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Everything posted by Dayo

  1. Always liked that Joe Simon tune. Did it ever get any plays?
  2. Very sad news. I always had a soft spot for this one but I don't think it ever got the plays it deserved:
  3. I know it's a chestnut but I'd still love to know if anyone has figured out Roy Handy's reference to fish and chips!
  4. Can't wait to get my hands on this. Love record digging stories more than anything!
  5. I was thinking that the original Whitchurch alldayers never seem to get much love around here. Went to many of them back in the day and you couldn't meet a more friendly crowd. And with tunage from all the top jocks of the day plus an awesome fish and chip shop too. Anyone else have fond memories of the 1970's Civic Centre events?
  6. I think it's well know that Berry Gordy snuck off to LA to get tracks recorded with the Wrecking Crew from the mid-sixties onwards, (some of the Supremes stuff had a very LA feel; The Happening, In and Out of Love etc) before moving to Los Angeles in 1972. My question is this: Do we know the final Motown records that were recorded in Detroit? Has this been documented?
  7. Never mind the matrix numbers; what an INCREDIBLE record!
  8. Dayo

    Leon Haywood R I P

    Sad news indeed. Wasn't Baby Reconsider the first £40 record?
  9. Intrigues - In a moment. Not sure it was ever played much except as a new release at the Wheel. But, that's the epitome of crossover- for me anyway! Great thread by the way!
  10. Not to hijack your topic, but what an underrated singer Debbie Taylor is. Released some smashing stuff.
  11. I'm very much corrected! Could I have been thinking of R. Dean Taylor? Similarly available on budget LP - but then, that was known in the Wheel days wasn't it?
  12. Thanks to everyone for the fantastic tips so far. Some interesting options. Going to check out each and every one. Thanks again - Colin
  13. Early days of Wigan, I reckon. I certainly don't recall hearing it before Autumn 73. I'll stand corrected if otherwise, though....
  14. Can anyone recommend a soulful party band for my daughter's wedding? The venue is in Staffs next year. Not looking for a Northern Soul covers band exactly, more of a general soul/funk/motown outfit. Be really grateful.....
  15. Dayo

    Maurice White - RIP

    Here we go again... RIP Maurice White.
  16. Please forgive me if this one has been spotted and mentioned a million times before but I don't have time to check.... Do my ears deceive me, but at 30 seconds in, the singer on this great sound gets really rather emphatic that he's not definitely NOT gonna stay away: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9MQg7XDMRY
  17. Love that Pookie track too - great record. I see the Jamie re-issue is not exactly cheap either.
  18. Ignore me. My mate just reminded me that Jimmy Conwell was lead singer with the Exits and the Tripps. Obvious Gemini connections. Well, I say reminded me but that's an exaggeration. I actually never knew.
  19. Is it the same guy who is credited on Cigarette Ashes? That's L.A. through and through, but Gemini was a Cleveland label wasn't it?
  20. Do the originals sound as horrible as the boot did?
  21. Back in the day, no-one thought it strange to travel a hundred miles plus just to hear or dance to a record that you couldn't hear anywhere else. Things have changed so much. Recordings that only the seriously comfortable can afford are just a few clicks away on YouTube etc. So, we all have instant access to almost all the great records ever made - rare as hen's teeth, or common as muck. But for me that access changes things. It's too easy. Which brings me to the real point of this thread: Are there any records that are so wonderful that you simply don't want to hear, in case they start to pale? As a really prosaic example, I adore the Spinners, It's A Shame. It's a top ten track, but whenever I hear those jangly guitars of the intro, then I turn the radio down or leave the room. Ironic, but I love the record so much that I can only hear it on very rare occasions. I'd hate to think that I'd get tired of it, or, horror of horrors, that I enjoy it less than I did the last time. That example is a hard one to avoid. Jesse Fisher's YNLAB is another one, same goes for the Linda Jones ballad That's When I'll Top Loving You. It's literally too good to play. My Heart Needs A Break is another sound I'll only play once or twice a year - just in case. So what are the records you love so much that you can't actually hear them? Do you have to ration your all-time favourites?
  22. My memory says it was played at Wigan in 73 or 74. Might not have been announced but there was a Martha Reeves track in one of the allnighter ads and I thought I knew what it was. Polo bet me it was One Way Out. My money was on "I gotta let you go". I'll never forget his crowing when we both heard One Way Out at Wigan in the very early days. Stuck in my mind. In fact, didn't Richard play it at Va Va?
  23. That's the one. Haven't heard it in decades, but I remember it was weak and poppy compared to the Torch monster. Weird, weird.
  24. Never knew that! Not the one I was trying to remember though....
  25. Nice info thanks Carl - we're defintely on the same page. One Night Affair is a wonderful piece of music and exemplifies everything that's so magical about the Philly/Sigma late sixties output. That's the reverb I mean - right there on that record. What a shame it was too common to be played out much - even in 72, it was great value at 10 or 15 pence.

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