be sorry/Sad feeling M-/2 great sides Renee 40 Bryant, James Hey there you girl M-/w/demo/xol-flip/recommended Renee 20 Wilson, Delores Come On Shy Guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Henderson, Carl That girl M-/superb Renfro 75 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG+/sm /wol/lite lbl wear/classic/superb Reprise 30 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG++/wol/classic/superb Reprise 35 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG/w/demo/plays well/classic/superb Reprise 40 Blossoms That's when the tears start (xol) EX-/sol-flip/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Reprise 40 English, Barbara Shoo fly M-/w/demo Reprise 15 English, Barbara Small town girl EX-/w/demo/wol/recomd Reprise 20 Banks, Darrell Our love is in the pocket/Open the door to your heart EX-/2 classics/pink label Revilot 15 Banks, Darrell Our love is in the pocket/Open the door to your heart EX+/2 classics/rare grey label Revilot 30 Barnes, JJ Now Shes Gone/hold On To It M-/2 great sides Revilot 12 Parliaments A new day begins EX+/great mid-tempo Revilot 60 Parliaments I can feel the ice melting/I wanna testify EX+/recommended Revilot 12 Parliaments Look at what I almost missed EX+/recommended Revilot 12 Parliaments The goose (that laid the golden egg) M-/recommended Revilot 12 3rd Avenue Blues Band Dont Make Me Laugh M-/great Revue 15 Sims, Marvin L Talkin Bout Soul EX-/great Revue 15 Sims, Marvin L Talkin Bout Soul M-/Inc Co slv/great Revue 20 Mike Finnigan And The Serfs Bread & Water/Help me somebody VG++/1st label/2 superb sides Rhythm & Soul 30 Barnes, JJ Say it/Deeper in love M-/2 great sides Ric-Tic 10 Fantastic Four As long as I live…/To share your love M-/w/demo/great/rare demo Ric-Tic 20 Fantastic Four I love you madly/Same-inst M-/w/demo/great/rare demo Ric-Tic 20 Starr, Edwin Agent double-O-soul / Same-isnt. EX-/VG+ flip/yellowlabel-black print/classic Ric-Tic 8 Starr, Edwin Stop her on sight (S.O.S.)/I have faith in you VG++/2 fantastic sides Ric-Tic 15 Starr, Edwin Stop her on sight (S.O.S.)/I have faith in you M-/2 fantastic sides Ric-Tic 20 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Boss-Four Walkin by EX+/superb Rim 60 La Niers I've got to stop/I've got myself together EX/2 great sides River City 50 Holidays This is love/The love we share M-/2 superb sides Rob-Ron 60 Franky & The Spindles My girl is made of candy M-/great/light label stain Roc-ker 10 Flamingo, Chuck Love, love, love M-/xol-flip/great Rojac 75 Whispers Where have you been M-/recommended Roker 12 Isaacs, Esau Having a ball EX-/w/demo/great Romur 25 Carter, Martha Nobody knows (how I feel about you) M-/great R&B Ron 15 Del Capris Hey little girl M-/classic Ronjerdon 30 Taylor, Ted Miss you so M-/great R&B Ronn 25 Davis, Curtis Tell Me EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Anthony, Wayne A sure case of love EX/highly recommended Roulette 20 Caper Brothers Ain't got the nerve EX-/w/demo/great Roulette 15 Caper Brothers Ain't got the nerve M-/w/demo/great Roulette 20 Daisies I wanna swim with him M-/great Roulette 10 Dovale, Debbie Hey lover EX+/vsl warp-nap/recommended Roulette 12 Elliott, Shawn The joker M-/w/demo/highly recommended Roulette 50 Joey Dee & The Starliters What kind of love is this M-/Inc Co slv/great version Roulette 15 Joey Dee & The Starliters What kind of love is this M-/demo/pic slv/great version Roulette 25 Little Natalie & Henry With The Gifts Teardrops are falling/It's uncle Willie M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 25 March, Myrna I keep forgettin' EX-/great version Roulette 12 March, Myrna I keep forgettin' EX-/w/demo/great version Roulette 15 March, Myrna I keep forgettin' M-/great version Roulette 15 Snowmen Sugar Daddy EX+/recommended Roulette 40 Snowmen Sugar Daddy M-/w/demo/2 x's on flip/recommended Roulette 40 Three Degrees Find my way EX+/recommended Roulette 15 Three Degrees There's so much love all around me M-/recommended Roulette 10 George Tindley & The Modern Red Caps Don't you hear them laughing/You can dream M-/2 great sides Rowax 25 Victorians I want to belong to you M-/recommended Rowena 75 Party Favors Changed disposition EX/great RSVP 40 Gene & Eddie Sweet little girl EX-/superb Ru-jac 30 Gene & Eddie Why do you hurt me VG+ /very slight warp/awesome slowy Ru-jac 12 Dean & Jean Lovingly yours M-/great Rust 20 Dean & Jean Lovingly yours M-/w/demo/wol-flip/great Rust 30 Guess, Lenis Just ask me/Working for my baby (wol) VG- /classic/great flip too S.P.Q.R. 20 Sugar & Sweet I refuse to cry VG+ /feint xol-flip/great R&B S.S.J. 35 Dynamics Old shoes and rice/Uncle Willy M-/xol/2 great sides/rare Saa-ce 60 Thomas, Gene My baby's in love with another guy M-/great San 15 Bobby & Walter One, two, three M-/great Sanns 15 Morisette, Johnnie Anytime, anyplace, anywhere EX+/great Sar 10 Adams, Faye Step up and rescue me M-/great R&B Savoy 20 Big Maybelle I don't want to cry/Yeterday's kisses VG++/WOL/2 superb sides Scepter 25 Buckeye Politicians Girl I Could Love You More/I wish it would rain VG++/w/demo/great Scepter 25 Byers, Billy Remind my baby of me M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Scepter 25 Candy & The Kisses Keep on searchin' EX+/Inc Co slv/recommended Scepter 20 Candy & The Kisses Keep on searchin (4 x's ol) EX+/RED & WHITE DEMO/recommended Scepter 20 Scott, Dean Gotta have losers too M-/w/demo/great Scepter 25 Shirelles Don't say goodnight and mean goodbye M-/great Scepter 5 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/DEMO/great Scepter 40 Mahan, Benny She knows how EX/recommended Scratch 25 Williams, Maurice Return M-/WOL/great Sea-horn 50 Williams, Maurice Return M-/great Sea-horn 60 Williams, Maurice Return EX+/w/demo/great Sea-horn 75 Roberts, Tina Snow/My basket (a tisket-a tasket) M-/2 great sides Security 15 Cumbo, Linda Yesterday, today & tomorrow EX+/w/demo/wol/recommended Select 50 Jay Walkers Featuring Mickey Holiday I got my own thing going (sm lbl scuff) M-/DEMO/recommended Selsom 75 Sinner Strong Don't knock it / Nobody but me EX/2 great R&B sides Serock 75 Henson, Anita Bit by bit/Talk's around M-/2 great sides Sevens International 15 Hawkins, Sam Bring it to me EX+/great Shell 15 Larks I can't believe it M-/great Sheryl 15 Harris, Bobby Sticky, sticky EX/WOL-flip/great Shout 6 Chosen Lot If you want to/Time was M-/2 good sides Sidra 20 Clayton, Pat Someone else's turn M-/recommended Silver Tip 60 Webster, Billy Good people EX/superb Silver-Tone 30 Johnson, Deena I'm a sad girl/I'll never let you down EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Simpson 60 Brantley, Dan I can't take no more/Please accept my love M-/2 great sides Sims 20 Profits Vagabond/Wind M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sire 15 Velez, Martha Tell mama M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Sire 25 Gardner, Al Watch yourself EX-/great Sir-rah 40 Gardner, Al Watch yourself EX+/w/demo/great Sir-rah 60 Stagemasters Baby, I'm here just to love you M-/recommended Slide 15 Caswell, Johnny Gotta dance M-/Inc Co slv Smash 10 Colbert, Phil That's all it was/Where was I EX/w/demo/sm wol/recommended Smash 40 Domino, Renaldo Don't go away / I'm getting nearer to your love (WOL) EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Smash 35 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around EX+/lite lbl ring wear/2 great sides Smash 20 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around M-/2 great sides Smash 25 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Smash 25 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 30 Festivals Music / I'll always love you EX+/recommended Smash 15 Sweet Got to have more love/You can't win at love M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 25 Woods, Danny I want to thank you…/Come on and dance - Part 1 M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 60 Exsaveyons I don’t love you no more/Somewhere M-/2 superb sides Smoke 75 Herbs Never, never will I fall in love/Question EX+/2 fantastic sides Smoke 50 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love/I've been lost EX-/recommended Soft 25 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love/I've been lost M-/recommended Soft 30 Lewis, Pat Look what I almost missed M-/great Solid Hit 40 Love, Dave Colalined baby M-/recommended Solid Soul 10 Del Counts With another guy EX+/wol & light stmol-flip/superb Northern Soma 60 Del Counts With another guy M-/Inc Co slvl/superb Northern Soma 75 Sophisticates Back Up Baby M-/superb Sonny 60 Bourne, Joe The one for me M-/great Sophisticated Soul 15 Earl Van Dyke I can't help myself / How sweet it is to be loved by you EX/2 great inst versions Soul 12 Fantastic Four I love you madly/Same M-/w/demo/great Soul 15 Jr Walker & All Stars Tune up EX+/1st issue/superb Soul 20 Ruffin, Jimmy I've passed this way before M-/classic Soul 8 Freeman Brothers My baby/Beautiful brown eyes (xol) EX/2 great sides Soul 25 5th Dimension Itll Never Be The Same Again EX-/recommended Soul City 10 5th Dimension Itll Never Be The Same Again recommended Soul City 12 5th Dimension Too poor to die EX+/superb Soul City 15 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power/How come baby, you don't love me EX-/superb/great flip too Soul City 40 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power/How come baby, you don't love me M-/v sl lbl ring/superb/great flip too Soul City 45 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power/How come baby, you don't love me M-/demo/superb/great flip too Soul City 60 Wilson, Al The snake (sm wol) M-/demo/classic/rare demo Soul City 30 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.. EX+/2 great sides Soul City 20 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.. M-/demo/2 great sides Soul City 25 Sugar Pie Desanto Be happy/The Feelin's too strong M-/gold demo/Fantastic/great flip too Soul Clock 60 Whispers Flying high EX-/superb Soul Clock 20 Whispers I can remember/Planets of life M-/recommended Soul Clock 15 Whispers You must be doing all right M-/recommended Soul Clock 12 New Holidays Maybe so maybe no/If I only knew VG++/lite wol/pink label/2 superb sides Soulhawk 125 C.O.D.'s I'm a good guy/Michael EX+/re-issue Soultown 5 And The Echoes Tell me anything../I've always wanted someone EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 Waddy, Sandy Everything is everything M-/classic Sound Of Soul 20 Dynamic 7 Squeeze me/part 2 M-/funk Sound Stage 7 15 Evaline Think You Better Leave (xol) M-/w/demo/great R&B Sound Stage 7 30 Hunter, Ivory Joe Straighten up baby M-/w/demo/great Sound Stage 7 15 Monarchs This old heart M-/R&B Sound Stage 7 15 Simon, Joe Don't let me lose the feeling EX-/great Sound Stage 7 8 Simon, Joe I got a whole lot of lovin' EX+/superb Sound Stage 7 25 Simon, Joe No sad songs EX-/recommended Sound Stage 7 8 Simon, Joe No sad songs M-/recommended Sound Stage 7 10 Simon, Joe When EX+/recommended Sound Stage 7 10 Jo Jo & Outcast Why baby M-/great soul Sound-O-riffic 10 Smith, Arlene Good girls M-/recommended Spectorious 75 Duke Turner & Chi-towns Let Me Be Your Baby Sitter/same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Richardson Johnny Every Night The Same Time EX+/great R&B Sprout 50 Mamie Galore It ain't necessary/Don't think I could stand it M-/classic/great flip too St. Lawrence 30 Mamie Galore Special agent 34-24-38 (sm scuffs ol/sm wol) / I wanna be your radio M-/w/demo/2 great sides St. Lawrence 20 Sayles, Johnny I can’t get enough of your love/Hold my own baby VG++/DEMO/classic/great flip/very rare demo St. Lawrence 225 Vontastics You can work it out/blank M-/demo/1 sided/great/very rare St. Lawrence 40 Knight, Jean Anyone can love him M-/great Staff 20 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me EX-/sm wol/classic Stallion 200 Jenning, Lee Just Keep On Loving Me/same-inst. M-/superb version Star Track 25 Astors Candy(sol)/I found out EX/2 great sides Stax 20 Astors Candy/I found out EX+/2 great sides Stax 25 C.L. Blast Double up M-/lbl damage/recommended Stax 10 C.L. Blast Double up M-/vsld/recommended Stax 12 C.L. Blast Double up M-/recommended Stax 15 Delaney & Bonnie It's been a long time coming/same M-/w/demo Stax 12 Cordells You do a thing to my mind M-/great Steel Town Sound 30 Berkshire Seven Crazy Kind Of Feeling M-/great Stop 20 Berkshire Seven Stop And Start Over EX/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Blake, Cicero Don't do this to me M-/recommended Success 15 Lee, Bobby I was born a loser EX+/sm scratch at start/great Sue 10 Lee, Bobby I was born a loser M-/great Sue 15 Shane, Jackie Sticks and stones EX-/great up-tempo R&B Sue 20 Turner, Ike & Tina I idolize you (sm ink stamp ol) M-/recommended Sue 15 Turner, Ike & Tina You should'a treated me right M-/ink stamp ol/recommended Sue 15 Washington, Baby Either you're with me/You are what you are EX-/2 great sides Sue 20 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one EX-/lite stmol-flip/highly recommended Sue 25 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one EX/lite lbl ring/highly recommended Sue 25 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one M-/highly recommended Sue 30 Washington, Baby Leave me alone (xol) M-/superb Sue 40 Washington, Justine I can't wait until I see my baby EX-/great version Sue 20 Washington, Justine I can't wait until I see my baby M-/sm wol/great version Sue 25 Washington, Justine I can't wait until I see my baby M-/great version Sue 25 Storm Sweet happiness/Going going gone M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sunflower 25 Williams, Patti Because I love him EX+/w/demo/recommended Sunflower 25 Marcels No Love Left M-/superb/highly recommended Super M 15 Little Oscar I Tried/the Message M-/2 great sides Supreme Blues 15 Buster Jones Baby boy VG+/demo/superb Sure-Shot 40 J. J. Daniels Mr. Lonesome/Deep down inside EX+/demo/great/nice flip too Sure-Shot 30 Malibus Strong love/A chance for you and me EX+/demo/2 greaty sides Sure-Shot 25 Malibus Ten times a day EX-/demo/great Sure-Shot 20 Richards, Lisa Mean old world EX+/demo/recommended Sure-Shot 25 Rudd, Norma He's mine M-/demo/great R&B Sure-Shot 30 Williams, Bobby Play a sad song EX+/demo/great Sure-Shot 25 Williams, Bobby Play a sad song (tiny wol) EX+/demo/great Sure-Shot 25 Joey & The VIP's Would you believe (stmol) M-/w/demo/superb Swan 60 Joey & The VIP's Would you believe (xol) M-/w/demo/superb Swan 60 Johnson, Herb Two steps ahead of a woman M-/w/demo/recommended early Motown style sound Swan 50 Johnson, Rochelle Playing the field/Gypsy ways (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Swan 35 Sevens, Sammy Everybody crossfire/You better watch your step EX+/w/demo/superb version/great flip too Swan 40 Sevens, Sammy You are a lucky so and so M-/w/demo/great Swan 25 Showmen The Honey House/Please Try And Understand VG+/2 superb sides Swan 12 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Candy Coated People Roads/Time to love M-/2 great sides New York Sound Co 15 Wright, Bill How can I hit the ball (when you won't let me bat) M-/w/demo?/FUNK Note 25 Chi-lites Hard act to follow M-/modern-'85 Nuance 8 Gibbs, Doug I'll always have you there / Cloudy day M-/2 great sides Oak 10 Waters, Freddie I'm afraid to let you into my life/I'm gonna walk right out of your life M-/2 great sides October 15 Lance, Major Without A Doubt EX/superb Okeh 40 Lance, Major Without A Doubt (WOL) EX-/sl lbl ring/superb Okeh 30 Prysock, Arthur All I Need Is You Tonight M-/great Old Town 10 Lance, Major I got a right to cry EX+/w/demo/v sl warp-nap/great version Osiris 50 Lance, Major You're everthing I need/inst. M-/great Osiris 10 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love/I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Entertainers Why ?/Po boy M-/2 nice sides Ovide 15 Masters Of Soul Count The Times M-/bubbly vinyl-plays fine/nice Ovide 10 Love, Devotion And Happiness Joy sweet joy M-/great x-over P.E.U. Jadan 25 Gary Toms Empire Love me right/Same-long version M-/highly recommended P.I.P. 30 Gary Toms Empire Love me right/Same-long version M-/demo/highly recommended P.I.P. 30 Brown, Randy I wanna make love to you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Parachute 8 Brown, Randy You says it all/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parachute 10 Bits & Pieces You should have told me M-/wol/Inc Co slv/great Paramount 20 Clifford, Linda March across the land M-/great Paramount 15 Courtney, Dean It makes me nervous/You're all I've got M-/2 great sides Paramount 25 Dodds, Malcolm Come see the sun/Same-mono EX+/pink demo/Inc Co slv/great Paramount 20 First Class Laying my heart on the line M-/nice Park-way 12 Montclairs I Need You More Than Ever M-/superb Paula 15 Montclairs I Need You More Than Ever EX+/w/demo/superb Paula 20 Montclairs Unwanted love M-/superb Paula 20 Robinson, Roscoe Let me be myself M-/w/demo/superb Paula 15 Clayton, Willie Hello, how have you been? M-/demo/nice mid-tempo Pawn 15 Guess, George Do it to death M-/recommended Pearl Harbor 10 Jon, Leslie Never want to lose this feeling M-/2x's ol/great x-over Pelegrin Sands 25 Weston, Kim Danger, Heartbreak Ahead M-/great People 5 Eight Minutes Looking for a brand new game/Find the one who loves you M-/great/sweet flip Perception 10 Braverman, Cory I saw the light/Same-mono M-/demo/recommended Phantom 15 Originals The magic is you M-/recommended Phase II 15 Originals The magic is you EX+/w/demo/recommended Phase Ii 20 Archie Bell & The Drells Everybody Have A Good Time/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Phil. Int. 6 Archie Bell & The Drells Old People M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue Phil. Int. 30 Archie Bell & The Drells Old People/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Phil. Int. 25 Bennett, Bobby Days go by M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Carn, Jean If You Wanna Go Back M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Phil. Int. 12 Covay, Don Travelin' in heavy traffic M-/sl lbl wear/recommended Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys I'm So Glad I'm Me/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys It's forever M-/w/demo Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Life in the country/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Nation time M-/sl lbl stain/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Ebonys Nation time M-/sol-flip/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Ebonys Nation time M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys Sexy ways/You're the reason why M-2 good sides Phil. Int. 8 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Where are all my friends EX+/recommended Phil. Int. 12 Intruders A nice girl like you M-/UK/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 20 Intruders A nice girl like you M-/German/EX pic. Slv/great Phil. Int. 25 Jones Girls Nights over Egypt EX/classic/superb Phil. Int. 8 Pendergrass, Teddy Close the door EX+/Inc Co sleeve/classic Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass, Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass, Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/w/demo/great Phil. Int. 6 Pendergrass, Teddy Where did all the lovin' go M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Rawls, Lou Groovy people/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Phil. Int. 10 Rawls, Lou See you when I get there EX/superb Phil. Int. 10 Silk I can't stop turning you on EX+/recommended Phil. Int. 30 White, Anthony I`m So Much In Love With You/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 10 Williams, Johnny Put it in motion/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 8 Paradise Tell her M-/recommended Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Delfonics Loving him M-/recommended Philly Groove 15 First Choice Armed and extremely dangerous M-/Inc Co slv/classic Philly Groove 5 Holmes, Mary I need your lovin' EX/highly recommended Philly Groove 30 Storm She comes up M-/superb Pi Kappa 30 Shaker Give me love M-/recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30 Weiss,Terry Keep on pushin' your love/same M-/demo/great Platinum 15 Buck I can't quit your love EX-/sm wol/v sl lbl ring wear/superb Playboy 12 Lance, Major Sweeter/same-mono M-/demo/great Playboy 10 Russell, Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same EX-/w/demo/fantastic Playboy 25 Russell, Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same M-/w/demo/fantastic Playboy 30 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) EX-/w/demo?/superb Playboy 20 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) M-/w/demo?/superb Playboy 25 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) M-/w/demo?/date ink stamp on flip/Inc pic slv/superb Playboy 30 Wilson, Al I've Got A Feeling/Be Concerned EX-/2 great sides Playboy 6 Wilson, Al I've got a feeling/Be concerned EX+/2 great sides Playboy 8 Wilson, Al You did it for me M-/sm lbl edge tear/superb Playboy 10 Jackson, Maurice Step by step/inst. M-/recommended Plum 20 Jackson, Maurice Step by step/inst. M-/demo/sl label stain/superb Plum 25 Brown, James For goodness sakes, look at those cakes(Part 1)/Same(Part 2) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Polydor 5 Brown, James I Love You (For Sentimental Reasons) M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve Polydor 15 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you/Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 85 Downing, Al I'm Just Nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 30 Duprees Check yourself M-/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria Let's make a deal EX-/great Polydor 6 Gaynor, Gloria Let's make a deal M-/w/demo/great Polydor 15 Gaynor, Gloria Let's mend what's been broken/same M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 15 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair/Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Polydor 50 Hayes, Isaac Love has been good to us M-/a tip !! Polydor 15 Invitations Love has to grow EX-/UK/great Polydor 30 Neville, Ivan Not just another girl/same M-/demo/Canadian/modern dancer Polydor 10 Richmond Extension Let's get into something/same EX/demo/great Polydor 12 Stratavarious feat. Lady I got your love-part 1/part 2 M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/great Polydor 15 Vaneese & Carolyn Let me in/I'm losing you M-/Inc Co slv/funky/slowie-flip Polydor 20 Serious Intention Serious M-/UK Pow Wow 5 Byers, Ann This man is rated-X M-/demo/UK/sl lbl damage Power Exchange 12 Main Ingredient Everything man M-/great version Power Exchange 20 Main Ingredient Everything man EX+/UK/great version Power Exchange 25 Glenn, Gary I need you in my life/Cause I love you M-/great PPL 15 Beck, Floyd What about me M-/superb Precision 20 Adams, Gayle Baby I Need Your Loving M-/superb version Prelude 25 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair) M-Canadian/great dancer Prelude 15 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair)/same M-/w/demo/great dancer Prelude 20 Silk Ain't no need of crying M-/w/demo/recommended Prelude 15 Lloyd, Hetti If you can't satisfy (I've gotta say goodbye) EX+/nice Pride 25 New Censation I've got nothin' to hide M-/recommended Pride 6 Innervision Honey baby (be mine) EX+/superb Private Stock 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine/same) EX+/demo/superb Private Stock 25 Black, Marion I'm Gonna Get Loaded M-/great Prix 15 Mcneir, Ronnie Saggitarian affair M-/great Prodigal 8 Mcneir, Ronnie Saggitarian affair/same M-/w/demo/great Prodigal 8 Mcneir, Ronnie Wendy Is Gone/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Prodigal 12 Brown, Sharon I specailize in love M-/nice Profile 8 Jackson Sisters Why can't we be more than just friends/same EX+/demo/nice Prophesy 15 Philosophers The law of love M-/funk PS 20 Moses Sweetest love M-/nice Pure Silk 10 Helms, Jimmy Don't pull your love/same M-/demo/wol/great Pye 8 James, Jimmy Want you so much VG+/UK/superb Pye 8 James, Jimmy Want you so much M-/CANADIAN/sm wol-flip/superb Pye 15 James, Jimmy Want you so much M-/demo/UK/sm lbl tear-flip Pye 15 Jimmy James & The Vagabonds Hey girl EX+/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Pye 75 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended QS 40 Dyson, Clifton/Gwen Matthews I'm giving up M-/wol/highly recommended QS 40 Banks, Bessie Baby you sure know how to get to me/Same-mono M-/EX flip/w/demo/great Quality 20 Armstrong, Chuck Give Me All Your Sweet Lovin M-/great R&R 8 Williams, Bobby You Need Love Like I Do/Everybody Needs Love Somtime M-/2 great sides R&R 8 Merritt, Richie You got problems/inst. M-/nice R.A.M. 8 Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/DEMO/Inc Co slv/superb inst/rare demo RCA 40 Brothers & Others Now is the time of the season M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Darcus It's got to be love/Same-mono EX-/demo/great RCA 5 Darcus Who's gonna love you/same-moono M-/demo/nice RCA 5 David Ruffin & Eddie Kendrick I Couldn't Believe It M-/recommended RCA 15 David Ruffin & Eddie Kendrick I Couldn't Believe It/same M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Douglas & Lonero Don't let yourself get carried away (date stamp ol) / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Edwards, Dee All we need is a miracle EX/EX- flip/demo/recommended RCA 8 Edwards, Dee All we need is a miracle EX+/demo/great RCA 15 Everett 'Blood' Hollins Heaven must have known M-/recommended RCA 20 Everett 'Blood' Hollins Heaven must have known/same M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Franklin, Carolyn You really didn't mean it / All I want is to be your woman M-/great RCA 6 Graham, Ralph Changing up my life M-/demo/highly recommended RCA 8 Graham, Ralph Changing up my life/Same-mono VG+/demo/highly recommended RCA 5 Green, Darren Checkin' on you M-/stmol-flip/recommended RCA 15 Green, Garland Don't Let Love Walk Out On Us EX/demo/superb RCA 50 Green, Garland Don't Let Love Walk Out On Us M-/demo/superb RCA 60 Hit Parade Kisses never die M-/demo/great RCA 15 Hit Parade Stand by me baby EX/y/demo/stmol-flip/superb RCA 20 Hit Parade Stand by me baby M-/y/demo/feint ink stamp ol-flip/superb RCA 20 Hudson County Heaven's here on earth M-/recommended RCA 15 Hutch, Willie Love games M-/demo/great RCA 20 Hutch, Willie The magic of love M-/demo/great RCA 15 Inception Everybody loves a winner/same-long version M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 James Walsh Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 80 Main Ingredient Happiness is just around the bend M-/great RCA 5 Main Ingredient Rolling down a mountainside M-/xol/recommended RCA 10 Marcel, Vic Won't you come and fly with me M-/fantastic x-over RCA 15 McDonald, Mike God knows M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 75 Purple Reign You gave me somebody to love/same-mono M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Richard 'Dimples' Fields Woman (let me into your life) / You're wife is cheatin' on us M-/nice RCA 5 Satyr Free and easy/Pity for a fool M-/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 25 Satyr Free and easy/Same-mono M-/wol/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 20 Simone,Nina Do what you gotta do M-/Gold Standard label/great RCA 5 Swiss Movement This moment...../Bring back your love EX+/demo/2 great sides RCA 10 Til, Sonny You're all I need M-/great RCA 6 Til, Sonny You're all I need M-/demo/great RCA 8 Tymes It's cool EX-/recommended RCA 8 Tymes It's cool M-/recommended RCA 10 Tymes It's cool M-/demo/recommended RCA 10 Tymes Only your love M-/UK/sl lbl damage/great RCA 15 Tymes Only your love EX+/UK/great RCA 15 Waymon, Sam Hey love M-/sl warp-nap/great RCA 12 Waymon, Sam It be's that way sometimes M-/great RCA 15 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX-/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 60 Waters, Fred Singing A New Song/I Love You, I Love You, I Love You M-/recommended Ref-o-ree 20 Waters, Freddie This is the life M-/great x-over Ref-o-ree 10 Wade, Adam My time for love/Half the world EX+/w/demo/sol/great Remember 25 Wade, Adam My time for love/Half the world M-/w/demo/great Remember 30 Smith, OC Nothing but the best M-/great Rendezvous 20 Hypnotics Beware of the stranger/Memories M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Reprise 20 King, Bobby Loving you is sweeter than ever/same M-/demo/ballad/SOUL!! Reprise 10 Wells, Mary I found what I wanted/I see a future in you EX-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Reprise 12 Bernard, Chris Mother M-/nice x-over Revue 15 Chi-lites Um, um my baby loves me M-/Inc Co slv/great Revue 10 Chi-lites Um, um my baby loves me/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Revue 10 Vance, Frankie Somewhere in your life/You are my solution M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Revue 15 9th Creation Falling in love/part II M-/nice RiteTrack 10 Enchantment Anyway you want it EX-/great Roadshow 12 Bee, Walter Angel Man M-/great x-over Robot 10 Contours I'm A Winner/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/top tip!!! Rocket Record Co 30 Taylor,Ted How do you walk away from fear (promo ink stamp ol) M-/Inc Co slv/great Ronn 10 Baker, Betty Do it to me/same M-/w/demo/funk Roulette 15 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain Ask me M-/demo/recommended Roulette 12 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain Good things don't last forever M-/great Roulette 15 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain I wouldn't give you up M-/recommended Roulette 15 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain There's so much love all around me/long vers. M-/great Roulette 10 Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P. - Part 1 (lite wol) / Same - Part 2 M-/Italy/Inc EX+ colour pic slv-sm woc/classic Roulette 100 Ghetto Children It`s Not Easy To Say Goodbye/don`t Take Your Sweet Lovin` Away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up M-wol/recommended Roulette 20 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Roulette 25 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up recommended Roulette 25 London To Rome Let's not wait/Ask me no questions M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 20 Magic Touch Baby you belong to me/Lost and lonely boy EX-/2 great sides Roulette 6 Nobles, Cliff This Feeling Of Loneliness/same M-/w/demo/nice Roulette 10 Wayne Miran & Rush Release Oh baby/long version M-/recommended Roulette 10 Wayne Miran & Rush Release Oh baby/long version M-/demo/recommended Roulette 10 Whirlwind Full Time Thing (between Dusk And Dawn)/same-long Version M-/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Roulette 10 Whirlwind Full time thing between dusk and dawn/Don't let him get the best of you M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 10 Weaver, Jerry I'm in love M-/orig. label/great S.O.B. 20 Plummer, Betty Jean Baby I want you back M-/great x-over Salem 15 Bataan The Bottle/when Youre Down (funky Mambo) EX-/w/demo/great version Salsoul 10 Holman, Eddie This Will Be A Night To Remember/time Will Tell EX-/2 great sides Salsoul 8 Holman, Eddie This Will Be A Night To Remember/time Will Tell EX/great sides Salsoul 10 Washington, John Daddy Teddybear/burn The Calendar M-/2 great sides Sandwash 25 Samson & Delilah I can feel your love slippin away M-/nice Saturn 8 Love, Katie It hurts so good M-/w/demo/superb Scepter 30 Love, Katie It hurts so good M-/w/demo/2 xol/superb Scepter 30 Chuck Corby & Quiet Storm See you when I get there M-/superb version Sceptre 15 David I'd be a millionaire M-/great x-over Scorpio 15 Ross, Jackie Man is born M-/nice Sedgrick 15 Morrow, Teddie What's your sign M-/nice Seibu 20 Right Combination How can your heart be free recommended Select-O-Hit 20 Butch Martin & Sepia One I believe in miracles/Same-inst EX+/virtual unknown/superb Sepia One 60 Mcneir, Ronnie Wendy Is Gone/Give Me A Sign M-/recommended Setting Sun 15 Beavers, Jackie I never found a girl (to love me like you do) M-/great version Seventy 7 10 Sexton, Ann You're gonna miss me/same EX-/w/demo Seventy 7 12 Sexton, Ann You're losing me M-/great Seventy 7 15 Sweet Cream You brought joy M-/great Shady Brook 15 Williams, Lee Shot I hurt myself/I like your style EX+/2 great sides/#101 Shama 8 Overton, C.B. If I can't stop you/Same-inst M-/recommended Shock 12 Overton, C.B. Superstar lady M-/recommended Shock 12 Asterix Dreams M-/w/demo/great Sho-Pro 10 George Torrence & Naturals So long goodbye / Lickin' stick EX-/w/demo/2x'sol/stol-flip Shout 15 Naturals Color him father/Crystal blue persuasion M-/2 great versions Shout 15 Naturals Crystal blue persuasion/same M-/great Shout 10 Seymour, Kenny I've got the rest of my life/inst EX+/nice Shout 8 Don Nero & Full Flavour Get up and dance M-/great Show Biz 15 Bingo We can't get enough/Same M-/demo/great Silver Blue 40 Invitations They say the girl's crazy EX-/recommended Silver Blue 15 Invitations They say the girl's crazy(wol)/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Silver Blue 25 Nu-Sound Express Ltd I've been trying/Ain't it good enough M-2 great sides Silver Dollar 15 Murphy, Merv It's Growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Shock Footsteps across your mind M-/classic x-over Sirocco 25 Shock Footsteps across your mind EX/demo/classic x-over/rare demo Sirocco 30 Rock Gazers Feat. Gordon Grody I Believe In Love/same-mono M-/demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 State Department I'm Counting On You/long Version M-/demo/great Sixth Avenue 12 Family Circle I hope you really love me M-/great x-over Sky Disc 12 Family Circle I hope you really love me/same M-/demo/great x-over Sky Disc 15 Clayton, Willie Livin' with you, but my heart is somewhere else M-/nice Sky Hero 12 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
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  11. SOUL45COLLECTOR Monthly list is now up https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  12. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - soul45collector@ntlworld.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends or Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Frankie Maze + Beverly While I'm alone EX+/best version Capitol 15 Hightower, Willie Nobody but you M-/y/demo/recommended Capitol 12 Wilson, Nancy Ocean of love M-/recommended Capitol 15 Four Mints You Want To Come Back M-/recommended Capsoul 20 Jackson, Deon You gotta love / You'll wake up wiser M-/2 great sides Carla 20 Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run M-/recommended Casablanca 10 Reynolds, Jeannie Unwanted Company M-/great Casablanca 10 Robert Winters & Fall Do it any way you want / Lock me up M-/2 great sides Casablanca 15 Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind M-/superb Casablanca 15 Topics Women's liberation M-/great Castle 15 George & Gwen McCrae Winners together or losers apart / Homesick, lovesick M-/superb/great flip too Cat 15 Little Beaver Little girl blue / Ain't no time M-/2 great sides Cat 12 Dyson, Ronnie We can make it last forever (short-2.22) / Same (long-3.02) M-/w/demo//UK/sm wol/superb short version on UK dj only CBS 25 Lucas, Matt You gotta love M-/demo/recommended Celebration 10 Little Milton Campbell Somebody's changin' my sweet baby's mind EX+/recommended Checker 12 American Gypsy 10,000 miles / Angel eyes M-/superb Chess 10 Burke, Solomon I'm leaving on that late,late train M-/recommended Chess 8 Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can M-/recommended Chess 15 Chandler, Gene Make the living worthwhile / Time is a thief M-/2 great sides Chi-Sound 8 Jackson, Walter If I had my way / same M-/demo/what a voice ! Chi-Sound 10 Baker, Johnny Operator,operator M-/great Cisco 12 Gee, Frankie Date with the rain M-/w/demo/great version Claridge 15 Valentinos I can understand it (part I) / Same (part II) M-/recommended Clean 25 Festivals Take your time M-/superb Colossus 15 I.A.P. Co Check yourself EX+/superb version Colossus 20 Mob I'd like to see more of you M-/Inc Co slv/great Colossus 10 Mary Love Comer Come out of the sandbox M-/superb CoLove 20 8th Avenue Band The whole thing EX/orange lbl/great/rare issue Columbia 20 Moore, Jackie This time baby / Same M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 10 Pockets Come go with me EX+/recommended Columbia 8 Pockets Happy for love / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Columbia 8 Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun / same M-/w/demo/A TIP!!! Columbia 15 Womack, Bobby Trust your heart /same M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 15 Nat Cole Jr & Teri Carter You M-/superb Comptons Staff 30 Montclairs Hung up on your love / I need you more than ever M-/UK/Inc Co slv-woc-front/classic/great flip too Contempo 35 Hatcher, Willie Have a heart, girl (ink stamp ol) / You got quality EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue Cotillion 30 Tony & Tandy Two can make it together / Bitter with the sweet M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Cotillion 20 Butler, Billy She's got me singing /same M-/demo/great Curtom 15 Impressions I'll always be here M-/recommended Curtom 15 Eddie Giles & The Numbers Sexy lady M-/superb Custom Sound 25 Lady Margo Simply got to make it M-/recommended Cynthia 20 Sidney Joe Qualls Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Wallace, Wales Forever and a day / same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Rumpus My love's gonna getcha M-/sm wol//Inc Co slv/superb Dash 40 Electras Another man's woman M-/recommended De-Lite 15 Truth Coming home / Touch me M-/2 great sides Devaki 12 Easton, Billy I was a fool M-/great x-over Dispo 25 Chymes My baby's gone away M-/great x-over Down To Earth 20 Jimmy Beaumont And The Skyliners Our day is here EX-/wol/superb version Drive 30 Fantastic Four I'm falling in love (I feel good all over) M-/great x-over Eastbound 15 Berdell, Cheryl Giving it all to you M-/recommended Em.t 12 Fox, Tony Give it all up tonight M-/demo/recommended Emerald City 15 Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late (Orange label) M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15 Duke, George I want you for myself M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15 Essence Lovin' you comes naturally / same M-/demo/recommended Epic 30 Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 40 Jeffreys, Garland What does it take (to win your love) / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Epic 20 Joneses In love again / Rat race M-/2 great sides Epic 30 Labelle, Patti It's alright with me / same M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Epic 15 Powerful People Little girl say yes (sl lbl stain) / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Epic 25 Rawls, Lou Now is the time for love M-/wol/recommewnded Epic 8 Wild Cherry 1 2 3 kind of love / same-mono M-/demo/recommended Epic 15 Haywood, Leon There ain't enough hate around to make me turn around M-/great Evejim 10 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  13. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - soul45collector@ntlworld.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Dazz, Kinsman I searched around M-/highly recommended 20th Century 10 Dazz, Kinsman I searched around / same M-/DEMO/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12 Graves, Carl Heart be still EX+/great A&M 15 Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones) M-/recommended A&M 25 The South Daybreaks M-/w/demo/highly recommended A&M 30 Bland, Bobby It ain't the real thing M-/recommended ABC 12 Davis, Billy Light a candle / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb ABC 8 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Baby,you got my nose open M-/recommeneded ABC 10 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Baby,you got my nose open M-/w/demo/recommended ABC 12 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Reaching for the world M-/great ABC 12 Holman, Eddie Four walls EX/awesome ABC 15 Holman, Eddie I need somebody M-/superb ABC 15 Jackson, Chuck Just a little tear / I can't break away M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides ABC 25 La Salle, Denise I get what I want M-/Inc Co slv/superb ABC 25 Williams, Lenny Look up with your mind M-/w/demo/great ABC 20 Jensen, Dick Jealous feeling M-/superb ABC Probe 15 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / Uncanny M-/w/demo/highly recommended Alarm 25 Cacia Band, Paul Saved by your love M-/great Alexander St. 5 Heartstoppers Marching out of your life / Court' in mama M-/2 great sides All Platinum 20 Jackson, Chuck I've Got The Need / Beautiful Woman M-/UK/classic/great flip too All Platinum 15 Wilson, Charles Trying to make a wrong thing right M-/recommended Alley Cat 15 Jimmy Bo Horne If you want my love M-/recommended Alston 25 Wright, Betty Baby sitter M-/recommended Alston 8 Wright, Betty If I was a kid / Life M-/recommended Alston 8 John (Rootman) Henry Say it M-/demo//great Amber Antique 25 Black Ice Girl, Thats What I Call Love M-/great Amherst 10 Burke, Solomon Please don't say goodbye to me EX+/recommended Amherst 12 Santiago Mister love / Same M-/w/demo/superb Amherst 35 Cado Belle Got to love / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/shighly recommended Anchor 30 Wilmer & Dukes Count on me M-/recommended Aphrodisiac 15 5th Dimension No love in the room EX+/superb Arista 20 Hyman, Phyllis Under your spell M-/classic Arista 12 Mandrill My kind of girl my girl / same-mono EX/w/demo/sm wol/superb Arista 25 Mason, Harvey Never give you up EX/great Arista 6 Sea Level Make You Feel Love Again M-/Inc Co slv/great Arista 20 Womack, Bobby How could you break my heart (sol) (without rap) M-/superb Arista 20 Stewart, Calvin Try loving me (I'm willing) M-/recommended Artly 20 Hathaway, Donny Love, love, love EX+/great Atco 15 Barnaby Bye Can't live this way / Same-mono M-/demo/classic Atlantic 12 Barretto, Ray What part of heaven do you come from / Same-mono EX+/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Atlantic 20 Bristol, Johnny Do it to my mind M-/superb Atlantic 10 Bristol, Johnny I sho like groovin' with ya EX/Inc Co slv/recommended Atlantic 8 Franklin, Aretha April fools M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Atlantic 8 Harris, Major Jealousy M-/recommended Atlantic 15 Harris, Major Loving you is mellow M-/Inc Co slv/superb mid-tempo Atlantic 25 Johnson Family Peace in the family / same-mono M-/demo/wol/superb Atlantic 25 Joseph, Margie Ridin' high M-/recommended Atlantic 15 Moore, Jackie Both ends against the middle / Clean up your own yard M-/classic/great flip too Atlantic 15 Prince Phillip Mitchell One on one EX+/Inc Co sleeve/great Atlantic 25 Spinners I just want to fall in love / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30 Spinners I'll be around EX/classic Atlantic 10 Spinners Wake up Susan EX+/their next biggie ? Atlantic 8 amily Affair I had a friend EX+/superb x-over Authentic 12 Henderson, Ron I love you more than dancin' / Same EX+/w/demo/fantastic!!! Avanti 30 Eugene Pitt And Jyve Fyve Come down in time / Same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Avco Embassy 20 Jones, Grace Sorry M-/fantastic Beam Junction 10 21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish M-/Inc Co sl/superb x-over Beegee 30 Rawls, Lou She's gone / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Bell 15 Taylor, Johnnie What about my love EX+/superb Beverly Glen 15 Welch, Lenny Just what I need M-/recommended Big Apple 12 Lady Wray Do it again / In love M/fantastic new release/great flip too Big Crown 12 Lady Wray Smiling / Make me over M/2 great sides/new release Big Crown 8 Love, Devotion & Happiness Love potion #7 /same-inst. M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Black Magic 30 Valentine Bros. Money's too tight to mention M-/classic Bridge 12 Artistics It's those little things that count / Being in love M-/superb Brunswick 25 Hart, Randy The other one M-/demo/great md-tempo Brunswick 40 Maryann Farra & Satin Soul Living in the footsteps of another girl M-/great version Brunswick 25 Maryann Farra & Satin Soul Never gonna leave you / same-long "disco" version M-/recommended Brunswick 12 Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real M-/superb Brunswick 15 Barbara Mason & The Futures Make it last M-/Inc EX Pic slv/superb Buddah 25 Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap our hands / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Connors, Norman Once I've been there M-/recommended Buddah 10 Ebonys Making love ain't no fun / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Henderson, Michael Take me I'm yours / same M-/w/demo/superb Buddah 20 Norman, Jimmy I wanna make love to you / same M-/demo/awesome Buddah 15 Owens, Tony All that matters / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Paragons Oh lovin' you / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Vitamin E Sharing M-/awesome Buddah 10 Samson I need your lovin' M-/great Buttermilk 15 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  14. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - soul45collector@ntlworld.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Charles, Ray I don't need no doctor M-/Inc Co slv/classic ABC 25 Swann, Bettye The heartache is gone M-/Inc Co slv/superb A-bet 15 Phillips, Susan Key in the mailbox M-/superb All Platinum 30 Ben E. King The record EX+/w/demo/superb mid-tempo Atco 25 Sharp, Dee Dee Bye bye baby / My best friend's man M-/2 superb sides/Inc Co slv/recommended Atco 15 Greenwood, Johnny I'm crawling back M-/Inc Co slv/w/demo/great Atlantic 15 Little Carl Carlton Competition ain't nothin' M-/classic Back Beat 25 Lovelites I found me a lover / You better stop it M-/rarer blue lbl/2 great sides Bandera 20 Attractions That girl is mine EX+/superb Bell 30 Inspirations Gotta find a new love / I can feel it M-/previously unreleased/2 superb sides Benn-x 20 Occasions There's no you M-/superb Big Jim 20 Holmes, Sherlock What An Argument M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40 Wilson, Timothy Got to find a new love / Baby baby please EX+/great/nice flip too Buddah 25 Wilson, Timothy Pigtails / Loving you M-/2 superb sides Buddah 30 Millionaires Cherry baby / I thought about you M-/2 superb sides Bunny 25 Washington, Michael Stay mine / inst. M-/great Cap City 15 Drew, Patti He's the one M-/superb Capitol 25 Sam & The Iridescents Without my sugar M-/demo/recommended Capitol 30 Lovettes Little miss soul M-/superb Carnival 30 Willie Mae (Big Mama) Thornton Yes I cried M-/w/demo/superb R&B Carolyn 30 Gray, Dobie Out on the floor EX/sol-flip/classic Charger 30 Corvairs Ain't no sole in these old shoes / Get a job EX+/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30 Halos Do I? M-/classic/rare issue-stock copy Congress 30 Cager, Wille He's a player / What can you do M-/2 superb sides Contact 40 Big Joe Turner I'm packin up M-/y/demo/great Coral 40 Sonny Gordon Five The yea yea song / The dance M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Coral 40 Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50 Tyler, Gladys Hurry on down to my house EX/y/demo/great Coral 40 Lindsey, Theresa Gotta find a way EX/1st press-Detroit address lbl/classic/great flip too Correc-Tone 25 TNT Band The meditation M-/great Cotique 25 Billy Robinson And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning EX/highly recommended Crazy Horse 35 Glories I love you babe but give me my freedom (wol) / Security M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Date 25 Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/recommended DeLuxe 15 Varner, Don More power to ya / Handshakin M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Diamond 25 Winters, Ruby Just Like A Yo Yo M-/recommended Diamond 15 Malibus I just can't stand it (3 sm lbl scuffs) EX+/THIS NEEDS PLAYING!/superb Duke 25 Barbara & Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/superb Dynamo 40 Inez & Charlie Foxx You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25 Beach Girls Skiing in the snow VG+/demo/great version Dyno Vox 60 Akens, Jewel A slice of the pie M-/demo/great Era 40 Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 25 Jewels My song EX+/recommended Federal 15 Butts, Nancy You're gonna need somebody M-/great Flaming Arrow 25 Gloria Walker & Chevelles Need of you M-/recommended Flaming Arrow 15 Richard Berry And The Pharaohs Have love will travel (2 x's ol) EX+/recommended Flip 50 Kennedy, Joyce Paddle my own canoe (sl lbl stain) / Could this be love EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Fontana 50 aste Of Grey Just once in my life (Joe Renzetti at his best!!) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Fontana 25 Vaughn, Morris My love keeps growing / Make it look good M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Fontana 35 Hambric, Billy Talk to me baby / Human EX/2 great sides Fury 30 Precisions Cleopatra M-/recommended Golden Crest 40 Green, Sam It's time to move M-/highly recommended Goldsmith T.C.B. 50 Good, Tommy Baby I miss you VG++/light lbl wear/classic Gordy 40 Martha & The Vandellas My baby loves me (2 x's ol) M-/at their best!/superb Gordy 15 Martha & The Vandellas One way out M-/Inc Co slv/classic Gordy 15 Starr, Edwin My weakness is you EX+/light label ring wear/superb Gordy 25 Temptations Girl why you wannna make me blue EX+/classic Gordy 30 Fletcher, Darrow The pain gets a little deeper / My judgement day EX+/superb/great flip too Groovy 40 Jr. Walker All Stars Good rockin EX+/superb R&B Inst. Harvey 40 Bill Black's Combo Little Queenie EX+/classic R&B inst Hi 25 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  15. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover EX+/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 35 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX-/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 30 Mars, Marlina Head & shoulders EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version M-G-M 60 Mars, Marlina I'm gonna hold on to your love EX-/demo/superb M-G-M 55 Morgan, Joanne Just how loud M-/Inc EX pic slv/recommended M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny Stormy (sm wol) / I'm so glad you're my baby (2 X's ol) EX/demo/2 superb sides M-G-M 75 Nash, Johnny Stormy / I'm so glad you're my baby EX+/2 superb sides M-G-M 60 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Payne, Freda Sad sad September EX+/demo/superb M-G-M 20 Perry, Charles How can I EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30 Superiors Can't make it without you (wol) / Let me make you happy VG++/demo/2 great sides M-G-M 30 Douglass, Gwenn The picture / Pretender (feint wol) EX/superb/great flip too Michelle 150 Tillman, Lee All these things EX-/superb mid-tempo Michelle 40 J. J. Barnes Just one more time (light wol) VG+/1st label/great Mickay's 30 Cosby, Earl Ooh honey baby VG+/w/demo/wol/highly recommended Mira 25 Performers I can't stop you / L.A. stomp M-/2 superb sides/Inst flip Mirwood 60 Day, Jackie Oh ! What Heartaches M-/classic Modern 25 Styles Baby You're Alive / I Know You Know That I Know EX+/w/demo/sl warp-nap/superb/great group soul flip Modern 60 Three Of Us I'm gonna love you baby M-/great Molly 30 Larks Come back baby / The skate M-/superb/great flip too Money 40 Vontastics Lady love EX+/superb Moon Shot 30 Earls Papa / If I could do it over again M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Williams, Arlene Duck all over town / Part Two M-/great R&B Musette 50 Two Fellows Stop (don't give up your loving) EX-/superb Mutt 50 Martin, Rodge Close my eyes and open my mind M-/pink demo/superb R&B Newark 40 Billy Butler & The Chanters Nevertheless (xol) / My sweet woman M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides/rare vinyl copy Okeh 40 Chymes Bring it back / Let's try it again M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 100 Major Lance Ain't no soul in these old shoes (feint wol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Okeh 40 Major Lance Investigate (light stmol) / Little you lover (2 light x's ol) EX-/w/demo/classic/superb flip too Okeh 60 Major Lance Investigate / Little young lover M-/w/demo/Inc M- Pic slv/classic/superb flip too Okeh 100 Variations Yesterday is gone M-/w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Vibrations End up crying / Ain't love that way EX+/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 50 Bobby & Betty Lou Soul stirrer M-/great Old Town 30 Calello, Pat The things I need M-/w/demo/highly recommended/one day! Oliver 60 Day, Eddie For my girl / Summers gone M-/2 great sides Onyx 30 Village Sound These windows EX/great/tough to find now Onyx 200 Lords There ain't no doubt about it VG++/CANADA/light label ring/recommended Pace 60 Ben Zine Village of tears EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parkway 150 De Vonns Freddie M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power M-/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue-stock copy Parkway 100 Graves, Joe See saw M-/w/demo/superb Parkway 20 Holman, Eddie Eddie's my name EX+/superb Parkway 60 Tymes I won't cry anymore (mispress of - "Here she comes") VG++/superb/rare mispress Parkway 75 Paxton, Peggy It ain't what I do it's the way I do it M-/ink stamp ol-flip/superb R&B Paula 75 Adorables Baby come and get it M-/demo/highly recommended Peacock 40 Campbell, Vi Seven doors M-/demo/great R&B Peacock 30 Little Frankie Lee I Gotta Come Back EX+/demo/great mid-tempo Peacock 40 Shemwell, Sylvia He'll come back EX+/w/demo/WOL-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Philips 100 Fantastic Johnny C She's some kind of wonderful EX+/classic R&B inst Phil L.A. Of Soul 15 Butlers Laugh, laugh, laugh / Butlers theme EX-/superb/great inst flip Phila 50 4 Seasons Beggin' / Dody M-/Inc M- (sm woc) colour pic slv/black lbl/superb/great flip too Philips 40 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol & feint date wol-flip/superb mid-tempo Philips 50 Jones, Buster Down silent streets M-/w/demo/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Allison, Leevert I want to give my heart to you M-/highly recommended Poncello 40 Jets Everything I do / I was born with it (wol) EX/light label fade/2 great sides Port 50 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying / Cry of the century M-/w/demo/2 great sides Powertree 60 Admirals Sawmill EX-/great raw soul-R&B Pulse 35 Rivingtons You're gonna pay (wol) / I don't want a new baby VG+/2 superb sides Quan 30 Pinkertones Feat. Eddie Gross Its not the way you walk M-/fantastic mid-tempo Queen-G 200 C-quents Easy for you baby M-/recommended Quest 125 Betty Baker & The Jaxsis Marching out of your life / Love show some pity on me M-/recommended/great sweet flip Quicksand 10 Little Jimmy Griffin If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Sir Wales Wallace What ever you want / I wish I could say… M-/recommended Innovation II 12 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to be M-/DEMO/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides/rare demo Invictus 50 Lovemakers When you're next to me / same M-/w/demo/superb Island 30 Smoke Have I really lost you M-/classic x-over J.Bridge 15 Striblin, Karen We're not too young to fall in love M-/EX- flip/superb version Jaber 200 Houston, Cissy I just don't know what to do with myself EX+/w/demo/superb soul/rare demo Janus 50 Nash, Johnny Falling in and out of love M-/Inc Co slv/superb Janus 40 Sir Charles Hughes You say you're leaving / Love me today M-/fantastic/great flip too Je-ena 150 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Table Of Contents Wrapped around your finger M-/great version/recommended Lake 40 We The People Making my daydream real / Whatcha done for me…… EX-/2 superb sides Lion 75 Satisfactions Turn back the tears / One light two lights M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Lionel 20 Sunny & The Sunliners I'm no stranger / When it rains EX+/demo/superb London 30 Jacocks, Bill You are the one / Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25 Jackson, JJ Let me try again M-/highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/German/Inc EX pic slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/UK/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Gomez, Jesse Lace / Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Turner Bros Let's go fishing (wol-autograph) / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 225 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) M-/German/Inc pic sleeve/neat drill hole in cover/fantastic!!! MCA 20 The Girls The hurt's still here M-/highly recommended Memphis 25 Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In) / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25 Coon Elder Band Feat Brenda Patterson What does it take to win your love (sm wol) / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Mercury 30 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Five Special The more I get to know you M-/superb Mercury 20 Winstons Color him father / Amen brother (lite wol) EX/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Metromedia 20 Brown, Barbara Pity a fool EX-/w/demo/feint stmol-flip/superb x-over MGM SoM 75 Ovations One in a million M-/highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Bay Brothers What does it take (to win your love) / same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 N'Cole You're gonna need this love / same-mono M-/demo/great Millennium 20 N'Cole You're gonna need this love / Thank you for the love M-/2 great sides Millennium 30 Stage IV Just another guy M-/awesome Millie 20 Players Why did I lie M-/superb Minit 30 Players Why did I lie EX/demo/wol-flip/superb Minit 35 St. German, Tyrone In a world so cold M-/highly recommended Morning Dove 25 Bottom & Company Spread the news / same M-/w/demo/great Motown 20 Bottom & Company You're my life / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 15 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life / Kiss me when you want to M-/sm sol/superb/nice flip too Motown 25 Darin, Bobby Melodie (wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 30 Ruffin, David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX+/superb Motown 30 Nu Page A heart is a house EX+/superb MoWest 50 Gardner, Don Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy M-/tiny wol-flip/superb Mr. G 40 Kendricks, Eddie I'm in love with you M-/recommended Ms. Dixie 20 Sideshow Featuring Arthur Ponder Sexy lady EX/tiny wol/superb 85 modern/rare Muscadine 300 Solid State I'm gonna make you mine / inst. M-/great Music Town 30 Anderson, Deborah Funny how we change places (sol & wol) M-/EX- flip/superb rare version Musicor 100 S.O.U.L. This time around / On top of the world EX+/2 superb sides Musicor 15 Lynch, Frank Young girl / same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 Eddie Chappell/Terry Szkolny Hey baby / Brother man M-/w/demo?/2 superb sides Natru 25 Poole, Jay I love you (FIRST LABEL) M-/superb mid-tempo/FIRST LABEL/funk flip Ne-bo 30 Honeycutt, Johnny Loving you M-/superb New City 20 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  16. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover EX+/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 35 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 35 Mars, Marlina Head & shoulders EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version M-G-M 60 Mars, Marlina I'm gonna hold on to your love EX-/demo/superb M-G-M 55 Morgan, Joanne Just how loud M-/Inc EX pic slv/recommended M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny Stormy (sm wol) / I'm so glad you're my baby (2 X's ol) EX/demo/2 superb sides M-G-M 75 Nash, Johnny Stormy / I'm so glad you're my baby EX+/2 superb sides M-G-M 60 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Payne, Freda Sad sad September EX+/demo/superb M-G-M 20 Perry, Charles How can I EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30 Superiors Can't make it without you (wol) / Let me make you happy VG++/demo/2 great sides M-G-M 30 Douglass, Gwenn The picture / Pretender (feint wol) EX/superb/great flip too Michelle 150 Tillman, Lee All these things EX-/superb mid-tempo Michelle 40 J. J. Barnes Just one more time (light wol) VG+/1st label/great Mickay's 30 Cosby, Earl Ooh honey baby VG+/w/demo/wol/highly recommended Mira 25 Performers I can't stop you / L.A. stomp M-/2 superb sides/Inst flip Mirwood 60 Day, Jackie Oh ! What Heartaches M-/classic Modern 25 Styles Baby You're Alive / I Know You Know That I Know EX+/w/demo/sl warp-nap/superb/great group soul flip Modern 60 Three Of Us I'm gonna love you baby M-/great Molly 30 Larks Come back baby / The skate M-/superb/great flip too Money 40 Vontastics Lady love EX+/superb Moon Shot 30 Earls Papa / If I could do it over again M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Williams, Arlene Duck all over town / Part Two M-/great R&B Musette 50 Two Fellows Stop (don't give up your loving) EX-/superb Mutt 50 Martin, Rodge Close my eyes and open my mind M-/pink demo/superb R&B Newark 40 Billy Butler & The Chanters Nevertheless (xol) / My sweet woman M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides/rare vinyl copy Okeh 40 Chymes Bring it back / Let's try it again M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 100 Major Lance Ain't no soul in these old shoes (feint wol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Okeh 40 Major Lance Investigate (light stmol) / Little you lover (2 light x's ol) EX-/w/demo/classic/superb flip too Okeh 60 Major Lance Investigate / Little young lover M-/w/demo/Inc M- Pic slv/classic/superb flip too Okeh 100 Variations Yesterday is gone M-/w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Vibrations End up crying / Ain't love that way EX+/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 50 Vibrations Gonna get along without you now VG++/sol-flip/superb Okeh 40 Bobby & Betty Lou Soul stirrer M-/great Old Town 30 Calello, Pat The things I need M-/w/demo/highly recommended/one day! Oliver 60 Day, Eddie For my girl / Summers gone M-/2 great sides Onyx 30 Village Sound These windows EX/great/tough to find now Onyx 200 Lords There ain't no doubt about it VG++/CANADA/light label ring/recommended Pace 60 Ben Zine Village of tears EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parkway 150 De Vonns Freddie M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power M-/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue-stock copy Parkway 100 Graves, Joe See saw M-/w/demo/superb Parkway 20 Holman, Eddie Eddie's my name EX+/superb Parkway 60 Tymes I won't cry anymore (mispress of - "Here she comes") VG++/superb/rare mispress Parkway 75 Paxton, Peggy It ain't what I do it's the way I do it M-/ink stamp ol-flip/superb R&B Paula 75 Adorables Baby come and get it M-/demo/highly recommended Peacock 40 Campbell, Vi Seven doors M-/demo/great R&B Peacock 30 Little Frankie Lee I Gotta Come Back EX+/demo/great mid-tempo Peacock 40 Smith, Otis Let her go (light stmol) / Alley full of trash and bottles (sm lbl ring wear) VG++/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Perception 125 Fantastic Johnny C She's some kind of wonderful EX+/classic R&B inst Phil L.A. Of Soul 15 Butlers Laugh, laugh, laugh / Butlers theme EX-/superb/great inst flip Phila 50 4 Seasons Beggin' / Dody M-/Inc M- (sm woc) colour pic slv/black lbl/superb/great flip too Philips 40 Shemwell, Sylvia He'll come back EX+/w/demo/WOL-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Philips 100 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol & feint date wol-flip/superb mid-tempo Philips 50 Jones, Buster Down silent streets M-/w/demo/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Allison, Leevert I want to give my heart to you M-/highly recommended Poncello 40 Jets Everything I do / I was born with it (wol) EX/light label fade/2 great sides Port 50 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying / Cry of the century M-/w/demo/2 great sides Powertree 60 Admirals Sawmill EX-/great raw soul-R&B Pulse 35 Rivingtons You're gonna pay (wol) / I don't want a new baby VG+/2 superb sides Quan 30 Pinkertones Feat. Eddie Gross Its not the way you walk M-/fantastic mid-tempo Queen-G 200 C-quents Easy for you baby M-/recommended Quest 125 Betty Baker & The Jaxsis Marching out of your life / Love show some pity on me M-/recommended/great sweet flip Quicksand 10 Little Jimmy Griffin If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Sir Wales Wallace What ever you want / I wish I could say… M-/recommended Innovation II 12 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman / If you don't want to be M-/DEMO/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides/rare demo Invictus 50 Lovemakers When you're next to me / same M-/w/demo/superb Island 30 Smoke Have I really lost you M-/classic x-over J.Bridge 15 Striblin, Karen We're not too young to fall in love M-/EX- flip/superb version Jaber 200 Houston, Cissy I just don't know what to do with myself EX+/w/demo/superb soul/rare demo Janus 50 Nash, Johnny Falling in and out of love M-/Inc Co slv/superb Janus 40 Sir Charles Hughes You say you're leaving / Love me today M-/fantastic/great flip too Je-ena 150 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Table Of Contents Wrapped around your finger M-/great version/recommended Lake 40 We The People Making my daydream real / Whatcha done for me…… EX-/2 superb sides Lion 75 Satisfactions Turn back the tears / One light two lights M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Lionel 20 Sunny & The Sunliners I'm no stranger / When it rains EX+/demo/superb London 30 Jacocks, Bill You are the one / Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25 Jackson, JJ Let me try again M-/highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/German/Inc EX pic slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/UK/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Gomez, Jesse Lace / Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Turner Bros Let's go fishing (wol-autograph) / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 225 Ronald, Terry What the child needs (neat drill hole in cover) M-/German/Inc pic sleeve/neat drill hole in cover/fantastic!!! MCA 20 The Girls The hurt's still here M-/highly recommended Memphis 25 Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In) / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25 Coon Elder Band Feat Brenda Patterson What does it take to win your love (sm wol) / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Mercury 30 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Five Special The more I get to know you M-/superb Mercury 20 Winstons Color him father / Amen brother (lite wol) EX/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Metromedia 20 Brown, Barbara Pity a fool EX-/w/demo/feint stmol-flip/superb x-over MGM SoM 75 Ovations One in a million M-/highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Bay Brothers What does it take (to win your love) / same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 N'Cole You're gonna need this love / same-mono M-/demo/great Millennium 20 N'Cole You're gonna need this love / Thank you for the love M-/2 great sides Millennium 30 Stage IV Just another guy M-/awesome Millie 20 Players Why did I lie M-/superb Minit 30 Players Why did I lie EX/demo/wol-flip/superb Minit 35 St. German, Tyrone In a world so cold M-/highly recommended Morning Dove 25 Bottom & Company Spread the news / same M-/w/demo/great Motown 20 Bottom & Company You're my life / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 15 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life / Kiss me when you want to M-/sm sol/superb/nice flip too Motown 25 Darin, Bobby Melodie (wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 30 Ruffin, David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX+/superb Motown 30 Nu Page A heart is a house EX+/superb MoWest 50 Gardner, Don Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy M-/tiny wol-flip/superb Mr. G 40 Kendricks, Eddie I'm in love with you M-/recommended Ms. Dixie 20 Sideshow Featuring Arthur Ponder Sexy lady EX/tiny wol/superb 85 modern/rare Muscadine 300 Solid State I'm gonna make you mine / inst. M-/great Music Town 30 Anderson, Deborah Funny how we change places (sol & wol) M-/EX- flip/superb rare version Musicor 100 S.O.U.L. This time around / On top of the world EX+/2 superb sides Musicor 15 Lynch, Frank Young girl / same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 Eddie Chappell/Terry Szkolny Hey baby / Brother man M-/w/demo?/2 superb sides Natru 25 Poole, Jay I love you (FIRST LABEL) M-/superb mid-tempo/FIRST LABEL/funk flip Ne-bo 30 Honeycutt, Johnny Loving you M-/superb New City 20 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  17. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover EX+/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 35 Courtney, Dean Love you just can't walk away EX+/demo/edge warp-nap/Inc Co slv/classic M-G-M 275 Embers Watch out girl/Far away places M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too M-G-M 250 Formations At the top of the stairs/Magic melody EX/classic/great flip too M-G-M 12 Francis, Connie Fallin' EX-/sm ink stamp ol/great M-G-M 8 Gaynor, Gloria Searchin'/Reach out, I'll be there M-/Inc Co slv/recommended M-G-M 12 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX-/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 30 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 35 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/great/What a voice! M-G-M 40 Impact My world fell down M-/demo/v sl warp-nap/great M-G-M 12 Invitations The skate/Girl I'm leaving M-/recommended M-G-M 20 Junior Lewis All about love M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great M-G-M 12 Mars, Marlina Head & shoulders EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version M-G-M 60 Mars, Marlina I'm gonna hold on to your love EX-/demo/superb M-G-M 55 Morgan, Joanne Just how loud M-/Inc EX pic slv/recommended M-G-M 40 Morgan, Joanne Just how loud M-/Inc EX+ pic slv-woc/recommended M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny Stormy (sm wol) / I'm so glad you're my baby (2 X's ol) EX/demo/2 superb sides M-G-M 75 Nash, Johnny Stormy / I'm so glad you're my baby EX+/2 superb sides M-G-M 60 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness (sm sol) EX/wol/2 great sides M-G-M 35 Payne, Freda Sad sad September EX+/demo/superb M-G-M 20 Perry, Charles How can I EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30 Peter Jarrett & Fifth Circle Run run, baby run M-/demo/great M-G-M 15 Quinn, Carole Good boy gone bad M-/Inc Co slv/recommended M-G-M 12 Quinn, Carole I'll do it for you/Do those little things M-/Inc Co slv/recommended M-G-M 20 Royalettes Never again M-/wol/up-tempo version M-G-M 12 Royalettes Never again M-/up-tempo version M-G-M 15 Superiors Can't make it without you (wol)/Let me make you happy VG++/demo/2 great sides M-G-M 30 Tulips You better stay away from my baby M-/demo/2x'sol/great M-G-M 15 Tymes A touch of baby/Hidden shores VG++/great M-G-M 15 Tymes Street talk VG++/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 10 Wilson, Norris Where the action is M-/Inc Co slv/great mid-tempo M-G-M 20 Roberts, Lou My love is stronger than my mind/Cold, cold heart M-/w/demo M-G-M SOM 15 Douglass, Gwenn The picture / Pretender (feint wol) EX/superb/great flip too Michelle 150 Tillman, Lee All these things EX-/superb mid-tempo Michelle 40 J. J. Barnes Just one more time (light wol) VG+/1st label/great Mickay's 30 Contrails Feel so fine / Make me love you EX-/stmol/great/nice flip too Millage 25 Contrails Feel so fine/Make me love you(sm sol) EX+l/great/nice flip too Millage 30 KaZia I say please EX+/great Millage 30 St Clair, Kelley You took my heart EX+/sm wol-flip/recommended Millage 30 St. Clair, Kelly Don't look over your shoulder M-/nice/with pic. sleeve Millage 30 Banks, Homer 60 minutes of your love M-/demo/classic/rare demo Minit 40 Burns, Jimmy I Tried M-/black demo/superb Minit 100 Charmaines Keep on searchin EX+/demo/recommended Minit 20 Spellman, Benny Every now and then M-/demo/great Minit 15 Spellman, Benny Fortune teller/Lipstick traces VG++/sol/2 great sides Minit 15 Young Hearts I've got love for my baby / Taking care of business EX+/demo/wol/great Minit 20 Young Hearts I've got love for my baby / Taking care of business EX-/great Minit 10 Young Hearts Sweet soul shakin M-/recommended Minit 20 Cosby, Earl Ooh honey baby VG+/w/demo/wol/highly recommended Mira 25 Lee, Jackie Do the temptation walk / The shotgun and the duck EX+/ink stamp on flip/2 great sides Mirwood 8 Lee, Jackie The duck / Let your conscience be your guide M-/2 great sides Mirwood 10 Mirettes Now That I Found You/same EX-/w/demo/recommended up-tempo girl group Mirwood 15 Olympics Baby, do the Philly dog M-/great Mirwood 8 Olympics Mine exclusively/Same EX/w/demo/classic Mirwood 20 Olympics Mine exclusively / Secret agents EX/2 great sides Mirwood 10 Olympics Mine exclusively/Secret agents M-/2 great sides Mirwood 12 Performers I can't stop you / L.A. stomp M-/2 superb sides/Inst flip Mirwood 60 Thomas, Jimmy Just tryin' to please you/Same EX-/w/demo/great Mirwood 8 Adams, Johnny No in between / Don't wait too log (XOL) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 15 Day, Jackie Oh ! What Heartaches M-/classic Modern 25 Styles Baby You're Alive/i Know You Know That I Know EX+/w/demo/sl warp-nap/superb/great group soul flip Modern 60 Three Of Us I'm gonna love you baby M-/great Molly 30 Larks Come back baby / The skate M-/superb/great flip too Money 40 Larks Mickey's east coast jerk (sm wol) / Soul jerk M-/w/demo/2 great sides Money 20 M-M's And The Peanuts The Phillie EX+/w/demo/xol-flip/great Money 40 Swann, Bettye Fall in love with me (wol) / Lonely love EX+/2 superb sides Money 15 Swann, Bettye Make me yours EX+/great Money 15 Contrasts What a day M-/recommended Monument 12 White, Tony Joe Polk salad Annie M-/Inc Co slv/R&B Monument 15 Vontastics Lady love VG++/sl label ring/superb Moon Shot 20 Vontastics Lady love EX+/superb Moon Shot 30 Robinson, Ted Thing called love (wol) /A little satisfaction EX-/great Moonville USA 20 Diana Ross & Supremes Time changes things M-/recommended Motown 10 Diana Ross & Supremes Will This Be The Day/Love Child M-/v lite lbl wear/recommended Motown 10 Eckstine, Billy I wonder why (nobody loves me) EX-/sl label fade/superb R&B Motown 60 Four Tops The key M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Motown 10 Holland, Eddie Jamie (2.15 version) M-/classic Motown 30 Holland, Eddie Jamie (2.21 version) M-/classic Motown 25 Martin,Tony The two of us EX-/great Motown 10 Ruffin, David I pray everyday you won't regret loving M-/great Motown 8 Ruffin, Jimmy What becomes of the broken hearted/same M-/w/demo/'74 re-iss/classic Motown 6 Spinners I cross my heart / For all we know EX/2great sides Motown 15 Spinners Truly yours M-/great Motown 15 Supremes Time changes things EX-/great Motown 15 Terrell, Tammi I can't believe you love me M-/superb Motown 15 Wells, Mary Two Lovers/operator M-/2 great sides Motown 10 Wonder, Stevie Nothing's too good for my baby M-/sm wol/great Motown Yesteryear 5 Burrage, Harold Master key M-/recommended M-pac 20 Simpson, Big Daddy Give me back my ring EX+/R&B M-pac 12 Earls Papa (tiny wol)/If I could do it over again M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Earls Papa/If I could do it over again EX/sm wol/2 great sides Mr. G 30 Earls Papa/If I could do it over again (xol) M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Del-chords Your Mommy Lied To Your Daddy EX-/wol/sm lbl scuff/great Mr. Genius 40 Curry, Louis A toast to you/I'll try again tomorrow M-/2 great sides M-S 30 Variations Shakin' and breakin' M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great MTA 40 Williams, Arlene Duck all over town/Part Two M-/great R&B Musette 50 Jimmie & Wayne You better believe it EX-/1st label/great Music World 25 Scott, Walter Silly girl/Just you wait M-/2 great sides Musicland USA 20 Jive Five Featuring Eugene Pitt Sugar don't take away my candy/Blues in the ghetto M-/w/demo/2 great sides Musicor 15 Jive Five Featuring Eugene Pitt You'll fall in love/Crying like a baby M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Musicor 20 Jive Five Featuring Eugene Pitt You'll fall in love/No more tears M-/w/demo/great Musicor 20 Perkins, Joe Runaway slave EX-/w/demo/recommended Musicor 75 Platters Hard to get a thing called love EX+/great Musicor 12 Powell, Marilyn Please go away VG++/w/demo/recommended Musicor 50 Radcliffe, Jimmy Moment of weakness VG++/great Musicor 12 Toys You got it baby/You've got to give her love EX/w/demo/2 great sides Musicor 20 Two Fellows Stop don't give up your loving EX-/superb Mutt 50 Washington, Baby Why did my baby put me down VG+/sl label wear/great Neptune 12 Washington, Baby Work out M-/great Neptune 15 Metrojean Mama, let me do it my way M-/beat ballad New Sound 20 Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels Too many fish in the sea (sol) EX+/great New Voice 5 Ryder, Mitch Sock it to me-baby EX+/Inc EX+ color pic. sleeve New Voice 15 Martin, Rodge Close my eyes and open my mind M-/pink demo/superb R&B Newark 40 La Belle, Patti Love me just a little/The jokes on you M-/2 great sides Newtime 15 Gladys Love M-/recommended O-Gee 30 Artistics Get my hands on some lovin'/I'll leave it up to you VG++/2 great sides Okeh 20 Artistics So much love in my heart EX+/w/demo/wol/great Okeh 25 Artistics This heart of mine / I'll come running M-/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Okeh 100 Belgianetts The train M-/Inc Co Slv/recommended Okeh 25 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer EX-/classic Okeh 15 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer EX+/small lbl tear/classic Okeh 15 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer M-/classic Okeh 20 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer M-/w/demo/xol/classic Okeh 30 Billy Butler & The Chanters Nevertheless(xol)/My sweet woman M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides/rare vinyl copy Okeh 40 Billy Butler & The Enchanters Gotta get away/I'm just a man M-/superb/great flip too Okeh 25 Black Velvet Just Came Back (sm wol)/come On Heart M-/w/demo/2 nice sides Okeh 10 Chymes Bring it back M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 100 Jackson, Walter It's all over/Lee cross (edge chip-not dislodged yet) VG/light label wear/2 great sides Okeh 5 Jackson, Walter They don't give medals EX/wol/great Okeh 8 Little Richard Well/Poor dog EX+/2 great sides Okeh 15 Major Harris Call me tomorrow M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Okeh 350 Major Lance Ain't no soul in these old shoes (feint wol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Okeh 40 Major Lance Gonna get married/The matador VG++/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 8 Major Lance Investigate (light stmol) / Little you lover (2 light x's ol) EX-/w/demo/classic/superb flip too Okeh 60 Major Lance Investigate/Little young lover M-/w/demo/Inc M- Pic slv/classic/superb flip too Okeh 100 Variations Yesterday is gone M-/w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Vibrations End up crying EX+/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 50 Vibrations Gonna get along without you now VG++/sol-flip/superb Okeh 40 Vibrations Pick me/You better beware EX/EX- flip/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 25 Vibrations Pick me/You better beware M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Okeh 30 Bobby & Betty Lou Soul stirrer M-/great Old Town 30 Fiestas I gotta have your lovin' EX/w/demo/recommended Old Town 15 Solitaires Lonesome lover/Pretty thing EX/2 great sides Old Town 25 Calello, Pat The Things I Need M-/w/demo/highly recommended/one day! Oliver 60 Williams, Sandy California EX/w/demo/great Oliver 15 Timmy & The Persianetts There comes a time/Timmy boy (xol) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Olympia 20 Admirations Don't leave me/All for you M-/fantastic/great flip too/what price if rare!!! One-derful 20 Admirations Wait til I get to know you/inst. M-/fantastic One-derful 15 Admirations Wait til I get to know you/inst. M-/plain yellow label/fantastic One-derful 25 Clay, Otis A lasting love/Got to find a way M-/great m-tempo/up-tempo One-derful 12 Clay, Otis Show Place M-/xol-flip/recommended One-derful 15 Clay, Otis Show Place M-/recommended One-derful 15 Everett, Betty I'll Be There/Your love is important to me M-/great One-derful 25 Mitchell, McKinley A bit of soul M-/great One-derful 25 Mitchell, McKinley All of a sudden EX-/great soul One-derful 30 Rockmasters A wonderful thing EX/demo/WOL-flip/great One-derful 25 Rockmasters A wonderful thing EX/demo/great One-derful 30 Sharpees I've got a secret M-/recommended One-derful 20 Sharpees My girl Jean M-/recommended One-derful 20 Day, Eddie For my girl/Summers gone M-/2 great sides Onyx 30 Village Sound These windows EX/great/tough to find now Onyx 200 Harner, Billy She's almost you/Fool me M-/classic/superb m-t flip Open 8 Harner, Billy She's almost you/Fool me M-/w/demo/classic/superb m-tempo flip Open 12 Helms, Jimmy My little devil M-/recommended Oracle 30 Tommy Smith & The Laughing Kind I'm Going To Save You/i'm Gonna Put Some Hurt On You M-/2 great sides Orbit 20 Hollywood Persuaders Drums a-go-go M-/superb inst/DRUMS!!! Original Sound 20 Lords There ain't no doubt about it VG++/CANADA/light label ring/recommended Pace 60 Eighteenth Edition When you love someone M-/great Panther 30 Ben Zine Village of tears EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parkway 150 De Vonns Freddie M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye/You got the power M-/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue-stock copy Parkway 100 Graves, Joe See saw M-/w/demo/superb Parkway 20 Holman, Eddie A free country M-/superb Parkway 8 Holman, Eddie A free country M-/xol-flip/great Parkway 10 Holman, Eddie Stay mine for heavens sake VG++/w/demo/sol-flip/more Harthon magic/superb Parkway 20 Holman, Eddie Stay mine for heavens sake EX/w/demo/more Harthon magic/superb Parkway 25 Holman, Eddie Eddie's my name VG++/wol-flip/superb Parkway 50 Holman, Eddie Eddie's my name EX+/superb Parkway 60 Tymes I won't cry anymore (mispress of-Here she comes) VG++/superb/rare mispress Parkway 75 Freddie-Henchi & The Soulsetters Things are changing M-/recommended/rare Patheway 50 Bad Habits My baby specializes (tiny wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Paula 10 Keene, Billy Wishing & hoping (sol) / Cross my heart M-/superb/stunning flip Paula 85 Paxton, Peggy It ain't what I do it's the way I do it M-/ink stamp ol-flip/superb R&B Paula 75 Adorables Baby come and get it M-/demo/highly recommended Peacock 40 Campbell, Vi Seven doors M-/demo/great R&B Peacock 30 Little Frankie Lee I gotta come back EX+/demo/great mid-tempo Peacock 40 Verdell, Jackie Come let me love you VG++/wol/demo/great Peacock 25 Classmen The yang yang (The heart string) EX-/great dancer Pearce 25 Peterson, Kris I believe in you M-/w/demo?/great Pelikin 20 Smith, Otis Let her go (light stmol)/Alley full of trash and bottles (sm lbl ring wear) VG++/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Perception 125 Fantastic Johnny C She's some kind of wonderful EX+/classic R&B inst Phil L.A. Of Soul 15 Butlers Laugh, laugh, laugh/Butlers theme EX-/superb/great inst flip Phila 50 4 Seasons Beggin' / Dody M-/Inc Co slv/black lbl/superb/great flip too Philips 25 4 Seasons Beggin' / Dody M-/Inc M- (sm woc) colour pic slv/black lbl/superb/great flip too Philips 40 Barrett, Susan No one but you EX-/w/demo/great Philips 25 Brown, Ruth Mama M-/w/demo/R&B/great Philips 30 Clydie King & The Sweet Things Promises/The boys in my life M-/Inc Co slv/2 nice sides Philips 12 Flamingos She Shook My World M-/superb Philips 12 Hebb, Bobby Love love love EX+/classic Philips 15 Hebb, Bobby Sunny/Bread EX/great Philips 5 Kelly, Paul Sweet sweet lovin' M-/great Philips 15 Lewis, Bobby Give me your yesterdaysSoul seekin M-/demo/2x'sol/v sl lbl wear Philips 30 Millionaires A Rather Hip Shing/i'd Rather Do It Myself EX-/2 great sides Philips 20 Millionaires A Rather Hip Shing/i'd Rather Do It Myself M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Philips 25 Results Need your love/Funky EX-/w/demo/female group/2 great sides Philips 12 Results Need your love/Funky M-/w/demo/female group/2 great sides Philips 15 Shemwell, Sylvia He'll come back EX+/w/demo/WOL-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Philips 100 Shemwell, Sylvia He'll come back (sm ink stamp ol/feint date wol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Philips 100 Toys Ciao baby M-/recommended Philips 15 Toys Ciao baby M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Philips 20 Tyrell, Steve A boy without a girl M-/great Philips 20 Tyrell, Steve A boy without a girl M-/w/demo/great Philips 25 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol & feint date wol-flip/superb mid-tempo Philips 50 Williams, Tony How come EX+//superb mid-tempo Philips 50 Williams, Tony Second best M-/recommended Philips 30 Wilson, Obrey You don't love me EX+/great Philips 15 Jones, Buster Down Silent Streets/a Good Thing M-/w/demo/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Sigler, Benny I can give you love M-/re-issue/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 8 Stuart, Jeb In love again M-/R&B Phillips 15 Modernistics Down at the go-go M-/great Pioneer 15 Allison, Leevert I want to give my heart to you M-/highly recommended Poncello 40 Sparkels Where there's a will EX-/w/demo/great Poplar 30 Webs Tomorrow/This thing called love EX+/superb Popside 15 Jets Everything I do/I was born with it (wol) EX/light label fade/2 great sides Port 50 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying/Cry of the century VG+/2 great sides Powertree 40 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying/Cry of the century EX+/2 great sides Powertree 50 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying/Cry of the century M-/w/demo/2 great sides Powertree 60 Nelson, Nate Once again M-/great Prigan 30 Beau Dollar & The Coins Any Day Now M-/superb version Prime 25 Black, Marion I'm Gonna Get Loaded M-/great Prix 15 Zeke Strong And His Queen Tones Your heart must be made of stone/All by myself M-/2 great R&B sides Progress 30 Bobbi & Terri You killed the thrill in my heart M-/w/demo/great Providence 50 Fulsom, Lowell Stop and think M-/R&B/great Prowlin' 25 Foreman, Linda Let's get it together M-/great Public 20 Admirals Sawmill EX-/great raw soul-R&B Pulse 35 McLaurin, Bette As long as your mine M-/great Pulse 30 Foundations In the bad bad old days M-/Inc Co slv/Canadian Pye 5 Wells, Jean Sharing your love M-/great Quaker Town 30 Rivingtons You're gonna pay(wol)/I don't want a new baby VG+/2 superb sides Quan 30 Pinkertones Feat. Eddie Gross It's Not The Way You Walk M-/fantastic mid-tempo Queen-G 200 C-quents Easy For You Baby M-/recommended Quest 125 Betty Baker & The Jaxsis Marching out of your life/Love show some pity on me M-/recommended/great sweet flip Quicksand 10 Little Jimmy Griffin If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Fox, Jeanne Working girl/same M-/demo/nice mid-tempo Rainy Day 8 M.S.Q. Save a place for me M-/recommended Rainy Day 25 M.S.Q. Save a place for me M-/demo/recommended Rainy Day 30 Noble, Beverly Better off without you M-/w/demo/superb Rally 30 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Adams, Bobby Is it too late M-/great Home-Town 15 Moore, Bobby Call Me Your Anything Man M-/great Hot Line 10 Lee, Laura Wedlock is a padlock M-/UK/great Hot Wax 8 Lewis, Jimmy Help me understand you M-/nice mid-tempo Hotlanta 6 Mandells Don't Turn Your Back On Me/Now I Know EX+/2 great sides Hour Glass 15 Mandells Don't turn your back on me/Now I know EX-/pink logo/2 great sides Hour Glass 15 Evans, Margie I'm on my way M-/dancer/great ICA 8 Lee (The Burner) Austin Missin You/same M-/w/demo/sl label stain/great I-dentify 8 Meli, Debbie Take my love EX+/demo In 10 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself EX+/recommended Infinity 12 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 15 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 20 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself-short (date ol) /Same-long M-/w/demo/recommended Infinity 20 Sir Wales Wallace What Ever You Want/I Wish I Could Say M-/recommended Innovation II 12 Thunderfunk Symphany Forty days (& forty nights/Time to discover) M-/w/demo/funk Innovation II 15 Glass House Playing games VG++/wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 10 Glass House Playing games EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games M-/sl warp-nap/highly recommended Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 15 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman/If you don’t want to be in my life M-/DEMO/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides/rare demo Invictus 50 Hunter, Ty I don't see me in your eyes/Hey there lonely girl M-/2 great sides Invictus 30 Payne, Freda You Brought Joy/suddenly It's Yesterday M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Invictus 3 Chocolate Syrup The Goodness Of Love/stop Your Cryin' VG+/plays well/wol-flip/great Ira 15 Lovemakers When you're next to me/same M-/w/demo/superb Island 30 Whitehead, Charlie Love Being Your Fool M-/great Island 5 Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman M-/recommended IX Chains 8 Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman/same M-/w/demo/recommended IX Chains 10 Beverly, Charles Stop and think a minute/same M-/w/demo/awesome soul IX Chains 15 J.G. Lewis What am I going to do/Same-inst M-/superb IX Chains 8 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/inst M-/highly recommended IX Chains 25 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/same M-/w/demo/highly recommended IX Chains 30 Smoke Have I Really Lost You M-/classic x-over J.Bridge 15 Striblin, Karen We're not too young to fall in love M-/EX- flip/superb version Jaber 200 Nature's Creation Let's fire it up M-/w/demo/disco-funk Jamtu 10 Jobell & The Orchestra De Salsa Never Gonna Let You Go/same-long M-/fantastic/2nd press Jan 15 Houston, Cissy I just don't know what to do with myself EX+/w/demo/superb soul/rare demo Janus 50 Nash, Johnny Falling in and out of love M-/Inc Co slv/superb Janus 40 Sample, Hank So in love with you M-/recommended Jay-Walking 15 Sample, Hank So in love with you M-/w/demo/superb soul Jay-Walking 20 Johnny Otis Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/labels reversed/highly recommended Jazz World 15 Johnny Otis Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/highly recommended Jazz World 20 Sir Charles Hughes You say you're leaving/Love me today M-/fantastic/great flip too Je-ena 150 Jones, Sammy She didn't know M-/recommended Jenesis 20 T.H.A.T. Lady, lady/What goes around comes around EX+/2 great sides Jeree 20 THAT I've got to have you/All I need M-/2 great sides Jeree 25 Charlie Cole Black Brown I've got your love M-/great x-over Jewel 8 Watts, Wendell Grooviest thing this side of heaven recommended Jiminie 30 Blendelles La la,the magic song EX+ Jotee 10 Controllers Feeling a feeling EX+/recommended Juana 12 Livin' Proof You and I M-/superb sweet Ju-par 15 Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you EX+/sm wol/superb Kama Sutra 25 Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you VG++/demo/superb Kama Sutra 25 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/'SAMPLE COPY'-sol/wol/superb x-over Kapp 30 Two Tons Of Love Brown And Beautiful M-/recommended Kapp 15 Waters, Freddie It has to be love M-/wol/mid-tempo Kari 12 Facts Of Life Caught in the act (of gettin' it on)/same M-/w/demo/recommended Kayvette 15 Jackson, Walter Touching in the dark M-/great Kelli-arts 10 Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck M-/recommended Kent 20 Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck M-/w/demo/recommended Kent 25 Jones, Jeanette The thought of you EX-/wol/label ring wear/w/demo Kent 10 Barnes, Myra Super good/Part 2 VG+/funk King 10 Brown, James World Pt. 2 /I Cried EX/tiny slight warp-nap/2 good sides King 3 Cherry Blend Warning of danger M-/funk/w/demo King 20 Edwards, Gloria Need nobody to help me keep up with my man M-/w/demo/recommended King 25 Whitney, Marva Ball of fire/It's my thing EX/sl lbl ring wear/great x-over & funk flip King 20 Samson & Delilah Living In A World Of Trouble M-/funk King James 20 Dash, Sarah Come And Take This Candy From Your Baby EX+/very sl warp-nap/great Kirshner 8 Clayton, Willie Love pain M-/superb Kirstee 15 Ingram, Luther Trying to find my love/Get to me M-/2 great sides KoKo 15 Tate, Tommy I ain't gonna worry/same M-/w/demo/great Koko 6 Tate, Tommy More power to you/I ain't gonna worry EX+/2 great sides Koko 10 Tate, Tommy More power to you/same-mono M-/w/demo/great Koko 10 Tate, Tommy More power to you/same-mono M-/demo/great Koko 10 Tate, Tommy School of life M-/superb Koko 10 Tate, Tommy School of life/same M-/demo/superb Koko 10 Phillips, Esther I've Never Found A Man (to Love Me Like You Do) EX+/great version Kudu 15 Table Of Contents Wrapped around your finger M-/great version/recommended Lake 40 Williams, Willie The baa-baa song/Psyched out M-/superb/up-tempo funk flip Lakeside 30 Esquires Ain't gonna give it up M-/recommended Lamarr 15 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/wol/recommended Lamarr 20 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/recommended Lamarr 25 Star-tels What more can I ask for M-/recommended Lamarr 25 Cutchins, Bobby I Did It Again M-/superb Lasso 10 Cutchins, Bobby I did it again M-/Inc pic. slv/superb Lasso 12 Hebb ,Bobby True I love you M-/recommended Laurie 20 Beck Family Falling in love again/Can you feel it M-/2 great sides Lejoint 10 Beck Family Falling in love again/same M-/w/demo/recommended Lejoint 8 Laws, Ronnie Stay awake M-/great Liberty 8 Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Dont Go To Strangers M-/great x-over Lion 25 Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Trying To Forget EX-/great x-over Lion 15 Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Trying To Forget M-/w/demo/great x-over Lion 25 We The People Making my daydream real/Whatcha done for me….. EX-/2 superb sides Lion 75 We The People You made me/Right now EX/2 great sides Lion 15 Satisfactions Turn back the tears/One light two lights M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Lionel 20 Family Feeling what you wanna feel/Trump tight M-/w/demo/x-over/funk flip Little City 15 Family My song to you/Music M-/great slowy/funk flip Little City 8 Washington, Harold I want you back M-/recommended Little House 30 Dyer, Louis I wanna make love to you/Lonely drifter M-/2 superb sides Little Star 10 Paul Humphrey/Cool Aid Chemists Cool aid M-/great funk instrumental Lizard 6 Hardie, Celeste Thank you love/inst. M-/nice Loadstone 8 Elbert, Donnie Where did our love go M-/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great London 5 Sease, Marvin I belong to you M-/nice mid-tempo London 6 Sunny & The Sunliners I'm no stranger EX+/demo/superb London 30 Price, Lloyd Love music/What did you do with my love M-/2 superb sides LPG 10 Price, Lloyd Feelin' good/Cupid's bandwagon (2 x's ol) M-/2 great sides Ludix 20 Jacocks, Bill You are the one/Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25 Jackson, JJ Let me try again M-/highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/German/Inc EX pic slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/UK/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Huff, Terry Just Not Enough Love M-/recommended Mainstream 8 Huff, Terry Where There's A Will (there's A Way) M-/great Mainstream 8 Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now) M-/superb Mainstream 40 Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now)/same M-/w/demo/superb Mainstream 30 Formula Five Back to love M-/vg++ flip/nice m-tempo Malaco 5 Moore, Dorothy Girl overboard M-/recommended Malaco 8 Moore, Dorothy We need more loving time) M-/A TIP !!/recommended Malaco 10 Bailey, Jr I'll Always Be Your Lover/same-mono M-/demo/nice Mam 15 Gomez, Jesse Lace/baby I'm Coming At You (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Hill ZZ Chokin' kind M-/nice Mankind 10 Johnson, Al Too late/I'll do anything for you M-/great/awesome flip Marina 10 Kirton, Lew Do what you want, be what you are/Come on with it M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Marlin 10 Washington, Baby Care free M-/recommended Master Five 10 Washington, Baby I've got to break away M-/great Master Five 5 Emmett Garner Jr So much better M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Maxwell 20 Faith Hope & Charity So much love EX/great/label damage Maxwell 5 Sophisticated Ladies Check It Out M-/highly recommended/what A Voice!!!! Mayhew 8 Turner Bros Let's go fishing (wol-autograph) / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 225 Turner Bros Let's go fishing / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 225 Al Hudson & Soul Partners You can do it/Same-mono M-/w/demo/classic MCA 6 Cheatham, Oliver Something about you M-/Inc Co slv/great MCA 5 One Way + Al Hudson Now that I found you M-/great MCA 5 Peaches & Herb We're still together M-/recommeded MCA 15 Ronald, Terry What The Child Needs M-/German/Inc pic sleeve/neat drill hole in cover/fantastic!!! MCA 20 Williams, Moon Everytime I take the time/same M-/demo/recommended MCA 15 Bernard, Chris Mother M-/nice/orig.label McVoutie 15 McGregor, Billy It's my turn now M-/awesome x-over Mellotone 75 The Girls The hurt's still here M-/highly recommended Memphis 25 Beaumont, Donny Look But Dont Touch/same-mono M-/demo/great Mercury 12 Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In) M-/superb Mercury 20 Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In)/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25 Bell, William Tryin To Love Two EX-/great Mercury 4 Bell, William Tryin To Love Two M-/great Mercury 6 Butler, Jerry High Stepper M-/recommended Mercury 12 Carmine & Co What would I do without your love/What's in store(inst) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great/Inst flip Mercury 30 Chandler, Gene Groovy situation M-/recommended Mercury 6 Coon Elder Band Feat Brenda Patterson What does it take to win your love (sm wol) /Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Mercury 30 Del Royals Some Kind Of Wonderful/same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Dells Our love M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Mercury 8 Five Special The more I get to know you M-/superb Mercury 20 Five Special The more I get to know you/Part II M-/demo/superb/rare Mercury 30 Joneses Name Of The Game (pt 1) (xol) / Same (pt 2) M-/superb Mercury 12 Joneses Name Of The Game (pt 1)/ Same (pt 2) M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve Mercury 15 Mark IV You're just like a dream M-/nice Mercury 6 Newcomers Do yourself a favor/That's when you know…… M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Mercury 25 Notations Judy blue eyes M-/recommended Mercury 25 Notations Judy blue eyes M-/demo/recommended Mercury 30 Oliver, David Friends & strangers M-/great Mercury 5 Roy C. Don't blame the man EX+/recommended Mercury 5 Silvester, Tony Soca/pazuzu M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Mercury 6 Taylor, Gloria Unyielding/Yesterday will never come again M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Mercury 20 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/superb x-over Mercury 40 Band Of Oz Love sickness M-/gold vinyl/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 Band Of Oz Snap your fingers M-/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 East Coast Rivieras Donna M-/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 North Tower Living just for loving you M-/recommended Metro 10 Winstons Color him father/Amen brother M-/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Metromedia 25 Winstons Color him father/Amen brother (lite wol) EX/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Metromedia 20 Gaynor, Gloria Honey Bee (sm Label Edge Split)/Come Tonight EX-/recommended MGM 8 Gaynor, Gloria Honey bee/same-mono M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol/great MGM 8 Brown, Barbara Pity a fool EX-/w/demo/feint stmol-flip/superb x-over MGM SoM 75 Ovations One in a million M-/highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Ovations Touching me M-/stmol-flip/nice MGM SoM 8 Bailey, J.R. You pass my love like a moving train M-/2 nice sides Midland Int'l 8 Coggswell, Alice Hey good lover / You just lead the way (I'll be right behind) M-/2 nice sides Midland Int'l 8 Lords Since I fell for you/same M-/demo/recommended Mikim 25 Lords Since I fell for you/same-mono EX-/w/demo/recommended Mikim Volt 20 Weston, Kim Little by little and bit by bit/same-mono M-/demo/recommended Mikim Volt 12 Bay Brothers What Does It Take (to Win Your Love)/same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/same-mono M-/demo/great Millennium 20 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/Thank you for the love M-/2 great sides Millennium 30 Stage IV Just another guy M-/awesome Millie 20 Players Why did I lie M-/superb Minit 30 Players Why did I lie EX/demo/wol-flip/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie EX+/demo/sm wol/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Minit 40 Coffee Say it, it's good to you M-/nice MIR 8 St. German, Tyrone In a world so cold M-/highly recommended Morning Dove 25 Edwards, Dee I Can Deal With That M-/modern version/great Morning Glory 12 Jacobs, Barbara There will never be another M- Morning Glory 8 Bottom & Company Spread The News/same M-/w/demo/great Motown 20 Bottom & Company You're my life/same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 15 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/Kiss me when you want to M-/sm sol/superb/nice flip too Motown 25 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/same M-/white label test press/handwritten details/superb/rare Motown 25 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Motown 25 Darin, Bobby Melodie (wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 30 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is (vocal/inst) M-/funky Motown 10 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is/(inst-both sides) M-/w/demo/funky Motown 8 Diana Ross & Supremes & I'll try something new (& Temptations) M-/fantastic version Motown 10 Diana Ross & Supremes & I'll try something new/same (& Temptations) EX-/w/demo/red vinyl Motown 15 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Deception M-/sl warp-nap/highly recommended Motown 12 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Deception EX/highly recommended Motown 12 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Leave it alone M-/highly recommended Motown 15 Hutch, Willie Just another day EX-/superb Motown 8 Hutch, Willie Just another day EX/superb Motown 10 Hutch, Willie Talk to me EX-/superb Motown 10 Hutch, Willie Talk to me M-/superb Motown 12 Lavette, Bettye I can't stop/same M-/w/demo Motown 10 Lavette, Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love) M-/great Motown 8 Lavette, Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love/same) M-/w/demo/great Motown 10 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/Nothing can take the place.. M-/superb/great flip too Motown 30 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Motown 30 Ross, Diana We can never light that old flame again/same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 12 Ross, Diana We can never light that old flame again/same M-/w/demo/pic slv/recommended Motown 15 Ruffin, David Love can be hazardous to your health M-/great Motown 10 Ruffin, David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX-/superb Motown 25 Ruffin, David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX+/superb Motown 30 Ruffin, David Walk away from love EX/classic/awesome Motown 10 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer) EX+/recommended Motown 15 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer)/same EX+/w/demo/recommended Motown 20 Supremes Up the ladder to the roof/Bill when are you coming back EX/2 great sides Motown 6 Supremes You're my driving wheel/same M-/w/demo/nice Motown 6 Cameron, GC Don't wanna play pajama games/same M-/w/demo/recommended Mowest 15 Nu Page A heart is a house EX+/superb MoWest 50 Gardner, Don Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy M-/tiny wol-flip/superb Mr. G 40 Middleton, Tony Let me down easy VG+ Mr. G 6 Kendricks, Eddie I'm in love with you M-/recommended Ms. Dixie 20 Sideshow Featuring Arthur Ponder Sexy lady EX/tiny wol/superb 85 modern/rare Muscadine 300 Eviruin, Maye Lady's of the 80's/Same-inst M-/good modern Music International 10 Korla With Klass Stop Before You Start M-/dish-nap/superb Music Master 150 Brotherly Love Mama's little baby (loves lovin') VG+ Music Merchant 5 Solid State I'm gonna make you mine/inst. M-/great Music Town 30 Anderson, Deborah Funny how we change places (sol & wol) M-/EX- flip/superb rare version Musicor 100 Drake, Tony Lets play house EX+/nice mid-tempo Musicor 15 S.O.U.L. This time around/On top of the world EX+/2 superb sides Musicor 15 Lynch, Frank Young Girl/same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 West, Paula You're the trouble/Where do I go from here M-/funk Nale 10 Bits And Pieces Did I scare you/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over NASCO 25 Silk Nature boy/inst. M-/2x'sol/x-over/great Nation 30 Five Wagers Until I found you M-/recommended Nation Time 15 Shaw, James Got to get me a wife/Guilty of adultry M-/x-over/2 great sides Nation-Wide 15 Eddie Chappell/Terry Szkolny Hey baby/Brother man M-/w/demo?/2 superb sides Natru 25 Poole, Jay I Love You/Funky Music M-/superb mid-tempo/FIRST LABEL/funk flip Ne-bo 30 O'Jays One night affair/There's someone M-/x-over/2 great sides Neptune 15 Honeycutt, Johnny Loving you M-/superb New City 20 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  18. SOUL45COLLECTOR Monthly list is now up https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com
  19. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email -info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Buck Rodgers Movement Take it from me girl EX-/wol/sol-flip/recommended 21st Century 85 James, Etta Mellow fellow EX+/superb R&B Argo 60 James, Etta Seven day fool VG++/demo - "REVIEW COPY"/rare Argo 45 Northern, Tony Covered with money M-/lite wol/superb Ariel 40 Incredibles There's nothing else to say / Another dirty deal VG++/pale green original/classic/great flip too Audio Arts 75 Velons That's all right / That's what love can do EX-/superb/great group slowie on flip B.J.M. 150 Hunt, Clay Your love's gone bad M-/wol-flip/superb Bay Sound 75 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/Morris Chestnut at his best/superb Bell 100 Granger, Gerri Breakdown EX+/w/demo/superb version Bigtop 60 Ad Libs Johnny my boy EX+/w/demo/wol/superb Blue Cat 60 The Velvets With Louis Prejean Estelle Parker EX/recommended Bofuz 60 Hunt, Geraldine Two can live cheaper than one M-/yellow label/classic/superb condition Bombay 125 Franklin, Erma I get the sweetest feeling / Whispers M-/demo/2 superb versions Brunswick 100 St. Claire, Sylvia It hurts to see you happy / Bring back yesterday EX/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too Brunswick 150 Patten, Alexander A Llil lovin sometimes (sm wol) / No more dreams VG+/CANADA/classic/great flip too/rare Canadian release Capitol 225 Thomas, Luther Upset the town / Who slipped out EX+/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 Garrett, Jo Ann A whole new plan / Stay by my side VG+/w/demo/sm label stain/classic/great flip too Chess 85 James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX/great R&B Chess 75 James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX+/review-demo/great R&B Chess 100 Perry, Greg Love control / Head over heels in love (date stamp ol) EX-/demo/2 superb sides/rare demo Chess 75 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out EX+/2 superb sides Chess 50 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/demo/2 superb sides Chess 60 Davis, Billy Stanky (get funky) (sm wol) / I've tried EX/Inc Co slv/VINYL release/2 superb sides Cobblestone 150 Vonettes Touch my heart EX-/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Cobblestone 100 Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry EX/w/demo/light wol/superb Columbia 185 Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 200 Lucien, John What a difference love makes EX+/Inc Co slv/superb/rare issue-stock copy Columbia 60 Halos Do I? M-/classic/rare issue-stock copy Congress 30 Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining M-/superb Constellation 100 Clark, Dee That's my girl (clear sol/ink stamps ol) / It's raining M-/w/demo/superb/very rare w/demo Constellation 125 Barnes, Orthea Take My Heart And Soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Heatherton, Joey Hullabaloo (xol) / My blood runs cold EX/demo/highly recommended Coral 75 Soul, Sharon His love is amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75 Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50 Billy Robinson And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning EX/highly recommended Crazy Horse 35 Ingram, Luther Ain't that nice (stmol) EX+/demo/superb Decca 100 Vernon Harrell And Little Gigi Baby don'tcha worry M-/Canada/recommended/rare Canadian release Decca 60 Wade, Len Whatcha goona do VG++/superb Dial 75 Harris, Kurt Emperor of my baby's heart (mis-print - no “Diamond" label name printed on this side) / Go on M-/Inc Co slv/vinyl copy/classic/fantastic condition Diamond 500 Winters, Ruby Better / I want action ("Chips" sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Diamond 125 Vaughn, Yvonne When you gonna tell her about me / Lonely little girl M-/Inc Co slv/awesome!!!/great flip too/RARE!!! Dot 500 Bonnie Jean Street dance EX+/y/demo/highly recommended/rare Dore 150 Ace, Buddy True love money can't buy / My love VG+/v light lbl wear/plays well/2 superb sides Duke 60 Invitations Skiing in the snow / Why did my baby turn bad (wol) VG++/demo/classic/great flip too Dyno Voice 175 Beach Girls Skiing in the snow VG+/demo/great version Dyno Vox 60 Sampson, Don Ray Baby come back (sm date stamp ol) / Take it easy EX/demo/mustard label/2 superb sides E 85 Folger, Dan The way of the crowd (wol) VG+/classic mid-tempo Elf 85 Folger, Dan The way of the crowd M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic mid-tempo/LIKE NEW!!! Elf 125 Richard Berry And The Pharaohs Have love will travel (2 x's ol) EX+/recommended Flip 50 Intruders You’d better check yourself / It must be love M-/w/demo/sm vinyl bubbles-nap/Inc Co sl/light label stain-wear Gamble 100 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 75 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man M-/demo/wol/classic/great flip too Goldie 85 Lands, Liz Midnight Johnny EX-/sl warp-nap/sl lbl ring/classic Gordy 75 Jr. Walker All Stars Good rockin EX+/superb R&B Inst. Harvey 40 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 King, Clydie The thrill is gone / If you were a man EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Imperial 150 Sam E Solo Love is not a game M-/demo/sm wol-flip/great Imperial 40 Armstead, Joshie Sitting here thinking / Looking for a lover-boy M-/feint label ring/2 great sides Infinity 85 Embers It ain't necessary / Mexican divorce EX+/superb version/nice flip JCP 100 Clovers Try my lovin on you M-/w/demo/sm light stmol/superb Josie 75 Elliot, Linda Fell in love with you baby EX+/w/demo/recommended Josie 50 Williams, Scotty In the same old way VG++/w/demo/classic Jubilee 50 Sensations Featuring Yvonne Baker Baby / Love, love, love VG++/w/demo/2 great sides/rare Junior 75 Hunt, Clay In the city square (sm ink stamp ol) / Since I lost you VG++/w//demo/2 superb sides Kapp 60 Ad Libs Think of me EX-/wol/2 lines label/superb Karen 75 Fabulous Denos Bad girl / Once I had a love M-/sm ink spot/superb/great flip too King 60 TC Lee & The Bricklayers Up and down the hill EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/fantastic R&B!!! King 400 Sanders, Nelson This love is here to stay EX-/great funky R&B La Beat 75 Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen / Little red riding hood M-/2 superb sides Landa 125 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 50 Jerry & His Uniques Yes he will / Lonely man VG++/superb/great flip too Lennan 175 Butlers She tried to kiss me EX+/1st-Philly press/superb up-tempo Liberty Bell 75 Leavill, Otis I'm amazed EX+/highly recommended Limelight 40 Leavill, Otis Jane Girl / Don't Let Me Down VG++/pink demo/light lbl ring dirt/great Limelight 45 Jones, Linda My heart needs a break (sm wol) EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Loma 150 Teen Turbans We need to be loved / Didn't he run EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Loma 60 King, Anna The big change EX/great Ludix 75 Lavett, Betty Witch craft in the air M-/w/demo/great R&B Lu-Pine 50 Vondells Lenora / Valentino M-/2 superb sides Marvello 85 John Wesley & The Four Tees You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Hall, Carl As Long As She Needs Me EX/mark on vinyl-nap/superb/rarer issue Mercury 45 Petals You can't close the window of your heart EX-/light lbl ring wear/sm wol-flip/highly recommended Mercury 50 Embers Watch out girl / Far away places M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too M-G-M 250 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Major Lance Investigate / Little young lover M-/w/demo/Inc M- Pic slv/classic/superb flip too Okeh 100 Chandler, Lorraine What can I do / Tell me you're mine M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/Pied Piper perfection! RCA 150 Hamilton, Roy Crackin' up over you M-/w/demo/sm wol-flip/classic RCA 150 Reese, Della A clock that's got no hands M-/sol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Wilson, Delores Come On Shy Guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Henderson, Carl That girl M-/superb Renfro 75 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Boss-Four Walkin' by EX+/superb Rim 60 Davis, Curtis Tell Me EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Elliott, Shawn The joker M-/w/demo/highly recommended Roulette 50 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/great Scepter 30 Jay Walkers Featuring Mickey Holiday I got my own thing going (sm lbl scuff) M-/DEMO/recommended Selsom 75 Sinner Strong Don't knock it / Nobody but me EX/2 great R&B sides Serock 75 Johnson, Deena I'm a sad girl / I'll never let you down EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Simpson 60 Exsaveyons I don’t love you no more / Somewhere M-/2 superb sides Smoke 75 Herbs Never, never will I fall in love / Question EX+/2 fantastic sides Smoke 50 Del Counts With another guy EX/sm wol/superb Northern Soma 60 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power / How come baby, you don't love me M-/demo/superb/great flip too Soul City 60 Sugar Pie Desanto Be happy / The Feelin's too strong M-/gold demo/Fantastic/great flip too Soul Clock 60 New Holidays Maybe so maybe no / If I only knew VG++/lite wol/pink label/2 superb sides Soulhawk 125 And The Echoes Tell me anything but give love / I've always wanted someone like you EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 Duke Turner & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Sayles, Johnny I can't get enough (of your love) / Hold my own baby VG++/DEMO/classic/great flip/very rare demo St. Lawrence 225 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me EX-/sm wol/classic Stallion 200 Crayton, Maxine Don’t take your love M-/superb Steeltown 60 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX-/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Baines, Vicki Sweeter than sweet things / We can find that love EX+/1st label/superb/great flip too/rare Symbol 75 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on M-/classic Tamla 50 Bill Penny and The Pacemakers I can't stay / Stick with it EX+/superb/great inst flip too/rare Tempo 100 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Clark, Lewis If you ever, ever leave me M-/superb smooth R&B Tigertown 75 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (lite label ring) EX-/tiny edge bump-nap/2 great sides Tollie 50 Harvey Any way you wanta M-/classic Tri-Phi 100 Harvey Any way you wanta (xol) EX/w/demo/classic Tri-Phi 125 Seay, Frankie All I want is loving you / Baby please M-/2 great sides Tropical 100 Smith, George I've had it / When love turns to pity EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Turntable 125 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Elgins Street Scene / You found yourself another fool EX+/2 great sides Valiant 50 Brenda Lee Jones You're the love of my life / Thread your needle (stol) M-/Italy/Inc Colour pic slv-2 cellotaped seams/stoc-back/superb Variety 75 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (sm ink stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb Vee-Jay 30 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 60 Ambers I love you baby M-/superb/classic Verve 75 Webs I want you back / We belong together M-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 40 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/rare white demo VIP 85 Little Tony I'm comin' home M-/w/demo/superb Warner Bros 30 Fabulous Peps With these eyes (sol) EX-/feint wol/superb Wee 3 60 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul Dells Your song M-/UK/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Dells Your song (xol) M-/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Wiley, Michelle Feel good / I feel so at home here VG+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 20th Century 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over VG++/2 greats sides A&M 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over EX-/w/demo/2 greats sides A&M 85 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over M-/Germany/Inc EX+ colour pic slv/woc &soc/2 greats sides A&M 100 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / Uncanny M-/w/demo/highly recommended Alarm 25 Santiago Mister love / Same M-/w/demo/superb Amherst 35 Cado Belle Got to love / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/shighly recommended Anchor 30 Detroit Spinners I've got to make it on my own M-/Inc Co slv/tough on UK 45-no US 45/recommended Atlantic 50 Spinners I just want to fall in love / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30 Sammy Gaha Thank you, thank you EX+/France/Inc EX+ colour Pic Slv/classic Barclay 100 21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish M-/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Beegee 30 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up M-/demo/superb x-over Bell 75 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 85 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up EX+/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 100 Brothers Of Soul I'd be greatful EX+/orange lbl/superb x-over Boo 125 Kirkland, Mike James It's alright / Where is the soul of man (stmol) M-/demo/2 great sides Bryan 40 Strong, Barrett Is it true (tiny xol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40 Little Beaver Listen to my heartbeat M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 75 McCrae, Gwen The melody of life / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 60 Rare Pleasure Let me down easy / Same-long version EX/superb x-over Cheri 50 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away VG+/wol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb/plays well Columbia 75 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 85 Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Natural Four Love's so wonderful / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Curtom 30 Enchanted Five Try a little love / Have you ever EX-/2 superb x-over sides CVS 45 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Janice Saddler & The Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX+/w/demo/superb De-Lite 75 Laskey, Emanuel I’d rather leave on my feet / Same-long version EX-/superb DT 185 LaVette, Betty You made a believer out of me (DJ stamp & tiny wol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Dell-Vikings Finger poppin' woman (2 x's ol) M-/recommended Fee Bee 40 Ambitions When the fuel runs out / Same M-/w/demo/superb version Firefly 50 Majik Back into your heart M-/recommended Hi 50 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Players Why did I lie M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Minit 40 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 85 Duprees Check yourself M-/UK/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Polydor 50 The Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/DEMO/Inc Co slv/superb inst/rare demo RCA 40 Douglas & Lonero Don't let yourself get carried away / Same-mono M-/demo/highly recommended RCA 60 James Walsh Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/superb RCA 80 McDonald, Mike God knows M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 75 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX-/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 60 Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P. - Part 1 (lite wol) / Same - Part 2 M-/Italy/Inc EX+ colour pic slv-sm woc/classic Roulette 100 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Murphy, Merv It's Growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Universal Joint Love won't wear off as the years wear on / Same-inst. VG+/superb rare version Sniff 250 Brown, Norman Everybody likes it / Sugar M-/2 great sides Sound Town 50 Adams, Johnny You’re a bad habit baby EX-/superb SSS International 60 Hunt,William Would you believe EX+/superb Streamside 50 Rising Love You take my heart away / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb/rare Venture 40 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb/rare Yew 40 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  20. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email -info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Buck Rodgers Movement Take it from me girl EX-/wol/sol-flip/recommended 21st Century 85 James, Etta Mellow fellow EX+/superb R&B Argo 60 James, Etta Seven day fool VG++/"REVIEW COPY"/rare Argo 45 Northern, Tony Covered with money M-/lite wol/superb Ariel 40 Incredibles There's nothing else to say / Another dirty deal VG++/pale green original/classic/great flip too Audio Arts 75 Velons That's all right / That's what love can do EX-/superb/great group slowie on flip B.J.M. 150 Hunt, Clay Your love's gone bad M-/wol-flip/superb Bay Sound 75 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/Morris Chestnut at his best/superb Bell 100 Granger, Gerri Breakdown EX+/w/demo/superb version Bigtop 60 Ad Libs Johnny my boy EX+/w/demo/wol/superb Blue Cat 60 The Velvets With Louis Prejean Estelle Parker EX/recommended Bofuz 60 Hunt, Geraldine Two can live cheaper than one M-/yellow label/classic/superb condition Bombay 125 Franklin, Erma I get the sweetest feeling / Whispers M-/demo/2 superb versions Brunswick 100 St. Claire, Sylvia It hurts to see you happy / Bring back yesterday EX/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too Brunswick 150 Patten, Alexander A Llil lovin sometimes (sm wol) / No more dreams VG+/CANADA/classic/great flip too/rare Canadian release Capitol 225 Thomas, Luther Upset the town / Who slipped out EX+/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 Seminoles I can't stand it / It takes a lot M-/w/demo/2 superb group soul sides/stunning condition Check Mate 75 Garrett, Jo Ann A whole new plan / Stay by my side VG+/w/demo/sm label stain/classic/great flip too Chess 85 James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX/great R&B Chess 75 James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX+/review-demo/great R&B Chess 100 Perry, Greg Love control / Head over heels in love (date stamp ol) EX-/demo/2 superb sides/rare demo Chess 75 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out EX+/2 superb sides Chess 50 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/demo/2 superb sides Chess 60 Davis, Billy Stanky (get funky) (sm wol) / I've tried EX/Inc Co slv/VINYL release/2 superb sides Cobblestone 150 Vonettes Touch my heart EX-/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Cobblestone 100 Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry EX/w/demo/light wol/superb Columbia 185 Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 200 Lucien, John What a difference love makes EX+/Inc Co slv/superb/rare issue-stock copy Columbia 60 Halos Do I? M-/classic/rare issue-stock copy Congress 30 Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining M-/superb Constellation 100 Clark, Dee That's my girl (clear sol/ink stamps ol) / It's raining M-/w/demo/superb/very rare w/demo Constellation 125 A. C. Reed & His Band My baby's been cheating I know M-/superb R&B Cool 100 Barnes, Orthea Take My Heart And Soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Heatherton, Joey Hullabaloo (xol) / My blood runs cold EX/demo/highly recommended Coral 75 Soul, Sharon His love is amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75 Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50 Billy Robinson And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning EX/highly recommended Crazy Horse 35 Ingram, Luther Ain't that nice (stmol) EX+/demo/superb Decca 100 Vernon Harrell And Little Gigi Baby don'tcha worry M-/Canada/recommended/rare Canadian release Decca 60 Wade, Len Whatcha goona do VG++/superb Dial 75 Harris, Kurt Emperor of my baby's heart (mis-print - no “Diamond" label name printed on this side) / Go on M-/Inc Co slv/vinyl copy/classic/fantastic condition Diamond 500 Winters, Ruby Better / I want action ("Chips" sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Diamond 125 Vaughn, Yvonne When you gonna tell her about me / Lonely little girl M-/Inc Co slv/awesome!!!/great flip too/RARE!!! Dot 500 Bonnie Jean Street dance EX+/y/demo/highly recommended/rare Dore 150 Ace, Buddy True love money can't buy / My love VG+/v light lbl wear/plays well/2 superb sides Duke 60 Invitations Skiing in the snow / Why did my baby turn bad (wol) VG++/demo/classic/great flip too Dyno Voice 175 Beach Girls Skiing in the snow VG+/demo/great version Dyno Vox 60 Sampson, Don Ray Baby come back (sm date stamp ol) / Take it easy EX/demo/mustard label/2 superb sides E 85 Folger, Dan The way of the crowd (wol) VG+/classic mid-tempo Elf 85 Folger, Dan The way of the crowd M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic mid-tempo/LIKE NEW!!! Elf 125 Richard Berry And The Pharaohs Have love will travel (2 x's ol) EX+/recommended Flip 50 Intruders You’d better check yourself / It must be love M-/w/demo/sm vinyl bubbles-nap/Inc Co sl/light label stain-wear Gamble 100 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 75 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man M-/demo/wol/classic/great flip too Goldie 85 Lands, Liz Midnight Johnny EX-/sl warp-nap/sl lbl ring/classic Gordy 75 Jr. Walker All Stars Good rockin EX+/superb R&B Inst. Harvey 40 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 King, Clydie The thrill is gone / If you were a man EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Imperial 150 Sam E Solo Love is not a game M-/demo/sm wol-flip/great Imperial 40 Armstead, Joshie Sitting here thinking / Looking for a lover-boy M-/feint label ring/2 great sides Infinity 85 Embers It ain't necessary / Mexican divorce EX+/superb version/nice flip JCP 100 Clovers Try my lovin on you M-/w/demo/sm light stmol/superb Josie 75 Elliot, Linda Fell in love with you baby EX+/w/demo/recommended Josie 50 Williams, Scotty In the same old way VG++/w/demo/classic Jubilee 50 Sensations Featuring Yvonne Baker Baby / Love, love, love VG++/w/demo/2 great sides/rare Junior 75 Hunt, Clay In the city square (sm ink stamp ol) / Since I lost you VG++/w//demo/2 superb sides Kapp 60 Ad Libs Think of me EX-/wol/2 lines label/superb Karen 75 Fabulous Denos Bad girl / Once I had a love M-/sm ink spot/superb/great flip too King 60 Nolan, Lloyd I don't know about you M-/w/demo/highly recommended King 400 TC Lee & The Bricklayers Up and down the hill EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/fantastic R&B!!! King 400 Sanders, Nelson This love is here to stay EX-/great funky R&B La Beat 75 Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen / Little red riding hood M-/2 superb sides Landa 125 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 50 Jerry & His Uniques Yes he will / Lonely man VG++/superb/great flip too Lennan 175 Butlers She tried to kiss me EX+/1st-Philly press/superb up-tempo Liberty Bell 75 Leavill, Otis I'm amazed EX+/highly recommended Limelight 40 Leavill, Otis Jane Girl / Don't Let Me Down VG++/pink demo/light lbl ring dirt/great Limelight 45 Jones, Linda My heart needs a break (sm wol) EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Loma 150 Teen Turbans We need to be loved / Didn't he run EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Loma 60 King, Anna The big change EX/great Ludix 75 Lavett, Betty Witch craft in the air M-/w/demo/great R&B Lu-Pine 50 Vondells Lenora / Valentino M-/2 superb sides Marvello 85 John Wesley & The Four Tees You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Hall, Carl As Long As She Needs Me EX/mark on vinyl-nap/superb/rarer issue Mercury 45 Petals You can't close the window of your heart EX-/light lbl ring wear/sm wol-flip/highly recommended Mercury 50 Embers Watch out girl / Far away places M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too M-G-M 250 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Major Lance Investigate / Little young lover M-/w/demo/Inc M- Pic slv/classic/superb flip too Okeh 100 Chandler, Lorraine What can I do / Tell me you're mine M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/Pied Piper perfection! RCA 150 Hamilton, Roy Crackin' up over you M-/w/demo/sm wol-flip/classic RCA 150 Reese, Della A clock that's got no hands M-/sol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Wilson, Delores Come On Shy Guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Henderson, Carl That girl M-/superb Renfro 75 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Boss-Four Walkin' by EX+/superb Rim 60 Davis, Curtis Tell Me EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Elliott, Shawn The joker M-/w/demo/highly recommended Roulette 50 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/great Scepter 30 Jay Walkers Featuring Mickey Holiday I got my own thing going (sm lbl scuff) M-/DEMO/recommended Selsom 75 Sinner Strong Don't knock it / Nobody but me EX/2 great R&B sides Serock 75 Johnson, Deena I'm a sad girl / I'll never let you down EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Simpson 60 Exsaveyons I don’t love you no more / Somewhere M-/2 superb sides Smoke 75 Herbs Never, never will I fall in love / Question M-/2 fantastic sides Smoke 50 Del Counts With another guy EX+/wol & light stmol-flip/superb Northern Soma 60 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power / How come baby, you don't love me M-/demo/superb/great flip too Soul City 60 Sugar Pie Desanto Be happy / The Feelin's too strong M-/gold demo/Fantastic/great flip too Soul Clock 60 New Holidays Maybe so maybe no / If I only knew VG++/lite wol/pink label/2 superb sides Soulhawk 125 And The Echoes Tell me anything but give love / I've always wanted someone like you EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 Duke Turner & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Sayles, Johnny I can't get enough (of your love) / Hold my own baby VG++/DEMO/classic/great flip/very rare demo St. Lawrence 225 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me EX-/sm wol/classic Stallion 200 Crayton, Maxine Don’t take your love M-/superb Steeltown 60 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX-/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Baines, Vicki Sweeter than sweet things / We can find that love EX+/1st label/superb/great flip too/rare Symbol 75 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on M-/classic Tamla 50 Bill Penny and The Pacemakers I can't stay / Stick with it EX+/superb/great inst flip too/rare Tempo 100 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Clark, Lewis If you ever, ever leave me M-/superb smooth R&B Tigertown 75 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (lite label ring) EX-/tiny edge bump-nap/2 great sides Tollie 50 Harvey Any way you wanta M-/classic Tri-Phi 100 Harvey Any way you wanta (xol) EX/w/demo/classic Tri-Phi 125 Seay, Frankie All I want is loving you / Baby please M-/2 great sides Tropical 100 Smith, George I've had it / When love turns to pity EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Turntable 125 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Elgins Street Scene / You found yourself another fool EX+/2 great sides Valiant 50 Brenda Lee Jones You're the love of my life / Thread your needle (stol) M-/Italy/Inc Colour pic slv-2 cellotaped seams/stoc-back/superb Variety 75 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (sm ink stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb Vee-Jay 30 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 60 Ambers I love you baby M-/superb/classic Verve 75 Webs I want you back / We belong together M-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 40 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/rare white demo VIP 85 Little Tony I'm comin' home M-/w/demo/superb Warner Bros 30 Fabulous Peps With these eyes (sol) EX-/feint wol/superb Wee 3 60 Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul Dells Your song M-/UK/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Dells Your song (xol) M-/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Wiley, Michelle Feel good / I feel so at home here VG+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 20th Century 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over VG++/2 greats sides A&M 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over EX-/w/demo/2 greats sides A&M 85 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over M-/Germany/Inc EX+ colour pic slv/woc &soc/2 greats sides A&M 100 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / Uncanny M-/w/demo/highly recommended Alarm 25 Santiago Mister love / Same M-/w/demo/superb Amherst 35 Cado Belle Got to love / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/shighly recommended Anchor 30 Detroit Spinners I've got to make it on my own M-/Inc Co slv/tough on UK 45-no US 45/recommended Atlantic 50 Spinners I just want to fall in love / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30 Sammy Gaha Thank you, thank you EX+/France/Inc EX+ colour Pic Slv/classic Barclay 100 21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish M-/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Beegee 30 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up M-/demo/superb x-over Bell 75 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 85 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up EX+/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 100 Brothers Of Soul I'd be greatful EX+/orange lbl/superb x-over Boo 125 Kirkland, Mike James It's alright / Where is the soul of man (stmol) M-/demo/2 great sides Bryan 40 Strong, Barrett Is it true (tiny xol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40 Little Beaver Listen to my heartbeat M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 75 McCrae, Gwen The melody of life / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 60 Rare Pleasure Let me down easy / Same-long version EX/superb x-over Cheri 50 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away VG+/wol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb/plays well Columbia 75 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 85 Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Natural Four Love's so wonderful / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Curtom 30 Enchanted Five Try a little love / Have you ever EX-/2 superb x-over sides CVS 45 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Janice Saddler & The Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX+/w/demo/superb De-Lite 75 Laskey, Emanuel I’d rather leave on my feet / Same-long version EX-/superb DT 185 LaVette, Betty You made a believer out of me (DJ stamp & tiny wol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Dell-Vikings Finger poppin' woman (2 x's ol) M-/recommended Fee Bee 40 Ambitions When the fuel runs out / Same M-/w/demo/superb version Firefly 50 Majik Back into your heart M-/recommended Hi 50 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Players Why did I lie M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Minit 40 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Brown, Randy Always in the mood EX-/the dogs dangley bits!!! Parachute 75 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 85 Duprees Check yourself M-/UK/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Polydor 50 The Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/DEMO/Inc Co slv/superb inst/rare demo RCA 40 Douglas & Lonero Don't let yourself get carried away / Same-mono M-/demo/highly recommended RCA 60 James Walsh Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/superb RCA 80 McDonald, Mike God knows M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 75 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX-/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 60 Hopson, Joyce I surrender to you / This time M-/2 superb x-over sides Revue 50 Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P. - Part 1 (lite wol) / Same - Part 2 M-/Italy/Inc EX+ colour pic slv-sm woc/classic Roulette 100 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Murphy, Merv It's Growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Noble, Ike We got to hold on to ourselves / She's all I love M-/2 great sides Smoke 40 Universal Joint Love won't wear off as the years wear on / Same-inst. VG+/superb rare version Sniff 250 Brown, Norman Everybody likes it / Sugar M-/2 great sides Sound Town 50 Adams, Johnny You’re a bad habit baby EX-/superb SSS International 60 Hunt,William Would you believe EX+/superb Streamside 50 Rising Love You take my heart away / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb/rare Venture 40 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb/rare Yew 40 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  21. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Buck Rodgers Movement Take it from me girl EX-/wol/sol-flip/recommended 21st Century 85 Everett, Betty Bye bye baby EX/superb ABC 50 Moore, Danny Somebody new M-/supeb Allrite 80 Smith, Bobbie Walk on into my heart (sm ink spot ol) / Miss stronghearted M-/w/demo/black print/classic/great flip too/superb condition American Arts 125 James, Etta Mellow fellow EX+/superb R&B Argo 60 James, Etta Seven day fool VG++/"REVIEW COPY"/rare Argo 45 Northern, Tony Covered with money M-/lite wol/superb Ariel 40 Incredibles There's nothing else to say / Another dirty deal VG++/pale green original/classic/great flip too Audio Arts 75 Velons That's all right / That's what love can do EX-/superb/great group slowie on flip B.J.M. 150 Hunt, Clay Your love's gone bad M-/wol-flip/superb Bay Sound 75 Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/Morris Chestnut at his best/superb Bell 100 Granger, Gerri Breakdown EX+/w/demo/superb version Bigtop 60 Ad Libs Johnny my boy EX+/w/demo/wol/superb Blue Cat 60 The Velvets With Louis Prejean Estelle Parker EX/recommended Bofuz 60 Hunt, Geraldine Two can live cheaper than one M-/yellow label/classic/superb condition Bombay 125 Baker, LaVern Batman to the rescue EX/superb up-tempo R&B Brunswick 40 Franklin, Erma I get the sweetest feeling / Whispers M-/demo/2 superb versions Brunswick 100 St. Claire, Sylvia It hurts to see you happy / Bring back yesterday EX/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too Brunswick 150 Patten, Alexander A Llil lovin sometimes (sm wol) / No more dreams VG+/CANADA/classic/great flip too/rare Canadian release Capitol 225 Thomas, Luther Upset the town / Who slipped out EX+/2 superb R&B sides Change 75 Seminoles I can't stand it / It takes a lot M-/w/demo/2 superb group soul sides/stunning condition Check Mate 75 Garrett, Jo Ann A whole new plan / Stay by my side VG+/w/demo/sm label stain/classic/great flip too Chess 85 James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX/great R&B Chess 75 James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX+/review-demo/great R&B Chess 100 Perry, Greg Love control / Head over heels in love (date stamp ol) EX-/demo/2 superb sides/rare demo Chess 75 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out EX+/2 superb sides Chess 50 Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry / Count me out M-/demo/2 superb sides Chess 60 Davis, Billy Stanky (get funky) (sm wol) / I've tried EX/Inc Co slv/VINYL release/2 superb sides Cobblestone 150 Vonettes Touch my heart EX-/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Cobblestone 100 Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry EX/w/demo/light wol/superb Columbia 185 Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 200 Lucien, John What a difference love makes EX+/Inc Co slv/superb/rare issue-stock copy Columbia 60 Halos Do I? M-/classic/rare issue-stock copy Congress 30 Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining M-/superb Constellation 100 Clark, Dee That's my girl (clear sol/ink stamps ol) / It's raining M-/w/demo/superb/very rare w/demo Constellation 125 Maxwell, Holly Only when you're lonely / Let him go for himself EX/superb/great flip too Constellation 80 A. C. Reed & His Band My baby's been cheating I know M-/superb R&B Cool 100 Barnes, Orthea Take My Heart And Soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75 Heatherton, Joey Hullabaloo (xol) / My blood runs cold EX/demo/highly recommended Coral 75 Soul, Sharon His love is amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75 Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50 Billy Robinson And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning EX/highly recommended Crazy Horse 35 Ingram, Luther Ain't that nice (stmol) EX+/demo/superb Decca 100 Vernon Harrell And Little Gigi Baby don'tcha worry M-/Canada/recommended/rare Canadian release Decca 60 Wade, Len Whatcha goona do VG++/superb Dial 75 Harris, Kurt Emperor of my baby's heart (mis-print - no “Diamond" label name printed on this side) / Go on M-/Inc Co slv/vinyl copy/classic/fantastic condition Diamond 500 Winters, Ruby Better / I want action ("Chips" sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Diamond 125 Vaughn, Yvonne When you gonna tell her about me / Lonely little girl M-/Inc Co slv/awesome!!!/great flip too/RARE!!! Dot 500 Bonnie Jean Street dance EX+/y/demo/highly recommended/rare Dore 150 Precisions Such misery EX/wol/classic Drew 85 Ace, Buddy True love money can't buy / My love VG+/v light lbl wear/plays well/2 superb sides Duke 60 Invitations Skiing in the snow / Why did my baby turn bad (wol) VG++/demo/classic/great flip too Dyno Voice 175 Beach Girls Skiing in the snow VG+/demo/great version Dyno Vox 60 Sampson, Don Ray Baby come back (sm date stamp ol) / Take it easy EX/demo/mustard label/2 superb sides E 85 Folger, Dan The way of the crowd (wol) VG+/classic mid-tempo Elf 85 Folger, Dan The way of the crowd M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic mid-tempo/LIKE NEW!!! Elf 125 Richard Berry And The Pharaohs Have love will travel (2 x's ol) EX+/recommended Flip 50 Intruders You’d better check yourself / It must be love M-/w/demo/sm vinyl bubbles-nap/Inc Co sl/light label stain-wear Gamble 100 Till, Virgie I didn't steal your dog / Loose me love EX+/2 great R&B sides Glover 60 Sunliners All alone / The swingin' kind EX-/superb/wol-flip/great flip too Golden World 150 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 75 Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke / A mountain of a man M-/demo/wol/classic/great flip too Goldie 85 Lands, Liz Midnight Johnny EX-/sl warp-nap/sl lbl ring/classic Gordy 75 Little Jeanette Crazy crazy / Please come back again EX+/2 superb sides Green Lights 150 Jr. Walker All Stars Good rockin EX+/superb R&B Inst. Harvey 40 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 King, Clydie The thrill is gone / If you were a man EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Imperial 150 Sam E Solo Love is not a game M-/demo/sm wol-flip/great Imperial 40 Armstead, Joshie Sitting here thinking / Looking for a lover-boy M-/feint label ring/2 great sides Infinity 85 Embers It ain't necessary / Mexican divorce EX+/superb version/nice flip JCP 100 Clovers Try my lovin on you M-/w/demo/sm light stmol/superb Josie 75 Elliot, Linda Fell in love with you baby EX+/w/demo/recommended Josie 50 Williams, Scotty In the same old way VG++/w/demo/classic Jubilee 50 Sensations Featuring Yvonne Baker Baby / Love, love, love VG++/w/demo/2 great sides/rare Junior 75 Hunt, Clay In the city square (sm ink stamp ol) / Since I lost you VG++/w//demo/2 superb sides Kapp 60 Ad Libs Think of me EX-/wol/2 lines label/superb Karen 75 Fabulous Denos Bad girl / Once I had a love M-/sm ink spot/superb/great flip too King 60 Nolan, Lloyd I don't know about you M-/w/demo/highly recommended King 400 TC Lee & The Bricklayers Up and down the hill EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/fantastic R&B!!! King 400 Sanders, Nelson This love is here to stay EX-/great funky R&B La Beat 75 Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen / Little red riding hood M-/2 superb sides Landa 125 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 50 Jerry & His Uniques Yes he will / Lonely man VG++/superb/great flip too Lennan 175 Butlers She tried to kiss me EX+/1st-Philly press/superb up-tempo Liberty Bell 75 Leavill, Otis I'm amazed EX+/highly recommended Limelight 40 Leavill, Otis Jane Girl / Don't Let Me Down VG++/pink demo/light lbl ring dirt/great Limelight 45 Jones, Linda My heart needs a break (sm wol) EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Loma 150 Teen Turbans We need to be loved / Didn't he run EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Loma 60 King, Anna The big change EX/great Ludix 75 Lavett, Betty Witch craft in the air M-/w/demo/great R&B Lu-Pine 50 Vondells Lenora / Valentino M-/2 superb sides Marvello 85 John Wesley & The Four Tees You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Hall, Carl As Long As She Needs Me EX/mark on vinyl-nap/superb/rarer issue Mercury 45 Petals You can't close the window of your heart EX-/light lbl ring wear/sm wol-flip/highly recommended Mercury 50 Embers Watch out girl / Far away places M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too M-G-M 250 Nash, Johnny You never know / Good goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Major Lance Investigate / Little young lover M-/w/demo/Inc M- Pic slv/classic/superb flip too Okeh 100 Chandler, Lorraine What can I do / Tell me you're mine M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/Pied Piper perfection! RCA 150 Hamilton, Roy Crackin' up over you M-/w/demo/sm wol-flip/classic RCA 150 Reese, Della A clock that's got no hands M-/sol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Wilson, Delores Come On Shy Guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Henderson, Carl That girl M-/superb Renfro 75 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Boss-Four Walkin' by EX+/superb Rim 60 Davis, Curtis Tell Me EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Elliott, Shawn The joker M-/w/demo/highly recommended Roulette 50 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/great Scepter 30 Jay Walkers Featuring Mickey Holiday I got my own thing going (sm lbl scuff) M-/DEMO/recommended Selsom 75 Sinner Strong Don't knock it / Nobody but me EX/2 great R&B sides Serock 75 Johnson, Deena I'm a sad girl / I'll never let you down EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Simpson 60 Exsaveyons I don’t love you no more / Somewhere M-/2 superb sides Smoke 75 Herbs Never, never will I fall in love / Question M-/2 fantastic sides Smoke 50 Del Counts With another guy EX/sm wol/superb Northern Soma 60 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power / How come baby, you don't love me M-/demo/superb/great flip too Soul City 60 Sugar Pie Desanto Be happy / The Feelin's too strong M-/gold demo/Fantastic/great flip too Soul Clock 60 New Holidays Maybe so maybe no / If I only knew VG++/lite wol/pink label/2 superb sides Soulhawk 125 And The Echoes Tell me anything but give love / I've always wanted someone like you EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 E.J. Chandler I can’t stand to lose you M-/superb/classic Sound Of Soul 75 Billy Sha-rae I'm gone M-/great version Spectrum 60 Duke Turner & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Sayles, Johnny I can't get enough (of your love) / Hold my own baby VG++/DEMO/classic/great flip/very rare demo St. Lawrence 225 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me EX-/sm wol/classic Stallion 200 Crayton, Maxine Don’t take your love M-/superb Steeltown 60 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX-/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Mickey Lee Lane Hey sah-lo-ney (feint stmol) EX-/classic Swan 65 Baines, Vicki Sweeter than sweet things / We can find that love EX+/1st label/superb/great flip too/rare Symbol 75 Marvelettes I'll keep on holding on M-/classic Tamla 50 Bill Penny and The Pacemakers I can't stay / Stick with it EX+/superb/great inst flip too/rare Tempo 100 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Clark, Lewis If you ever, ever leave me M-/superb smooth R&B Tigertown 75 Beaty, Pamela Talking eyes / Don't break my heart VG+/w/demo/wol/superb/great flip too/plays great Tip 225 Strong, Barrett I better run / Make up your mind (lite label ring) EX-/tiny edge bump-nap/2 great sides Tollie 50 Harvey Any way you wanta M-/classic Tri-Phi 100 Harvey Any way you wanta (xol) EX/w/demo/classic Tri-Phi 125 Seay, Frankie All I want is loving you / Baby please M-/2 great sides Tropical 100 Smith, George I've had it / When love turns to pity EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Turntable 125 St. John, Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Sue, Karen Something on my mind EX+/sol/wol/superb/rare issue-stock copy United Artists 60 Elgins Street Scene / You found yourself another fool EX+/2 great sides Valiant 50 Fabulous Apollos Some good in everything bad M-/great Valtone 50 Brenda Lee Jones You're the love of my life / Thread your needle (stol) M-/Italy/Inc Colour pic slv-2 cellotaped seams/stoc-back/superb Variety 75 Ballad's I can't see your love for the tears in my eyes (Part I) / Same-Inst (Part II) VG+/superb Vee-Jay 75 Chandler, Gene Check yourself (sm ink stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb Vee-Jay 30 Rivingtons I love you always / Years of tears EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides Vee-Jay 60 Ambers I love you baby M-/superb/classic Verve 75 Pickett, Wilson Let me be your boy EX/superb Verve 75 Webs I want you back / We belong together M-/classic/superb flip/rare black label Verve 40 Clark, Chris Love's gone bad / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/rare white demo VIP 85 Little Tony I'm comin' home M-/w/demo/superb Warner Bros 30 Fabulous Peps With these eyes (sol) EX-/feint wol/superb Wee 3 60 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Dells Your song M-/UK/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Dells Your song (xol) M-/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75 Wiley, Michelle Feel good / I feel so at home here VG+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 20th Century 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over VG++/2 greats sides A&M 75 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over EX-/w/demo/2 greats sides A&M 85 John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine / When the party is over M-/Germany/Inc EX+ colour pic slv/woc &soc/2 greats sides A&M 100 Pitman, Donnell Your love is dynamite M-/awesome!!! After Five 40 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / Uncanny M-/w/demo/highly recommended Alarm 25 Perry, Greg It takes heart / Same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Alfa 75 Santiago Mister love / Same M-/w/demo/superb Amherst 35 Cado Belle Got to love / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/shighly recommended Anchor 30 Detroit Spinners I've got to make it on my own M-/Inc Co slv/tough on UK 45-no US 45/recommended Atlantic 50 Spinners I just want to fall in love / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30 Sammy Gaha Thank you, thank you EX+/France/Inc EX+ colour Pic Slv/classic Barclay 100 21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish M-/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Beegee 30 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up M-/demo/superb x-over Bell 75 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 85 Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up EX+/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 100 Butch And The Newports I'm only a man / Out of my hands VG++/superb x-over/stunning sweet flip Black Rock 100 Brothers Of Soul I'd be greatful EX+/orange lbl/superb x-over Boo 125 Kirkland, Mike James It's alright / Where is the soul of man (stmol) M-/demo/2 great sides Bryan 40 Strong, Barrett Is it true (tiny xol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40 Little Beaver Listen to my heartbeat M-/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 75 McCrae, Gwen The melody of life / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 60 Rare Pleasure Let me down easy / Same-long version EX/superb x-over Cheri 50 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away VG+/wol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb/plays well Columbia 75 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 85 Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Natural Four Love's so wonderful / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Curtom 30 Enchanted Five Try a little love / Have you ever EX-/2 superb x-over sides CVS 45 Channel 3 The sweetest thing / Someone else's arms EX/EX- flip/superb/nice flip too/rare issue-stock copy Dakar 200 Qualls, Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Janice Saddler & The Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX+/w/demo/superb De-Lite 75 Laskey, Emanuel I’d rather leave on my feet / Same-long version EX-/superb DT 185 LaVette, Betty You made a believer out of me (DJ stamp & tiny wol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Dell-Vikings Finger poppin' woman (2 x's ol) M-/recommended Fee Bee 40 Ambitions When the fuel runs out / Same M-/w/demo/superb version Firefly 50 Majik Back into your heart M-/recommended Hi 50 Rance Allen Group I know a man who M-/awesome x-over Gospel Truth 60 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb GSF 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Players Why did I lie M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Minit 40 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love / I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Brown, Randy Always in the mood EX-/the dogs dangley bits!!! Parachute 75 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 85 Duprees Check yourself M-/UK/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Polydor 50 The Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/DEMO/Inc Co slv/superb inst/rare demo RCA 40 Douglas & Lonero Don't let yourself get carried away / Same-mono M-/demo/highly recommended RCA 60 James Walsh Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/superb RCA 80 McDonald, Mike God knows M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 75 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX-/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 60 Hopson, Joyce I surrender to you / This time M-/2 superb x-over sides Revue 50 Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P. - Part 1 (lite wol) / Same - Part 2 M-/Italy/Inc EX+ colour pic slv-sm woc/classic Roulette 100 Ghetto Children It's not easy to say goodbye / Don't take your sweet lovin away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Murphy, Merv It's Growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Noble, Ike We got to hold on to ourselves / She's all I love M-/2 great sides Smoke 40 Universal Joint Love won't wear off as the years wear on / Same-inst. VG+/superb rare version Sniff 250 Brown, Norman Everybody likes it / Sugar M-/2 great sides Sound Town 50 Adams, Johnny You’re a bad habit baby EX-/superb SSS International 60 Hunt,William Would you believe EX+/superb Streamside 50 Rising Love You take my heart away / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb/rare Venture 40 Essex IV My heart just can't take it (sm slight lbl stain) / My reaction to you EX-/2 awesome x-over classics Wind Mill 375 Onyx You never fail to amaze me M-/x-over/superb/rare Yew 40 Andrews, Ruby Just loving you EX/sl lbl ring wear/awesome x-over Zodiac 125 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
  22. SOUL45COLLECTOR Winter Warmers Soul Special! https://www.soul45collector.com/special.htm Here we go again! Loads more goodies to tempt you!!!!! PM, Email or phone to buy / reserve / enquire – info@soul45collector.com Tel: (0)1724-357147 or (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm – UK time) Most major credit and debit cards accepted also www.paypal.com payments as a ‘Friends Or Family’ payment or @ 4% extra Don’t forget to check-out the rest of the website. Loads more great stuff available www.soul45collector.com Soul 45’s wanted! From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide!
  23. Any good to you? Little Jimmy Gandy I'm not like the others (3 x's ol) / Cool 13 M-/w/demo/2 great sides Roulette 20
  24. SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:- Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item. Special Delivery:- £4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:- European countries:- 7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item. All other overseas countries:- 7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single. L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item. Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Pageants Make it last / She is your girl EX/w/demo/slight warp-nap/2 great sides Groove 25 Fletcher, Darrow The pain gets a little deeper / My judgement day EX+/superb/great flip too Groovy 40 Jr. Walker All Stars Good rockin EX+/superb R&B Inst. Harvey 40 Lawrence & The Arabians I'll try harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100 Bill Black's Combo Little Queenie EX+/classic R&B inst Hi 25 Bryant, Don Coming on strong M-/demo/wol-flip/great Hi 30 Brooks, Bobby Wise like Soloman EX-/highly recommended Hit 35 King, Clydie The thrill is gone / If you were a man EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Imperial 150 Lynch, Kenny My own two feet EX-/w/demo/sm xol-flip/recommended Imperial 25 homas, Irma What are you trying to do / Take alook VG+/superb/great flip too Imperial 50 Armstead, Joshie Sitting here thinking / Looking for a lover-boy M-/feint label ring/2 great sides Infinity 85 Rickett, Norman Player play on / Tomorrow is a brand new day EX+/2 great sides IT 35 Edward Hamilton And The Fifes I'm gonna love you / Call me VG++/2 superb sides Jameco 100 Embers It ain't necessary / Mexican divorce EX+/superb version/nice flip JCP 100 Robins, Jimmy I can't please you M-/superb R&B Jerhart 15 Julian, Don Philly jerk M-/w/demo/wol-flip/recommended Jerk 20 Castor, Jimmy Block party M-/highly recommended Jet Set 30 Clovers Try my lovin on you M-/w/demo/sm light stmol/superb Josie 75 Elliot, Linda Fell in love with you baby EX+/w/demo/recommended Josie 50 Original Cadillacs I'll never let you go (xol) / Wayward wanderer M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Josie 40 Williams, Scotty In the same old way VG++/w/demo/classic Jubilee 50 Sensations Feat Yvonne Baker It's Good Enough For Me M-/w/demo/sm label fold-flip/great Junior 40 Sensations Featuring Yvonne Baker Baby / Love, love, love VG++/w/demo/2 great sides/rare Junior 75 Hunt, Clay In the city square (sm ink stamp ol) / Since I lost you VG++/w//demo/2 superb sides Kapp 60 Sherry Satins Don't let him catch you crying / Little girl sad M-/w/demo/2 great girl group sounds Karate 40 Ad Libs Think of me EX- /wol/2 lines label/superb Karen 75 Hill,ZZ You just cheat and lie M-/oh so good!! Kent 25 De Vons Someone to treat me the way you use to M-/superb King 40 Fabulous Denos Bad girl / Once I had a love M-/sm ink spot/superb/great flip too King 60 Nolan, Lloyd I don't know about you M-/w/demo/highly recommended King 400 T.C. Lee & The Bricklayers Up & Down The Hill EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/fantastic R&B!!! King 400 Sanders, Nelson This love is here to stay EX-/great funky R&B La Beat 75 Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen / Little red riding hood M-/2 superb sides Landa 125 Harold Mevin & The Blue Notes Get out and let me cry VG+/classic Landa 75 Little Carl Carlton Don't you need a boy like me M-/recommended Lando 40 Sydels You don't know / Happy go lucky guy M-/2 great sides Lang 50 Jerry And His Uniques Yes he will / Lonely man VG++/superb/great flip too Lennan 175 Barlow, Dean Yesterday's kisses VG+/great version Lescay 30 Butlers She tried to kiss me EX+/1st-Philly press/superb up-tempo Liberty Bell 75 Leavill, Otis I'm amazed EX+/highly recommended Limelight 40 Leavill, Otis Jane Girl / Don't Let Me Down VG++/pink demo/light lbl ring dirt/great Limelight 45 Apollas Pretty red ballons EX+/great Loma 20 Jones, Linda My heart needs a break (sm wol) EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Loma 150 Teen Turbans We need to be loved / Didn't he run EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Loma 60 Mitchell, Willie The champion (Part 1) / Same (Part 2) M-/Belgium/Inc M- pic slv/classic inst London 20 Vibe-Creators I don't wanna be lonely M-/Spain/2011 release/superb retro soul Lontano 20 King, Anna The big change EX/great Ludix 75 Lavett, Betty Witch craft in the air M-/w/demo/great R&B Lu-Pine 50 Coefield, Brice Tempted M-/wol-flip/Inc rare Co slv/great Madison 50 Angel, Ronnie I saw the sky M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great version Mala 40 Vondells Lenora / Valentino M-/2 superb sides Marvello 85 Du-ettes Every beat of my heart M-/classic Mar-V-lus 20 Joys I loved you once EX/superb Master 30 Johnny Wesley & The Four Tees You Still Need Me / It's The Talk Of The Town VG++/tiny edge warp/2 great sides Melic 75 Johnny Wesley & The Four Tees You still need me / It's the talk of the town M-/2 great sides Melic 125 Berry, Chuck Club nitty gritty (wol) M-/wol/great R&B Mercury 30 Del Royals Some kind of wonderful / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slc/superb Mercury 40 Hall, Carl As Long As She Needs Me EX/mark on vinyl-nap/superb/rarer issue Mercury 45 Lewis, Herman Think before you walk away / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25 McPhatter, Clyde In my tenament M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Mercury 30 Petals You can't close the window of your heart EX-/light lbl ring wear/sm wol-flip/highly recommended Mercury 50 Young Jessie I'm a lovin' man (sol) VG++/green demo/great R&B Mercury 40 Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover M-/recommended M-G-M 30 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Krystal Generations You were never mine M-/superb Crossover CMC 25 I.A.P. Co Check yourself EX+/superb version Colossus 20 Mary Love Comer Come out of the sandbox M-/superb CoLove 20 8th Avenue Band The whole thing EX/orange lbl/great/rare issue Columbia 20 Bobby Womack & Brotherhood Home is where the heart is VG+/stmol-flip/classic Columbia 30 Davis, Mac I'm just in love EX+/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Columbia 40 Mercury, Eric Take me girl I'm ready / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Columbia 40 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away VG+/wol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb/plays well Columbia 75 Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 85 Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Nat Cole Jr & Teri Carter You M-/superb Comptons Staff 30 Montclairs Hung up on your love / I need you more than ever M-/UK/classic/great flip too Contempo 30 Hatcher, Willie Have a heart, girl (ink stamp ol) / You got quality EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue Cotillion 30 Tony & Tandy Two can make it together / Bitter with the sweet M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Cotillion 20 Natural Four Love's so wonderful / Same-mono M-/demo/superb Curtom 30 Eddie Giles & The Numbers Sexy lady M-/superb Custom Sound 25 Channel 3 The sweetest thing / Someone else's arms EX/EX- flip/superb/nice flip too/rare issue-stock copy Dakar 200 Sidney Joe Qualls Run to me / Same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Wallace, Wales Forever and a day / same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Rumpus My love's gonna getcha (Inc Co sleeve) M-/sm wol//Inc Co slv/superb Dash 40 McDonald, Lee Memories / Little things M-/2 great sides Debbie 60 Diamond Joe Look way back / The A B C song EX/demo/2 greats sides Deesu 30 Janice Saddler & The Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX/w/demo/superb De-lite 75 Janice Saddler & The Jammers So long sweet little girl M-/w/demo/highly recommended De-Lite 30 Easton, Billy I was a fool M-/great x-over Dispo 25 Jimmy Beaumont And The Skyliners Our day is here EX-/wol/superb version Drive 30 Final Touch I'm Ready To Give Up My Love / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 40 Jackson, Randy How can I be sure / Love song for kids EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/nice flip Epic 30 Jeffreys, Garland What does it take (to win your love) / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Epic 20 LaVette, Betty You made a believer out of me (DJ stamp & tiny wol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Powerful People Little girl say yes (sl lbl stain) / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Epic 25 Checkmates Ltd Take all the time you need / same-mono M-/demo/sm wol/superb Fantasy 30 Hoodoo Rhythm Devils Gotta lot of love in my soul M-/demo/UK/fantastic!!! Fantasy 20 Simmons, David Will they miss me / It's a shame M-/UK/demo/superb/awesome flip Fantasy 25 Three Pieces I need you girl / same (mono) M-/demo/superb Fantasy 25 Merriweather, Bill That's love VG++/highly recommended Fee 25 Dell-Vikings Finger poppin' woman (2 x's ol) M-/recommended Fee Bee 40 Ambitions When the fuel runs out / Same M-/w/demo/superb version Firefly 50 Gene Middleton And Funk Factory No one to love me EX-/superb Funk Factory 50 Eaton, Bobby Fever, fever, fever M-/demo/great Galaxy 50 Williams, Lenny How can I forget you / Feelin' blue (xol) M-/DEMO/superb x-over Galaxy 40 Martha Reeves & The Vandellas Love Guess Who M-/fantastic!!! Gordy 25 Rance Allen Group I know a man who M-/awesome x-over Gospel Truth 60 Gaslight I'm only a man / I'm gonna get you M-/superb version/great flip too Grand Junction 20 Exceptionals Unlucky girl / What about me M-/great GRT 25 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb GSF 40 Chapter One Money won't do it, love will / Loan shark M-/2 great sides Heritage 15 Majik Back into your heart M-/recommended Hi 50 McClure, Bobby Love trap / Was it something I said M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Hi 20 Numonics You lied / Forever and a day EX/2 great sides Hodisk 40 Cloud, Michael Check your direction M-/recommended Homark 20 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Loads more on the website www.soul45collector.com

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