For the longest time I always said my 4 favourite male singers were Sam, Otis, Marvin and Jackie. Singers so good, so powerful and influential, that a first name is all that's needed for you to know who I'm talking about. Sadly, they are all now have long gone. Add Curtis to that list along with James, Donny, Bobby, Teddy and Luther. The first name thing actually isn't the point. And you'll have your own list, I'm sure. The real point is this:
Of the truly great male superstar soul singers, who is still living? You might say Al Green, maybe Stevie Wonder, but I'm struggling to think of anyone else on that level, and to be frank, much as I love Stevie, his latter output has been - let's put it kindly - patchy. And the last time I saw Al Green he was more interested in throwing roses to the "ladies in the house" than really singing.
So many of the true male greats died relatively young didn't they? Is there anyone really left?